The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 208 It's Not So Easy To Be A Genius

Luo Changfeng couldn't help sighing.

After all, Xun Wu is not a god, and he can't completely see through all Luo Changfeng's thoughts, nor can he completely see through Luo Changfeng's martial arts all at once, but just this one, Luo Changfeng's offensive threat will be reduced by at least half.

Xiang Gemen's patriarch was a genuine genius, a master of both swordsmanship and poetry, a peerless genius who had been leading the way for hundreds of years.

Before he appeared, many people could call themselves geniuses, but when they saw this Xiangge Patriarch, no matter how elegant they were, they couldn't help but feel ashamed.

However, this is a kind of hardship for his disciples.

Patriarch Xiang Ge is a genius, a genius who transcends common sense, but his life is not as unlucky as Zhang Bumo's. He has never been framed by his senior brothers. He can do whatever he wants, say whatever he wants, the key is because of his literary talent and martial arts, not many people will bother him.

After all, he is so talented, more than half of the poets who are talented up to the present age are his fans, even poets are his fans.

He never thought about "how ordinary people should cultivate". He founded Xianggemen in the last period of his life, but he never taught his disciples hand in hand. People continued to drink and sing.

However, martial arts in this world have always been like this. For those who are suitable for cultivation, it will be easier to practice a certain type of martial arts, while some special types of martial arts require corresponding special physical qualifications.

There are many requirements for Xianggemen's martial arts, especially the Zhenpai mental method, which requires "the appearance of a fairy", but the problem is that this martial arts not only requires the qualifications of the learners, but also is quite complicated without a certain cultural background I can't even read it.

Compared with the Four-Phase Miraculous Kungfu, which can be understood by individuals, and can be realized by one or two moves, Yantao Yunxia Mingmie Divine Kungfu cannot be understood, that is, it cannot be understood, and it will never be learned in a lifetime.

So in fact, Xiang Gemen was doomed to decline since its birth, because no matter how hard Xiang Gemen tried, he couldn't always find people who were smart enough and capable of both civil and military skills.

In the later stage of development, after many generations of inheritance, although Xianggemen lost a lot of martial arts, he finally succeeded in dismantling this magic art. Some people can specialize in "Xiang Tianheng" and some can focus on "Invisible" ", although the future of this sect is no longer so bright, at least it can continue.

However, at this time, a villain appeared in the sect.

Everyone should understand this person, it is Luo Changfeng.

In this world, there is a kind of people in the rivers and lakes called "Dou Li Ke". They are usually unscrupulous disciples who have been kicked out of the sect, but they can still use the martial arts of the sect.But there are dangerous elements who go further, are more dangerous, and are not even worthy of "fighting hats".

That is Luo Changfeng.

The traitor who killed his teacher.

Maybe it was a manifestation to the seniors of Gemen, or maybe it was to bless the ancestors of Gemen. Twenty years ago, Xianggemen accepted a disciple who was not low in talent.

Xiang Gemen is already struggling to take care of food, rice, oil and salt. It is very exciting to receive a disciple by chance. What is even more exciting is that although this disciple is already 20 years old, he is a scholar. , and then voted for Gemen.

Compared with the general people in Jianghu, Xiang Gemen has a higher degree of favorability with scholars, because a person who knows more culture can understand Xiang Gemen's martial arts more easily, without them trying to teach them Rivers and lakes culture.

You must know that most people in the Jianghu are actually illiterate, and the degree of torture to teach some Jianghu people in their twenties is far greater than teaching martial arts to a scholar.

And Luo Changfeng lived up to expectations, and learned the mind of the town school.

However, he only learned half of it, he only learned "towards the sky".

This made him secretly complain.

Why did the old guy only teach me half?

Why not teach me the other half too?

He didn't understand the old man's good intentions, so he asked the old man from time to time, and his master said as always, "Just half of it is enough."

But the seeds of doubt have been planted. Since he no longer believes in the master, he will not care about the history of the sect no matter what the master tells him. Even in his opinion, how can such a dilapidated small sect be so prosperous Patriarch?It's just putting money on your face blindly.

Finally, on a certain day, he couldn't bear it anymore, and tried to kill his master while he was sleeping, and then took out the other half of the cheats, and began to study and study.

When he first practiced, he was very excited, because the two halves of martial arts complement each other, and once he masters one, the inner strength of the other will be cultivated more easily.

But soon, he discovered that there was a reason why the master did not let him practice the other half.

If he only practiced "Xiang Tian Heng", although he didn't have the "invisible" flickering and difficult to detect, but his sword energy was unstoppable, but he couldn't stop after practicing the "invisible" skill up.

The two halves of internal energy circulated automatically in his body. Although the internal energy was constantly being generated, it was also constantly changing the nature of his internal energy, changing into sharp white internal energy for a while, and soft blue internal energy for a while. Moreover, the originally irresistible sword energy will gradually decrease in power over time, and even at a certain point, he has neither sword energy nor protective body protection energy, which is no different from a weak scholar.

Genius is not so easy to be.

What's more, a person who doesn't conform to the idea of ​​Xianggemen Patriarch at all?

There was no one in the sect anymore, and he also searched through the books in the sect, but in the one could give him any answers.

He hastily swept away the remaining money in the sect, and fled the sect like crazy, wanting to find a solution.

And this naturally laid a foreshadowing.

He left too flustered and had no intention of setting fire to the mountain, and because of inner fear, he never dared to go back and have a look. As a result, ten years later, a young man stumbled upon the bones of the old master on the mountain , buried the body for the old master, took care of the sect, found a worm-eaten martial arts cheat book, and shared it with his good brother.

This person—not Bai Yupan—is the Playboy of the past.

With a single thought, Luo Changfeng went on an evil path, and it was the same detail problem. Bai Yupan did not see the corpse of the old master with his own eyes, and did not find that there was another descendant of Xiang Gemen.

But these will be connected today!

Just like the brightness of the moon, the waxing and waning of the moon!As always, the cycle repeats!

Xun Wu silently memorized the number in his heart, suddenly his eyes fixed, he raised his hand crossbow again, and pulled the trigger towards Luo Changfeng.

There is no second arrow loaded on the hand crossbow. After all, there is not enough time to load it.

But this time, Luo Changfeng was taken aback, and became a literally frightened bird, jumping back a step.

This step is the signal!

Brothers, hit him!

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