Longyuan is the sword of honesty and purity, also known as the Seven Stars, which is the sword of will.

Legend has it that after Longyuan sword is completed, looking down at the sword body is like looking down into the abyss from a high place. It is ethereal and deep, as if there is a giant dragon lying on it, so it is called Longyuan.

The Longyuan in Zhang Bumo's hands is a new sword forged by the people of later generations with more advanced technology and materials, using ancient methods. Although it does not have the legendary spirituality, the exploration of the mind is by no means inferior to the original Longyuan.

Xun Wu has a giant sword in his left hand and a long sword in his right hand. The swords and swords are used together, the sword performs the sword technique, and the sword performs the sword moves. The moves are deadly and amazing everywhere.

Longyuan can amplify the user's "sword intent", and can even completely irradiate the image of a person's mind into the world of mind image.

That day, Zhang Bumo, the champion of martial arts, wore a red robe and rode a tall horse to parade through the streets to praise officials, but in his heart he wanted to rely on sword intent to create a martial arts arena in his heart. Although he did not succeed at that time, but now, he and Xun Wu worked together to explore, It is also effective.

In this world of mental imagery, one can almost completely imitate the majestic aura of Dongyue where Zhang Bumo lives. Standing on the martial arts arena, feeling the faint clouds drifting by, his heart is filled with countless lofty ambitions.

Of course - it doesn't help.

In this world of mind images, sword energy, sword power, and weapons can only be produced by relying on will, and the stronger the will, the more it resembles the real appearance of the outside world.

But it's still just a look.

In the world of mental imagery, there is no power, only skill!



Zhong Xiu held a long sword with one hand. The shape of the long sword was distorted and changed from time to time. It was not fixed and could not see its true shape. He held the handle of the knife with both hands and slashed at Xun Wu frantically.

However, no matter how much energy he used, no matter how chaotic his swing was, he couldn't stop Xun Wu at all. He was blocked by Xun Wu, and then he used long knives and big swords to attack him.

"Impossible! How is it possible!"

Zhong Xiu yelled frantically.

The thing in his hand is naturally not a "scorpion fairy", but what Xun Wu holds is not a giant sword or an ink knife. The two of them are using the most common weapons. Since Feng Daowang, someone who is enough to fight Zhang Bumo with a hundred moves has the upper hand!

But why!

Why do I swing the knife slower, why I can't catch some moves, why I can't use some moves!


Another cut was made in his stomach.

He was even more flustered.

The world of mental images is just a mental illusion, just a "battle in the mind". Even if the two of them compete with hundreds of moves, the outside world may only pass a few breaths, and it will not affect his current situation.

But... if you get hurt in this world, when you wake up, these scars will also appear on your body.

Although this level of sword intent is not enough to kill people, it is still unacceptable for Zhong Xiu to directly injure the body by crossing the inner energy.

He shouted angrily, and rushed forward again, but the result did not change at all. Xun Wu caught the opportunity with a few moves and chopped off his shoulder.


Pillars of blood!

Zhong Xiu let out a cry of pain and rolled on the ground.

A series of blows finally gave him time to examine himself.

Although this is not reality, his right arm is still the same as in reality, twisted and purple, and the muscles have become extremely weird.

His body and mind were infected and corroded by the power of the magic knife. Although he thought he had become the new master of the magic knife, the reality was not like that.

In just half an hour, his body had already been changed by the magic knife. If it took longer, not to mention his right hand, even his whole body would turn into an inhuman and ghost-like appearance.

The change in the body does not necessarily affect the spirit of the person, but it will definitely affect the state of the person. In just half an hour, Zhong Xiu felt that his right hand was not his own at all, and the various sword moves before had become extremely extreme. unnatural.

this is normal.

The human body is a precise machine, and a human being is also a life of "inertia".

The arms that have been used for more than 20 years suddenly changed and broke. No matter who it is, it takes a long time to get used to it and use it well.

Now, Zhong Xiu can still compare with Xun Wu in this mental image. If after a period of time, he is completely infected by the magic knife, then he will become a person who can't use anything except the magic knife. Unplayable, a real piece of trash.

At that time, is he a martial artist in the rivers and lakes, or a sword holder?

Besides, even now, it's about the same.

Of course, Xun Wu didn't care about these things, and he didn't even bother to explain to him, let alone persuade him.

After a long time, but only for a moment, like a broken mirror, the world of Xun Wu and Zhong Xiu - shattered.

Xun Wu leaned forward and almost tripped. Fortunately, he had practiced secluded foot kung fu all the year round, so he was extremely sensitive. He hurriedly took a step back, stood in a non-toxic belt, and looked at Zhong Xiu coldly.

