After Xun Wu and the others settled the matter, they brought the huge bomb to the boat and saw the blind luthier Wu Yuan waiting on the boat.

As Xue Mei guessed, Xun Wu did have one hole card that he didn't reveal, and that was Tianting's support. However, compared to the situation on the river last time, this time Xun Wu didn't let Tianting take the initiative help.

After all, last time on the river, it could be said that Wu Yuan was worried about her own safety and helped, but this time it was different. If she intervened suddenly, she would definitely startle the snake and make Blood Spirit Island take precautions.

Fortunately, Xun Wu and the others responded perfectly. Although something went wrong because of Jiang Tianmu, on the whole, there was no particularly difficult situation to deal with.

That being the case, Xun Wu didn't need Heavenly Court to send out masters to follow him. The three of Xun Wu took those unlucky young men who were unconscious to the road medical clinic, and called people again, cleaned the battlefield, and looked for Sun San. Waiting for someone's trace...

Originally, according to Xun Wu's idea, he would leave Ningcheng directly. Since the so-called "Southern Demon" didn't put much pressure on him, Xun Wu didn't need to hurry to Ryukyu.

After all, these criminals here still have to be dealt with.

"Hmm..." While Xun Wu and the others were busy clearing up the battle situation, Xue Mei was at the helm, driving a small merchant ship, humming a tune while slowly driving the ship.

On the boat, there were not many people from Blood Spirit Island—mostly ordinary sailors, and some invited chasers, who were friends of Duren.

Before, Zhou Yun returned to the political arena, and by the way, he also published his cold house random thoughts that he had studied for more than ten years. The world's literati, scholars, storytellers, and chasers all praised and praised it, and it soon became famous. world.

"This story is the most ingenious—"

"Not necessarily. The theory of ghosts and ghosts can't be put on the stage, but this scholar's night dream is the most exciting."

"Scholar's night dream? A good scholar, who doesn't want to study, think about martial arts, and looks down on the brothers in the rivers and lakes, can it be considered wonderful?"

"Hahaha—you don't understand this. This kind of mood that he obviously despises but is particularly envious of is the most wonderful thing!"

A group of people, there are scholars, there are chasers, there are businessmen who like to listen to stories, and people from the rivers and lakes who like to tell stories. Everyone is sitting in the cabin.

"Mr. Song, what do you think?" When everyone was talking fiercely, a scholar, Xu Shi, was a little bit arguing with others, his face was flushed, and he turned to ask Du Ren who had been silent.

When Duren was asked, his face was as usual, and he said calmly: "If you want to talk about this... the story of the sheep door and the snake door is my favorite."

"The sheep and the snake are extinct?" Several people looked at each other, and they all sighed, but they didn't talk about this story.

If you want to ask why, the reason is very simple-this thing happens all the time.

There is such a story recorded in Random Thoughts in the Cold House. On both sides of the grassland, there are two sects of Yangmen and Shemen. One day, after the shepherd boy of Yangmen came back from grazing, he found that there was a sheep missing in the flock.

In order to protect the flock, and to protect the task assigned to him by the master, the shepherd boy managed to kill the two snakes. Although the two snakes were lost by the Shemen, they were still the property of the Shemen. He sent someone to kill the shepherd boy.

It is because of such a trivial matter that the two hate each other. Although a snake and a shepherd boy are nothing to these two sects, "the same people in the world are watching", and the two sides will not give in to each other. I will kill you today. Snake, poison your two sheep tomorrow. Over time, the two sects that had a good life gradually declined, and finally disappeared into history together.

When Xun Wu was in Blue Island, he also told this story alone, and it just so happened that Duren liked this story.

At the same time, those who lament are also sad because of this story.

Are they sad for the two sects in the story?

No—they were sighing themselves.

In the final analysis, the two sects of sheep and snakes are just Zhou Yun's fabricated sects, a story that Zhou Yun combined with history and made up by himself, but in reality and in shopping malls, this Fuzhou is just a huge place for raising Gu. I don't know how many forces fought for the slightest bit of interest in this small Fuzhou, and fought to the death without a whole body...

How easy is it to get them to give up?

