The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 269: Impermanence 4K

After Xun Wu and the others discussed for a while, they finally arrived in the capital alone.

Her body looked very gentle, with a hint of sadness in her eyes, just like her name, like a sentimental person, looking at the box at hand, and sighed softly.

Inside the box was the head of a person, that is, the abbot of the Bodhi Temple, who hadn't left his seat for several years.

Xun Wu and the others were thinking about what her purpose was. They had a few guesses, but they felt that these guesses might not be accurate, but in fact...she didn't know.

Before talking about the dark art of war of "Jingke assassinates Qin and the son presents his head", what is needed first is the background of Yue Rushou.

Just as the vast majority of people in the capital have more or less superiors behind them, and the four famous arresters each have their own power, Yue Rushou also has the original power.

But the one she belongs to is not any of the existing princes and princesses, but... the dead fourth prince Ye An.

Yue Ruchou and Shuang Manqiu have similar backgrounds, but unlike Shuang Manqiu, she was not trained as a stand-in since she was a child, but followed her family to learn martial arts.

Although the Yue family is not a big family in the capital city, but to people from other continents and prefectures, they are a real big family. The family treasury has countless money, and even has a huge yard, as if the family wealth will not be exhausted in a lifetime .

However, it seems that everything is illusory, everything is also an illusion, nothing but a momentary glory and wealth.

Although the Fourth Prince was secretly executed by Emperor Shengwu, no one knew the real cause of the Fourth Prince's death, and only thought that he was killed by people from the Demon Sect, but this does not mean that the Yue family who were attached to the Fourth Prince and the concubine would not will be implicated.They have no support, and they are not a family of meritorious ministers. Within a few years, they quickly declined under the manipulation of a magical, invisible hand. Countless debt collectors even forced them to sell their wealth. Nearly dilapidated.

But at this time, Yue Ruchou, who was originally carefree and only embroidered and wrote poems and paintings every day, suddenly felt that the sky was falling. Since then, she has been sad all day long, and can no longer restore the happy sky in the past.

In order to prevent the decline of her family, or to consider her own future, she started to contact people anyway, planning to use the martial arts she had practiced since she was a child to find a job, but at this time, a group of people from the Devil's Cult actually contacted her. And she immediately agreed to the Devil's Cult's invitation, ready to join the Devil's Cult...

Of course, she didn't believe in the Demon Cult, but she wanted to find the person who killed the fourth prince, and wanted to avenge the fourth prince and their Yue family.

Moon Sorrow sighed again.

She stroked the old abbot's box and couldn't help but sighed.

Her appearance was already extraordinary, coupled with her unique temperament, no matter how hard-hearted a man was, he couldn't help but feel pity in his heart, and couldn't help but start to imagine, wondering why this woman was worried.Many men even stopped for a while, forgetting what they were going to do, and just wanted to get past the guards and ask her what she thought.

The sorrow of the moon seems to have a source.

The source is her act of "joining the Demon Cult".

She originally wanted to find the murderer who killed the Fourth Prince as a spy, but unexpectedly, the people from the Demon Cult found that she had a good talent in investigation and asked her to become a police officer.

Xu Shi is really talented, but Yue Ruchou actually did a good job.

Relying on her increasing status, Yue Ruchou also made great achievements in the Demon Cult. At that time, she was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

But then, another group of people approached her.

It turns out that the Demon Cult is actually not as crazy as outsiders think. A group of people have long been tired of the inexplicable teachings of the Demon Cult, secretly stealing resources from the Demon Cult, and transferring them to their own forces. Using the name of the Devil's Cult to do evil to earn profits, while secretly strengthening himself, gradually even extended his hand to the Jishi Pavilion!

Seeing that Yue Sichou had a good talent, but it was difficult to chat with those lunatics of the Demon Cult, they approached her and invited her to become one of them.

Afterwards, Yue Ruchou fell into an inexplicable situation.

I don't know why, there are always some weird organizations that get in touch with her, and they always trust her, and always think that she is with them...

The Devil's Cult, Nameless Organization, Gan, Killer Hall, Short Knife Gang, etc., all kinds of weird and weird organizations have become her "people behind", and Yue Rushou used her identity and talent to use her subordinates to help her. Various gangs, factions, major organizations and major forces leveraged their strengths to obtain information, and solved difficult problems one after another very easily, and went further and further on the road of arresting the police, and at the same time made those organizations trust her more.

