The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 428 I, Xun Wu, A Good Man 4K

The drizzle gradually died down.

The dark clouds have not dispersed.

The three of Xun Wu were still sitting under the small shed. The rainwater slowly slid down from the dilapidated shed. A few drops of rainwater fell from the materials along the gaps in the thatched shed, and hit the slightly waterlogged table, bursting out silk. silk splash.



There were crackling sounds, and while Xun Wu and the others were drinking tea, a group of people slowly began to surround the small tea booth.

Tick, tick.

The rainwater fell down the table to the ground, and with the sudden sea breeze, the sound became more obvious and louder.


A group of people wore coir raincoats and stood in front of the canopy. Several of them were blown by the sea breeze, and a blood-colored red scarf suddenly appeared, scaring countless people on the pier.

Xun Wu frowned, not timid, picked up the tea bowl again, took a sip of tea, his eyes were natural, his expression was relaxed and contented.

The people in coir raincoats were not alive, and the leader of them raised his hand lightly to greet his minions, and spread out, completely surrounding the tea shed.

Yu Xiao didn't stop, and Xiao Xiao's intention to kill seemed substantial, but no one took the initiative to act first.

Xun Wu took a sip of tea, slowly brought the tea bowl in front of him, smashed it, and said nothing.

In today's era, "tea" is not something anyone can sell. Those who can manage tea are either rich or expensive, or they are martial arts superior sect forces, but now they are facing the surging "red scarf thieves" Well, even the people behind the scenes of this tea shop can only avoid it, and dare not come out to say a word.

Xun Wu didn't speak, and the group of people in coir raincoats didn't seem to speak either, they just looked at Xun Wu and the others silently.

After such a long time, the rain seems to be mixed with sweat, becoming more and more urgent, making people more irritable.

Finally, some people couldn't help it, couldn't help but speak first.

"Brother Xun, how is it?" Jiang Tianmu asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, play with him." Hearing what Jiang Tianmu said, Xun Wu was very calm and didn't appear to be surrounded at all.

And his calm and natural posture, which could even be called arrogant, caused a certain red scarf man who surrounded him to suddenly become angry, snorted coldly, and took two steps forward.

These two steps are not easy.

In the first step, a blood-colored light suddenly appeared on this person's body, and then, suddenly, a wave of air evaporated instantly, and the rain fell but was not close.

In the second step, the upside-down teacup that fell on the ground not far away rises strangely, and spins rapidly. His right hand changes slightly, and when he raises his right hand, the teacup lands on his hand, and it spins again, like a small whirlpool. The rainwater that was about to fall on him was attracted to him and merged into a bowl of "rain tea".

"I've heard about Xun Wu's name for a long time, and I've seen you today. I'll treat you to a bowl!"

In the world of rivers and lakes, you can be unreasonable, but in many cases, you must abide by etiquette.

Although Jianghu people have basically nothing to do with Confucianism, for a long time, Jianghu people have silently formed a set of "Jianghu rules", and the "prototype" of these Jianghu rules is actually the ancient Jianghu etiquette.

In the rivers and lakes, when you meet for the first time, you don’t have to drink the tea offered by others, but you have to accept it, especially in this kind of situation where you are showing your martial arts and handing tea, you must not be timid. It is a serious faux pas to lose your hand and let people's things spill on the ground.

In the era of Stealing Saints, this kind of faux pas may even turn into a "big faux pas", and life and death must be separated.

Of course, in this case, it doesn't make any difference whether it's rude or not.

Jiang Tianmu felt that the red scarf was clearly showing off his martial arts.

The combination of these two items is not easy, and the latter is not bad. If you practice more, it is also possible for ordinary first-class masters to specialize in one-handed and one-handed equipment, but "space-based imperial objects" This kind of inner qi technique is not so simple. Generally speaking, only one of a hundred first-class masters will be able to do it.

Don't think that this number seems very large, because if it is simply calculated by proportion, if there are two to three thousand first-rate masters in the world and twenty or so master masters, then one hundred master masters can produce one grand master.

But if we really want to say, it is possible that out of [-] first-class masters, there will not be a grandmaster. Only one or two groups of newcomers will be replaced in the Jianghu, and then a new master will appear. Twenty or so masters can come out.

To be able is to be able, and to be unable is to be incapable. Things like proportions are meaningless to the word guru.