This is the case in Fuzhou. All businessmen are staring at their opponents. They must either defeat their opponents in the mall, or share their life and death at sea. Only by completely monopolizing can they guarantee that their own family can live with peace of mind. Only by completely destroying their opponents , have confidence...

"Hmm..." Xue Mei stopped the work of turning the rudder, sat on the bow, looked at the sea, listened to the voice from behind, with a smile on her face, but she was thinking about something else in her heart.

Sheep Gate and Snake Gate are just an image, a symbol, but it is not just an image.

If you search carefully, you can find a lot of animals in the book. If you are the first time, you may not have any associations, but if you have been growing up under the teachings of the "Sisujiao", you will probably find this article strange .

After all, the reason is simple.

The sheep is the ghost golden sheep, and the snake is the winged fire snake, both of which are part of the Suzaku constellation.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the person who wrote the book mixed some personal feelings more or less. When people conceive their names, they will more or less refer to things they are familiar with.

The sheep snake kills the door...

Xue Mei's eyes were a little blurred.

The eyes that glowed with strange lavender seemed to be looking at not the blue ocean waves, but blood and tears.

No matter what kind of force it is, as long as it is not formed by a group of bloodthirsty lunatics, its initial wish is always good.

Just like what Cong Yun said, at the very beginning, Sisujiao was built by a group of people who wanted to build the world and protect the people. At the beginning, he also hoped to save the world.

In that year, the world was in chaos, famine was everywhere, and plagues were raging. Seeing that the country was deprived of the country, Jue Tian would rise up at the same time, trying to seek the world and become the overlord of the martial arts.

No one can see the future, no one can see hope. Emperor Shengwu was only an emperor for a few years that year. Although he defeated his relatives, but facing the menacing Jue Tianhui, who can guarantee , he will definitely win?

What's more, in order to deal with Juetianhui, Emperor Shengwu resorted to military force, farming worsened, and spent a lot of money to support the Northern Alliance. The treasury had no money left, so how could he appease the people?

It was also in this environment that Sisujiao was born.

This was originally just a joke of a group of young people, but whoever listened to this matter seriously felt that he could not let it go, and felt that he had an obligation and a need to manage the world.

He gathered a group of like-minded righteous men to find a way to fight for a piece of pure land in the chaotic world, relying on the martial arts inherited from the man in the mirror, and taking advantage of the time when the imperial court, Juetianhui, and Sword League were in full swing. , Slowly gain a firm foothold in the world.

Originally, if it developed normally, this so-called Sisu Sect would slowly evolve into an ordinary sect and force like Jishi Pavilion and Yuelai Inn, but the leader of Sisu Sect, the But the Lord of Constellations fell into a strange circle.

While saving ordinary people, he kept exploring and asking himself questions——

Why on earth?

Why hasn't the world changed for the better?

How can we make the world a better place?

Why can't I persuade those who want to rob to leave?

After a long time, he finally understood - it was power!

Without power, he couldn't protect those bullied guys, and without power, he couldn't drive away those bandits who tried to rob!

As long as your fist is big enough, no one will dare to speak loudly to you!

As long as you have the strength, you can sneak into the imperial court as an undercover agent and kill all the corrupt officials who don't like you!

If you want to gain a firm foothold in this world, it is useless to rely on only one mouth, you must have strength!

Sisujiao requires strength!

With power, you can kill those corrupt officials and promote more outstanding people; as long as you have power, you can calm down those crazy people and listen to your words.

If others have a three-meter-long sword energy, you must have a ten-meter sword energy; if others have ten years of internal strength, you must have 20 years of internal strength, and this can be called stability!

Just like running a race, Sisujiao is crazily comparing itself with any of the surrounding forces!

Xue Mei slowly lowered her head, resting her head on her hands, thinking about the past.

When a force with ability, means, manpower, and strength starts to develop with completely unreasonable means, problems with this force will naturally arise.

Many people of the Sisu religion cannot accept killing to increase their strength and then protect others;

Why do you have to kill?

Why kill some innocent people and protect others?

What is the difference between this and the person we hate?

Many people can't answer.

Killing is the source of the power of the Sisu Cult, but killing is something that affects people's minds, let alone killing non-stop?

Some people are addicted to the powerful and refreshing feeling of killing to gain power, some are simply addicted to killing, and some have completely forgotten their original dreams. In addition, the leader passed away early and did not think about the next step. disagreement.

