The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 272 Reverse Control 4K

Bao Huaiying and Xun Wu returned to the yamen one after the other.

Almost when Xun Wu had just settled down, Bao Huaiying's message came to him and called him over.

There are not many people in the house.

Besides Bao Huaiying, there was only Ji Lian'er.

Although Ji Lian'er doesn't have much weight in the entire yamen system, if you really want to say, she is not even a serious police officer, but Ji Lian'er is one of the most suitable people Bao Huaiying can find in the yamen to discuss with .

The reason is partly because Bao Huaiying trusts Ji Lian'er and Xun Wu, and on the other hand, it is because the members of the other yamen either have complicated backgrounds, or they tend to be good at execution rather than design.

Naturally, Ji Lian'er was not idle during the day, and she had already studied the book Xun Wu gave her on oranges.

It's a pity that compared with Xun Wu, Ji Lian'er's adaptability to this martial art is not high.

Martial arts that can perfectly fit one person, in the hands of other people, even if they are the same type of people, it is difficult to have the same effect.

Although Ji Lian'er is very similar to Xun Wu in all aspects, it is Ji Lian'er after all, not "Xun Wu", who has his own characteristics and tendencies.

However, even if Ji Lianer's view of the big orange is not so suitable, it is still a very useful martial art. At least it is much easier to crack the mechanism at night.

Later, seeing Bao Huaiying's silent and preoccupied appearance, Xun Wu couldn't help but speak first, trying to make the atmosphere less rigid.

He first said some answers about Yue Sichou, and then mentioned the points that "almost all the people in the capital belong to him" and "the master-level master, Duan Long".

"I know." Bao Huaiying said after hearing Xun Wu's words for a long time, "I know..."

"Oh——" he sighed, "I didn't expect that what we saw that day was really not the subconscious nervousness of you and me, but the real truth..."

that day?


Could it be...

Bao Huaiying sighed deeply: "It's His Royal Highness."

He seemed to be several years old, and suddenly became sentimental.

Compared with Zhao Lue and Bao Ce, the prince's matter hit him more seriously, because Bao Huaiying had seen the first two people relatively rarely in these years, and he didn't know how they had changed over the years.

But the Crown Prince Ye Yong has never been able to get along with him, exchanging letters almost every one or two months, they can be said to be true spiritual best friends, and he has always believed that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can definitely inherit Emperor Shengwu's career, making him The well-being of the people makes the world richer.

But he never expected that the person he trusted so much would tell him such a thing today.

"I the prince's mansion, I met the lame master you mentioned..."

Now the truth becomes clear.

The anti-thief has even jumped back.

Bao Huaiying took a deep breath again, and slowly told the two of them all about what happened at the Prince's residence today.

So that's the case... Xun Wu basically understood.

It's just that there are some details that Xun Wu didn't want to understand.

At the same time, Ji Lian'er asked, "My lord, why didn't you agree?"

She hesitated.

Their Ji family has never served a certain emperor, but served the entire Central Plains. Whenever a foreign race invades the Central Plains, they will jump out to help. This is also one of the few family rules left by their ancestors. .

To her, it doesn't matter who is the emperor.

What's more, under her observation during this period of time, she thinks that with Bao Huaiying's current situation, if she can really get Shangfang's sword, it will be a good thing for the world.

What's more, the crown prince didn't directly talk about rebellion, but said that the assumption of "If Your Majesty gives way to me" is not impossible in itself, it's just a simple assumption, Bao Huaiying can fully accept it, right?

Bao Huaiying's complexion changed.

His complexion was already very dark, but now he looked very scary, which made Ji Lian'er shut his mouth immediately.

Xun Wu coughed: "Xiaobai, do you still remember Mr. Baucer?"

Ji Lianer froze for a moment, then nodded.

Xun Wu knew that Ji Lian'er didn't have much feeling for the concept of the throne, so he could roughly understand what Ji Lian'er was thinking.

But at the same time, Xun Wu trusted Bao Huaiying more and understood Bao Huaiying's thoughts better.

"You see Mr. Bautzer, don't you have any ideas?"

Ji Lian'er vaguely felt that she had caught something, but she couldn't figure it out clearly, so she shook her head.

Xun Wu continued: "As I told you before, unlike us, officials are not allowed to have hobbies. Once they have hobbies, others will find out your soft spots and drag you to the same You go to the same camp and let you be used by them."

