The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 274 No one breaks through my sword circle 4K

If Xun Wu wants to let a helper occupy a high position, the important thing is not how many people he really expects to be able to second, but the regulation on a large scale.

Although Xun Wu has always used his own understanding of games to match kung fu, this does not mean that Xun Wu can really treat the world as a game.

In reality, Xun Wu couldn't read the mini-map, and couldn't directly distinguish the enemies.

However, since the loophole that Xun Wu discovered before was fixed by Shuang Manqiu, Shuang Manqiu would not want to run away.

"Who?" Just as Xun Wu was leading the way, the two guards immediately pointed their weapons at each other and looked at Xun Wu with cold eyes.

Xun Wu took out his waist badge and showed it to them: "Brothers, I am Xun Wu who was given the name of catching heroes a few days ago, and now I have something important to do..."

"What are Xun Wu and Xun Liu!" Just as one of them was about to let go of the weapon in his hand and let Xun Wu enter the door, the guard on the other side shouted.

Xun Wu frowned.

The relaxed guard glanced at his colleague, a little surprised, but soon, the serious guard continued to shout: "I don't care who you are, without the order of the general or your majesty, any idlers, etc., are not allowed Get in here!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at his colleague again, and told that person to stand up straight in a hurry.

"Hey! What are you talking about?!" On the other side, Shuang Manqiu suddenly turned cold and stared at him, "Xun Wu wants to go in, why are you stopping him? Can you afford to delay things!?"

Shuang Manqiu is worthy of being the princess' valet. It's hard to say anything else, but the basic skill of bullying must be full.

The guard's face trembled, but then he stood up straight again without saying anything.

Xun Wu was not in a hurry, instead he pulled Shuang Manqiu a little, bowed to the two guards, and said, "I'm sorry, brothers, I didn't think carefully."

The expressions of the two guards improved slightly.

If Xun Wu and Shuang Manqiu forced their way in, they really didn't have much confidence.

After all, it was the four famous arresters and one Xia catcher. The martial arts of the two of them must not be enough to fight. If they were injured a little at that time, they would not be able to bear it at all.

"Two brothers, what if Shuang Guard goes in by himself?"

The two glanced at each other.

This Xun Wu himself took a step back, no matter how aggressive they are, it is indeed not appropriate, and, more importantly, Shuang Manqiu's identity is different from Xun Wu's.

Although both of them are guards with swords, Xun Wu is more of an honor, while Shuang Manqiu is different. She is a genuine inner guard. Although she has been stationed outside the palace for a long time, she has not changed in fact. It is a typical A person of three or four wages, a sinful privileged class.

Who made people grow up with the princess and feel like sisters?

"Frost Guard is naturally fine."

Xun Wu nodded lightly, called Shangshuang Manqiu, walked back a little, and talked to her about the matter.

Xun Wu didn't quite know whether those two people just now were the heirs left behind by the prince.

This gave Xun Wu a better understanding of the prince's ability.

For those two people just now, whether it was behavior or words, Xun Wu seemed to have no problem, they looked so normal and natural.

After being seen through, this kind of people who are much weaker than Xun Wu often find it very difficult to conceal their hypocrisy, so Xun Wu can see that their actions are sincere.

But Xun Wu couldn't confirm why the two of them were here and why they didn't let him in.

The guards have different shifts every day. Did they happen to be on shift today?Or did their superiors receive some message that transferred them here?

The guard stopped Xun Wu, partly out of obedience to the order.

Dedicated to his duty, Xun Wu certainly would not trouble them.

But it's possible that this was made by the prince..

If you think about it carefully, there are all kinds of possibilities. It is even possible that the prince did not prepare here at all, but knows that the guards today are very strict and conscientious, so he will definitely stop him...

Xun Wu cannot deduce the correct possibility without any information, and there is no need for Xun Wu to do so. If you think about it carefully, you will not be able to select the correct one from countless possibilities, and it will only waste Xun Wu's time. time.

He knew that what he needed to do was definitely not these things.

"Guardian Frost, remember what I told you, don't leave—even if His Highness comes to look for you, don't leave, let her look for you." Xun Wu said calmly and seriously Tell Shuangmanqiu.

Shuang Manqiu froze for a moment, hearing Xun Wu's words in such a heavy tone that were completely "rebellious" to her, she was a little speechless for a while.

