The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 210 How to Close

Luo Changfeng wanted to fight again, but obviously, he had no chance of winning.

In this battle, he made two serious mistakes.

First, single-to-single-handed, he is not a steady winner of any of Xun Wu's three, he fights hard, and Roman beats him like a dog; second, although he has made Xun Wu as dangerous as possible, Prepared as much as possible, but he still underestimated Xun Wu.

Originally, when he thought about it, even if he hadn't killed Xun Wu immediately, Xun Wu wouldn't have figured it out so quickly.

But the fact is that Xun Wu has seen too many bosses with attribute transformation and skill rotation, which is far clearer than he thought.

But now, with no more manpower, and his master trusted him too much, he didn't have any lookouts for him. Facing Xun Wu and the others, it was only natural that he be suppressed.

What's more amazing is that when Luo Man knocked Luo Changfeng out of shape and hit the wall, Xun Wu immediately drew out his saber and used up his remaining internal energy.


A slight howl of wolves sounded in the dark prison. It seemed that Xun Wu's wolf-pack swordsmanship had become stronger because of learning the dog-hunting skill, and the king wolf style was also stronger than before.

However, Xun Wu's sword was not cutting people, but a chain sword that quickly cut towards Luo Changfeng.

"Ding Ding Ding-"

A series of voices sounded, and Luo Changfeng's chain sword was chopped into pieces by Xun Wu like pieces of broken ice!

Xun Wu has been observing for a long time, and now he even counts the length of each section of Luo Changfeng's chain sword clearly. After watching for so long, if Xun Wu can't find the "cutting point", half a year of learning will be in vain. The cutting sword and knife method.

Moreover, compared to normal long swords, chain swords like Luo Changfeng are too easy to break as long as they can find the connection point.

"Hey—" Xun Wu chuckled.

You break my big sword, and I chop your matching sword. This is called retaliation.

Well now, Luo Changfeng doesn't even have any weapons.

Not to mention that Luo Changfeng is actually not as good as Roman, that is, he has been in a "prosperous" state, without a sword, and has suffered many heavy blows. Whether he can beat Zhang Bumo is a question mark, let alone Xun Wu and the others. There are three people.

Sure enough, with just a little effort, Xun Wu three completely knocked Luo Changfeng unconscious.


It's just that, but it doesn't work.

Although this Luo Changfeng was dizzy, he was still a top-notch expert after all. Although he couldn't use his sword qi empty-handed, his other kind of internal qi was difficult to deal with. It might be very difficult to imprison him, so Xun Wu had made a good craftsman and tied him up. After finishing the three second-rate masked men, Xun Wu began to discuss with Roman how to deal with them.

Roman listened for a while and understood.

"It's simple." Roman nodded quickly.

"Oh? Roman, do you have a solution? How do you fix it?" Xun Wu immediately felt relieved when he heard that Roman had a move.

He has a profound background, since there is a way, there must be something.

"This person is difficult to deal with. Isn't the most important thing because of his internal qi?" Roman began to dig out his pockets, took out a dozen medicine packs, and began to sort them into different categories, looking for them. At that time, he didn't even dare to receive a punch from me, so as long as his internal energy is sealed, it is naturally not a threat, and there is no need to worry about him escaping from prison."

Xun Wu nodded.

"Could it be?" Xun Wu vaguely remembered something.

Roman smiled and nodded: "That's right, just as Catcher Xun thought, it's exactly——A Dream with the Wind."

Roman took out a bag of things.

Xun Wu blinked.

Good guy, as expected of you, Roman, you really dare to take out anything. Did you actually carry the poison of the Demon Cult with you?

Roman was stared at by Xun Wu's strange eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

"Xun Wu, you should remember that I carried the antidote for Sui Feng Yi Meng with me, so we were able to ignore the effect of Sui Feng Yi Meng's medicine when we were in Yinzhou." Roman hurriedly began to explain to Xun Wu.

If he's fine, he won't bring anything indiscriminately. Since he carries the antidote with him, there are of course some additional reasons.

In fact, when Roman travels around the world, he often encounters some special situations, and he is very lucky. He doesn't know when he will find a seriously injured martial arts senior in the wilderness.

In the spirit of a doctor, Roman will definitely treat them, but treating these old seniors is not an easy task.

Some of them may be broken in love, some may have lost their children, and some may have avenged their vengeance. Their hearts are empty and their mentality is very bad. If they can't bear the effects of medicine and pain, they may run wild and move around indiscriminately. attack.

In order to prevent these strongmen from destroying the natural environment, destroying the vitality of the world, and destroying some precious medicinal materials, he later thought of Suifeng Yimeng.

As long as the person being treated can't use martial arts during the healing period, he can accept Roman's treatment and speech therapy with peace of mind, and after he is cured, he can be relieved with the antidote, isn't it the end of the matter?

So in fact, in Roman's hands, this "Following the Wind and a Dream" is an advanced anesthesia product, specially used to treat those first-class patients who are not numb or fainted after taking his own iron fist.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing is strictly forbidden to be used or produced by the imperial court, but Roman makes it for his own use, and it is still used to treat people, and others can't say anything about him.

What's wrong?Why don't you tell the high officials in the court if you don't accept it?Do you think someone will punish Roman?

When Bao Fu Yin saw it, he might only criticize it verbally, let alone other people?

At the beginning, Roman saved the people of an entire area and cured a plague!As long as it is not a serious problem, no one will care about him, at most he will be out of sight and out of mind.

Therefore, when Xun Wu saw Roman taking out this kind of thing, he didn't say anything, but he was very happy.

Suifeng Yimeng can be used both inside and outside, but the effect of dispersing it in the air is definitely not as strong as swallowing it. Just by smelling it, it is possible that the internal energy cannot be circulated for several hours. Luo Changfeng swallowed half a bag, how much is this? sky?

"About five or six days?" Roman knew the efficacy of this stuff very well, "It will only be more, not less."

"Yes, yes, three days later, the three divisions will be interrogated, and five days will be His Majesty's birthday. There is more than enough time." Xun Wu nodded with satisfaction. The two members of the Deng family have cleared their grievances."

He is very happy.

Although he did not find the "dry" on the backs of this group of people during the inspection, he was not sure whether they were related to that organization, but the point is that Luo Changfeng is likely to be the real culprit who killed General Deng, which is very important to him. As for what kind of power is behind him, it can be investigated slowly.

"In a short time, no one will come again." Xun Wu pondered for a while, and said to Roman, "Roman, you go out and have a look, be careful, if you find anything unusual, please notify us immediately. If there is nothing unusual , find out if there are any brothers who are still alive, injured and hiding, and give them some emergency bandages."

When Roman heard Xun Wu's words, he immediately regained his spirits. The original excitement of Hammer was gone in an instant, and he looked more reliable than when he was fighting. He said solemnly: "Xun Wu, don't worry, I won't let you every living brother dies."

After all, he walked outside without hesitation.

As expected of the Young Pavilion Master with the world in mind.

Xun Wu moved his body, rubbed his head, and looked at Luo Changfeng, who was made into a rice dumpling by the three of Xun Wu.

After that, I have to talk to Bai Yupan about it.

The person caught, the white jade plate didn't offer much to treat him to two meals, isn't it too much to say?

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