The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 221 The Old Routine

"Deep meaning?"

Ye Fengge snorted coldly: "Why did I give General Deng things, don't you know? Why, there are still things in Yunzhou that you haven't found out yet?"

Xun Wu frowned slightly, then relaxed it.

Therefore, Ye Fengge really wanted to break down General Deng's heart from the inside in order to successfully carry out the rebellion plan in Yunzhou, and let him be his helper?

It's kind of stupid...

"Fengge. It's too stupid for you to do this." Compared to what Xun Wu said in his heart, Ye Zhenji really couldn't help it, and subconsciously wanted to teach Ye Fengge.

"Hmph, what's my business to do with you?" Ye Fengge didn't give himself this aunt face at all.

cough cough.

Xun Wu coughed twice in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged, he just nodded slightly.

The corners of Ye Zhenji's eyes twitched wildly, and she couldn't help clenching her fists.

Even though they are the same age, Ye Zhenji really can't stand this kid.

"It's my turn." Ye Fengge did not hesitate, and then asked another question of his own, "I can't leave here now, do you have any way to let me contact people from the outside world, let the outside world My subordinates received a message to rescue me?"

"Fengge, can you stop thinking about these things? Don't you think that the emperor will tolerate you going out?" Ye Zhenji really convinced her nephew, "Even if you go out, what can you do? Let the elder brother take you out with his own hands." Send it back again? Or let the emperor break your leg?"

"Heh, what else should I be afraid of than growing old quietly here?"

Xun Wu didn't care much about the argument between the two, he touched his chin first, and then said, "Yes."


Everyone looked at Xun Wu in surprise.

"There are many ways."

Many ways? ? ?

Ye Fengge got up and sat cross-legged in front of Xun Wu, quite serious, as if he wanted to listen to Xun Wu's "high theory".

He stayed in this cold palace for half a year, tried everything, but still couldn't leave for half a minute, so what can Xun Wu say?

And while Ye Fengge was waiting for Xun Wu's high opinion, on the other side, the guards outside couldn't help but narrowed the scope of guards, wanting to hear what Xun Wu had to say.

"The easiest way, of course, is to practice martial arts." Xun Wu pointed to the few volumes of martial arts cheats on the side, "I have already glanced at them before, and many of them are miraculous skills that can even let second-rate masters release their inner qi." , Your Highness doesn’t need to be very advanced, as long as you are proficient, you can shine on the palace every night according to a specific signal that your subordinates want to recognize, so that they can recognize your position.”

Ye Fengge blinked.

What's the use of knowing?

"Afterwards, wait until you and people from the outside world discover each other at the same time, then look for a book that you also have at home, let the other party find the book through basic signals, arrange, combine and encode it according to that book, and make a book. To put it simply, the secret language is the method of frontier fortress beacon fire.

Hurry up, and within a year you can communicate fluently with the outside world. "

This is blowing it up, Xun Wu can hardly believe that Ye Fengge can play well.

Ye Fengge was stunned for a while, thinking about the feasibility of this matter, he didn't want to understand the details, he just felt that it was quite possible if it was done.

But on the other hand, Ye Zhenji felt that although it was logically feasible, Ye Fengge would definitely not be able to do this, because it was difficult for him to notice whether it was his personal ability or his subordinates from the outside world—not to mention, Ye Fengge Feng Ge's "subordinates" ran away, slipped away, and caught them. How could there be such a talented person who could help him do this?

He doesn't have a confidant like Xun Wu.

However, although the feasibility is not high, those masters who are listening carefully can't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

This way, they can do it——

One of the captains immediately made up his mind that he must truthfully report to His Majesty every sentence, every word, and every expression that Xun Wu and Ye Fengge talked about today, especially what Xun Wu said must not have any omission.

"Sit." Ye Fengge thought for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand, motioning for Xun Wu to sit in front of him.