You know, in Shuangmanqiu's heart, Ye Zhenji's words are even more useful than imperial edicts. She and Ye Zhenji grew up together, and their food and clothing costs are all at the same level. Although they grow up differently in the future, But it definitely wasn't caused by her snatching Ye Zhenji's food since she was a child.

It may be that the royal blood has not changed much.

In short, Ye Zhenji and Shuang Manqiu grew up together from childhood to adulthood. Although they are not biological sisters, Shuang Manqiu's protection of Ye Zhenji has never been purely out of duty, but has some kind of relationship similar to how an older sister protects a younger sister. psychology.

To put it simply, she is a crazy girl who spoils her sister.

And it's phenotype.

"I want a reason." Shuang Manqiu was silent for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking.

When she said such a sentence, she herself felt a little surprised.

If it was changed before, she would not be able to say such words at all, and would refuse Xun Wu without hesitation——when Ye Zhenji came to her, she would definitely put down everything at hand and go to the princess immediately.

And being able to ask this sentence naturally means that, at least in Shuang Manqiu's heart, Xun Wu, a rare friend, does indeed have some status.

Xun Wu frowned slightly, he thought for a while, and told Shuang Manqiu something related, but after listening to Shuang Manqiu, he didn't believe that the prince would do such a thing.

"Why did you make a decision." Xun Wu couldn't help gritting his teeth when he heard Shuang Manqiu's question.

From the heart, Xun Wu hoped that Shuangmanqiu would think about it by himself, but at this time, Xun Wu had to use the absolute nirvana that he had prepared before to deal with Shuangmanqiu.

"Ah Shuang..." For a while, Xun Wu couldn't make up a suitable nickname, so he subconsciously shouted out, "Didn't you always follow the princess's thoughts? Even if what I said is wrong, you have to Let His Royal Highness Ye Zhenji think about it?"

Shuang Manqiu listened and nodded.

During this period of time, perhaps because of many troubles, Shuang Manqiu's rusty head turned for a long time, but when Xun Wu said this, she thought about it, and immediately felt that it was quite right.

This is a matter involving His Highness the Crown Prince, how can I just accept it casually?It must be considered by Her Royal Highness the Princess!

But here comes the question, since the princess doesn't know about it yet, how could she stay here forever?Her Royal Highness should know about this matter, and make a decision after analyzing it clearly, right?

But if this is the case, he must leave... It is impossible for the guards around to help him pass the news, and it is even more impossible for Xun Wu to enter the place where Her Royal Highness lives, that is the place where empresses and concubines live, a man can't Enter...

"Why don't you wait and I'll go find Your Highness now?"

"Do you know where she is?"

Shuang Manqiu was embarrassed.

Ye Zhenji must know where Shuang Manqiu is, but Shuang Manqiu has never studied where Ye Zhenji is every day, because she only needs to be on call.

"Anyway, just listen to me. Anyway, if His Highness doesn't see you, he will definitely come to you on his own initiative. Then you explain the situation to her, and besides, if I let you stay there, will His Highness blame you? Even if you are really angry, you must still blame me, right?" Xun Wu said something that must be fine.

Ye Zhenji would definitely not blame Shuang Manqiu.

"Then what happened, you bear it—"

The current Shuangmanqiu is like a student who skipped classes in high school and went to an Internet cafe to pursue excitement. Xun Wu took a look and knew that Shuangmanqiu must be very excited now.

She guessed that she wanted to do it a long time ago, so how about playing peek-a-boo with the princess?

You don't think she might fail to find you, do you?

Shuang Manqiu was indeed a little excited. On the one hand, she really wanted to do it. After all, Ye Zhenji had told her before that if Xun Wu wanted her to help with anything, he would try to help her as much as possible.

She felt that if Ye Zhenji really came to her, then she would have a reason, right?

After the decision was made, Xun Wu explained her mission to Shuang Manqiu.

To put it bluntly, it is actually very simple——

Block the door!

This strategy does not need to use brains at all, it only needs to be guarded.

"Blocking the door?" Sure enough, when Shuang Manqiu heard that it was such a thing, she immediately laughed, she is good at this kind of thing, as long as she guards, no one can break through her defense line!

I have another chance to express myself!Be sure to let His Highness take a good look at it!

However, as simple as it may seem, the requirements are not.

First of all, the most important part of this strategy, that is, the "door" must be critical enough, otherwise others will bypass it casually, or just climb off the wall, then "no one can break through my sword circle" is just like a joke, It doesn't make sense at all.

