The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 415 Sending Letter 4K

Xun Wu's trip this time was not troublesome. He first went to the palace to pick up the three people from the Heavenly Court, and then led the team to go out of Beijing in a mighty manner.

In this operation, Xun Wu led a lot of people. Apart from Ji Lian'er and Bao Yuan, Xun Wu also brought a large team of arresters, basically all of them were disciples of the Duoji sect.

Since the end of the martial arts, Senior Zuo didn't know where he went, and no one was there. He only left a letter to that stupid disciple, saying that he will follow Xun Wu in the Duoji Sect.

Xun Wu reckoned that he followed Emperor Shengwu and his party to see the ship, and he might even go one step ahead, so he was going to take the boat to Yingzhou.

Since Zuo Yanhan trusted him so much, then Xun Wu naturally came according to his own ideas-this Blood Spirit Island was split from the Demon Cult, roughly speaking, it was still a part of the Demon Cult, the opposite of the extreme sect If you don't die with them, then take them to look for them, not to mention that you will definitely find them, but you can still feel a little bit of difference, right?

Of course, due to the issue of confidentiality, Xun Wu didn't tell them what they were going to do, but they had been with Xun Wu for a long time and didn't ask any questions.

Next, there was an additional person who followed... Hilda.

When she heard that Xun Wu and others were going to Fuzhou, Hilda immediately approached Xun Wu excitedly.

In fact, she didn't know much about the place names in the Central Plains, but she just heard about the name of Fuzhou and knew that the Luminous Cup was actually a treasure map, so she was naturally very interested.

Xun Wu thought about planning the journey, but did not refuse.

Compared with Yunzhou, Yinzhou, and Langzhou, although this "Fuzhou" is only separated by one or two states, the distance is completely different.

In the land of Shengjin, the states are not completely equal. If you really want to say, Yinzhou and Langzhou are the largest states in Shengjin. Compared with them, Fengzhou and Yunzhou are actually relatively small In the states, it is relatively brisk to drive.

But Fuzhou is different. Although Dezhou is not far away, the distance between them is very far.

Normally speaking, if you want to go directly to Fuzhou by land, it will take a very long time, probably several months.

Even though the manpower and horsepower in this world are much stronger than that of Xun Wu's, it still takes a lot of time to just walk.

So the way forward must be planned first.

Fortunately, this is not the first time Xun Wu and others have taken this path.

First of all, Xun Wu needs to lead the team to turn around and leave Fengzhou, then take the official road, take a carriage and other tools to Kangzhou, and then regroup and replenish supplies in Kangzhou, and then go south by boat, berthing at an inland port, and then Then go some distance overland and arrive in Fuzhou.

It sounds simple, but in fact it will take about two months to arrive, and there is no guarantee that there will be no other situations in the process that will waste more time.

However, there is also an advantage to going this way, that is, Xun Wu and the others can go to the Xuanji Building to rest and see if they have any new tricks there. If the Xuanji Building has a more convenient way, then Xun Wu and the others may save A lot of time.

Moreover, going this way, some of Xun Wu's arresters can also go back to the hometown by the way. Although they are not too open, they are still much stronger than before, and they can barely go back to the hometown to boast.

It is also very important to take care of the mentality of the subordinates.

Of course, there are other things - Xun Wu can also stop by to congratulate Yan Weixing, his various designs have been approved by Emperor Shengwu, so Xun Wu can just go to the Spirit Snake Gate to congratulate him.

In this case, Ji Lian'er can also take a look at how Boss Jin and Shopkeeper Mo are doing now. Roman didn't follow to the Xuanji Building last time, so she can also look for it this time to see if there is anything that can be used. new tools.

It is very difficult to find a second one in Shengjin for a super-large "scientific research institution" like Xuanji Building. If you have a chance, it's better to take a look along the way.

Before leaving, Xun Wu saw the white jade plate.

He got off his horse and saluted Bai Yupan with fists in each other's arms.

"Brother Bai, how long are you going to stay in the capital?" Xun Wu asked with cupped fists.

"It won't be long, about a month." Bai Yupan said with a smile.

"Hahaha, then... I'll take a step first and wait for you there." Xun Wu laughed.

Bai Yupan couldn't help laughing, and shook his head again: "It's not sure who will come first...don't let me catch you from behind."

Xun Wu was noncommittal, and saluted him again, then got on his horse and said goodbye.

The convoy was not moving so fast that many people could clearly see the white jade plate. Ji Lianer even lowered her voice curiously and asked Xun Wu why the white jade plate was still in the capital.

Is it worried that there are no "Four Famous Arrests" in the capital, and the law and order in the capital will not be taken care of?

