In the end, Shi Xuan confessed thoroughly.

In fact, he is just a small person, and in the whole incident, he is just working like a gear to connect other people's affairs.

However, it was impossible for Xun Wu to believe all of his words, only part of them.

For example, Xun Wu only believed half of the things that pushed out all his responsibilities and said that he was just forced to helpless.

Logically speaking, this kind of thing is naturally possible, but even if other people are 99% responsible, it is impossible for this Shi Xuan not to be responsible for that 1%.

Moreover, even if he pushes all these matters to others, the sentence will be reduced at most. The family members may not be beheaded, but they still have to suffer if they should be dispatched or exiled.

Then, it is time for further derivation and interrogation.

Xun Wu returned to his seat, and everyone was calm, waiting for Bao Huaiying's next move.

But many people, such as Fang Xian and Ji Lian'er, are very clear about it.

After the end of the day, Xun Wu may be completely famous in the capital. They may be able to understand this move a little bit, but those who don't know the details and the super meticulous power of "Sea Leopard" may really think that Xun Wu With such abilities, Wu would never dare to appear near Xun Wu easily again. Maybe Xun Wu would use a very short time to break his title of "Northern Xia" and even become famous all over the world.

Xun Wu actually wanted to wait and see if someone would rush outside the courtroom and try to assassinate him or something.

But obviously, although those people are bold, they are not brainless people.

In this small courtroom, there are a whole three of the Four Great Famous Arrestors, and the gang sent two people to besiege Man Jianghong, the weakest of the Four Great Famous Arresters. , there are masters everywhere, and there are six or seven first-class masters in the court?

To waste power for nothing is not worth the candle.

However, even though there was no way to push forward, at this time, he had to think of other means to save the situation.

After all, Shi Xuan gave the names of a few more people, and the people from the Sanfa Division were also sent out to invite those people. If you don't take advantage of this time to think of a way to let Bao Huaiying and Xun Wu continue to investigate, then it will be a waste of time. It's really coming to an end.

Thinking of this, the sixth prince, Ye Wen, stood up.

Now that the court interrogation is in the middle, there is no request not to leave, so he thinks of a reason to get up and go out, naturally it is not a problem.

At the same time, his younger brother Ye Xian couldn't help frowning.

Ye Xian hesitated for a moment, and raised his foot slightly, but in the end he couldn't keep up.

On the other side, it was naturally impossible for Xun Wu to ask Ji Lian'er to follow him. After all, what if Ye Wen really went to the toilet?Xun Wu couldn't let Ji Lian'er go, wouldn't that hurt the little girl?

However, he didn't ask others to watch it because it was too obvious.

Why bother?

No need.

Ye Wen walked out of the room, rubbed his eyebrows, and thought for a while as he walked.

After a while, he walked to a quiet place and patted his left and right hands lightly.

After a while, a man appeared next to the corner and landed cautiously without making a single sound.

"Your Highness." The man clasped his fists.

He was wearing standard chivalrous clothes, but standard doesn't mean the clothes are ordinary.Knights often cannot wash their clothes frequently because of their wandering in the rivers and lakes, and usually only a few pieces can be rotated. However, this person's clothes are not only clean and tidy, but also the fabrics are extremely exquisite and not ordinary, and there are no scars at all, which is enough to show that he is walking in the rivers and lakes steadily. .

On his waist, there is a sign with the word [More], which is the identity badge of the "chaser" of the Jianghu forces, and is used to communicate with other chasers.

The Chaser is an extremely large organization in the Sheng Jin Dynasty, but if you really want to say how terrifying this force is, it must not be.

The so-called chasers are some enthusiastic knights in the world who like to listen to stories and like to protect literati.This organization does not have a leader on the surface, and there is no alliance leader. Although it is very large, it is unscrupulous. Whether it is a member of the imperial court or a sect in the Jianghu, as long as you are interested in the article, you can find seniors who are chasing people. , become a chaser, and under their guidance and help, go to find or voluntarily protect some Confucian scholars.

He is also a chivalrous man who protects the Central Plains literary world from collapsing in troubled times.

Just like that Mr. Zhou Yun, there are several chasers around him, protecting his life every day.

Ye Wen, as the main speaker of the younger generation of literati in the capital, he presides over or participates in many poetry gatherings near the capital, and besides knowing those literati who can dance with words and slander others, he naturally also has some "chasing more" It's just that although these chasers also have the identity of chasers, they are just a disguise, and they are running dogs who deliberately help him promote his family's poems.

To put it bluntly, it is the "water army".

Of course, if it's just like this, it doesn't really matter, because Ye Wen himself is still very talented, so it's no big deal to brag about it.

However, Ye Wen took advantage of this opportunity to recruit a few masters who couldn't make it to the stage.

"Your Highness ordered me to wait here, what orders do you have now?" the man asked.

The sixth prince lightly supported his forehead, thought for a while, and told all the things that happened in the hall.

"Hiss—is there such a powerful person in this world?" The man was also a little shocked, and subconsciously wanted to take out a pen to record. Although he was a sailor, he had been with the chaser for a long time, and he had some problems. When I heard that Xun Wu had such powerful means, I couldn't help but want to write it down, "Your Highness, if this is the case, I'm afraid it's impossible for anyone brought to the court to hide and hide it."

"I think so too." The sixth prince frowned, feeling quite a headache, "I have a close relationship with the second and third brothers, and the relationship is the best. In the court before, the third brother spoke out many times, pointing directly at the eldest brother, there must be a problem. ..”

In fact, he now has some doubts about whether his second and third brothers really have a good relationship with him, because although the third prince has always liked to hate the prince, he definitely did not slander and frame him as desperately as today.

He believes that the second and third princes are definitely ready to do some big things, otherwise how could this happen?

But he didn't understand why the second prince was perfunctory before, saying that he had no extra thoughts at all; he also didn't understand, since the third prince was going to do such a thing today, why didn't he call himself?

He took a deep breath again, and said to his subordinates, "Do you know those people?"

"I only recognize [Strong Bull Fist] Song Wei..." This person was a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, you go find him now, or get him away earlier, or find a way to intercept him halfway."

Watching the man leave, he sighed silently, then turned around and started walking towards the court.

As soon as he entered the courtroom, the atmosphere in the room was a little weird. Ye Wen frowned, not knowing what happened. Just as he was about to return to his seat, a voice sounded, as if he was heartbroken.

"Sixth Brother, Sixth Brother, I never thought it would be you!?"

Ye Wen seemed to be struck by lightning, and he was stunned there.

The third prince, Ye Shou, looked sad and pointed at Ye Wen with trembling fingers.

There is another person beside him, who seems to be a master.

"You actually caused me to almost ruin my brother's reputation!" Ye Shou wailed loudly.

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