The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 422 1 Must be Blood Spirit Island! 4K

After a period of time, Xun Wu and others finally successfully arrived at "Ningcheng", a large city in Fuzhou located in the north of Fuzhou's capital city.

Unlike inland cities like Fengzhou City, Ningcheng is a special city even within Fuzhou. There are a lot of sea areas within its jurisdiction. Due to the natural sea area, the villages want to contact each other. The only choice is to take a boat by water. For this reason, these small villages have almost become isolated islands, with little contact with each other.

The "White Reef Rain Lake Palace" that Xun Wu and others are going to is on a separate small island.

Perhaps it is also for this reason that the incense in this Baijiao Yuhu Temple is so rare compared to other Baosheng emperor temples. After all, in the Linhai area, Mazu belief has an advantage over Baoshan emperor.

Of course, remoteness is also a major reason, but it is not an absolute reason.

Xun Wu asked the policemen to guard the water bandits, while he took a boat with the people from Tianting and came to the front of the Baijiao Yuhu Palace. Out of the idea of ​​"everyone is coming", he stayed idle and didn't see anyone. He simply bowed to the statue first, and drew a lot curiously by the way.

"The lottery." Just as Xun Wu picked up the lottery, a voice reached Xun Wu's ears.

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows, looked at the "Daji" on the signature, and turned his head to look again.

The person who came was a 40-year-old Taoist priest in rather strange clothes—it should be a Taoist priest, he had a standard goatee, and his clothes seemed to be Taoist robes, but they were quite different from the Taoist robes Xun Wu had seen, and there were many more There are many strange decorations, including those of Taoists, Buddhist beads, strange native cloud patterns, and other messy things. What's more, Xun Wu even saw crosses and some other things on him.

Boy - not even Hilda wears a cross!

Xun Wu held the lottery, clasped his fists, and bowed to the strange Taoist priest, then turned around and said, "This Taoist priest, I'm writing this lottery, no matter how you look at it, it's not a bad word, right?"

The goat beard Taoist didn't panic at all, picked up a Buddhist bead casually, twirled it casually, and said: "Have you ever heard the story of [Fortune and misfortune depend on each other]? As the saying goes, it is full of losses and modest benefits. , It’s just the result of your drawing the lot, it’s your luck in drawing the lot, and when the lot is drawn, you will naturally be [big ominous].”

"With all due respect, that's not what it means to be full of losses and modest benefits." Xun Wu felt quite amused.

"You're a fast catcher who spends all day being aggressive, arresting people and taking people. Can you understand this? I mean that's what I mean, and that's what I mean. In short, if you want the times to turn around, you should quickly take out the money."

Xun Wu's complexion gradually darkened, and he looked at the Taoist priest seriously. After observing for a while, he said, "Good Taoist priest, I thought you were just joking, but I didn't think you would dare to grab me?"

The Taoist priest's face darkened, and he said to Xun Wu, "Little arrester, if you don't listen to me, you [big murderer] will come."

"Huh?" Xun Wu's eyes froze for a moment, and he was startled—not because he was frightened by the ferocity of the Taoist priest, but because he didn't know how the Taoist priest dared to say this to himself, "I want to see, my 【Big Fierce】What's going on?"

The Taoist shouted loudly, then stretched out his right hand, and was about to bring it to Xun Wu.

"Take my move, control the crane and capture the dragon!"

Xun Wu pursed his lips and grabbed his right hand with his left hand.

"Drink!!" The Taoist priest was caught by Xun Wu, and he drank angrily, his whole body exploded, as if he wanted to push Xun Wu's left hand away, but Xun Wu's left hand was like iron tongs, laboriously grasping his arm.

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows. Seeing that he still didn't give up, he exerted a little force and used a move he hadn't used for a long time: "Cat's Claw Hand."

Xun Wu's five fingers pinched fiercely, and the sound of a tiger roaring suddenly came from his body. There seemed to be a tall and huge tiger standing behind Xun Wu, staring at the Taoist priest with eyes as big as copper bells.

When the Taoist priest saw this scene, he didn't know that he had encountered a hard stubble, and he immediately screamed.

"Cough cough cough, Xun Butou, can you let go of your left hand for my sake?" At this moment, several figures came from the other side. Xun Wu glanced and saw Wu Yuan pushing Wu Yuan. Gongsunqian and Gongsunqian who were walking, and a young man who was following them, a young man dressed in plain clothes.

Xun Wu glanced at them, pursed his lips, then let go of his left hand, and slowly retracted the aura on his body, and Hu Ying gradually disappeared.

When the Taoist saw Xun Wu let go, he jumped back a few times in fright. Seeing that Xun Wu was not chasing him, he coughed twice and said to the young man, "Yangshuo, why didn't you tell me your friend was coming?" A misunderstanding came up.

In this way, you go around on behalf of your friend first, and you can do today's work at night. "


Xun Wu just watched the Taoist priest leave.

