Xun Wu's way of thinking is completely different from that of people in this world.

As a person who has received a standard nine-year compulsory education, he will encounter that kind of after-school discussion of "examining your own mistakes" every year. activities like this.

Xun Wu himself is not interested in such activities, meetings, and groups. Even if he finds some problems of his own, at most he only has an understanding and will hardly correct them.

Not only him, some of his classmates are very aware that there are some problems in their bodies, but they just don't change, neither want to change, nor can they change.

It's like the author knows it's time to lose weight, but he still doesn't want to move.

But not wanting and not being able to are two different things.

The vast majority of modern people, if they really make up their minds and conduct self-analysis, are capable of finding out and correcting their own problems.

Then Xun Wu thought for a while.


That certainly won't change——

If you don't want to make trouble, don't want to study the secrets of the rivers and lakes, and don't want to solve various puzzles, what are you doing?

What's more, if you really want to say, this is not really a problem, it's just a hobby.

Hobbies for this kind of thing have advantages and disadvantages, just like exercising, proper exercise for physical health, excessive exercise may be harmful to health.

Now that I know that I may forget about my serious work because I care too much about the story, I should give myself a level.

Just like playing a game, what is important and must be completed on time is the main line, and the unimportant ones that can be studied later are branch lines or rumors, so that there is no problem in terms of psychological hints.

Although he didn't become stronger, Xun Wu got serious after his thinking went further, and he would never relax his investigation as before.

Xun Wu walked around to the backyard and approached the huge bodhi tree.

Now that the stupa has been seen, it is time to look at the most eye-catching things in this temple.

Xun Wu approached the Bodhi tree. Near the Bodhi tree, there were a few sweeping monks slowly sweeping the leaves. Xun Wu followed the principle of not messing with the monks who sweep the floor in the temple and take care of the scriptures. .

Well, it's okay, it's full of flaws, and it's second-rate at best.

After all, there is no peerless master hidden among ordinary disciples.

Xun Wu looked at the tree again, but saw nothing coming out.

"Benefactor Xun." Seeing Xun Wu approaching, a sweeping monk immediately greeted Xun Wu.

There are not many fallen leaves beside the trees in the Bodhi Temple, so naturally there will not be many sweeping monks here.

Xun Wu's pupils stood up a little, and he tried to recite the mantra of moving the view of the orange, which was very suitable for Xun Wu's martial arts, which immediately ran at high speed in Xun Wu's body for a week, and Xun Wu was able to obtain even more sublime powers. horizon.

Although this floor sweeping monk doesn't look as strong as other monks, his foot is extremely stable, so it is expected that his martial arts will not be too bad.

There are not many leaves nearby, and these disciples are not sweeping the fallen leaves here, but are constantly sweeping the leaves on the ground.

And the reason why they keep sweeping these leaves is not boring. Their hands holding the broom are very stable, and their posture is also very standard. Circulation of inner air.

Therefore, it is not simply sweeping the leaves, but practicing martial arts while sweeping the leaves.

Practicing sticks?

It only took Xun Wu a moment to sort out these things. After chatting with the monk who swept the floor, he asked, "Can this master tell you about the Bodhi tree?"

"Before I was in the front yard, the back yard, including when I approached this tree, I could hear a Sanskrit sound. I don't know what effect it has?"

When the floor sweeping monk heard Xun Wu's question, he couldn't help smiling, and his eyebrows beamed with joy.

Xun Wu was very calm.

Now that he has identified it, of course Xun Wu will not lose his mind just because he listened to the story. On the contrary, after he got serious, Xun Wu thought, since the smiling monk might be testing him just now, he might as well just follow his plan and continue to behave like this.

"The benefactor doesn't know something." When the sweeping monk heard that he was going to blow his own sacred tree, he immediately started talking non-stop. Seeing him like this, Xun Wu had a standard salesman's smiling face, and the story of the bodhi tree was telling. Daolai, it seems that I have practiced reciting a lot, and I guess I am asked to meet foreign guests and pilgrims. If someone asks, I will answer it like this.

Hundreds of years ago, the Patriarch of Bodhi Temple lived in a fairly peaceful era. Because he came into contact with Buddhist ideas, he agreed with some of them, but felt that the Buddhism at that time did not conform to his own ideas, so he wandered around the world. Hope to realize something.

On this day, he was surprised to see a majestic giant tree standing on top of the sky on this Bodhi Mountain. He was shocked and sat under the tree to meditate. Awakening, the old, withered body collapsed and turned into a baby-like pink skin.And those things he felt at that time were compiled into a Buddhist scripture, which became the Nirvana Sutra, one of the eight extraordinary scriptures of Buddhism today, and is the eternal treasure book of Bodhi Temple.

"This book is accompanied by the Buddha's voice. If you sit under the tree and feel it, you can understand the past, the past, and the time. For more than a hundred years, countless famous figures in the world and martial arts masters have achieved great enlightenment in my temple. It is all thanks to this tree."

Understand the past and the past, and realize all kinds of things in the world?

Xun Wu glanced sideways at the floor-sweeping monk: "Little master sweeps fallen leaves here, and occasionally sits under a tree, right? I don't know what I realized."

After listening to Xun Wu's question, the sweeping monk immediately looked embarrassed and scratched his head subconsciously.

"I'm ashamed...to tell the benefactor, I do sit under the tree from time to time, but I don't have enough comprehension, and I haven't realized anything yet."

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows.

You are a body builder, what can you realize by just relying on enlightenment?

Xun Wu chatted with him for a while, and heard some legends about the Bodhi Temple. At the end, Xun Wu finally asked a key question as he was "seeing it in a poor way".

Can I touch this thing?

"Of course you can—" Hearing Xun Wu's question, the floor-sweeping monk hastily put his hands together and answered Xun Wu's question decisively.

Although this Bodhi Temple is important, it is not inaccessible. The disciples in their temple have basically sat under the tree to comprehend, think, and chant scriptures. If Xun Wu can comprehend something under the tree, the monks in the Bodhi Temple would like to Sit for a while.

After all, if Xun Wu can really realize it, no matter what he realizes, Xun Wu has inherited the love of their Bodhi Temple, and some people will say it in the future.

Xun Wu approached the Bodhi Temple again, his eyes straightened, he blinked twice, touched the trunk of the tree, closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, Xun Wu opened his eyes and checked carefully again.

this tree...


It's fake!

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