The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 419 The villains are different from each other 4K

After solving the big boss, not many water bandits will fight again. Basically, they will run as long as they can, and those who can't run will drop their weapons and hug their heads.

Because of the existence of martial arts in this world, people such as catchers and guards can have some armor when they go out on missions. Xun Wu also applied for an extra for this trip, but in the end It's not tin cans, and it's impossible to fight the battle flawlessly. Coupled with the lack of proficiency in water warfare, there will eventually be casualties.

Although it is not difficult to receive emergency treatment with Roman present, those who have been fatally injured will not be able to survive after all.

This also made the police officers who had just ended the battle feel uncomfortable and furious, shouting at the captives of the water bandits while punching and kicking them.

Xun Wu has never liked to abuse his defeated generals, but under the current situation, it is impossible to suppress the police by force. He only told them not to kill people at will, so he dragged the water bandit leader who was beaten by Roman, who was like mud, and tied him up. ashore.

With Roman here, there is no need to think about how to limit this man's combat power.

His muscles and bones were broken, and his whole body was severely burned by the flames. He looked three parts human and seven parts ghostly.

After finishing these things, Xun Wu finally found a place and sat down to take a few breaths.

Facing two first-class masters alone is still very difficult for him now. If it weren't for the powerful weapons, Xun Wu's reaction, and good strategy, this time it might not be possible to end it all.

For Xun Wu, this battle was very meaningful. After the fight, while resting and drinking water, he was recalling the details and summing up his experience.

For Xun Wu in this sudden attack, the greatest success relied not on his response in battle, but on his grasp of people's hearts.

The water bandit leader's martial arts is obviously higher than that of another first-class master, but he didn't move at all at first, just let his subordinates grind Xun Wu, although it seemed that Xun Wu had wasted a lot of energy, but in fact it was Big mistake.

Indeed, Xun Wu himself has just entered the first class not long ago, and he doesn't have a lot of internal energy. If he really grinds it, he can almost kill Xun Wu.

But the biggest problem is that this person's choice is wrong.

First use water bandits and mixed soldiers, then use a few masters, and finally take advantage of Xun Wu's long battle, and then swallow the strange thing up. It seems that there is no problem, but in fact it can be said to be completely reversed!

If several of their masters rushed up to fight Xun Wu, and Xun Wu was not Shuang Manqiu, it would be really difficult to deal with it.

In other words, it was the water bandit leader's bullying and fearful temperament that finally led to Xun Wu's loss to a minimum.

"Xun Wu, what this person uses is exactly the same as what He Jing used last time." On the other side, Bao Yuan observed for a long time, and finally confirmed the result, and came back and said to Xun Wu, "I'm afraid, he is the one from that force." members, and at worst connected."

Xun Wu nodded, as expected.

In fact, when Xun Wu listened to this man's words during the battle just now, he was basically sure.

No matter what this person said when he first appeared on the stage or when he was fighting, he undoubtedly said that he himself came from Blood Spirit Island, and he wanted to kill Xun Wu here.

After thinking about these things, Xun Wu sighed a few more times, and silently began to meditate and practice exercises to restore his internal strength.

Slowly, under the treatment of Bao Yuan and Luo Man, most of the wounded police officers stopped their wounds.

And at this moment, the leader of the water bandit also slowly woke up, looked at the scene in front of him, twisted his face ferociously, and then laughed again.

"Dog, what are you laughing at!" The great disciple of the opposite extreme sect also had injuries, but it was not serious. He was helping out at this time, when he heard the man's wild laughter, he grabbed the sword and slapped him on the face .

"Hahaha——" Jiang Hong laughed wildly, the eldest disciple saw him still laughing non-stop, and slapped him in the face with a sword, Jiang Hong smiled, he slapped, Jiang Hong laughed, he slapped, slapped it After a while, Jiang Hong's mouth was full of blood, and she couldn't help yelling, "What are you doing slapping me, why don't you ask me why I laugh!?"

Seeing that he stopped laughing, the eldest disciple turned the sword upside down, took out a handkerchief, wiped the scabbard, turned around and continued to help.

"Steamer! Idiot! Mentally retarded! Gui grandson!"

Hmm... broken defense.

Xun Wu couldn't help laughing.

Although this eldest disciple is a fool, a fool also has his own advantages. When encountering such a thing, it does have an effect.