Ji Lianer nodded, she naturally understood this.

"But there is a more terrifying situation than this."

Ji Lian'er scratched the back of her neck, slightly surprised, nodded, and continued to stare at Xun Wu.

On the other side, hearing what Xun Wu said, Bao Huaiying seemed to be relieved a lot, and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"People's desire is like a rolling stone on a high mountain. Once it falls, it can no longer stop, and it will roll faster and faster, and the more it rolls, the more terrifying it is." Xun Wu said.

When Ji Lian'er heard Xun Wu's words, she couldn't help but think of how Xun Wu fell off the cliff yesterday. She shuddered, as if she had fallen into the ice and snow.

"Your Excellency knew from the very beginning that you must never cross that line, because once you cross that line, even if you believe in yourself and others are optimistic about him, some unexpected things will inevitably happen."

Xun Wu said in a calm voice.

He has seen countless people of this type. There were countless famous ministers and wise kings in history books, and then rulers from all over the world. Not to mention, how many presidents in Haiti were loved by the people before they took office. Then it turned into a completely different look?

Bao Huaiying saw the matter of Bao Ce. These days, when others can't see him, he can't help but start to analyze himself, and maybe even doubt himself.

Can he really hold on?

Will he really not change?

He can't guarantee it himself.

But he understands that there must be no precedent.

The prince's statement is not impossible to realize, but Bao Huaiying must not agree with any arrogance before the prince ascends the throne.

Bao Huaiying was very excited and satisfied with Xun Wu's words.

When he heard Ji Lian'er say that, although he was a little angry, he didn't say anything. After all, Ji Lian'er was a pure Jianghu person who didn't understand the principle, so it was very normal.

What Bao Huaiying was afraid of was that Xun Wu, who he was optimistic about and taught by example, couldn't help being tempted and became interested in it, so Bao Huaiying would definitely lose all hope.

The friends who studied with him in the same class, the cousin who grew up with him, and the best friends who have exchanged thoughts with him for more than ten years, all violated the original idea one by one, and caused Bao Huaiying pain one by one. He never wanted to hear anything that might be similar from Xun Wu.

Fortunately, Xun Wu did not disappoint Bao Huaiying.

As for Xun Wu, this time he did not simply speak according to his past knowledge.

It is true that the knowledge that Xun Wu has personally mastered has surpassed this era by a lot. However, although Xun Wu in the past could apply some relevant knowledge, he did not understand the reasons behind it so well.

But as Xun Wu stayed in the capital for longer and longer, he saw Mr. Snake, Bao Ce, Luo Changfeng, the third prince, Shan Ji...all of them, although there are The incident was very short, but without exception, it left a very deep impression on Xun Wu.

Xun Wu can say that in the past, he only knew why, but now, Xun Wu has "know why". , which made Bao Huaiying even more satisfied.

"Oh...understood..." Ji Lianer nodded sadly.

"No matter what hidden secrets His Highness the Crown Prince has, if he wants to conspire against him, that is heinous." Xun Wu said calmly, "Nowadays the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the people's livelihood is prosperous, but once a rebellion occurs, the whole country will inevitably be involved in the war again. At this time, the world will naturally be turbulent again.

Maybe, a certain force like the Demon Cult will rise up, and it will be the common people who will suffer. "

Ji Lian'er nodded slowly again.

She can understand now, but even though she understands, it doesn't mean she "understands".Just because she's smart enough to understand these things.

However, this may not be very important to her. For her, Xun Wu's "Mountain Rolling Stone" game seems to be more worthy of her attention.

She thought to herself.

This sentence is the same as "Eliminate all the impossible, and what remains, no matter how bizarre, is the only answer", so interesting, I must use it when I have the opportunity in the future.

"After talking about this... Xun Wu, what do you think the crown prince is going to do in this situation?" Ji Lian'er touched her chin and asked.

"I'm almost certain that His Highness the Crown Prince must have some kind of plan, but..." Xun Wu shook his head.

He didn't understand.

"It's rare to have something that you don't even understand." Ji Lian'er couldn't help but smile when she heard Xun Wu's reply.

Normally, when Ji Lian'er heard what Xun Wu said, she would frantically turn her head, trying to figure out the possibility before Xun Wu did.

