At this moment, Prince's Mansion.

Duan Long rubbed his head and walked out of the room while supporting his crutches.

As soon as he left the house, he saw Jiang Yun who had just rushed back.

"Brother Jiang." Duan Long said slowly.

"...Your Highness?" Jiang Yun asked.

Duan Long shook his head.

"Really..." Jiang Yun was silent for a long time.

"You look a little tired, don't you think about taking a break?" Jiang Yun looked at Duan Long's haggard look, and couldn't help but say again.

"Even a master is a human being after all. Twelve hours of uninterrupted calculation, assistance, and derivation will consume most of his energy." Jiang Yun looked at Duan Long and said that there was nothing Xun Wu could do. Things to understand.

How on earth could this prince calculate the entire capital so accurately?

How did a prince with such poor health manage without the assistance of a future computer?

The reason is very simple - Duan Long was there to assist during the entire twelve hours, which made it so accurate!

Of course, although Duan Long is a grandmaster with amazing computing power, he is not a machine after all, and he is not good at this kind of thing. It is only because he was the chief of the big faction and the head coach for 20 years that he can barely complete it.

Xun Wu didn't know the greatness of the master, so he could only attribute everything that happened in the capital to the prince, but there was no difference.

"It's only twelve o'clock, even if I don't sleep, I can still fight!" Duan Long replied without hesitation.

Jiang Yun couldn't help frowning.

He let out a long sigh.

"Forget it." Jiang Yun didn't ask any more questions.

"Where are your highness's father-in-law and cousin?" Duan Long didn't intend to stop after that, and immediately asked.

Hearing this, Jiang Yun nodded and began to explain the situation.

And the people they mentioned are naturally very simple...


That is, the emperor's mother and concubine's natal family.

If you don’t have a deep impression, let me mention one more thing here-when Emperor Shengwu first succeeded to the throne, the first thing he had to face was the powerful officials who controlled the government.

And what Emperor Shengwu relied on was the queen's family who used their power to overthrow the powerful ministers, thus holding the right to speak.

After that, Emperor Shengwu abolished the empress without hesitation. To this day, there is only Emperor Shengwu in the prosperous Jin Dynasty, and there is no "empress".

This is also Emperor Shengwu's second step, "destroying foreign relatives" after "killing powerful officials".

But please note that things like foreign relatives can never be completely destroyed.

After all, it is impossible for Emperor Shengwu to kill all his natal family every time he accepts a concubine, right?

How brutal and cruel was that?


Although there are not many members of the prince's mother clan, they can still move around in the capital.

At the same time, the crown prince's wife, the late crown princess, naturally also had a background.

A long time ago, this group of people didn't dare to set foot in the capital, but under the influence of the prince, they grew stronger and stronger, and gradually became eccentric.

Moreover, Ye Yong's position as the crown prince is unbreakable, and those who come to "invest" will naturally inevitably get involved with the prince's relatives.

Now, what they want to see the most is naturally the crown prince's succession to the throne, but seeing that the prince's body is getting weaker and weaker, and the things they have invested in the prince are about to lose their money, so it is naturally impossible to let it go.

Even if the prince is willing to give up and does not want to compete for the throne, this group of people will definitely set up the prince's son to compete and fight.

Because they can't afford "losing money"!

These people are the ones who have contributed the most to the prince, and they are also the ones who have given the most attention to this matter.

The second batch...of course it is...

"You two, are you ready?" Just as the two were discussing, a fat man with a white face and big ears came over from the other side of the door.

Bodhi Temple, Little Maitreya, good time!

This kind-faced smiling tiger, after killing his uncle the night before, immediately managed to contact the prince by sending a letter through a pigeon. Through the power of the prince, he came to the capital one step at a time.

He was a little excited.

He was naturally excited that the long-cherished wish of the abbots for many years was finally coming true.

Duan Long glanced at him, but didn't say anything.

"Master, you can go now."

Naturally, it was impossible for the monks to bring them here. With so many monks, there was no way for Shanshi to dismiss them or bring them to the capital, so Shanshi threw them into the mountains and let them confront the imperial army and heavy crossbow guards, which wasted time.

After all, his main status in the prince's place is "chief of the staff". Although there are no monks and soldiers, there are still many people from the Jianghu who can be used by him.

After hearing Duan Long's affirmation, Shanshi was a little excited, and walked to another room without hesitation, ready to lead someone.

"Brother Jiang... Please take a step first." Duan Long waited until Shanshi disappeared before he turned around and said to Jiang Yun again.

Jiang Yun narrowed his dark eyes slowly, then nodded lightly: "Okay."