Xun Wu shook his head lightly.

how can that be.

If there are no four famous arresters, the capital will not be able to live in peace, so what is the use of the capital?

The four famous arresters only raised the upper limit. Those who really maintain the law and order of the city are the busy arresters, the hard-working little officials, and the soldiers who work from dawn to dusk.

"He's just doing what he's good at."

Xun Wu said casually.

Good at?

Ji Lian'er rolled her eyes.

Xun Wu is good at deciphering and probing, and what he is best at is attacking the mind, but these are all developed around Xun Wu's extraordinary analysis and vision. Whether it is fighting or handling cases, it is inseparable from Xun Wu's super fast thinking and strong eyesight.

What is Bai Yupan good at?During the time she stayed in the capital, she actually didn't feel it. After all, Bai Yupan usually looks like a bad-tempered and quite proud master. If she really wants to solve the case, she can't see him handling the case at all. On the contrary , he is more assisting the people of the Metropolitan Procuratorate to monitor and hunt down...

Ji Lian'er was stunned.

So, the reason why Bai Yupan didn't leave was because he wanted to stay in the capital and keep an eye on him?

He wanted to use this method to see if there were people from Blood Spirit Island in the capital?

This is really a good idea.

Ji Lian'er couldn't help but nodded.

First of all, Bai Yupan itself is not an orthodox policeman. It is different from the ordinary red policeman. It is a blue policeman. It is difficult to find a suitable case that needs to be handled in person. It is even more strange to leave the capital and go to Fuzhou.

But if you keep doing your day job, doing what you're supposed to do, no one will notice.

Secondly, the capital city is the place with the most complex personnel in the world. There will be people from all over the world and various forces investigating information, so if you stay in this kind of place and concentrate on searching, you may not be able to find it. It might be slower than Xun Wu and the others, and even if Xun Wu and the others fail to investigate, they have the opportunity to take a boat from Yunzhou directly to the overseas area of ​​Fuzhou, and directly land on the Blood Spirit Island.

Ji Lian'er wanted to ask Xun Wu why she didn't follow this line of thinking and try before leaving, but before she could speak, she saw Xun Wu shaking her head, signaling that she didn't need to continue asking.

If you want to ask why... In fact, Xun Wu also tried it, but it didn't have any good effect.

So here comes the question - how to try?

It's very simple, the trump card among the trump cards of Fengzhou Prefecture, the strongest bomb, and the hidden ultimate weapon - the seal!

In fact, ever since Haibaozi returned to Beijing with Bao Huaiying and others, Xun Wu had the idea to let Haibaozi and He Jing get in touch with other prisoners in the Fengzhou Yamen, and even let him get in touch with people from the Demon Cult , but no useful information can be obtained from it.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Although Haibaozi has won the trust of many people, no one can provide Xun Wu with help in this regard. The reason is very simple. Either they don’t know about the power of Blood Spirit Island, or even if they know about it, they don’t know about it at all. I don't know where Blood Spirit Island is.

Blood Spirit Island seems to have adhered to one of the most basic principles all along, that is, never revealing its location, and even if someone wanted to take the initiative to ask, they would just prevaricate.

The only useful information so far is that what He Jing used that day was indeed obtained from Blood Spirit Island, but He Jing didn't say what it was.

I won't be able to open my mouth in the future, and I will cut them all together after a while.

It's also a headache, this He Jing himself is a beast in clothes, and he really doesn't like the outfit of a seal.

However, in any case, Xun Wu has a clue that can be investigated, and he can just follow this clue to continue the investigation. Now that he has a clue, he has no interest or motivation at all to grab information with his good brother in the city. .

Whether Bai Yupan's strategy is correct or not is actually very useful.

Because, his manpower is actually much more than that of Xun Wu and Zhao Wumian. After all, he not only has to manage the blue-clothed policemen of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but at the same time, the secret agents of the Imperial City Division who are preparing and rebuilding, At present, it also belongs to his subordinates, so in this case, the advantage of Bai Yupan is not small.

However, such things as advantages still take time to be transformed into achievements.

At least, before Bai Yupan completes the investigation, this advantage cannot be transformed, which leads to...

On this day, an ordinary Jianghu man came to Yuelai Inn after a busy day.

He is wearing a bamboo hat, which looks very ordinary, but it is clearly remembered in the records of Yuelai Inn that this is a bamboo hat guest, a former disciple of Qiushuimen in the south, who was kicked out because of the hatred of the elder's son. Got a sect.

Yuelai Inn is mainly engaged in food and accommodation, but in addition, it also pays attention to intelligence collection, helping the imperial court to collect information, and helping the various sects to investigate the information of the haters who left the door, which is a crucial link in the exchange of information in the rivers and lakes. Passed family letters to countless people in the rivers and lakes.