But Ji Lian'er has already made it very clear after the previous exchange.

If Xun Wu couldn't figure it out, she couldn't even figure it out.

He doesn't understand officialdom better than Xun Wu.

On the other side, Bao Huaiying slowly stood up.

He stroked his beard with a heavy face, and walked back and forth in the room slowly.

He is also thinking.

Xun Wu is extremely intelligent, quick to respond, and has a sharp gaze. Ji Lian'er is good at dexterity and unparalleled ingenuity. He is also an incomparable genius. But facing the current situation, neither of them can think of the cause and effect, nor can they guess the prince's goal. .

He began to think.

After a while, he stopped suddenly.

He knows the prince so well, he knows the prince better than Xun Wu and those princes!

In this world, apart from Emperor Shengwu and the Crown Princess, he is the one who knows the Crown Prince best!

"It's so?" Bao Huaiying couldn't help shaking his hands.

Xun Wu and Ji Lian'er looked at each other, and then looked at Bao Huaiying together.

As Xun Wu expected, Bao Huaiying was the key to breaking the game.

The two of them knew too little about the prince, they only knew about him, not his meaning. Although Xun Wu had been in the capital for so long, although he had seen the prince several times, he had been looking at the flowers in the fog all the time, and could not see the truth at all. .

For the first time, the prince just reminisced about the old days with Bao Huaiying, at most he said "I can stand on my own".

The second time, during the interrogation by the three divisions, the prince didn't even say a few words at all, it was the third prince who put on a performance. After Xun Wu settled the matter of the third prince, the prince didn't say a few words.

The third time, on his birthday, the prince introspected, but he was basically reading a manuscript, and he had almost no words, and was attacked by assassins soon, and passed out.

Apart from knowing that the prince's health was really bad, Xun Wu knew almost nothing about the prince.

Wanting Xun Wu to make such an analysis is tantamount to making something out of nothing, no matter how powerful Xun Wu is, he can't figure it out-even if it is Yue Rusorrow, Xun Wu has been asking Bai Yupan for a long time before he has a general treatment policy.

But the prince is completely out of control.

"Of course I know the prince's abilities." Bao Huaiying took a deep breath, he figured it out, he wanted to understand what Xun Wu meant when he said that the entire capital was under his command.

"Xun Wei, do you still remember the structure?"

Xun Wu nodded: "There is no real leader, it is an organization with a spider web structure, and everyone has his contacts."

After saying this, Xun Wu then added: "Even when the Third Prince was not imprisoned, the Qiang under his control was once used by His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince."

Bao Huaiying nodded slowly: "That's right...that's it."

"That's it?" Ji Lian'er didn't understand, so "What do you mean?"

After Xun Wu read it a little bit twice, he shivered.

"Wait—could it be...Although all the members of the Third Prince family have been liquidated now, except for the Third Prince himself and those assassins who do not belong to the gang, everyone else is still in this organization.

And after seeing the third prince imprisoned that day, the sixth and seventh princes also wanted to annex this power completely..."

Ji Lianer's eyes widened, a little unbelievable: "You mean...

In order to control the gang, the two princes naturally wanted to infiltrate their own people into the organization, but this instead gave the prince a chance to fully control their power? "

"There's something..." Xun Wu nodded and fell into deep thought again.

The greed of the sixth prince and the seventh prince was used by the prince in turn?

"That is to say, the prince has the ability to take the whole thing into his own hands in just seven days... and even control all the other princes?

If this is the case...then most of the people in Beijing are under the crown prince's subordinates, so it's only natural..."

It's just that Xun Wu didn't expect that the prince could even do such a thing.

For seven days, reverse control and use the matter of the third prince's imprisonment to lure the sixth and seventh princes to intervene, and in turn coerce their power to conspire together...

Even if the third prince and the crown prince are together, this kind of method is really powerful.

"In this way, I'm afraid today, tomorrow, and the major officials in the capital will do something..." Ji Lian'er was a little excited.

"There is no tomorrow, it is definitely today." Bao Huaiying said solemnly.

It was actually the last signal for the prince to look for him.

"Guardian Xun, Heroine Ji! Time doesn't wait! You two get ready quickly, there is not much time left for me to wait!"

Bao Huaiying took a deep breath.

He will never let the prince do such unfaithful and unfilial things!

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