The hand halberd rushed, the internal energy surged violently, the water vapor filled the air, and the wind and waves became more violent.

Xun Wu held Wuyu high in his hand, stabbing the hilt of the knife, hooking the gap of the halberd, the rotating internal energy was like a sharp cutting blade, unabated, rushed out of the halberd, turned sharply, hit Xun Wu, was caught by the array A burst of white light smashed into pieces!

Xun Wu didn't dodge, he swung his right hand lightly, swirling Wuyu, driving with force, and swung the halberd. Then he threw out the halberd vigorously with his right hand, and stabbed a water bandit who was rushing towards the material ship on the iron chain with one blow. , instantly splashing blood, and instantly hitting it into the water.

"Hmph." Seeing that he missed his hit and that his counter-injury subordinates died suddenly, the leader of the water bandit who used the halberd snorted coldly, pulled out two halberds from his waist, and threw them at Xun Wu Qi .

The number of hand halberds increased, the internal qi increased, the moves changed, and the water vapor became more intense, which made several policemen on the boat dizzy.

Just at this time, there was another burst of music, and the few policemen came back to their senses in an instant, and hurriedly stepped aside to stop the water bandits who rushed onto the boat.

Xun Wu squinted his eyes, lightly threw Wuyu with his right hand, held the scabbard with one hand, flicked his thumb, and ejected Wuyu from the scabbard.

The next moment, the white light flashed, the light of the knife was like the moon, a wave of knife energy floated by, and the hand halberd was immediately thrown out. The well-proportioned water bandit leader suddenly had a gloomy face, and jumped up to catch the pair of halberds.

At this moment, Xun Wu's eyes widened slightly, his right hand retracted, his left hand grasped the handle of the Wuyu knife that was half out of the sheath, and suddenly pulled it out at a high speed. The utensils on the ship in front of Xun Wu continued to go unabated, and chopped at the guy receiving the halberd in the air.

The first move is Xun Wu's most powerful force!

"Ah!" He screamed, his brow was sweating, and he was scared out of his wits.

"Dang——" Fortunately, just when the saber energy was about to hit him, a figure appeared in front of him, punching with both hands, with blue veins popping up on his body, and the gangster energy formed, blocking it for him This blow.

Xun Wu glanced at it, but was not surprised, grabbed a water bandit who was trying to attack him, grabbed his neck with one hand, and pressed it on the wooden plank of the boat with a bang, bursts of tearing sound erupted, Then he used him as a shield to resist several water bandits who stabbed him with long spears, turned around and kicked him away.

"Heh...hoo..." Xun Wulue took a breath, and there was no sweat on his forehead.

"Okay, as expected of Xun Wu and Xun Bei Xia!" The big boss who finally jumped to the gang and blocked the attack of another boss couldn't help but praise with a smile on his face.

Xun Wu's face was expressionless and he didn't respond.

The big boss, surnamed Jiang and named Hong, is the leader of the largest local water bandit "Qianling Thief".

The Qianling Bandit is the largest water bandit in the area, with strong strength, and even has three generals, all of whom are outstanding.Along the river and near the river in Fuzhou, there are often rumors that "the bell will change color, and the disaster will be avoided by offering a hundred gold", which makes the surrounding fleet dare not speak out.

He can pull such a large team of water bandits, and he has two second-rate masters and one first-rate master, three generals to assist him. Naturally, his ability is not bad. Therefore, his praise for Xun Wu is naturally from his heart. Sincerely.

He flexed his fists and feet, and couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw Xun Wu who was sticking at every step, stopping the water bandits with ease, without even using much internal energy and relying on brute force.

The Qianling thief can grow to such a large size, naturally he has a "backer". On the surface, his backer is the largest commercial firm in Fuzhou, but in fact, his real origin is indeed - Blood Spirit Island.

A few days ago, Du Xin sent someone from Blood Spirit Island to send him a letter, asking him to think about it, prepare, and ambush Xun Wu. Even if he couldn't kill Xun Wu, he would definitely suffer a big loss. .

Jiang Hong guessed for a long time, and finally chose this place, but it was a pity that he did not wait for Xun Wu for two or three days, until someone finally reported to him before, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

And just like that, Jiang Hong thought about it again and guessed a lot of things.

Normally, even if the people under Xun Wu were not familiar with water skills, they would not be so slow. The reason why they were so slow must be that there was something special about the people on board.

It was also for this reason that he didn't try to destroy the hull in the first place.

Because, of course, their biggest goal is not to grab things, and this time to trouble Xun Wu, it is for Xun Wu's head.

