The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 206 Unstoppable

Yantao Yunxia Mingming magic.

Xianggemen's town school unique skills have also been handed down to the present, and the few remaining ones have not been lost.

According to Luo Man and Zhang Bumo's understanding, this kung fu should be divided into two "factions", or "practice directions", one is directed towards the sky and the other is invisible.

According to legend, apart from Xiang Gemen's patriarch who opened the sect, the unrestrained wine fairy, and the world poet fairy, no one can completely grasp all the power of the mental method of the school at the same time.

Judging from the current situation, this "Luo Changfeng" with fluttering long hair and a rather chic look should be a practitioner of Xiang Tianheng's type.

But to be honest, neither Roman nor Zhang Bumo had actually seen the real Xiang Ge passer, and they didn't know how outrageous Xiang Tianheng was.

Now...they see it.

There is no need to explain Roman's skill at all. The addition of 55 years of pure internal energy allows him to use extremely high power in the auxiliary martial arts, but three punches in a row can't change the trajectory of the chain sword. , This is really too outrageous.

However, this is also the battle between Bai Yupan and the man in black that they have never seen before. The man in black is also a not bad first-class master, but he was still defeated by Bai Yupan with a single sword. It's not easy.

Luo Changfeng raised his hand lightly, and the extended sword slowly swirled along his inner energy. There were several clicks and it turned into a straight and long sword.

He shook his hands, felt it, and couldn't help admiring: "It is rumored that Pavilion Master Luo Shao once ate a strange fruit, and his internal strength was ten years more than ordinary people. Looking at it now, it may be far more than ten years. There must be someone 30 years?"

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows.


Although he was a little surprised just now, Xun Wu suddenly calmed down a lot.

Xun Wu had fought with Roman before, so he had some impressions.

When Lu Fugui and Hero Lu fought Roman before, he once said that Roman's internal strength seemed to be "ten years" higher than his peers, but at that time, he didn't actually see how much Roman's internal energy was, it was just a rough estimate .

Similarly, Luo Changfeng didn't see how many years of Roman's internal energy it was. It was also an estimate. Although it was closer to the truth than Hero Lu, it was still wrong.

In other words, he may really be stronger than the hero Lu who is in full condition, but he may not be so terrifying.

It's okay, it doesn't look like an opponent that can't be defeated, but it does seem very difficult.

After finishing the three moves, Roman frowned. Seeing that the opponent was not in a hurry to make another move, he couldn't help taking a step back, standing in a row with Xun Wu, looking at Xun Wu out of the corner of his eye.

This is Roman's "experience". Whenever he encounters troubles that he can't solve, he will often encounter some old-timers who don't know where to come out of the rivers and lakes to explain his doubts. Last time, he and Xun Wu together In the battle, he originally wondered if the old swordsman from the Dongshan School would make a move, but it turned out that Xun Wu gave him an answer.

Now, he felt that Xun Wu might have seen something again, otherwise his expression would not have changed so quickly.

But to be honest, Xun Wu actually just relaxed a little bit, but he didn't have accurate thoughts.

In addition, there are very few flaws on this person, even fewer than Zhao Wumian and Bai Yupan.

Two, or one, in a short period of time, there are only one or two flaws on his body, and they are changing every moment.

Xun Wu frowned, but without hesitation, he untied his long sword and threw it at the man.

In such a narrow environment, it was difficult for Xun Wu to fight with a big sword. If he accidentally got stuck, he might die, so he just went straight and used the meteor pose to see the situation and make a distinction.

But unfortunately-

Luo Changfeng chuckled, the white light on his body lit up slightly, and scattered around, forming a huge circle with himself as the center. Then, he narrowed his eyes, swung his sword sideways, and the chain sword in his hand looked like A long poisonous snake wrapped around the big sword.


Although the great sword was entangled by Luo Changfeng's sword, the meteor-style "second burst" would still activate, and would push forward violently again.

However, Luo Changfeng shook his hands lightly, white light erupted from his hand like a spiraling whirlwind, and only heard the sound of "click" and "click", and the inner energy surrounding the big sword was instantly shattered Immediately afterwards, the great sword that lost its inner support was affected by gravity and fell to the ground. Luo Changfeng turned his hands, and slowly pulled out the chain sword as if pulling out the laces from a shoe. .

Those left on the ground seemed to be slashed by countless swords at the same time, crackling and shattering to the ground.

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows.

The sword had been with him for half a year, but he didn't expect it to disappear like this.

never mind.Xun Wu said to the second prince before that "you will not be rewarded for no merit". If there is no lack of arms and legs this time, the royal sword must be able to withstand it. It is much stronger than this thing, right?

However, compared to this, Xun Wu cared more about other things.

Although it was only a few tricks, the three of Xun Wu were indeed not sure of winning this man, but there were still a few people behind Luo Changfeng, who had time to kill the three craftsmen, why were they not in a hurry?

It can't be stupid, right?

So much manpower was wasted, and there is always a purpose to sending people in safely and in full condition.

Xun Wu frowned, and immediately figured it out.

Seeing you off is a literal meaning, but those three craftsmen may have been "piggybacked". This Luo Changfeng came to kill them!

These few people are assisting Luo Changfeng to complete the task.

After a little thought, Xun Wu immediately said, "Large range."

A wide range of?

Roman heard it, then thought for a moment, changed his posture, and the green light reappeared on his body, waving towards several people in the void.

His internal energy was released randomly like he didn't want money, regardless of whether it was hit or not, and regardless of the strength of each punch, he punched crazily.

"Hahaha, Xun Wu, you think too much." Luo Changfeng laughed when he saw this scene.

Do you want to overtake me and directly kill these people behind me?

Luo Changfeng swung his sword again, and the entire chain sword shot out. With the shaking of Luo Changfeng, it whirled rapidly, like a fan spinning at a high speed, like a shield, blocking all of Roman's attacks.

Xun Wu frowned slightly.

Can this hold up too?

However, Luo Changfeng didn't hold back. Although he could block Roman, he also realized Xun Wu's thoughts. He laughed loudly twice, then shook his long sword again, and swayed a white sword energy.

The three of Xun Wu couldn't resist, so they could only dodge.

"You take action too!" Luo Changfeng said to the three people behind after forcing them away.

Upon hearing the news, the three of them immediately raised their sabers, grabbed the hilt of the saber with their backhands, pulled out the scabbard and threw it away, then stared at Xun Wu and the other three with red blood in their eyes.


Xun Wu suddenly felt a pain in his head, as if after sleeping for more than ten hours with a hangover, his brain began to ache.

Not only that, but he also felt that there were evil ghosts appearing and biting by ghosts all over him. It was disgusting and cold, and it was difficult to think deeply.

Is it sword intent?

He forced himself up, but saw that Luo Changfeng had already walked towards the three of them slowly, holding his sword, and his first target was him!

Luo Changfeng understood.

Xun Wu, who has the ability to distinguish situations, see through flaws, and detect flaws in his skills, is very difficult to be dangerous no matter what level of martial artist encounters them.

Therefore, Xun Wu should be killed first!

But what he didn't expect was that before he could get closer, Xun Wu let go of his hand covering his head after saying "ah—" and glared back at the three masked people behind him. A sense of warmth and sunshine rose from his side, making him stunned for a while.

Sword intent?


How could Xun Wu know sword intent?

No one has ever said that he has sword intent! ?

But at this time, he had no way to complain about the intelligence organization.

Because, Roman had already gritted his teeth and rushed straight to his face!

"Tsk." He was slightly dissatisfied, and retreated quickly, his figure suddenly became unreal, and he slowly disappeared in front of Xun Wu and the others.

What is this! ?

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