After returning to the Yamen, Xun Wu didn't mention this matter to anyone. He practiced martial arts calmly as usual, and he didn't leave Beijing in a hurry, and he didn't rush to investigate and search for information. It seemed that there was no difference from before. .

For Xun Wu, this matter cannot be rushed, the more urgent the more mistakes are made.

Although it seems that others have more or less unique advantages, like Zhao Wumian seems to have information from the second prince, but this does not mean that Xun Wu is really far behind the others.

Xun Wu himself had dealt with that Blood Spirit Island many times, and even fought against two people who inherited the blood spirit type skills. Later, he also had a fight with He Jing who swallowed some kind of strange thing. In terms of intelligence, it is not like knowing nothing.

Therefore, what Xun Wu needs to do now is to integrate these things one by one, and sort out the information comprehensively.

It was the first time Xun Wu met a person from Blood Spirit Island—to be precise, it was the first time he met a person affected by Blood Spirit Island. It was a blood ceremony that he could never forget until now.

Xueli is young, and his martial arts realm is only first-rate, but even now, Xun Wu can't guarantee that he can win him alone without words.

A lunatic may indeed have a huge shortcoming, but what Xun Wu has learned is that he is also the person who uses the blood spirit to the fullest.

Compared with the blood ceremony, Zhao Qiye in Xuanji Building is simply a waste.

However, compared to the completely abnormal blood ceremony, Zhao Qiye is still relatively normal. Xun Wu then looked at the blood spirit mapping method and found that many places have indeed been changed.

In other words, Blood Spirit Island should be constantly asking people in the rivers and lakes to use them as experiments to improve the blood spirit skills.

Judging from the current effect, this is indeed a good move, because the blood spirit martial art is not only easy to promote, but also has a high combat effectiveness, and it also has the effect of imitating other people's martial arts. A well-known first-class exercise.

Not only that, but from the perspective of subsequent development, He Jing may have received the blood spirit technique... Then start looking from this aspect, looking for some people who have side effects of the blood spirit system, there is also a chance to obtain information.

The second point is in terms of organization. This Blood Spirit Island is an organization that was born out of and separated from the Demon Cult. Although it is certainly impossible for new recruits to be recruited later to overlap with the Demon Cult, some of them are naturally There is also the shadow of the Devil's Cult, and some passwords and signals of the Devil's Cult are still used until today, and it is precisely for this reason that Tianzhong Xingcongyun was able to lead Tianzhong Xingcongyun to the Xuanji Building before.

Xun Wu also learned a lot from Cong Yun, and this aspect is also a point that can be considered. Moreover, Xun Wu also left a secret message to meet Cong Yun. Since Cong Yun has been investigating Blood Spirit Island, then at this time Finding her out can save a lot of effort.

The third point is that when Xun Wu fought against He Jing before, He Jing swallowed a strange thing, and then his body became hot, with a strong anger. Judging from the current inference and investigation, this strange thing should be He Jing at the beginning. The scene was obtained from the people of Blood Spirit Island.

Although Xun Wu didn't know what that thing was, after such a long time, Xun Wu's understanding of "strange things and strange beasts" became deeper and deeper.

No matter what exotic beasts, their birth must be related to the environment—either the environment created them, or they changed the environment.

Naturally, such a strange thing full of fire has a general life range, and it can also be explored along the way.

It just so happened that Xun Wu also got a treasure trove about Tyrannosaurus, so he might be able to gain something.

Finally, Xun Wu has an extra helper.


"Brother Xun." Roman was studying, when he heard a knock on the door, stood up to greet him, and saw Xun Wu, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Xun Wu nodded lightly, followed Roman into the door, and sat down first.

After Xun Wu returned to the capital, he met with Roman several times. The young healer's inner strength surged again at some point. If he released his inner energy, he looked like a miniature sun.

Even if you don't talk about internal energy, there are fewer and fewer flaws in his body. Xun Wu feels that after a while, he will be able to truly reach the limit of first-class, which is outrageous.

Moreover, he is also a first-class master who is equally powerful with both internal and external skills!

The realm that some people can only achieve through painstaking efforts and trying their best, in Roman's case, is the same as what God forced on him!

However, Xun Wu didn't come to him to reminisce about the past or to tease him. After all, the few times we met before, we talked about everything that should be talked about. Although Roman is quite talkative, he is not idle, and there are still many things to do every day. of.