"Xun Cha Xia, I've heard of his name for a long time." Seeing the Taoist priest leave, the young Taoist priest stepped forward and bowed to Xun Wu.

Only then did Xun Wu turn around to look at him: "No. [-] on the list, right? Hello, hello."

The young Taoist didn't realize the address for a while, and then bowed and said, "It's not very convenient here, can Xun Chuxia move?"


The group left slowly, walked outside the spiritual temple, and stood in front of the inner sea.

"Brother Yang." Although he looked very young, Xun Wu knew that this young Taoist priest was about 30 years old, a little older than Zhao Wumian and the others, but his health-preserving skills were obviously not as outrageous as Mr. Feng's. The actual age when he came out was a little older than the average young knight "Although I can let go, it doesn't mean that I will pretend I didn't see it.

The old Taoist saw that I dared to act like this, which shows his arrogance.I also wonder why the Baoshan Great Emperor's Ling Temple is so quiet. I'm afraid that old Taoist priest often does such things on weekdays, right?

After that, I will definitely bring people here. "

"As you like, it has nothing to do with me." Contrary to Xun Wu's expectations, this Heavenly Court elite, who was seventh in the Heavenly Court's list, seemed to have no intention of caring at all.

This really surprised Xun Wu, because when Xun Wu grabbed the old Taoist priest, this man clearly came out to rescue him, why doesn't he mind now?

Perhaps because he saw Xun Wu's surprise, Yang Shuo crossed his arms and said, "In front of Lord Daoist, don't want to see blood."


Xun Wu shrugged.

"I've read the previous things in the letter." Yang Shuo folded his arms, looked at the sea, and said to Xun Wu, "You want to cooperate with our Heavenly Court, and I personally support it.

My Heavenly Court can take out a merchant ship that is enough to go to sea and drive it for you—I know that you have the opportunity to use the local big ships for this trip, but you also know that if you use those ships to sail on the sea, you will inevitably be punished. The people of Blood Spirit Island have noticed that, therefore, taking our boat can reduce the possibility of your own exposure, and it is also convenient for you. "

Xun Wu nodded after listening.

This is also true.

"But you want us to show our strength and join you with real swords and guns, that depends on your ability." After Yang Shuo finished talking about the boat, he immediately turned his head and said to Xun Wu.

Xun Wu felt a little funny again: "Ahem, Brother Yang, the cooperation between you and the imperial court was discussed early, and it has nothing to do with me. I can't get involved in this process at all. I When I came out this time, I only came to Fuzhou in the name of looking for your Heavenly Court.

This time in Fuzhou, I will investigate in Fuzhou with a few other colleagues to find the exact location of Blood Spirit Island. As for the future, we will join forces with you to encircle Blood Spirit Island and destroy the Demon Cult, and it has nothing to do with me.It's a bit baffling that you insist on asking me to [show my ability to express myself]. "

After listening to Xun Wu's words, Yang Shuo stroked his chin and fell into deep thought.

He followed Xun Wu's words, thought carefully for a while, and slowly came to his senses—it seemed that this was really the case.

Logically speaking, the cooperation between the heavenly court and the imperial court may have something to do with Xun Wu, but Xun Wu is at most a matchmaker. Now that the cooperation is settled, why does he need to let Xun Wu "show his hands" and "see It's up to you"?

After thinking about this, he couldn't help but look up at Xun Wu again.

This young man is calm - it's not like this kind of thing happened in the past. When two different organizations cooperate, they often have to matchmaking or excellent juniors "show their hands". It seems that they won't cooperate if they don't, but Come to think of it...the logic is a little bit off.

The strategy is not Xun Wu's, and the command is not the command. Although the Heavenly Court and the imperial court will attack the Blood Spirit Island, they will not act in unison. Basically, they will do their own things... Then he let Xun Wu show his true skills Undoubtedly a very stupid beginning.

"Ouch—" Yang Shuo felt his head hurt a little, and immediately ignored Xun Wu and the others, squatting down and rubbing his head, "Damn it."

Xun Wu didn't understand, so he looked up at Gongsun Qian and the others. Wu Yuan coughed and explained softly to Xun Wu: "Brother Yang is like this... likes to study."


Xun Wu felt that he was clearly digging into a dead end.

"Yes!" Yang Shuo stood up, staring at Xun Wu.

"Don't you want to find Blood Spirit Island?" Yang Shuo immediately said to Xun Wu, "As long as you can help us solve a problem, I can tell you about Blood Spirit Island!"

Xun Wu looked at him, couldn't help shaking his head in his heart, and folded his hands in front of him.

Wu Yuan said he was "stubborn" which was a bit too friendly.

But yes, after all, they are their own people, so I'm sorry to say it too harshly, it's normal.

"Tell me, let me listen to you."

