The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 405: The Past Reappears 4K

Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue.

Standing on the wall, no desire is just.

Xun Wu stepped forward lightly and walked a few steps to the shattered high platform.

There is still a large amount of poisonous gas floating on the entire knife casting platform. However, the poisonous gas permeating the air is absolutely unable to fall, as if blocked and isolated by some strange force.

Xun Wu stretched out his hand, and the saber slowly fell into Xun Wu's hand.


The next moment, another burst of fierce knife light erupted above Wuyu, punching out a huge hole in the entire cloud of poisonous gas. Immediately afterwards, the poisonous gas finally stopped gathering and began to slowly spread out.

"If you can't suppress the greed in your heart, the poisonous gas will pour into your body." The old sword king explained in a timely manner.

Xun Wu blinked, feeling nothing wrong at all.

Greed... At least in this era, it should be difficult for him to produce.

Xun Wu held up his saber and watched.

The knife is extremely bright, like a mirror, reflecting Xun Wu's appearance.

However, when we got closer, Xun Wu discovered that this knife was not so "pure white". From the tip of the knife to the handguard where the handle connects, there is a long, unobvious and non-flashing The bright purple lines separated them. Xun Wu turned over the front and back, and found that there was this purple line on both sides.

"That's a scorpion spirit." The old sword king explained to Xun Wu by the way, "Famous swords and swords naturally have spirits, but its situation is a bit special. It was mixed with a lot of blood and carapaces of zerg, and was once resented by the swarm. Full of toxins, the sword spirit is also somewhat different.

Moreover, this sword is already very strong... To be honest, even now, I don't have the confidence to break it easily. The spirituality of the sword is naturally stronger than ordinary famous swords... This is as real as it is The purple energy that appeared was the manifestation of the sword spirit.


Right now, it is an empty shell that needs to be reawakened by you and allowed to grow through the years. "

After hearing this, Xun Wu immediately understood the deep meaning of the old sword king's words, solemnly raised the sword with both hands, and bowed respectfully.

"I don't want to... I can participate in such a legendary event at this time... It's really a worthwhile trip." The Eighth Prince, who had been joining in the fun, couldn't help but sigh.

Witnessing the birth of a master, or witnessing the birth of a magic soldier, no matter what it is, it is enough to brag in the Jianghu. What's more, with a master, a catcher who is likely to become a true legend Work together to forge a magic knife...

In the future, there is one more card for being the leader of the martial arts!

Xun Wu hung up the sword, thanked him a few more words, and then wanted to discuss with the old sword king again, but at this time, those swordsmen who were helping rushed forward in a swarm, some began to congratulate Xun Wu, some wanted to Looking at the treasured sword up close, some quickly congratulated the old sword king.

Congratulations to the old sword king for becoming a master is the most.

After all, Xun Wu is very powerful, and the magic sword looks quite unparalleled, but if these things are compared with a master who has just broken through... then it is not worth mentioning.

Xun Wuqiang is Xun Wu's business, Dao Qiang and they are not swordsmen, but the master... then it will definitely help them.

Besides, even Xun Wu himself was very curious.

This was the first time he had seen the birth of a guru.

He saw it with his own eyes, that kind of scene where the heavens and the earth are united, the inner energy is like a sea, and the scene of returning to youth, really can't help the curiosity in his heart.

To be honest, the old knife king cut a big ditch with a stick last night, and cut the house in half at once. In fact, it is not something that a first-class master can do. Even if Xun Wu has full energy , It is true that a ditch can be cut, but it is certainly not as deep and long as the old sword king.

Therefore, according to Xun Wu's conjecture, the old sword king may have ceased to be "top-notch" last night, and it was only today that he completely became a master.

Xun Wu looked at the old sword king again.

The old sword king's demeanor didn't seem agitated, and even looked extremely calm.

His appearance was quite different from before, he had no hunched look at all, he looked extremely strong, it was impossible to tell, last night he looked like he was going to be put into a coffin at any time.

His hair was spread out, his muscles were bulging, and he looked strong and mighty, as expected of a generation of heroes.

Xun Wu has seen quite a few master-level masters.

The appearance of the Grandmaster is actually different, not everyone will look as energetic as Emperor Shengwu, like that Duan Long, who is clearly in his forties, but now just looking at his appearance, he looks seventy or eighty.

Master Chen, who is also a master, doesn't have any muscles, and his figure is very thin, but his eyes are very energetic.

Even the master is still a human being. Although the saying "a phase arises from the heart" is mysterious, it does have some truth.

