Xun Wu's sudden interruption made it impossible for Ye Zhenji to fix it.

However, she reacted quickly, thought a lot, and had strong comprehension skills. After Xun Wu said the right word, she hurriedly nodded like a fan: "Yes, yes, yes."

This made Ye Xian numb, and he was a little confused. Fortunately, he really didn't do such a thing, so he quickly reacted and said an explanation: "I have an alibi."

Xun Wu immediately put on a look of waiting for an explanation, waiting for Ye Xian's explanation.

Ye Xian was a little helpless, but he did have an absolute alibi, so he quickly talked to Xun Wu.

It turned out that during the period when General Deng died, as the prince, Ye Xian, like the other princes, was also preparing gifts for his father.

At that time, Ye Xian left the capital, brought his best friend with him, and found Mr. Xue who was training in the mountains to the west.

Ye Xian got a message that someone had seen a unicorn here. Legend has it that a unicorn is an auspicious beast, and a drop of blood can give birth to a sapling of a unicorn fruit. He made up his mind to find the legendary unicorn. The auspicious animal.

In the end, he couldn't find it anyway, but he encountered a lot of things along the way. It can be said that all the people in the Jianghu in Fengzhou are his witnesses.

Of course, this is just his one-sided statement, and it may be false, or the "Ye Xian" at that time was just a substitute, it is possible, although Ye Zhenji is not willing to think so, but she can also find a way to fake her absence prove.

However, Ye Zhenji knew that their purpose of this trip was not to ask Ye Xian if he had an alibi, they just wanted to verify whether what Ye Fengge said was true.

After all, if Ye Fengge was talking nonsense, wouldn't they be wasting their time for nothing?

After Ye Zhenji's outspoken words in anger and Xun Wu's follow-up questions, the two of them also heard that Ye Xian is really a top-notch expert.

And it doesn't seem weak.

Xun Wu turned his head and glanced at Mr. Xue again. Mr. Xue looked as usual and was very calm when Xun Wu looked at him.

This style feels completely different from Mr. Snake and Mr. Playboy, those two are too bright and coquettish.

This is the inner show type?

"Young Master Xue is practicing the Xuequan Heart Sutra during this period of time, and he cannot use martial arts. Naturally, it is definitely not him."

Xun Wu slightly raised his eyebrows.

Xuequan Heart Sutra?Xun Wu heard from Ji Lian'er that it is a Buddhist heart method, just like his peace knife method, it is a kind of accumulated effort.But the idea of ​​the Peace Saber Technique is to accumulate the aura of the sword and strike an extremely powerful sword, while the Xuequan Heart Sutra is completely different. It is a way of meditating, freezing oneself, allowing oneself to think calmly, and restricting the operation of one's internal strength.

Once practiced and enlightened, you can practice various martial arts more easily. It is a classic type of Buddhist Kungfu.

At this time, the swordsman who went out to persuade and save people also returned upstairs, boldly picked up the jug, and gulped himself two gulps: "Happy!"

He was very excited.

Seems like he's the more playboy guy.

"This is my good friend, Lin Ji, the third head of the Prestige Escort."

Hearing Ye Xian introduce himself, Lin Ji happily bowed to several people.

But he soon realized that the atmosphere didn't seem right.

"If you hear it this way, it really has nothing to do with His Highness." Xun Wu put on a classic professional habitual action, thought for a while, reached for the notebook next to his hand, and found that he didn't seem to have it, so he patted it lightly. own head.

Mr. Xue shook his eyebrows lightly.

Lingji scratched his head.

Is this a professional catcher?Could it be that you are too tired, and you are all stunned?

Seeing Xun Wu's series of actions, Ye Zhenji couldn't help being surprised.

If she didn't know this, she must have thought that Xun Wu was doing business, and he acted so exquisitely?

Later, she realized that since Xun Wu could perform, why couldn't others?

"Brother, tell me about your martial arts—tell me, tell me." Ye Zhenji reached out and grabbed Shuang Manqiu. Shuang Manqiu didn't dare to resist and sat on the other side. Ye Zhenji came Beside Ye Xian, grabbed Ye Xian's sleeve and started to act cute.

