The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 259 This is called professional

The three walked down the mountain, greeted and chatted for a while with the little novice who guarded the only way up the mountain, making sure that he was ready to go aside for a talk after witnessing the three descending the mountain with his own eyes.

"Wait, it's not enough." Ji Lian'er suddenly said, "There's still a big flaw, we'll come back after we've dealt with it."

Xun Wu and Bai Yupan were taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized - it's a horse!

The horses that Xun Wu and the others tied to the mountain can still be seen at this place. Although they can't see clearly, it is enough.

This Ji Lian'er really deserves to be a professional phantom thief, and she is indeed professional in eliminating traces.

Bai Yupan was going to release the three horses, but Ji Lian'er stopped him.

Although releasing life can make people unable to see the three horses, Xun Wu and the three can also walk and run back to the capital, but this is too troublesome, and the three horses may also collide with nearby residents or make someone The monk who went up the mountain bumped into it, and then it became a problem again.

Therefore, Ji Lian'er applied her own knowledge and tied the three horses to another direction. By the way, she hid the traces on the ground so that no one would notice. Put on a make-up", so that people can't detect the specific situation even if they see it.

"Awesome, this move... Sister, you have an extraordinary background." Bai Yupan watched Ji Lian'er perform for a while, raised his eyebrows slightly, and thought about it.

Although Bai Yupan didn't have any relatives, since he had the same surname as Bai, he knew many people with the same surname, but at this moment, he couldn't think of Ji Lian'er's background.

Of course, Ji Lian'er's surname is not Bai after all.

"Small tricks, tricks." Ji Lian'er chuckled.

Afterwards, the three of them found a place to hide at the foot of the mountain while waiting for the sky to darken.

Although the light snow has passed, the weather is getting colder and colder, and the sun is setting much faster. It is estimated that by the time of Shen, the sky will be dark.

But the three of Xun Wu went out early, and even though they had been busy at the Bodhi Temple for a long time, it was not close to night. There was still a period of time before night fell, and the three of Xun Wu continued to discuss at this time.

The three of them have made some discoveries of their own, and they all feel that the Bodhi Temple still has many secrets that have not been unearthed. However, compared with Xun Wu, the direction of exploration of the other two can only help to prove it, and it is still slightly worse than Xun Wu.

"That bodhi tree is not a real bodhi tree." Xun Wu said.

"What? How is it possible?" Bai Yupan was taken aback.

"Yes——" Ji Lian'er was also a little puzzled, "My ancestors have also visited this Bodhi Temple, and there are even records of people becoming masters under the Bodhi tree..."

Xun Wu rubbed his chin, didn't pay attention to the shock of the two, but talked about what he observed.

"This..." Bai Yupan was beyond shocked.

Ji Lian'er scratched her head in disbelief.

The famous Bodhi tree in the Jianghu is actually a fake?

How can such a thing happen?

"Then those senior masters who have comprehended martial arts..." Bai Yupan still didn't want to believe it.

Unlike Xun Wu, as a local resident of this world, as a person who has been exposed to various martial arts stories since childhood, Bai Yupan believes in some famous things in the world.

For example, Ji Lian'er also believes in the stories of stealing saints recorded in their family, which is a matter of course.

Just like the white jade plate and Zhao Wumian didn't think about it, there would be problems with the bronze statue of the emperor.

They lack a questioning mind.

"Is there a senior who understands martial arts?" Xun Wu repeated a little bit, and then said, "I don't know the specific situation, and there are many possibilities.

For example, there used to be a bodhi tree here, but it was struck by lightning or something, and it disappeared, and they replanted a willow tree; or this tree was never a bodhi tree, but many masters came here for its name. Some of them got the name of the Bodhi tree after comprehending martial arts; there is another possibility that I am more inclined to...that is, there was no tree at the beginning, and later generations just made up a Buddhist story about the patriarch of the Bodhi Temple. "

Bai Yupan was taken aback by Xun Wu's guesses, and didn't say anything for a while.

If you believe that the bodhi tree is fake, then no matter what the possibility is, it is still fake.

"Logically, I think that behind this Bodhi Temple, there is a person who has the same idea as the gold theft case." Xun Wu said.

The two were stunned for a moment, and Bai Yupan followed up and said: "The Third Highness has already been grounded. Even if it is him, he should not be able to influence or control him anymore. This is our chance!"

Ji Lian'er raised her eyebrows.

She glanced at Xun Wu.

Xun Wu nodded.

The third prince... I'm afraid it doesn't matter.

"You have also seen that there are many strange situations in the temple, and the personnel do not seem to match. If I am not mistaken, there is a person hidden in the mountain under the Bodhi Temple, especially directly under the tree. The... interior of the Bodhi Temple.”

After the words fell, a red light flashed in front of Xun Wu's eyes.

he is off from get off work.

Gained experience.

That is to say - the time has come.

In this season, the sun has already set at Youshi, and the sky is very dark. After half an hour, that is, it will be almost six o'clock in Xunwu's concept, and it will completely turn into darkness. There are no street lights or electric lights. Not a single person.

Xun Wu called out to his two teammates and asked Ji Lian'er to choose the way forward, while continuing to explain in a low voice to them and analyze the information everyone gained.

"If there is no accident, there are probably more monks in the Bodhi Temple in this mountain than in the Bodhi Temple, and all of them are practicing pure external skills, the kind that don't need the assistance of Buddhist scriptures..."

Most of Buddhist and Taoist martial arts require corresponding religious knowledge in order to practice relatively smoothly. This is like Xiang Gemen's Yantao Yunxia Mingming Magical Art, which cannot be learned without a certain level of cultural literacy. Difficult to learn.

But the difficulty of learning is not only a hindrance, but also a kind of "tempering". The more demanding martial arts, the higher the strength after they are practiced.

On the contrary, those martial arts that don't need to be difficult to practice are relatively weak, but they are stable, and almost everyone can learn them.

The analogy to external skills is that everyone can use stupid methods to practice martial arts that are not afraid of swords and guns in a short period of time.

"What do they want to do!?" Bai Yupan was full of anger, "Is this trying to train monks and soldiers under the nose of the court? Hmph, this Bodhi Temple can't be kept."

Since Bai Yupan recognized Xun Wu's analysis, he would naturally make his own judgment and understanding. In his opinion, Xun Wu's extremely possible!

On the other side, Ji Lian'er also whispered: "Do you think... there is a possibility that the younger brother of the sister I met before was not bought by some wealthy businessman, but was directly taken in by this temple. ..”

"Tsk..." Bai Yupan snorted again, confirming his thoughts.

Avoiding the guarding monks in front and avoiding the sight of ordinary monks, Ji Lian'er came to the back mountain with Xun Wu and Bai Yupan.

From the environmental point of view, Bai Yupan didn't see any problems.

If there was a hidden way, Bai Yupan could only admit that they did a great job and he didn't see it.

Ji Lian'er glanced at it, and smiled: "Xun Wu, thanks to you calling me this time, otherwise it would definitely take you a long time to solve the puzzle! Because this is not something you are good at!

This group of monks actually used Taoist feng shui to construct a trap! "

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