Like Emperor Shengwu, who is in his seventies, but still works until late at night, nine or ten hours a day, and strives to build the country in his heart.Although Duan Long is only in his forties, his mentality is very sad, and he sighs for all the joys and sorrows of time, so he looks older.

The old knife king is getting stronger and younger now, so naturally there must be a change in mood.

However, he didn't show much, just calmly answered the swordsmen's questions, and slowly explained some things about internal strength and internal energy. People also woke up suddenly, feeling that they had learned a lot.

Finally, after half a day passed, all the swordsmen finally had nothing to ask. When they closed their brows and thought deeply, the old swordsman spoke again.

"Stand up."

A group of people shivered, pricked up their ears, and looked at the old knife king.

"You were invited to my Cangfeng Island to participate in the reception, but you didn't want to make such a crime. I will apologize to you."


"I can't make it—"

"Senior, let me wait!"

A group of people shook their heads quickly.


Don't mention other things, let's not say that this matter has nothing to do with the old sword king. Even if it is related, it is not easy for a grand master to apologize to you.

In fact, there used to be an extremely ancient tradition in the arena - humility and etiquette.

When an old-timer gives you something or apologizes to you, you should first say something like "you will not be rewarded for no merit" and "absolutely not".

At this time, the old man will praise you as a "good man", and then continue to give gifts and apologize.

At this time, you have to reply "this thing is very precious" or "the predecessors are not at fault" and then continue with a sentence that does not need to be so.

And the old man will naturally say "young and promising" again and then take the third action.

Only at this time can the younger generation say "I dare not say goodbye" and then respectfully take the gift with both hands, and then respectfully bow twice to express my thanks; and if the senior expresses thanks, they must show pain, as if letting the old Like hurt.

Of course, nowadays, many "etiquette" in the world are not so particular.

For example, saluting in the arena, competing in martial arts, exchanging swordsmanship, etc., there are actually many "etiquettes", but the greater the development of the world, the less these things are remembered. Now, many etiquettes have actually disappeared. up.

But.. when the guru apologizes to you, you better be honest.

Because it's not a big deal for ordinary seniors, everyone is from the rivers and lakes, and time is very tight.

But the Grandmaster...he's very likely to beat you to half-mutilation without any fuss.

What's more, this old senior just experienced the disciple's massacre of other disciples the day before... You must be a bit cowardly.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Besides, the old sword king is really not wrong, saying that Potian is also ignorant of people and didn't manage his disciples well, but he was almost in the coffin before, can you still force the old man?

"Everyone, you don't need to do this." Although the old sword king has only been in the rivers and lakes for three years, his knowledge is not low, and he said quietly, "You come to me, besides drinking, you are naturally passing down the sword for the sect. It's a pity... That evil barrier will not be able to fight against you today."

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay.

" don't need to care about it." He said slowly, "When you leave, the old man will hold the sword, come to the door one by one to apologize, and return the noble sword."

What! ?

Many people were shocked.

A promise from the master is as valuable as a thousand pieces of gold, so naturally he wouldn't joke with them.

That is to say, a grand master is about to be welcomed inside their gate! ?

And still holding the martial arts sword?

You don't want to pick our whole sect, do you?

Many people are worried.

However, soon, they felt that there was nothing...

After all, the old sword king is different from that bastard surnamed Zhong. He is a person who truly keeps his promise. Back then, he won the martial arts contest with dignity.

Since the old sword king said today that he wants to return to the sword, it is naturally true.

In any case, establishing a relationship with a master is always a great thing.

Just like that, the three-day reception barely came to a successful conclusion.

The only imperfect...

"Senior." After most of the swordsmen had left, apart from the disciples of Cangfeng Island, there were only Xun Wu and his party, Mr. Feng and his party, and the Eighth Prince's party left on Zangfeng Island.

At this time, Xun Wu spoke again.

"Catcher Xun still has questions?"

Xun Wu hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Senior said that he wants to return the sword...what's the plan here?"

The old sword king closed his eyes, as if he was remembering, after a while, he glanced at Qing'e who was clumsily comforting his juniors and juniors, his eyes finally softened.

At least, at least... There is also a caring disciple.

He sighed again, rather melancholy.

Looking at the mountain gate, all sorts of things seemed to flash through my mind.

He has lived in these mountains for 45 years, except for the three years when he left briefly, almost completely spent in the mountains.

He endured this kind of anguish, suffering from the silence of his sword skills, and after suffering such hardship, he naturally thought of freedom.

But he knows better that he still needs to take responsibility.