He is the Prince's Shao Fu, and theoretically he can be regarded as the prince's teacher, but in fact, the prince and him are more friends.

In fact, among the three most beneficial helpers of the prince, only Shanshi is purely of interest, and Duan Long and Jiang Yun are the best friends of the prince.

Before becoming an official in the court, Jiang Yun was once the "No. [-] Hero in the World". In his era of wandering, there were no "Four Great Princes in the World", only the No. [-] Hero in the World!

Jiang Yun's appearance is extremely vicious, and he doesn't look like a good person, but Jiang Yun is able to change the opinions of most people in the arena through his own management and hard work, and let all the people he has helped, without hesitation Believe in this sinister and cunning person, let them break away from the stereotype of themselves... This is Jiang Yun's strength!

He is not a person who is good at talking, not a person who is good at disguising, not a person who is rich in the world, not a person with superb martial arts, but he is a person who can give his heart and make people believe in him!

He bid farewell to Duan Long, then turned around, ready to activate his power, at this moment, a voice sounded slowly.


He froze for a moment.

Just when he was melancholy and worried about finding out his weapon, he heard this sound.

He turned around slowly, holding the sword in one hand, behind his back, looking at his disciple.

Hua Wuji, one of the four great sons of Jianghu, Xun Wu's friend and Bai Yupan's brother.

Xun Wu didn't know the situation of the prince's mansion, and Bai Yupan didn't know much about the prince's secrets, but they both had a mutual friend, so they could naturally call out to help find out.

But Hua Wuji is not as stupid as the two of them imagined...

In other words, after staying for such a long time, he has already noticed something, but he has been unable to believe it, and he is not willing to believe the truth.

After all, he is not the two professionals Xun Wu and Bai Yupan, nor does he have the courage of Xun Wu to send relatives and friends to prison without hesitation.

He took a deep breath: "Master, I have done a lot of things for His Highness these years, and even protected people from the Devil's Cult. You tell me that this is all to maintain the world of Shengjin... Tell me, Is it real."

Jiang Yun looked at Hua Wuji, and couldn't help stroking his long beard with his hand: "Master has never lied to you."

Hua Wuji gritted his teeth.

"But you actually want to rebel!" Hua Wuji suddenly shouted excitedly, "Is rebellion also a matter of maintaining the prosperous Jin world!?"

Jiang Yun looked at his disciple and said slowly, "Yes."

Hua Wuji was stunned.

He gritted his teeth and immediately drew out his long sword.

"You came here because Xun Wu or Bai Yupan reminded you, right?"

"So what if Xun Wu asked me to come here!" Hua Wuji's hands trembled a little. He didn't dare to attack his master, but the righteousness in his heart seemed to give him infinite courage, allowing him to take more and more. stable.

Bai Yupan was transferred by Zuodu Yushi before, even Xun Wu couldn't find him, and of course he didn't have time to find Hua Wuji, so naturally only Xun Wu came to him for help.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but sighed again: "Since this is the case, then Xun Wu should have told you that if you encounter any situation, you should run away immediately?"

Hua Wuji was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Obviously, although Hua Wuji wasn't the type to use his brain, he couldn't calm down at critical moments.

If he had listened to Xun Wu's words, it might still be useful.

But at this time, he had to face his master.

His right hand flipped, and the long sword spun, stabbing at Jiang Yun like pieces of falling flowers.

Obviously, in the past six months, it's not that Hua Wuji hasn't made progress, because he had the experience of being killed by Lu Fugui with two moves in Jingzhou. During this period of time, Hua Wuji's internal energy growth is still second. Wuji no longer attaches so much importance to image and power as before.

Although this move still has some pure "special effects", it is definitely more than twice as strong as half a year.In other words, it was far higher than the power of Shuang Manqiu's standard sword!

Of course!


No one specially dubbed it, and Hua Wuji didn't even see Jiang Yun's movements clearly.

He only saw that Jiang Yun's right hand seemed to flicker for a moment, and the sword behind his back seemed to shake for a moment, and his foil sword was chopped into pieces in an instant.

Quick Sword!

The fast sword is so fast that people can't see it!

It was so fast that even Hua Wuji, a first-class master, couldn't see clearly, he just thought it was the shadow's fast sword!

one move--

With just one move, Hua Wuji was defeated.

He didn't have time to be in a daze, he gritted his teeth, let go of his hand, the hilt in his hand fell obliquely with the gravity, while his hand continued to stab at the master without hesitation.

Hundred Flowers Palm!

However, what was faster than him was a series of sword shadows!


Countless flower petals radiated from his body. These tools that Hua Wuji had hidden in his body and sprinkled down to stir up the atmosphere when necessary, were stabbed all over by Jiang Yun in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the sky was filled with blood!