But among the first-class people who can use this kind of method of controlling qi, there are too few people, and there is only Zhang Bumo who is relatively famous in the world.Most of the other first-class masters are actually unable to do it. Even if they can do it, they are super masters like Zuo Yanhan. Others, even the four famous arresters, do not know such methods.

It's a pity that although this kind of inner qi skill is astonishing, it's a pity...this move can't fool Xun Wu and his party.

Yes, there are very few people who know this kind of thing, not even Xun Wu.

But... the two people next to Xun Wu happen to be the "rare".

One is "Master Xue" Jiang Tianmu, who has read "Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism", studied Buddhism and Taoism, reproduced Confucian magical skills, and was able to control the formation with qi; Proficient, the "invincible" Roman who can forcibly resist things with internal energy alone.

Although this move is exquisite, if you want to fool them, it is overthinking.

However, Sun San obviously didn't consider what Xun Wu and the others were thinking. With a twist of his right hand, he threw the tea bowl in his hand far away.

This move surprised Jiang Tianmu again.

The tea bowl was flying in the air, although it seemed to be thrown flatly, it was actually spinning, and it was only when it was spinning that it could distort the surrounding rainwater, so that no drop of rain tea was spilled.

What a powerful thief!

Just throwing it out is not enough, there is even an extremely powerful "ingenuity" attached to it, and the bowl is impregnated with some kind of strange internal energy. Although it is just an ordinary porcelain bowl, its power will never lose to those martial arts masters who are proficient in hidden weapons. study!

Are all the thieves on Blood Spirit Island so strong?

He intentionally stretched out his hand, intending to block it with snow air, but halfway through it, he suddenly froze again.

I saw that Xun Wu stretched out his left hand casually. Firstly, he didn't show his inner energy outside, and secondly, he didn't use any clever technique of inner energy. He just reached out his hand to catch it in such an ordinary way, which was no different from the ordinary way of catching a teacup. took the blow.

"Tsk... I thought I could drink some good wine." Xun Wu muttered in a low voice, poured the rainwater from the tea bowl on the ground, and put the bowl on the table.

When Sun San saw this scene, he frowned immediately, and couldn't help being startled, and then, as if he had thought of something, he said, "Hehe, as expected of Xun Wu, you really have some skills. As the saying goes, you are very powerful." Boundless, when I saw it today, it's not an exaggeration, but I just relied on brute force to take the teacup."

Excuse me!

What a serious faux pas!

Jiang Tianmu couldn't help shouting in his heart!

People in the Jianghu, either don’t do the salute, or, after the salute, just do the same thing. You throw a bowl at someone with one hand, saying that it is to increase tea, and Xun Wu grabs the tea bowl with the second kick. You should call yourself a small skill and praise it Xun Wu, belittling himself, or directly praising Xun Wu's name, this is worthy of courtesy, how can anyone say that?

It's just that there are so many people around. Although Jiang Tianmu likes to talk, he never says the wrong thing when he shouldn't speak lightly. But at this time, he understood the meaning of what Xun Wu said to him before. .

If it was Roman, he would definitely nod his head and apologize and start to praise Xun Wu, but the thief in front of him didn't show any intention of repenting at all, he was really rude.

Jiang Tianmu turned to look at Xun Wu. Xun Wu shook his head and waved his hands, signaling Jiang Tianmu not to worry.

Keep playing with this guy.

Compared with what Jiang Tianmu paid attention to, Xun Wu paid more attention to it, which was his judgment of himself.

It is true that Xun Wu relied on his strength to force the next tea bowl, but this does not mean that Xun Wu did not use "skill" to take this bowl. On the contrary, Xun Wu's hand actually required quite a lot of skill assist.

Rotating in the air, slipping with water, and attached to the bowl with internal energy and superb projection skills, if you really want to rely on brute force, unless you have strong external skills, you will be frustrated because of this. To cut is to cut off the fingers of a hand.

Xun Wu really took the teacup not only by brute force, but also by the combination of eyesight and calculation!

This move is quite clever, but if you think about it carefully, isn't it the amazing blood ring cutting of the blood ceremony?

This move is very strong, very strong, so strong that Zhang Bumo couldn't help but learn it and practice it. In the duel with Xun Wu, it was once effective.

But it is precisely because this move is strong enough, this move is clever enough, and it left a deep impression on Xun Wu, so Xun Wu often thinks about it, looking for a way to deal with it.