He is the only one in his generation, but it doesn't mean that all his juniors and juniors are dead.

If he gave up his duties, then his master, Zang Fengdao, must choose another person. As a big brother and successor, he naturally has to protect other disciples.

He took it for granted.

As a big senior brother, he should protect his juniors and juniors, so when he became the master, he let all his juniors and juniors leave the mountain gate, and don't stay with him in the mountain for the rest of his life.

It's a pity... It's a matter of course, but Zhong Xiu obviously doesn't have it.

Moreover, there was also a kind of anger, a kind of resentment in his heart, and he finally came to his senses and let go of his anger until he was still unable to cut off the magic knife.

Fortunately, Xun Wu showed him Master Chen's sword-slashing technique, which relieved his resentment.

And when he became a master, he naturally had only one thought—that is, he must never let Zangfeng Island, or anyone else, suffer from their sect again.

Forever, once and for all, solve the magic knife.

The result is this.

"Most of my disciples are orphans, but some of them are children of the mountain people here..." The old sword king looked at the disciples on the side, and lamented in his heart, "I want to be accompany them to the end One way, to apologize to the people here... In the future, I should find a few more disciples to inherit my martial arts from Zangfeng Island.

Well... they have to cultivate their virtues well.

However, at that time, they will no longer hide in this mountain. "

The eighth prince secretly sighed in his heart, such a great thing as picking up the master for nothing is really impossible.

Xun Wu, Young Master Feng and others bowed again.

The weight of the word "grand master" is really not that simple.

Many Jianghu people actually don't have much respect and attention to ordinary people, but this is definitely not the case with the old sword king.

Something happened here, Xun Wu was about to say goodbye to the old sword king, Zhang Bumo hesitated for a moment, but didn't speak.

However, the old sword king was real, and before they left, he stopped them again: "Wait a little longer."

The old knife king looked at Zhang Bumo and said to him: "What about returning to the bird... do you want to take it away now, or talk about it when I come to the door in the future?

Although you haven't confronted that evil barrier, but just looking at what happened yesterday, it is not difficult for you to defeat him. "

Zhang Bumo thought for a moment, picked up the sword, hesitated, and asked, "Senior, can this sword...can be forged?"

Xun Wu told him about the situation of the old sword king last night, and he saw the old sword king recast the magic weapon, knowing that he is not only a master, but also a master craftsman who is good at constructing swords.

Although the situation of Gui Niao and Wu Yu is different, and it is impossible to fix it by knocking, but showing the old sword king, there must be some conclusions and suggestions.

The old sword king looked at the broken sword, touched his chin, thought for a moment, and shook his head: "If these and that piece are forged into one blade, they will no longer be returning birds, and even the spirituality may not be preserved."

Zhang Bumo clenched his fist gently.

After all, it was too broken, and some were missing.

"However, there are a few sword sects I'm going to go to next, and there are magic irons and strange objects hidden in the door... However, these things are definitely not something you can get with just opening your mouth."

Zhang Bumo was taken aback for a moment, and turned his head to look at Xun Wu.

Xun Wu was one step ahead of him, and said, "Senior, can you let Bu Mo follow you back to the sword?"

Zhang Bumo was stunned again, turned around completely, looked at Xun Wu, opened his mouth and said, "Xun Boutou?"

"Last year, I was entrusted by an old swordsman to lead Bumo to increase his knowledge... Now that Bumo's swordsmanship has been completed, and he has a general idea of ​​the arresting affairs, it is time to take the next step."

Zhang Bumo was completely silent.

For more than half a year, he had fantasized about saying goodbye to Xun Wu many times, but he never expected that it would be Xun Wu who would take the initiative to speak.

But the meaning of Guigui Bird to him and Dongshan School is also very important, and it is impossible for him to let the old Dao Wang stop by to help him collect materials-that would obviously make an inch, so naturally he still has to take the initiative to collect materials.

What Xun Wu said was actually what he hesitated, but Xun Wu, as always, made the right choice for him quickly and miraculously quickly.

But this is not what he wants.

The old knife king stroked his beard silently. After a while, he suddenly remembered something and glanced at Zhang Bumo and Xun Wu.


He suddenly laughed loudly, making everyone confused.

"Okay, I promise you."

After he finished laughing, he turned to Zhang Bumo and said, "Don't leave any regrets."

Zhang Bumo was stunned again, and then took a breath as if he had suddenly realized.

He solemnly stood in front of Xun Wu, clasped his fists at Xun Wu, and said, "Captor Xun, can you compete with me?"

" is good!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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