Yang Shuo let go of his hand, raised one hand, pointed to the spiritual temple not far away, and said to Xun Wu, "Do you know why that old Taoist priest inside is so arrogant?"

Xun Wu looked back, stroked his chin, and pondered for a while.

When the middle-aged Taoist clashed with him before, Xun Wu had observed it, and his body was full of flaws. At that time, Xun Wu thought he was a person who practiced special skills like the Eighth Prince. After fighting, he realized that the martial arts were quite rough. , I can't stand up to Wu Yuan's "high martial arts".

However, martial arts are not very high, and he can be so arrogant, he must have something to rely on.

"There are officials behind him?" Xun Wu asked.

"Not only." Yang Shuo shook his head, "If there are only officials behind him, there will always be some knights and brave men who will teach him a lesson..."

"Behind him is the whole [Fuzhou]."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Xun Wu asked curiously.

"Officials, merchants, bandits, and rivers and lakes are everywhere." Yang Shuo said to Xun Wu with a cold face, "In the rivers and lakes, the [Red Scarf Bandit] is domineering, and the people in the rivers and lakes under his banner are extremely arrogant, and all major sects can only dormant; the land of Fuzhou There are water bandits everywhere, occupying the waterways, plundering the money of passers-by, euphemistically called "buying road money"; in order to earn profits, merchants risked several times the risk of smuggling, deliberately lowering and raising prices; and officials... Hmph, there is no need to search for the people's fat and people's anointing, you just need to provide shelter to [filial piety] their businessmen, or reduce business taxes so that they can kill their peers, and you can collect a lot of money."

He looked up at the luxurious spiritual temple, and couldn't help sighing: "In this place, the so-called temple is actually just a businessman in another form.

Did you meet that old guy just now?Saw those things on him.As an "old senior" among the local Taoist priests in Fuzhou, he has received many gifts. The more decorations on him, the more people respect him.

Even though you defeated that old Taoist priest with one hand, I can guarantee that that old Taoist priest must have called someone now and is ready to show you some color. "

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows, but he didn't care. He was more concerned about the [Red Scarf Thief] in Yang Shuo's mouth, which sounded like something was wrong.

"I heard from Wu Yuan that you are a faction that is more friendly to the court in the Heavenly Court. Since you have seen so many things, why did you choose to oppose your teacher?"

"It is precisely because I have seen a lot that I realized that the problem is not the officials, not the court, but the people." When he heard Xun Wu's question, he lowered his head and sighed for a moment, "What the teacher said, It's really a thought-provoking idea.

If there were no emperors and nobility in the world, then everyone would be equal, everyone would practice qigong, and all discrimination would be eliminated, it would seem really beautiful...

But... Fuzhou is not like this.To be honest, the officials here are not necessarily bad, and they have never bullied the people from the beginning to the end. This place is considered a relatively remote area in the entire prosperous Jin Dynasty, and there are no relatives of the Ye family to do their best.But it's still rotten... not because of the officials, but because of the businessmen.

Those merchants are the root of the problem. They go to sea here, spend a year or two buying at low prices in the small countries in the south, and even directly snatch rare treasures, and then bring them back and sell them at high prices; or they take advantage of the convenience of merchants to resell them. All kinds of necessities of life.Relying on the money earned, they feed the dead men in the rivers and lakes, and each secretly cultivates water bandits, and maliciously competes with hostile businessmen and firms. If they cannot be defeated head-on, they directly kill and seize wealth.One person is like this, hundreds of people are like this; hundreds of people are like this, the whole state is like this.Over time, this place has become like this.

The teacher kept saying that it was the nobles and the royal family who disturbed the world, but in my opinion, it is not true at all...or not entirely true. "

Xun Wu couldn't help turning around seriously, and looked at Yang Shuo twice.

"Brother Yang is obviously a student, but dare to refute the teacher?"

"Hmph, as the saying goes, a disciple doesn't have to be inferior to a teacher. I only have respect for [Truth]. The teacher hasn't proved himself yet. From my point of view, he is not as good as the god statue in the temple."

"...I admire Brother Yang."

Yang Shuo was a little happy to be praised by Xun Wu, a world-renowned famous catcher, but he didn't show it. Instead, he looked at Xun Wu and said seriously: "Xun catcher, I admire your personal experience very much. The cooperation between the Heavenly Court and the Imperial Court really has nothing to do with you—but if you want to get information about Blood Spirit Island from me, you have to help me investigate a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"Where did the red scarf thief originate from..."

"It's simple, it must be done by Blood Spirit Island." Xun Wu blurted out.

"Catcher Xun... are you prevaricating Yang?" Yang Shuo's expression suddenly turned grim. "You haven't seen a red scarf thief before, have you? Not much at all.

Could it be that you want to entertain Yang? "

Xun Wu shook his head, rummaged through his pockets, found a box, opened it, and found only a small piece of red cloth: "Look, is it like this?"

Yang Shuomu blinked his eyes for a while.

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