But one problem is that Xun Wu's lightness kung fu is very good, and now he has become a first-class master. It is difficult to guarantee that he will not run away when he encounters danger. According to Blood Spirit Island's estimation of Xun Wu, it is absolutely impossible for Xun Wu to fight to the last moment. He will probably run away by himself after covering others to escape as much as possible.

A first-class master, or a first-class master who has mastered powerful lightness kung fu, if you want to kill him in this situation, it is a bit overthinking.

Therefore, Jiang Hong's idea is not to damage the ship, but to use people to grind slowly first. It just so happens that Xun Wu's subordinates obviously can't stand the bumps of the ship's hull. A bunch of miscellaneous soldiers consumed Xun Wu, and then slowly besieged and killed them. Boiling the frogs in warm water made Xun Wu exhausted. At that time, let alone killing him, it would not be difficult to capture him alive for the Blood Sacrifice on Blood Spirit Island.

Under such circumstances, he ordered his subordinates not to smash as much as possible to prevent the dog from jumping the boat in a hurry. When the time comes, he will not only be disciplined, but also always remember Xun Wu's secret pursuit. The army encircled and suppressed him, and his efforts for more than ten years were completely in vain.

And it was for this reason that he was surprised when he saw Xun Wu's movement of wanting to kill people with his weapon.

He just wanted to limit Xun Wu's movements, and didn't care what happened to the ship, but Xun Wu still needed a ship, but he was still able to directly destroy his own ship in order to maximize efficiency. This kind of on-the-spot decisiveness is really strong excellent.

On the other side, while he was silently calculating, Xun Wu put Wuyu into the sheath.

This new scabbard was obtained by Xun Wu from Xuanjilou, just like the perfect scabbard of the ink knife before, Xuanjilou's natural creation can perfectly make scabbards and scabbards for any weapon, and it is precisely this For these reasons, Xun Wu has the right scabbard to mount Wuxi.

But now, compared to the more delicate Wuyu, what Xun Wu needs to use more is the giant gate that can open and close, and can block more attacks at once.

At this time, Xun Wu could not hold weapons with both hands, and had to make sure that one hand was always free, in case there was no way to move objects more flexibly in special circumstances.

After Jiang Hong rescued the second leader, she was not in a hurry, but simply let his subordinates go up and kill them. Although many people were a little timid because of Xun Wu's mighty performance, Jiang Hong didn't care.

It doesn't matter, there are still countless small battles on board, and a dozen policemen have to guard everywhere. Even though most of the water bandits have no internal energy, most of the police officers have internal energy, and the disciples of the extreme sect are second-rate, The third-rate warriors prevail. Fighting in groups of water bandits who are proficient in water warfare and occupying all the advantages of the land is still a bit difficult. Often, one person has to face four or five people, and he seems more and more weak, and even wounded gradually appear. , Downsizing.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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In this case, Xun Wushou stayed at the door of the room inside the ship, so there was no way he could not care about it, and he had to use his internal energy to assist him.

But Xun Wu's performance made Jiang Hong even more unexpected.

Xun Wu stood at the exit of the cabin, with a cold face, quickly swept around, took out a hand crossbow, and shot a few times into the sky, waking up the arresting officers who were fighting, and then quickly threw the hand crossbow out, He hit a water bandit, raised his voice, and began to command quickly.

Xun Wu is not a general who cannot form an army formation, but his eyesight is strong enough, his level is high enough, his reaction is fast enough, and his tongue is sharp enough. Hurry up and remind them of their names, it's still possible to do extreme micromanagement.

Although it is the behavior of Quanshui Commander, it has to be said that with the assistance of Xun Wu's internal energy, the arresters who have never fought board battles have finally regained their senses, calmed down, and have a higher level of combat effectiveness Even though they were smaller in number than the water bandits, they gradually stabilized the situation by relying on more powerful weapons and more victorious internal energy.

Xun Wu couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.

He felt a slight itching on his forehead, probably from sweat.

At this moment, after one song, another song finally sounded in the boat.

Because of Xun Wu's command, Wu Yuan's protection against the arresters can also be reduced by a few points, and she no longer needs to use her inner energy to protect the arresters all the time. At such moments, she will circulate her inner energy and play quickly , the sound of the piano rose in a hurry, as if the bead fell to the ground, tick tock tick tock kept ringing.

The sound waves are like substance, and ripples are oscillating on the busy river.

Several water bandits who were near the cabin felt dizzy when they heard the sound. What's more, they dropped their weapons and subconsciously covered their heads, as if they were hit by a giant hammer. The world is turning around.

Taking advantage of this time, the arresters hurriedly counterattacked, but took up more positions on the ship.

"Hmph, disgusting woman." The second master snorted coldly.