Xun Wu was also unambiguous, and swept away the garbage with his hands, then sat cross-legged in front of Ye Fengge, and looked at Ye Fengge.

After another question, Ye Fengge's enthusiasm has been completely mobilized by Xun Wu. The two of them asked and answered, and soon, everything Xun Wu wanted to know was within a short time. After asking,

Although not all of them may be the answer, nor can it be used as evidence to be placed in the court, but for Xun Wu, it is enough.

With the direction of investigation, evidence can be collected slowly.

As for Ye Fengge's questions, Xun Wu also answered every question, and all of them responded with very reasonable and feasible answers.

Some people may ask, what is Xun Wu doing so hard, just to gain the trust of the emperor's eldest grandson, the previous few questions should be enough, right?

The pattern, my friends—this time the conversation with Ye Fengge was not only about them, but also for the Emperor Shengwu to see.

Xun Wu has always been thinking about Emperor Shengwu's promotion and gaining experience.With this kind of opportunity, if you don't show yourself and let the big insiders around you "shock and shock", how can you gain a sense of presence?

As for whether Ye Fengge heard these things, would he use them to make trouble——if Xun Wu told Ye Fengge in front of so many people, this group of big insiders could still let Ye Fengge take advantage of the loopholes , then Xun Wu felt that it would be a matter of time before Ye Fengge ran out by himself.

Xun Wu was "talking about loopholes" with Ye Fengge, and at the same time was sharing how to "make up for it" with those big inner guards. I couldn't stand it, so Xun Wu suggested changing careers.

"Listen to what you say, it's really better than ten years of reading." Ye Fengge wished he could meet Xun Wu sooner rather than in this cold palace.

On the other side, Ye Zhenji completely understood - isn't this what Xun Wu did to fool Fang Xian in Jinzhou half a year ago?It's just more powerful, more powerful, and more moisturizing.

To use Xun Wu's habit, it is "power-enhanced version".

"Your Highness is absurd." Xun Wu replied with a smile.

He already knew what he wanted to know, and he was still in a good mood.

It was almost time now, and Xun Wu was about to get up.

And at this moment, Ye Fengge asked the last question: "Then Xun Wu, do you think I still have a chance?"

Xun Wu was shocked immediately.

What's the matter, you want me to go climbing?

Xun Wu quickly patted his head, looked at Ye Fengge, and pointed to the bookshelves next to him.

He didn't speak any more, but bowed, turned and started to leave.

Ye Fengge looked at those books.

No matter which of Xun Wu's strategies, they are inseparable from those books.

But Xun Wu's meaning is very simple.

Why don't you think about why there are so many books in your cold palace?

Astronomy and geography, state governance, kingly administration, strategist cunning, everything you expect to find; nine streams and three religions, each with ingenuity, all-encompassing; all martial arts in the world are collected here, let Ye Fengge use them.

In other words, what His Majesty wants today is not Ye Fengge wasting time in the cold palace, but to be enlightened, but to study hard and become an excellent royal child.

After Xun Wu left for a long time, Ye Fengge sat blankly for a long time. He wanted to lie down and continue to wait day after day, but he couldn't help looking at a row of ancient books.

All of Xun Wu's strategies can be found in the past history, just like the "beacon fire strategy", the inheritance of wisdom is the greatest strength of a person.

He couldn't help standing up.

Maybe I will never be able to leave here, but I have nothing to do anyway, so I just listen to Xun Wu, read it?

"Xun Wu, you talk too much to Feng Ge!" On the other side, after being warned by the big insider for a while, Ye Zhenji led Xun Wu out of the palace, and couldn't help complaining, "I recommended you to my father again before." You are dead, but now that you do this kind of thing, it is extremely difficult to rise again."


Her Royal Highness is too generous.

"Your Highness, don't worry, I will say that it is because those schemes cannot actually be implemented.

Thank you for your love, Your Highness, but at the moment, you should think about His Highness's answer. "

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