Xun Wu moved his hands, hung up his sword, walked two steps, came to the man, looked down at him, and said, "Why, what do you want to say?"

Hearing Xun Wu's voice, Jiang Hong finally raised her head again, looked sideways at Xun Wu, and following the light, Xun Wu looked like a majestic giant, which made people feel fearful.

He was stunned for a moment, then coughed, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and laughed again.

However, Xun Wu was not as manic as the great disciple of Duiji Sect. He just watched him quietly. Finally, after a while, Jiang Hong stopped laughing and looked at Xun Wu fiercely: "Xun Wu, I know you."

His voice was very leaky due to the knockout of several teeth, and the knowing "Zhi" made a "Zi" sound, which sounded quite funny.

Xun Wu didn't laugh, he was still very calm.

"You guy, you are dedicated to your duty, you will never give up your job, and you will never miss any enemies... Cough cough cough, I don't know what you came to Fuzhou for, but I know, you fellow, You will never give up on your own affairs, you are such a person...

This time, I lost, I admit defeat, but let me tell you, it will never end like this!

You ruined so many things for us, do you think it's over! ?

I'm just the first one, next, my companions, my friends, will definitely come to you... There are many people who are stronger than me, and there are several adults who have crossed the four ghosts and the dragon...

Today, I lost, but in the future, you will definitely lose even worse. At that time, the suffering I suffered will definitely make you feel ten times and a hundred times——

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows.

That's it?

Xun Wu thought he was going to say something, just "I'm just the weakest of the four heavenly kings"?

Isn't that right?With this combat power, he is still a water bandit, so can Xun Wu not know that he is pulling his hips?

"Is there anything else to say? I'm listening." Xun Wu asked calmly.

Jiang Hong's laughter stopped abruptly, she raised her head, and was speechless for a while.

Not afraid?

Not afraid at all?

"We have nearly 20 first-class masters, and countless treasures. Your little strength is not enough to see—"

"Yeah, it's scary."

Xun Wu was expressionless, but it made him feel humiliated and ignored, which made him even more angry.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"If you really think so, how about this." Xun Wu spread his hands, "You just tell me where you are stationed, and I'll go up there myself?"

Jiang Hong's eyes widened, and when she was about to open her mouth, she suddenly stopped, and then laughed loudly: "Haha, Xun Wu, I know, you must be trying to get something out of your mouth, and then notify the Shengjing court when the time comes to send a large army to encircle and suppress Bar!?

Bah, dreaming!

You just live in emptiness, fear, and worry, waiting for your own death every day, hahahaha—”


Xun Wu thought that this person would tell the address directly if he got hotheaded, but it really wasn't that easy.

But on the other hand, what this person said also exposed a piece of information, that is, Blood Spirit Island is indeed near Fuzhou, otherwise he would not have said such a thing.

Moreover, according to what he said, his status in Blood Spirit Island is not high, he seems to be just a pioneer and does dirty work, and Blood Spirit Island also has a clear classification, although Xun Wu didn't understand those weird names. What the hell the head is, but it's clearly all taller than him.

I am afraid that the deeper Xun Wu goes into Fuzhou, the closer he is to their territory, and the closer the personnel they can send are to the core.

Fortunately, the water battle was not bad, and for Xun Wu, it was just a matter of luck.

Next, the boat was useless. After all, so many people were injured, and those who were severely seasick had to be taken care of. Driving by boat might not be faster than traveling by land. Fortunately, we had already reached the boundary of Fuzhou. Next, we got off the boat and walked by land. Although it will take a lot of extra time, it is at least a lot safer.

Moreover, even if the leader of the water bandit didn't say where the Blood Spirit Island was, he couldn't let him go.

Roman didn't catch up before, and the anger on He Jing's body basically dissipated later, so he didn't see what kind of strange thing it was. This time, Jiang Hong was still burning slightly. Roman treated the wounds for the policemen, and went down. Ship, there is plenty of time to study his situation.

On the other side, when Xun Wu was regrouping, in the vast archipelago east of Fuzhou, there was such a place that was closer to the largest island, but not too close, and bursts of rumbles erupted.

Feeling the vibration of the earth, a woman couldn't help but look into the distance. On the Ryukyu not far away, a huge figure loomed.

Even from such a distance, you can still see your huge figure with huge sharp horns, like a peerless sword piercing into the sky, which makes people shudder.

Even across the sea, the woman's mind was shaken.