Jiang Hong nodded. They also knew that there were a few first-class masters on Xun Wu's boat, but they had a huge advantage in water warfare, so they didn't worry too much. What's more, they would find out that only half of Xun Wu's men could fight normally. , There are almost restrictions on who can fight.

But Wu Yuan is a troublesome one.

How high is her own combat power, but it is actually not high. Not only is she inconvenient to move, she is also blind, and she doesn't know much about water.If fighting on the water, I am afraid that even the second-rate Qianling thief can entangle with her for a long time, and may even lose both sides in the fight, but when Xun Wu is defending, this woman can use her sound skills at will.

Yingong is also a relatively rare type in Jianghu, but anyone who masters Yingong, no matter how strong, crushes the weak, and the effect is extremely obvious.

"It's almost there." Just when the second master felt that he had to wait, Jiang Hong narrowed his eyes and ordered the three generals around him to rush forward.

Although a few people were still a little puzzled, they listened to Jiang Hong's words honestly, rushed towards Xun Wu without hesitation, divided into three parties, and double-teamed Xun Wu.

It is indeed not the best time to order the siege at this time, because although Xun Wu has consumed a lot of internal energy, he is also very tired, but judging from the performance of the battle just now, as well as the previous rumors and intelligence from the superiors, Xun Wu's There should still be more than half of the internal energy, and the energy may not be wasted, and it is obvious that he can fight for a long time.

But Jiang Hong is actually more sober than them.

He knew that although the masters on the ship were not good at water warfare, they would eventually crush his water bandits in terms of quality. It would actually be a very troublesome task to take down Xun Wu without additional manpower from the superiors. .

Especially in the case of boarding and fixing the ship, the so-called invincible Roman may use his internal energy to restore his state at any time, and it will be difficult to say when he fights again.

This not only wastes Xun Wu's physical strength and internal energy, but also ensures that he will not be affected by additional enemies. The matter of balancing Liang Fang is something that Jiang Hong needs to calculate.

Xun Wu frowned, grasping the Juque in one hand, and quickly fought with the three of them, sometimes blocking with the sword, sometimes with the wrist guard, sometimes rotating the sword body, sometimes striking out the sword energy, and fighting with the three of them , I was also a little surprised.

This water bandit leader really doesn't look like an ordinary water bandit.

In fact, so far, every step of the water bandit leader has been expected by Xun Wu. Even sending people to attack Xun Wu at this time is also Xun Wu's personal opinion.

But he knows that there is really no way, Xun Wu can only guard the exit of the cabin, he can't let any water bandit rush into the cabin, so that he can only stand where he is, facing the bow, arrow and javelin, and can only do nothing. Keep relying on Juque and internal energy to defend.

The second leader came out with two halberds, Xun Wu held up his sword in one hand to resist, and on the other side, the third leader swung a big knife and slashed at him. Xun Wu glanced at it, and his momentum was shocked. Even relying on momentum alone, he stopped for half a step, but he Although his footsteps stopped, the big axes of the four masters on the other side followed closely.

Xun Wu twisted his right hand, turned the giant que, and swung it forcefully with great strength and inner energy, pulling the second leader violently, and dragging him to the attack range of the big axe.The fourth master let out a cry of alarm, and had no time to dodge, but the second master was worthy of being a top-notch expert, gritted his teeth, vigorously mobilized his internal energy, threw down his halberd, and just turned around out of thin air.

The fourth master was still in shock, the giant gate continued to sweep, and the third master was already intimidated by the momentum, but now he did not dare to deal with it, so he could only retreat in a hurry.

But this was not over yet, Xun Wu gritted his teeth, and quickly grabbed the hand halberd stuck on the giant gate, quickly threw it, and smashed it on a water bandit.

"So strong, too strong." Jiang Hong had an exaggerated smile on his face.

He deserves to be the Xun Wu who blocked our Blood Spirit Island so many times, and the Xun Wu who made adults gnash their teeth. This combat power, this tenacity, and this spirit, without exception, are all at the top of the world.

Don't abandon anyone, don't give up anyone, protect your subordinates, cover your subordinates, guide your subordinates, and at the same time, you can deal with the enemy perfectly without showing the slightest timidity.

As an enemy, I approve of you—only the weak will belittle the enemy, and I will prove that we are stronger than you!

"But... Xun Wu!" Jiang Hong silently took out a box.

He opened the box, and a strange, scorching breath came out of the box, raising the temperature of the entire splint almost instantly, and then, he swallowed the filth in the box into his mouth without hesitation , Bursts of anger burst out!

"Your maintenance of duty! Your emphasis on benevolence and righteousness! Your consideration for your subordinates! This is your Achilles' heel! This deed and experience that you are famous for and proud of is your weakness!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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