Hua Wuji raised his head, he couldn't believe it.

what happened...


He looked at Jiang Yun.

What you usually use is not these martial arts——

He fell to the ground, hit his head with a bang, and then lost consciousness.

"Silly boy..." Jiang Yun looked at his unconscious disciple, and couldn't help shaking his head, "Didn't I always teach you, don't you believe in the martial arts shown by others?"

He bent down and pulled Hua Wuji up.

He naturally understood Hua Wuji's character, so Xun Wu should also understand somewhat, right?

It seems that Xun Wu thought of a trick to delay our time on purpose.

That's right - Xun Wu himself doesn't know how many cards the prince has, but Xun Wu's friends, besides Luo Man, Shuang Manqiu, etc., are Hua Wuji.

Xun Wu actually doesn't like Hua Wuji's character very much.But Hua Wuji is a person that Xun Wu can trust.

Back then in Yinzhou, the battle between Xun Wu, Hua Wuji, Luo Man, Lou Shaoyuan and his party against Jue Tian and Lu Fugui was not too thrilling, but it was still exciting and made them feel better about each other. , is a true life and death friend.

People in the world come in all shapes and sizes. Although Xun Wu doesn't like Hua Wuji's character, he has a solid relationship with Hua Wuji and is a true friend. He naturally thinks of asking Hua Wuji to help him find out.

It's just that Xun Wu couldn't figure out the situation inside the Prince's Mansion. Naturally, he couldn't infer the possibility of Hua Wuji's follow-up, but he expected that Hua Wuji's life would not be in danger, so he dared to look for him.

Obviously, although Xun Wu's action did not cause too much trouble to the Prince's Mansion, Jiang Yun still couldn't help but sigh.

In a situation where he didn't know anything, didn't know anything, and had no information at all, Xun Wu was able to find an opportunity in an instant. In just one day, he was investigating and finding ways to hinder their actions. He really deserved to be a prince valued people.


Although he really wanted to leave Hua Wuji here directly to gain more time, Jiang Yun just hesitated for a while before dismissing the idea.

After all, this is the disciple he raised since he was a child, and he is closer than his own son. Of course, he will not just let Hua Wuji lie on his back and bleed.

And just after that, at the corner between Ouchi and the Imperial Palace, a group of people slowly came to a corner intersection.

At this moment, Shuang Manqiu is holding a sword, playing the game of "jumping grid" by himself in front of a door, entertaining himself.

Although Xun Wu asked her for help, no one passed by here, so Shuang Manqiu relaxed his vigilance a little, just drew a few grids on the ground and played around by himself.

But obviously, her existence has affected some people's plans.

However, they were in no hurry.

Sure enough, not long after, the two maids walked up to Shuang Manqiu: "Sister Shuang, Your Highness is looking for you—"

"Oh—okay..." Shuang Manqiu nodded subconsciously when she heard it, and was about to step away, but then she shuddered, "Wait——no, no, I have something important to do now, so I can't leave."

"Ah?" A maid in a blue dress looked at Shuang Manqiu, a little surprised, "Sister Shuang, it's Your Highness Zhenji looking for you, not the others..."

"I have something to do—" Shuang Manqiu rubbed the back of her neck, and turned her head to the side with some embarrassment.

Looking at the grid around Shuang Manqiu, the two maids looked strange.

What's the matter, the Frost Guard and Her Royal Highness are having trouble?

"What's going on..." The group of people who saw this scene couldn't help frowning, "Shuang Manqiu didn't listen to the princess' order?"


"Is there another policy?"

Several people exchanged quickly.

The more sophisticated the plan, the easier it is to collapse if something goes wrong in a certain link. Therefore, the prince's side can be said to have a lot of backup plans, especially those who know what happened, and they know the bottom line. Almost every team has Several strategies.

"How could there be—how could Shuang Manqiu not listen to Her Royal Highness?!"

They can't believe it.

At the same time, the maids did not pester Shuang Manqiu, after all, they were not from His Royal Highness' influence, they were just helping to spread the word.

The relationship between Ye Zhenji and Shuang Manqiu is not something they can discuss, so they can only say "Sister Shuang, let's go back and return to life" before turning and leaving.

"What should I do?" Someone asked, "Break in? Detour?"

"Break in? How is it possible to break in? In such a narrow place, Shuang Manqiu can fight five or six first-rate masters by himself, and I'm alone, plus you are useless. Should I die in the past?" A little dizzy, "First detour, first detour!"

Although someone gave away the head, in the end, Xun Wu's strategy was still very effective.

However, it is impossible for the prince to let Bao Huaiying leave the government office and rush into the palace...

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