Before, Roman followed many people to handle the case, but he did understand a lot of court rules and how to be a leader, and he planned to go back to Jishi Pavilion for a try after a while.

"Young Pavilion Master, do you still remember what we talked about before?"

"Uh...which one?"

"About the senior man in the mirror, you told me that he told you about many hidden forces in the Jianghu? Among them even the Fuyitang that hides in your Jishi Pavilion and wants to overthrow the Jishi Pavilion. "

As soon as Roman heard Xun Wu's words, his face suddenly became serious, and he nodded solemnly.

At the beginning, Roman was forced by the man in the mirror to experiment with the Long Song of Righteousness. Although a lot of time was wasted, the old man in the mirror was not a pure villain after all, so it was impossible for Roman to just work if he asked Roman for help. , not only helped Roman to practice the Nirvana Sutra, but also told Roman about many forces in the world.

Among them, the man in the mirror pointed out the hidden force in Jishi Pavilion - Fuyitang.

Back then, during the Youth League, Xun Wu, Lou Shaoyuan, and Roman worked together to defeat Old Man Juetian and saved nearly a hundred lives in the Northern Alliance, but they also learned a secret from Old Man Juetian.

In Jishi Pavilion, there is a group that specializes in doing evil, or some people in Jishi Pavilion have joined an evil force. These doctors who joined that organization will use vicious means to control and torture others, and force them to question their martial arts. It can be said that it completely violated the philosophy of Jishige, and almost went to the opposite extreme with the "doctor's parents' heart"!

If Luo Man hadn't learned a lot of Xun Wu's methods and knew not to startle the snake, he would have already set off to those branches to arrest people.

Of course, another reason was that he didn't know how to speak.

As a doctor and boxer, Roman knew very well that his brain might be useful, but it obviously didn't play a role in management and investigation. If possible, he really hoped that Xun Wu could help him.

But before Xun Wu was busy with Jishi Pavilion, martial arts, and helping Zhang Bumo find the sword... With his cowardly temperament, he was really embarrassed to disrupt Xun Wu's plan, even if Now that Xun Wu has nothing to do, he is also a little hesitant.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Fortunately, Lou Shaoyuan came to the capital because of the martial arts. After Luo Man returned to Beijing with Bao Huaiying, he chatted with Lou Shaoyuan a lot and exchanged opinions. Wait for Xun Wu to calm down and then trouble Xun Wu, then they will solve it together.


I have to admit that although Xun Wu is very powerful, he really doesn't know how to clone himself.

Especially in the previous two times of Xuanji Building and Wuju, a bunch of messy things were pressed on Xun Wu. Even Xun Wu was annoyed enough, so there was no problem with the overall planning.

Everyone needs an external brain, but the brain cannot be shared!

However, this time Xun Wu took the initiative to find Roman, and Roman naturally opened up the conversation and hurriedly talked to Xun Wu.

Xun Wu didn't interrupt him, but after he finished speaking, he turned his head slightly and nodded.

"No problem, there is a way to do this - don't you Jishige come to Yunzhou to get together every few years? I will accompany you then." Xun Wu replied casually.

Roman was overjoyed, clenched his fist with his right hand, and excitedly punched him with a left uppercut in front of him.

Roman actually thought of this too, but it was useless for him to think about it!Now he follows Bao Huaiying and Xun Wu, and even watched Fang Xian's way of doing things. He has learned a lot of management methods, but in less than a year, he, who has basically been practicing medicine for more than 20 years and is a homeless person, can follow so many people. When people talk, they still have to give orders... It's still a bit hard for him, a coward.

Roman has already found a good time - in about two years, Jishi Pavilion will hold a world medical conference to share new technologies, new prescriptions, new cases, etc., and so on. It is a great opportunity for the elders to gather in Yunzhou.

After talking about this matter, Xun Wu finally asked about the main point, which was the matter of Blood Spirit Island.

"The old man told me about the Blood Spirit Island. He traveled all over the world and met everyone, but this Blood Spirit Island was the least detailed... I asked him if he didn't know much about it. He just said that Blood Spirit Island is boring, and he didn't bother to see it."

"It seems to be related to his real disciple, so he is not interested in watching it."