And if you want to find such a place, you naturally have to look for it from the structure of the entire capital.

Although Xun Wu didn't have a small map with him, and he didn't have the ability to distinguish friend from foe, it's not like Xun Wu couldn't find the real map.

Coincidentally, Xun Wu really knew the overall structure of the capital because of the investigation of the craftsmen before.

To be honest, in ancient society, the value of this kind of map was quite terrifying. Many martial arts or costume movies with the theme of Jin Yiwei and border guards have similar extremely important maps.

The entire capital is structurally divided into four parts.

The first part, the outer city.Most of the people here are ordinary people, some places where people from the rivers and lakes are active, and it is also the place where almost all non-royal members live. In addition, the Fengzhou Yamen is also set up in the outer city.

The second part, the inner city.Located within the outer city, most of the government agencies in Shengjin are located in these places. For example, the three legal departments are attached to each other, almost back to back.

The third part, the palace.Of course, it is somewhat different from the palaces that most people know. It is actually a huge city within a city. In this city, not only is it separated from the inner city, but there is even a female wall specially used for protection, defense, and spying on the enemy. .The previous joint trial of the three divisions was held in this part.

The fourth part, Ouchi.Like the literal meaning, it is the interior of the imperial palace, including the main hall of the daily morning court, the study room of Emperor Shengwu, the harem, the residence of the princesses, and the cold palace, all of which are part of the palace.As before, many checkpoints were set up in Da Nei, and a female wall was also built, which was the last line of defense in the entire capital.

Although the four are separated from each other, they are not unconnected, and apart from those links, there are some things that are adjusted due to factors such as geography and feng shui—for example, the imperial palace is located in the north of the city, in the north of the imperial palace. If it is completely empty, it will go out of the city directly to the north.

Among other things, Xun Wu is very familiar with the ability to find loopholes. Even most people who have played games for a long time can understand some key nodes on the map.

For example, things like Dalongkeng, Xiaolongkeng, and highlands, if you play for a little longer, you will know that the strategic significance of these things is definitely not small.

And Xun Wu just found such a node, as long as it is blocked, the flow rate of people in the palace can be reduced by at least half!

Time is the fairest and scarcest thing in this world!It has never been a concept to spend half an hour detour, and spend 1 minute walking directly!

As long as someone can block this place, even if any turmoil breaks out, the people inside can be given a longer time to respond!

And as I said before, if you ask Shuang Manqiu to do other things, she may not be able to do well, but if you ask her to defend, then she is the strongest guard in the world.

As the saying goes, one man is in charge of the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it. More than half a year ago, Shuang Manqiu was guarding the door alone, facing a dozen archers with crossbows, and a large group of attacking Five Immortals gang members, all calm and relaxed. Handle.

Generally speaking, ordinary first-rate masters basically cannot survive in this situation, because bows and arrows do not need internal energy and can have extremely strong destructive power. , Weapons have to be taken out to resist distraction, or they have to be like Tianzhong Xingcongyun, who can become bloody and directly resist bows and arrows, or they can only be like Shuang Manqiu.

With clever breaking power, a sword can easily defend against attacks from all directions and directions!

Of course, even Shuangmanqiu will inevitably be overwhelmed when facing people from all directions, but if the door is blocked like in Yunzhou, one cent of Shuangmanqiu's combat power can be used several times or even tens of times. Double the effect!

After all, it is difficult for a normal first-class master to sustain the exhaustion of physical and internal energy after playing too much.

But Shuang Manqiu can't, she can use up her inner energy to fight, and she doesn't feel tired after blocking the door for a day and a night!

Seeing Shuang Manqiu greeted the two guards with high spirits, and then walked into the palace, Xun Wu heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the original goal was unsuccessful, fortunately Xun Wu reacted quickly enough and changed the original plan immediately, so the effect was not bad.

After Xun Wu finished this matter, he immediately turned around and started running to the outer city.

He has to talk to Roman about the adjustment situation.

What Xun Wu didn't expect was that when he was looking for Roman, Roman was also looking for him.

"Brother Xun, there is something wrong in Jishi Pavilion!" Roman found Xun Wu and said quickly.

Xun Wu was shocked again.

Sure enough, by this time, accidents will happen everywhere!

"Okay, I'll go to Jishi Pavilion with you, talk on the way!"

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