On the other side, Zhong Xiu didn't have such a strong reaction as him. He was hit directly, rolled over, and rolled back twice. Not only that, after the two left the world of sword intent, Zhong Xiu's body also exploded instantly. Although these wounds are not deep and not fatal, if they add up, they will still lead to death.

"Huh...huh..." Both Zhong Xiu and Xun Wu panted heavily.

Although it was only for a moment, the consumption of the two of them in this moment is not insignificant.

Every time Xun Wu hits, every time he cuts each other, it is a strong burden for Xun Wu, because every trace of poisonous gas needs Xun Wu to consume internal energy to dissolve, otherwise there is a risk of infection.

As for Zhong Xiu, although the internal energy is almost endless now, this internal energy cannot repair his body. If the injuries he suffers reach a certain threshold, he will be unable to sustain the circulation of the poisonous gas in his body at all, and he will be destroyed by then. Paralyzed by the poisonous gas, he could only lie down and wait to die.

Zhong Xiu shrinks back.

"It's not necessary, it's not necessary—how about it, Xun Wu, you take your Yangguan Road, and I cross my single-plank bridge. I just want to leave this mountain. I promise, I will definitely not go to a place with many people, just change the place a little—how about Is it okay to go to other countries? Yingzhou! Yes, I will go to Yingzhou to help you kill demons and teach people, how about it!

Yue Rushou also fled there, I can help you find her! "

Xun Wu breathed a sigh of relief again, looked up at him, and slowly turned the hilt of Juque's sword, and then without hesitation, against the poisonous gas, he charged at Zhong Xiu again!

Xun Wu has already fully understood all of Zhong Xiu's situation, so there is no need to waste any more words!

There is nothing left to talk about!

He can't let Zhong Xiu run around and harm other innocent people!

Zhang Bumo couldn't get close, and the others couldn't stand above the poisonous gas. Since only Xun Wu could stand up, then Xun Wu would never back down!



It was another scream. Zhong Xiu, who obviously possessed stronger power and stronger martial arts, was actually afraid of Xun Wu, a person who was far inferior to him in both internal energy and sword intent, and couldn't help but backed up a few steps. .

Xun Wu wanted to die with him!

How dare he!

how he...

At this moment, the sound of staggering footsteps, accompanied by the sound of a crutch hitting the ground, resounded beside Xun Wu.

Xun Wu couldn't help supporting the ground with his sword, panting heavily, and turned his head to look.

Zhong Xiu was also shocked and turned his head away.

I saw that the old sword king was trembling, swaying left and right in the wind and poisonous gas, and came to this place hanging and hanging.

"Master...Master..." Zhong Xiu shuddered and looked at the old sword king tremblingly.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Evil... evil!!" The old sword king trembled with anger.

Xun Wu kept his voice calm and did not speak.

"Master...I...I..." Although it is not a thing, Zhong Xiu still left a little bit of humanity after seeing the old sword king who is like his own father.

"Look at what has been done!" The old sword king held up his walking stick and pointed around tremblingly.

Zangfeng Island was already in ruins, and the blood and filth covered the entire mountain gate like ghosts.

Zhong Xiu lowered his head, not daring to speak.

"Senior... your other disciples..." Xun Wu didn't say it directly, but just hoped that the old sword king could hold on.

"You!! You—what!!" The old sword king heard Xun Wu's words, and immediately figured it out.

No one knows everything about the entire Tibetan Feng Island better than him, and he naturally knows how to unseal it. When he heard Xun Wu say that, he almost staggered and fell down, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Poor complexion, even paler.

"Master!" Zhong Xiu couldn't help stretching out his hand when he saw the old sword king's appearance, and wanted to help him from a distance, but the old sword king snorted coldly, supported his crutches, and turned his head away.

He froze in place, then his expression became more gloomy and ferocious, and he took out something from his bosom.

Yes, the Luminous Cup.

"Master, when I was young, you told me that if I get this cup, you will grant my three wishes. I have made two wishes at random. Now, I beg you to stop Xun Wu and the others and let the disciples live." Go on...free to live, please!

I...I really don't want to spend my whole life alone in this mountain! "

The air seemed to be quiet all of a sudden.

Old Swordsman, is he strong?


Outrageously strong.

The poisonous gas that made Xun Wu and others feel fearful and thorny, when it was about to hit the old sword king, it seemed to be a mouse that encountered a cat, or a rabbit that encountered an eagle.

People treat others based on first impressions, but things don't.

The old sword king couldn't help hesitating for a moment when he heard his disciple's words.

Xun Wu gasped for a while, and seeing this scene, he said in a calm voice, "Senior, if you let him go, you will cause all people to ignore you!"