"Don't scare brother—don't scare brother!" The Eight Sage King's reaction was exactly the same as that of the previous six princes. It could be seen that their brothers were very afraid of Ye Zhenji's cuteness and flirtatiousness.

It's too scary.

"Brother, you practiced kung fu secretly and became a first-class master in secret. Did you study silently and want to shock everyone on your birthday!"

Ye Xian couldn't help grimacing: "What are you talking about? If I really want to be like this, last year and the year before last, it wasn't that there were no birthdays, and there were opportunities?"

Indeed, Ye Zhenji nodded.

"So why?" She opened her big watery eyes and looked at Ye Xian wheezingly.

Ye Xian couldn't bear it any longer, so he hurriedly picked up his teacup and took a sip: "You let go, you let go."

Ye Zhenji let go of her hand.

"The original intention of practicing martial arts is to strengthen the body. I usually walk on the streets and roads, wandering around the rivers and lakes, and occasionally practice when I have nothing to do. Haven't you seen it?"


Ye Zhenji recalled it for a while—could it be referring to the actions you used to stretch your arms and legs on the street?It turned out that it was not stretching the muscles and bones after being tired from activities, but practicing kung fu? ?

Shuangmanqiu pine nuts are not eaten.

Because thinking about it this way, this virtuous king seems to work harder than her.

Xun Wu thought for a while, if this is the case, then Ye Xian may not have spent less time practicing than other Jianghu peers.

Ye Xian's method is a bit like "fragmented game time". He arranges the practice time set aside by others at night to any stage of the 24 hours a day. If he works hard enough, the total practice time will say Maybe I can fight with Zhang Bumo.

This is also a curly person!

It's too dangerous!

"But why didn't you tell everyone?"

"Is there anything to say?" Ye Xian smiled helplessly, "The elder brothers are all dragons among men, the elder brother is both civil and military, the second elder brother follows closely, and the other elder brothers are also extremely talented in a certain aspect Excellent, I can only play a little bit, and I have no other talents. Is this kind of thing that only takes time to do, is it worth mentioning?"


He is also the only prince who has seen Emperor Shengwu use martial arts. In his opinion, if he is compared with his elder brothers, he is invincible, but if he really wants to say, he is nothing at all.

Father has so many things to do every day, and he can have such a high level of kung fu. In his opinion, he has to be half as strong as father, so that he has the nerve to mention this matter to his brothers and sisters.

Ye Zhenji pondered for a while, and it seemed quite reasonable.She glanced at Xun Wu, and found that Xun Wu didn't intend to ask any more questions, so she nodded slightly.

Exclude one person.

She breathed a sigh of relief, then became nervous again.

There are seven brothers!

"Then... starling, we have other things to do, so let's go first."

Ye Xian smiled and got up to see him off.

After a while, he returned to his position, and at the same time, Lin Ji said: "Brother Ye Xian, when I rescued that kid just now, I have already touched the bones, as you can see, the talent is indeed quite extraordinary. "

"Think of a way to lure him to the snow-capped mountains, repay favors and avenge him, he's a seedling." Ye Xian nodded.

"Then what about the birthday?"

Ye Xian shook his head: "Don't meddle, this is not something we can intervene in. If they want to seek death, then they go."

After finishing speaking, Ye Xian closed his eyes and rested his mind, began to exercise his mind, and practiced his inner strength in this small teahouse.

At the same time, Xun Wu and Ye Zhenji were walking on the road, talking in a low voice: "It's not easy..."


"He just deliberately deflected the topic, covered up his lies with truth, hid his true thoughts, and told a true lie."

Ye Zhenji was stunned.

Can you hear this?She didn't notice at all.

Xun Wu has already seen that what Ye Xian is best at is probably using the truth to cover up his own lies, so the flaws in his body and the words in his mouth are all true, but in fact they are to create false appearances and cover up the biggest The problem - he's really cheating on the siblings.

"However, it really has nothing to do with this matter."

"That's fine, I don't want to think about him anymore - let's go, let's go to the clan mansion."

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