In terms of results, Yue Ruchou did revive the Yue family. Although it didn't turn the Yue family into a rich family again, it basically maintained the scene. But on the other hand, Yue Ruchou also didn't know what she wanted what do you want.

She didn't know her choice, whether her actions were right or not, and she didn't even know whether her choice was what she thought.

Even a few years ago, when Man Jianghong came to her and directly told her that she was a multi-faceted spy, she didn't feel the slightest fear or even pain.

She really didn't know what to do.

When she was walking with heavy crossbow guards and imperial guards, she suddenly looked aside as if she felt something.

There, a man with a cold face and no expression was holding a sword and looking at her silently.

Brother Bai!

Yue Ruchou couldn't help but move in her heart, and then calmed down again.

Bai Yupan may not have imagined that because of his unique life experience, this Yantao Yunxia Brightness Miracle is in the hands of Yue Rushou, and it will be combined in two. It's just that Yue Rushou's talent is really inferior compared to that of Xiang Gemen's founder. Despite the power of the two major factions, it is not terrible.

The white jade plate blocked their way.

Several imperial guards immediately pressed their sabers, and the heavy crossbow guards also raised their crossbows instantly, facing the white jade pan, and one of the team leaders even shouted: "Bai Yupan, don't do anything irrational!"

They probably thought that Bai Yupan wanted to intercept Yue Sishou.

"Brothers, you have misunderstood."

At this moment, another voice sounded, and a man wearing an ordinary red police uniform came in front of them.

"Catcher Xun?" The leading guard of the Imperial Guard saw Xun Wu, immediately lowered his hostility and greeted Xun Wu.

Naturally, they knew Xun Wu. As early as a week ago, they had heard about Xun Wu from a senior inside the palace. The way the eldest grandson of the emperor communicates with the outside world is beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

And a few days ago, when countless assassins attacked and killed the prince, Xun Wu protected the people, dispersed the crowd, and remonstrated when His Majesty was furious, so he was naturally also present, knowing that Xun Wu is definitely very important in His Majesty's heart now, Naturally, they will not speak ill of each other.

Bao Huaiying and Xun Wu are the hottest figures in the capital!

What's more, His Majesty just gave a reward yesterday, and praised Xun Wu as "Xiaxia", enjoying the praise of the four famous arresters, and of course they will not offend if they have no hatred or grudge.

"Brothers, since you know me, it would be great." Xun Wu said with a smile on his face.

Because the police uniform given by the imperial court was torn to pieces by rocks and vegetation, Xun Wu now changed into ordinary police clothing.

"Since you know me, you should also know that I have no friendship with this Yue Sichou."

Several people nodded.

"Yesterday, brother Bai and another person went to the Bodhi Temple to investigate. During the investigation, we found a lot of problems. Now I have some doubts. I plan to ask Miss Yue to start the search work. I wonder if the leader can be more accommodating?"

The commander glanced at Xun Wu, then at the white jade plate, hesitated a little, and then asked: "But what did His Majesty order yesterday?"

Xun Wu nodded, looked around, and raised his hand slightly, indicating that he could not speak.

"That's it... that's okay, this Yue girl is going to wait and check outside the palace, and only after confirming that there is no problem can she enter the palace to face the saint. During this time, there are white arresters guarding the side, so I can relax Two." The commander thought for a moment, nodded, and asked Xun Wu and the two to follow the team to a place outside the palace.

Naturally, Xun Wu didn't care, it didn't matter where he asked anyway, and asking on the street might reveal information, so it would be better to follow the imperial army to ask in a room outside the palace.

As for the white jade plate, it is naturally simpler, with a pair of eyes staring at Yue Sichou, always paying attention to Yue Sichou, and once Yue Sichou has any unkind actions, he will draw a knife and chop people.

There is of course a reason why Xun Wu and Bai Yupan appeared here.

Although Bai Yupan left the government office yesterday, he found Zuodu Yushi immediately and reported the situation, and directly applied for another day, planning to follow Xun Wu to see it again today.

Although Luo Man said that Xun Wu was fine, but Bai Yupan couldn't bear it in his heart. If he didn't protect Xun Wu for a day, when Luo Man's ointment was removed, he wouldn't be at ease.

Moreover, he was also worried that when Xun Wu couldn't do anything, some villains would be unfavorable to Xun Wu.

But Xun Wu felt that he was making a fuss out of a molehill.

For Xun Wu, this state government office is the most reassuring place in the whole world.