"What are the peoples not the peoples!" Zhong Xiu saw that the master was a little loose, and laughed, "The master was forced to go back to this mountain to guard... haha, now that I am gone, there will be no need to go to Zangfeng Island in the future." How nice it is to stay here."

Zhong Xiu has always had a deep shadow about this.

In his opinion, his masters and ancestors were all first-class heroes in the Jianghu for generations. The martial arts of their sect is definitely not a "medium sect" that can be described, and it is accompanied by natural talents, earth treasures, and magical weapons. A sharp weapon should have a place in the rivers and lakes, called a holy place, and a famous school.

But what about the real situation?

Not many people in the whole Jianghu knew Zangfeng Island. Even his once invincible master could only nest on this small mountain peak, sitting withered every day, wasting his time, and being a hero in his twilight years.

He is afraid, afraid that he will be far worse than his master himself, and will suffer more. When he grows old, he will be lonely and die a tragic death. Even though the old sword king never asked him to be more powerful, he still forces himself to work hard crazily.

This is the tragedy of Zangfeng Island, a disaster he absolutely does not want to face.

The old sword king closed his eyes, lost in thought.

A group of swordsmen who were watching from the side couldn't help but chattered.

"Old man... do you want to regret the second time?"

The old sword king opened his eyes in an instant, and his aura suddenly changed. His hunched body became more and more straight. The fire, the mountain wind, the poisonous gas, everything, all detoured under his majestic and terrifying aura. With just a light step, the poisonous gas that had spread to most of the room shook the whole room, as if it had been hit by an earthquake.

"It's over—" Some people couldn't help muttering in a low voice, and collapsed to the ground.

Xun Wu was not afraid at all, and still faced the old sword king.

He also wanted to understand the fierce fighting that night.

"You told me that you fought fiercely with Sect Master Chen back then, and in the end it was called victory, but it was actually a failure, and it seems that you have been regretting it all the time.

But when I think about it now, it's not like that——

Before you broke up with Sect Leader Chen, you said that your arms are useless to you and your limbs are redundant to you. At first, I thought that you were unwilling to take advantage of Sect Leader Chen because of such things. "

The aura of the old sword king was even more terrifying, shaking all the poisonous gas and fire gas against the wall, sweeping away the entire road, and cleared a road leading directly to Xun Wu and Zhong Xiu.

"But, now, I have fully understood!"

Xun Wu clenched his fists, looked at the old sword king, and said slowly: "You are not suffering because of losing, not because you are not winning, but because you will never be able to leave this mountain. It hurts to apologize personally, and it hurts to travel for three years but still can't find a solution!"


Xun Wu put on a posture silently.

A strange gesture that looks like a knife and a sword: "That's why you have studied it for more than 20 years-Zhandaojian!"


Soaring air, covering the sky!

Zhong Xiu finally realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly turned around, trying to escape.

"Xun Butou, I have a request, not just yes or no."

"You say."

"I want to give him a good time."

Xun Wu let out a sigh of regret: "You...please."

"No-no-no-no, no, master...Master!!!"

Zhong Xiu was originally forced to run away by Xun Wu, but now he heard the words from his master, he suddenly became vicious, and urged all the poisonous gas that was blown away to gather in his body, wanting to attack Xun Wu and the old sword king. wave away.

"Then...then you go to die!!!"

The old sword king's face was as sinking as water, he slowly raised his crutches, and slashed at him vertically.

Demon Sword Scorpion Immortal, regarded as an invincible and peerless sword by the masters of Zangfeng Island in the past.

But what the old sword king held was just a wooden walking stick.

Of course, a strong sword may not necessarily be strong.

Poisonous gas came all over the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The old sword king looked at the sky, but he seemed to see all kinds of things in the past.

The madness of youth, the annoyance of parting, the pain of guarding the mountain, the depression of middle age, the torment of old age... and the despair when seeing the Scorpion Fairy.

His life seems to have no color, all experiences will lead to tragedy, one after another experience, like a movie screen, floated before his eyes, and finally, it fell on a young man who was upright and never backed down.


He sighed.

The invincible courage, decades of accumulation, and countless years of tempering, the huge and frightening sword and internal energy surged out like chariots, shells, and warships, not only tearing up the sky, but also tearing apart the sky. It made the whole world tremble. In a very short period of time, Xun Wu and the others could only see black and white!

Whether it's knife air, gravel, poisonous gas, broken walls, everything, after being swept by his moves, will be divided into two, leaving only a smooth cut surface.

"Wow..." In front of this knife, Zhong Xiu didn't even have a chance to react or resist, so he was directly cut in half vertically. Except for the scorpion fairy in his hand, everything in front of the old sword king was cut. It was split into two halves!Leaving behind a gully that spreads for an unknown number of meters!

"Hundreds of years of entanglement should be settled."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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