The world is too big, the rivers and lakes are too far away, lovesickness is too bitter.

The old gentleman who was in charge of the review was an old scholar. Although he didn't get the honor in the examination, he knew all the characters well. He was very respected in the Yuelai Inn in the capital. In the end, I helped the Jianghu people to read the letters. After making sure that there were no terrible acrostic poems, I copied a copy, helped the Jianghu people process, put it away, and flatten it into an envelope. The name of the person who went to the rivers and lakes, and the name of the recipient.

Next, it will be transported by Yuelai Inn in a unified manner, and handed over to the pigeon workshop or boat workshop operated by the inn.

This is the Yuelai Inn, which is determined to make people in the world no matter where they are in the world, they can report the safety of their relatives and pass on money.

Next, the chariots and horses in Fengzhou will transport this ordinary mailbox to the letter pigeon workshop of the South Yuelai Inn, which is usually belonged to the area of ​​the boss of Jinyu Mantang Zhongtang. To the letter customer and logistics at the next level.

Of course...if it is an important customer like the Dongshan faction and the imperial court, or a very important relationship like Ji Lian'er and Xun Wu, they will take even more powerful direct pigeons.

All in all, under the operation of many parties, the logistics of the local Yuelai Inn in Fuzhou received a box of letters, opened the letter box, and handed it to the Jianghu believers who were doing odd jobs and helping out according to different addresses, and they would carry out the last step. .

A Jianghu Sanyong from Fuzhou got the letter, glanced at the address left and right, and found nothing strange, so he left Yuelai Inn and took the letter to a nearby small village. It took another two days or so, and finally The letter was delivered to the designated place within 20 days.

This is an ordinary small village, and the villagers look ordinary, but for some reason, this letter felt an inexplicable smell of blood.

This feeling is very strange.

It stands to reason that although he hasn't been around the rivers and lakes for too long, he is only a third-rate warrior at the moment, but it must be said that a third-rate warrior around 20 years old can barely mix in the rivers and lakes. Experts are also rare, far less common than in places like the capital. In the case of the highest conventional combat power, only the second-rate, the third-rate is not strong, but life-saving is not a big problem.

But he felt that the atmosphere in this village was very weird and seemed dangerous.

He looked around and saw that the villagers were peaceful, the farmers were working, the women were weaving, and the old people were kind and friendly. Except that there were no children and there were relatively few people, there was nothing strange about it.

Maybe it's the bloody smell of the beast?

He thought of a reason for himself.

It's just...the most taboo thing to do when walking in the rivers and lakes is to lie to yourself.

"Yo... young boy, what are you doing here?"

The young man hesitated for a moment, bowed, and took out the letter.

"Oh, it's my son!" The old man exclaimed.

The young man was puzzled again.

He felt like something was wrong.

"Oh—don't stand still, come here, have a drink of tea—"

"Oh... oh..." Although the young Jianghu man hesitated subconsciously, he couldn't resist his enthusiasm and followed the old man.



There was a sound in the house.

The young man scratched his throat, his whole body ached, and he felt dizzy!

"Sleep, you won't be tired when you wake up—"

The young man let out an "ahhhhhhhhh" sound.

At this time, his brain seemed to become extremely fast, even he himself couldn't believe it.

Why does it make him feel so weird?Because the people here are cleanly dressed, there is no soil at all, and they are not like normal farmers at all.

Why wonder?Because normally speaking, this kind of people in the backcountry can't read at all, so how could they be so sure that it was his son who sent the letter!

Why hesitate?Because it is impossible for ordinary peasants to take out tea.

Why...behavior, children, reactions, the smell of blood...why..

Why am I so stupid!


The young Jianghu people fell over directly.

"This kid is of good quality and can be used." The man on the side said, "I noticed a lot of problems, but the reaction is slow."

"Oh, that's all." The old man sneered, "Only this kind of stunned young man can walk into this kind of place..."

It turned out that they were specifically waiting for this kind of young man, so they didn't hide any further.

"This is the second letter. The cipher text is the same, so it cannot be faked."

"That is to say... the dog really wants to come to Fuzhou?"

"I don't know why that guy came to Fuzhou."

"Investigate, we must investigate!" The old man's face was ferocious, terrifying, like a ghost. "There is no way a dog came to Fuzhou for no reason! He has ruined our good deeds a few times, it's time for us to give him eyes!"

"Then I'll take this kid to report to Lord Duxin... Hehe, he dared to come to our territory... This time, he will never come back!"

"Go...hehe, we must treat him well."

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