Zuo Bumo, right Roman, what is he afraid of?

But since Bai Yupan came to their government office, Xun Wu and Bao Fu Yin didn't discuss anything, so Xun Wu simply called Bai Yupan, and went directly to Yue Bishou when he was free and had nothing to do.

Since you can't figure out what's going on, why don't you just ask Yue Sichou?

Yesterday he also advised Bai Yupan not to kill Yue Sichou when he saw Yue Sichou, but at least ask about Man Jianghong's situation. Today, Yue Sichou came to the capital by himself, wouldn't that be better?

No matter whether you can ask or not, no matter whether Yue Sichou will tell the truth or not, it is a good thing for Xun Wu.

Of course, there is another person.

"Bumo, did you see anything?" While walking, Xun Wu took the time to ask Zhang Bumo again.

Yesterday Xun Wu didn't expect to encounter a battle at first, and he thought about three people, two of them are good at lightness kung fu, and one is a first-class strongman, the configuration is enough, so he didn't think about calling Zhang Bumo.But today when Xun Wu was going out for a walk, Bao Huaiying was worried that he would go out by himself.

Zhang Bumo himself was not at ease.

Over the past eight months or so, Zhang Bumo admired Xun Wu more and more. Xun Wu was also one of his very few real good brothers. Now that Xun Wu was injured and couldn't move for a day, he wanted to follow him all the time.

As for Xun Wu, naturally he would not refuse, not to mention that he also felt that Bumo should really follow him today.

You know, Zhang Bumo is the only person Xun Wu knows who can roughly see through the intention, power, and aura of other people's swords without waiting for others to make a move. Follow Xun Wu and the others, just to observe.

Zhang Bumo pondered for a while.

Although he can see through the principles of other people's swords, even if he becomes a first-class master, it is difficult to fully see through it without waiting for others to make moves. At present, it is still only a vague feeling in general.

And in the end, this feeling can only become a word "good sword".


Xun Wu really wanted to slap Zhang Bumo's forehead again, but fortunately Zhang Bumo had been with him for a long time, and he became more energetic. Knowing that what he just said was inappropriate, he added: "I have seen Luo Changfeng's invisible sword energy before, I also tried to reproduce it myself, and now it seems that this Yue Rushou is not far away."

What he said was basically saying that his own lightsaber technique was much better than Yue Rushou's invisible sword energy.

"Then do I have a chance to learn?" Bai Yupan heard Zhang Bumo's implication, but he was not angry.

Although he is the inheritor of Xiang Gemen, he is not Xiang Gemen's disciple, and he has no intention of protecting Xiang Gemen's face.

" way." Zhang Bumo thought for a while, then shook his head quickly, "Brother Bai has a straightforward temper, and there are few changes. If you go this way, it will be a hundred times more difficult; if you stick to yourself, you will open up a wider road on the original road." .”

Although Zhang Bumo has just broken through to a first-class master, but on the way of the sword, Zhang Bumo deliberately pointed out various schools in the world. Listen to Zhang Bumo's opinion.

"I see. That doesn't matter." Bai Yupan didn't mind at all.

He has his own beliefs, goals, and pursuits. Even if he doesn't know how to become a master, he will not try indiscriminately.

During this time of chatting, Xun Wu and others also followed the guards to an inspection room outside the palace.

The box was put aside for review, while Yue Sichou sat in the room and waited quietly.

The three of Xun Wu walked into the house, only Xun Wu greeted them slightly.

Yue Rushou glanced at the three of them, looked at the white jade plate at last, sighed again, and read slowly in a slightly sad, tactful and clear voice: "The cold moon shines on the clear autumn, and the evening wind embraces you." Red Mansion. A few leaves of lovesickness, the past flows by itself."


Xun Wu was a little bit confused by the opening remarks.

It is worthy of being the inheritor of Xianggemen, and it is also the opening poem.

What about the white jade plate?Why didn't the white jade plate read it? Could it be... uneducated?

Xun Wu took a look at the white jade plate, he was a little puzzled, and looked at his clothes suspiciously.

"Ahem...Miss Yue, I have a few questions I want to ask you, can you answer them?"

"If you want to ask, just ask, I may not say it."


Xun Wu frowned, narrowed his eyes, and asked coldly:

"When will His Royal Highness make a move!"

Immediately, Yue Ruchou widened her eyes and froze on the spot.

How could it be so straightforward at the beginning!

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