"That's the legendary Tyrannosaurus?" The woman's voice was mellow and sweet, and she was frightened by the giant beast, showing a hint of panic, giving people a feeling of pity.

"That's right. That's the Tyrannosaurus," a man in ordinary clothes with a red scarf wrapped around his arm said softly, "The Tyrannosaurus goes out to look for food every 15 years. During these few days, all lives that dare to stand in the way of the Tyrannosaurus will be killed." Its sharp claws and fangs kill, no matter what kind of life it is, it is only its ration in the end.

Not to mention birds and beasts, even first-class masters, in its eyes, it is nothing more than a piece of meat, even a grand master, it dare not approach it at all...

If there is any force that can take him down, I'm afraid it will be enough to reset the whole world at will. "

The woman couldn't help opening her mouth.

"Okay, Miss Yue Sichou, or should I call you—Master Tiankuxing?" The man turned his head and looked at her with a calm expression. "Let's stop here for the gossip."

The new Tian Xing, Tian Crying Xingyue Rushou turned around and looked at the woman with a soft smile on his face, which made people feel excited, but it couldn't change the man's expression at all, but Yue Rushou didn't care about it, she just said softly : "Mr. Soul Devourer, there is no need for such honorific titles as adults.

Although your Blood Spirit Island has escaped from the Sisu Sect, you also know that you are still a part of the Sisu Sect to the people in the rivers and lakes and the imperial court, even though the current development seems not to be much worse than the Sisu Sect, but This perception cannot be changed.

Now that the imperial court is eyeing it like a tiger, you and I should share the same hatred and be united in foreign affairs. "

"Same hatred?" Ling Devour looked at Yue Sishou, and snorted coldly, "Same with you? That old tortoise in Xuanwu is really getting more and more useless."

Yue Rushou didn't care about it. If she cared about such things, she wouldn't have jumped jobs countless times: "Lord Ling Devourer... are you scolding a grand master for being useless?"

Devouring snorted again: "Why, I scolded me wrong?"

Seeing that he didn't care about the prestige of the master at all, Yue Ruoxi immediately changed the topic and said, "The most urgent thing at the moment is to abandon the past and work together, isn't it?"

Devouring glanced at her, and then said, "If you really want to help, then I'm really curious about something."

Devouring turned around and looked to the west. Although he couldn't see Fuzhou, he seemed to see the scene of Fuzhou in his eyes: "You know that Xun Wu is going to Fuzhou, right? Tell me, what is he going to do? "

"Hehe, then you are asking the right question." Hearing this, Yue Sichou chuckled lightly.

Yue Rushou was able to become one of the four famous arresters. On the one hand, her ability is indeed outstanding among female arresters, but on the other hand, it is because of her integration and analysis of information from various forces: "Your gate gave me I have read those letters. I wonder if you have heard of a force called Heaven?"

Devouring frowned and nodded.

"Hehe... That's easy to handle. There happened to be a few members of the Heavenly Court in that group, and I happened to know them all...No accident, it should be that Xun Wu received the order to go to Fuzhou and the Heavenly Court. Someone did it."

Devouring frowned and asked, "So that's how it is..."

"Have you already sent someone to attack Xun Wu? If I'm not wrong, it should be that you want to use that person to lure Xun Wu to go deep and look for this Blood Spirit Island. At that time, attack them in groups and attack them with one blow." Must kill, am I right?"

"Not bad." Devouring nodded. "As expected of the top four famous arresters, they are really sharp."

"It's just that, it's impossible for Xun Wu to go to the island alone. He will definitely not be so unwise."

"I don't need to bother you." Devouring interrupted her questioning.

Yue Si frowned and frowned slightly, crying like a silver moon, which was really beautiful.She thought that this Blood Spirit Island might organize a siege, trying to intercept and kill Xun Wu on the land of Fuzhou, but she didn't want Xun Wu to discover Blood Spirit Island.

Hmph, it's time like this, Hai is telling lies.

"By the way, Ms. Heavenly Crying Star." Ling Devourer was about to leave when he suddenly asked, "Say, will Xun Wu cooperate with Heavenly Court?"

"It's absolutely impossible. You and I come from the same lineage. If you want to cooperate, there are many difficulties. Heavenly Court and Imperial Court have opposite ideas everywhere. How can we cooperate?"

Devouring looked at the sky for a while, thought for a while, and nodded: "Yes."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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