Xuanwu advocates walking, Qinglong advocates weight, Baihu advocates killing, and Suzaku advocates scattering.

That is to escape, reorganize, continue to kill and simply disband.

However, the subordinates who are red-eyed and obsessed with powerful power push them forward and push them to continue walking. Each of them, Xingjun, is just a banner on the front of the car, and they can't stop this giant at all. March.

Under such circumstances, Suzaku and Baihu died on the battlefield, and Xuanwu directly led people away from the Central Plains.


In the hearts of ordinary people, he had already been killed by Zhou Yun.

If you really want to say, there is no problem at all.

Because, Zhou Yun will never let Qinglong be born again.

Zhou Qinglong Xingjun.

From the very beginning, he was Qinglong Xingjun.

When he first became Qinglong, he was even just a ten-year-old child. At that time, he was just playing around with his brothers and sisters who were barely "same school".

At that time, the man in the mirror took a fancy to his ability to write the stories that were handed down from mouth to mouth with wit and humor, and he liked to mess around, so he accepted him as the only heir.

At that time, he agreed with the thinking of those brothers and sisters who were a few years older than him, and began to take the exam to get fame and prepare to be an undercover agent.

At that time, he took the most formal route to enter the imperial court.

At that time, he was a world-renowned wizard, geek, famous talker...

But as he got older, as the Sisujiao went too far, as the people of the Sisujiao became more and more crazy, and as more and more officials who didn't deserve to die at all, Zhou Yun became more and more more suspicious of your behavior.

Indeed, there are countless corrupt officials in the officialdom, but... should we really do this?

Is it really worth exchanging the lives of a group of good young people with a group of half-buried corrupt officials, and then wasting the court's manpower and material resources to hunt them down?

Is it right for a group of young people to learn this kind of martial arts that affects people's thinking in order to gain strength?

In addition, as Zhou Yun worked longer and longer in the officialdom, as he got to know more and more people, as he became Emperor Shengwu's confidant, as he saw Bao Huaiying angrily reprimand Emperor Shengwu...

He finally realized.

Learning martial arts cannot save the Central Plains people!

Root, wrong!

"Master Xing..."

At some point, Duren had already left the cabin and walked to Xue Mei's side, looking at the distant waves, he let out a faint breath, as if extremely melancholy.

"Teacher, if you want to see him, why don't you just stop?"

"There are too many murders, how can I stop? Besides, I don't think there is anything wrong with me. This world is like this, kill some and protect some." Du Ren looked at the blood charm, and sighed faintly, "It's you, And don't listen to what I say."

"Hey hey hey..." Xue Mei tilted his head and looked at the teacher with a silly look.

But perhaps, in the entire Blood Spirit Island, there is no one who knows and understands things better than her.

"I heard that the foreigner named Hilda inherited Mr.'s manuscript and is his student."

"You want me to kill her?"

"I hope you can take her away." He glanced at the student who never obeyed his orders, but who satisfied him the most, and said slowly, "I didn't expect Sun San to win against Xun Wu, so I should introduce Xun Wu to the island." , the most insurance...

It's just that there is absolutely no possibility of keeping one's hand in this kind of battle. Once it comes out, it will be a lore... Besides, Juelong will never let his students go. "

Xue Mei pouted, twisted her mouth, and hesitated for a moment: " you want to hear me tell the truth?"

"Do not want to."

Blood Charm took a breath, and returned to the original smiling face: "Then... ok..."

She paused for a moment, then asked again: "Then Xun Wu, do you need my help?"

"Oh..." Duren squinted his eyes slightly, "A dozen first-class masters on the island have already set up a net, and three of them are all out, and there are three killing stars of the Four Stars, and there are countless treasures. Xun Wu himself He is not an invincible character. These two trials have revealed all of Xun Wu's martial arts. That is, he can exert five times his strength and ten times his internal energy. With three times the strength, this time he will definitely die, and there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

What's more... Juelong is already infinitely close to that gate, and he may become a master anytime and anywhere. Even Xun Wu has three heads and six arms, and he can't survive! "

With such power, it seems that the island is determined to kill Xun Wu, and is no longer ready to make small troubles...

Xue Mei was sad for a while, and laughed "hehehe".

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