Therefore, don't be too confident when walking in the world. No matter how powerful and exquisite martial arts are, if you encounter those who have coping methods and special restraint in martial arts, you have to admit it.

"It's easy to say, this brother is acting like this, but he doesn't know what he is asking for? What do you want to do?" Xun Wu didn't get up, just sat on the stool, offered his hands, and asked casually.

"Hehehe..." Sun San smiled, and slowly took off his hat. Along with his movements, several people also took off their hats and so they met Xun Wu and the others in the increasingly light rain. Looking at each other, two red scarves, like blood-stained ones, floated in the air, seeming to bring a touch of blood to the rain, "Xun Wu, don't you even know what I'm going to do?"

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows and didn't answer.

On the other side, Jiang Tianmu couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Brother Xun, what do you say about this man?"

Apparently, Jiang Tianmu was still thinking about what Xun Wu had said to him before, and was going to ask Xun Wu to give a "on-the-spot teaching" to teach him how to apply it.

Xun Wu also gave the new brother a lot of face, and said in a low voice: "There is something wrong with my brain, but it's not easy to say."

Sun San's veins suddenly popped up.

Although there was a certain distance, the rain blocked it a little, but first-class masters had sharp eyes and ears, even if Xun Wu lowered his voice, he could still hear the general idea, so he was suddenly annoyed.

"Hmph, Xun Wu, you know it yourself, how many times you have ruined our good deeds, we will never let you go, right?"

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly.

While it may not feel like it should, I'm dead against evil.

Sun San looked around, seeing Xun Wu, Jiang Tianmu, and Luo Man, three young people who were not much different from him, but who had already made famous names in the world, and their names were becoming more and more famous. I couldn't help but jumped again in my heart.

He narrowed his eyes, looked at the three of them, and said: "Today, the three of you are surrounded by us, and it is impossible to escape. Since you and I are not much different in age, I will give you a chance to survive." .”

"Oh?" Xun Wu's eyes lit up, and he became interested all of a sudden. He stroked his chin, a little curious, "This brother, but it's okay to say."

Sun San's complexion gradually darkened, and his tone was serious: "You are all well-known young heroes in the Jianghu, and your martial arts are also excellent. For the sake of the two people next to you, I will give you a chance, as long as you can wait for me If you win the contest alone, I will let you go."

Xun Wu couldn't help laughing.


Although he was a professional, he couldn't help it at all. He wanted to cover his mouth, but he was already laughing.

"Why are you laughing like a dog!! My younger brother Sun Xian, martial arts is also above the middle school, if it wasn't for my island, hiding my name, how could I let you wait for the boy to become famous?"

"Hahaha——" Roman laughed.

"Hahahahaha!" The one who laughed the most exaggeratedly was Jiang Tianmu. He was originally a person with a lot of thoughts and a bit of coquettishness. The most arrogant person.

Now, the two of them knew why Xun Wu laughed out loud.

It turned out that Xun Wu was laughing at this guy!

"Oh? Could it be that you think I'm not as good as you?" What Sun San hates the most is that others look down on him. Appearing behind him was a bloody ghost in the shape of evil spirit!

Jiang Tianmu's laughter stopped abruptly.

This person's martial arts is actually so powerful?Not only do they have such exquisite inner qi skills, but they can also form blood qi and conjure "ghosts"?

"Hmph, what are the four famous arresters, what are the four great sons, if I really want to prove it, it is not difficult to become a Southern Xia. It is really arrogant and arrogant. I don't know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

Xun Wu's smile slowly stopped, and a smile gradually appeared on Sun San's face.

Hehe, I was still scared after all.

"Brother Jiang, do you know what I'm going to say now?" Xun Wu shook his head, "The huge advantage comes out to put on airs, why do you need a one-on-one competition, it's really ridiculous...

Also... How can I, Xun Wu, a good man who is upright and upright, be as famous as you, a shameless, despicable, murderous, wealth-killing, and countless harming rat?

Ridiculous! "

After finishing speaking, Xun Wu didn't even look at him, picked up the bowl, and took another sip of tea, as if looking at him one more time would dirty his eyes.

Hearing this and seeing this, Sun Sandang burst into anger in time, his right hand trembled, he gritted his teeth, his whole face was forced to turn red, and he spit out two words one by one: "Xun——Wu!" -"

"Dog, I'm going to kill you!"

After saying that, he waved a bloody light and slashed directly at the tea shed!

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