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows.

This... is indeed something that the man in the mirror can do.

The man in the mirror is a person who likes to pursue fun. He has given martial arts to many people in the rivers and lakes, and he is looking forward to the performance of these people after they get martial arts.

But on the other hand... the disciple of the man in the mirror, what kind of person would he be?

If everything goes according to the pace of the person in the mirror, then the person in the mirror will definitely find it boring, and it feels weird when you think about it carefully.

But no matter what the disciple of the man in the mirror is, at least from this aspect, it is only natural that the man in the mirror has no interest in Blood Spirit Island.

He is naturally not interested in familiar things.

However, whether you are interested or not, you still know the general information.

"So that's the case, it really is overseas in Fuzhou."

Xun Wu nodded.

In this way, the size range is reduced even smaller.

Fuzhou is located in the south of Kangzhou, and is located in the coastal area. Many local people go to sea for work and believe in "Mazu". In addition, Fuzhou has many small islands overseas, and even has a rather large sea enclave.

Xun Wu stroked his chin, recalling what Zhou Yun had said before, and recalling the news he got inside the palace today.

No wonder when I met Zhou Yun for the first time, Zhou Yun helped Xun Wu study the Luminous God Cup and said, "I will know what I said"; no wonder Zhou Yun often lives outside the Great Wall, so he would know the news of Blood Spirit Island...

Maybe Mr. Zhou got a lot of information from the Demon Sect when he was fighting the Azure Dragon Star Lord?It is also possible that Zhou Yun has other understandings. In short, it seems that Zhou Yun has indeed dealt with people from Blood Spirit Island.

It's a pity that Zhou Yun obviously didn't directly ask where the residence of Blood Spirit Island was, but he knew a general idea, and more, he actually knew the situation of several masters in Blood Spirit Island.

Judging from intelligence, Blood Spirit Island has at least three first-class masters that Zhou Yun knows. These three people are respectively good at mind, energy, and momentum. The Fa Nianhua Crying Happiness Demon Sutra and the Majestic Heaven and Earth Two Qi Books, each has its own power, each has its own tricks, and each has its amazing features - there is no doubt that they are all martial arts of the man in the mirror.

The kind that has side effects.

Of course, even if there are side effects, it doesn't really matter. As long as the ability and belief are strong enough, the side effects of the exercises created by the people in the mirror are actually useless to their users.

But after this, Xun Wu found it interesting.

You know, the man in the mirror also told him before that the reason why he spent so much time creating the Zhengqi Changge was because he felt that people from the blood spirit side disturbed his enjoyment of watching the show, so he wrote a special course called "Song of Righteousness". Part of the same effect, but more powerful internal strength, taught Xun Wu.

In his opinion, with Xun Wu's jealous nature and the actions of those who disturbed his fun, sooner or later they will meet together and have a bloody fight, then he can have a great time watching.

Intelligence can now be integrated.

Hey——guess what, it turns out that among these people, there are disasters made by the man in the mirror himself!

A happy person finally becomes a happy person, and he was cheated by himself!

When the time comes to know the truth, will the person in the mirror still be happy?Xun Wu was very interested.

After talking about these things, Xun Wu said to Roman again: "By the way, Young Pavilion Master, I will go to the south after a while, and I may even go to sea. I may need your help then."

"Ah? Really?" Roman did not suspect him, and immediately nodded in response.

Xun Wu said goodbye to Roman with a smile, and was going to go back to tidy up, while continuing to think about the methods of targeting the three first-rate masters.

This time, Xun Wu decided to take Roman with him, not because he thought that Roman would be of great help in exploring and finding information, but Xun Wu knew that to determine the exact location of the Blood Spirit Island, he must go to sea.

Xun Wu is not superstitious, but he just thinks that if he brings Roman, even if Roman doesn't help him in the investigation, he might be able to help him when he goes to sea. easy?

Although Xun Wu didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, it was still useful.

When Xun Wu returned to the house, a figure fell from the roof upside down, hung in the room, looked at Xun Wu upside down, folded his arms, and was quite puzzled: "Cat catcher, are you going to the south? Going to Fuzhou?

Is there a big case?Want you to move?

Is there something funny you're keeping from me?It's so weird!talk to me talk to me! "

Ji Lian'er took the initiative to attack.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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