The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 201 One day left

The capital has been recruiting new arresters for a long time, and now there are new recruits joining the Yamen, which shouldn't be a big deal.

But, this time is different.

This time, the young master of Jishi Pavilion, Roman, joined!

He is not only a living Bodhisattva in the hearts of many ordinary people, but also a large number of people in the rivers and lakes, officers and soldiers, and policemen regard him as an idol, and he is called a "hero" at a young age.

Now, even if he joins the government, even if he is not a policeman, he is just an official doctor of the government, but it still cheers up many people. Flooded into the Yamen, wanting to become a member of the imperial court.

The power of idols is indeed very strong. At first, there were not many arresting yamen recruited, but a lot of newcomers applied for the job. However, Xun Wuning chose some people with clean backgrounds, and did not recruit too many. Alright, leave the rest to Fang Xian's training.

Xun Wu was busy for another few days, and he was quite happy, after all, the yamen was really short of manpower during these days.

Moreover, the addition of Roman made Bao Yuan's autopsy more detailed.Although Luo Man is not a professional martial artist, but the basic literacy of medicine lies here after all. The aspect of martial arts is not as good as that of Bao Yuan, but he knows most of the common martial arts in the world and some of them are lost. Bao Yuan can't easily distinguish some of them in a short time. Things, he can also assist from the side, saving Bao Yuan a lot of time.

However, Bao Yuan didn't like Roman very much, and was even a little unhappy. Obviously Xun Wu tried to make it easier for her, but she was very repulsed to study with others, and Roman was too cowardly, so he didn't help in the end , I wander around in the yamen every day, and I don't know what I'm learning.

But that's fine, Roman must be wandering around every day because he wants to study the "factional struggle" in the government. Xun Wu doesn't know what he can realize, but anyway, wandering around every day is similar to patrolling. This top-notch expert can also protect the people in the yamen.

This reassured Xun Wu a lot.

After all, there are too many first-class masters here in the capital, and he and Zhang Bumo combined can be regarded as a first-class combat power that can fight, but after all, there are many things, and he has to go out to investigate. The combat power is really average.

With Roman, there is no such trouble.

Now, we have closed the government office of the prefecture, and we also have the "Four Famous Detective-level Detective Ability" and "Four Famous Detective-level Combat Forces".

Naturally, when Xun Wu was excited about adding another ur-level character to the yamen, there were of course some forces in this undercurrent in the capital who silently noticed this matter.

There is no way, Roman joined the government as a small official doctor, this kind of thing cannot be hidden.

at this time.

The sun is shining and the scenery is just right.

The sixth prince, Ye Wen, retreated through the screen and passed through a narrow and hollow circular aisle. While looking at the scenery in the courtyard, he stepped on his steps with a heavy heart.

Here is the mansion of the second prince Ye Chang. Like the prince, Ye Chang is not young anymore, he moved out of the palace early, and now he is staying leisurely in the courtyard.

Compared with General Deng's mansion, the second prince's courtyard is much larger. Not only does it have an artificial lake, but also pavilions, rockery, pines and cypresses, it looks like it is in the wild.

Ye Wen walked out of the circle-like passage, came to the yard, took a deep breath, raised his hand and shouted: "Second brother!"

Ye Chang's ears trembled slightly, he turned around and looked over, and laughed: "Sixth brother, why are you here, and you didn't ask anyone to tell me."

Although the sixth prince was not born to the same concubine as the second and third princes, they had a very good relationship and usually worked together, so they were very honest with each other, and Ye Chang didn't feel that Ye Wen was bothering him.

Ye Chang is painting on the rockery. His painting skills are quite good. Although he can't compare with Cong Yun, he is quite good. Moreover, although the rockery and creek he painted have no "meaning", they are quite There is a kind of leisurely look.

Ye Wen took a deep breath, greeted Ye Chang with a smile, and then said, "Second brother, Roman is here, and he has become an official doctor in the government office of Fengzhou."

"Roman? Has he come to the capital?" Ye Chang was quite surprised.

That child didn't like officialdom at first glance, but he didn't expect to become an official doctor?

Seeking help from a doctor in Jishige, and joining the government as a doctor, although there seems to be no difference, both pay according to the situation, but the meaning is completely different, the second prince naturally understands.

"Haha, he will come when he comes, what's the big deal." The second prince shook his head, and continued to look at the rockery with the creek, thinking about his appearance and gesticulating.

"Second brother, do you still want to hide it from me?" The sixth prince was a little depressed.

"Hiding it? Which one are you talking about?" Ye Chang asked suspiciously.

The sixth prince was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "Second brother, Zhao Wumian has already investigated a lot of things."

Ye Chang raised his eyebrows.

"According to Wumian these days, I have been tracking the person who made the statue mold, and I have a general direction. Now I have identified a few suspects, and these people are related to you, second brother, for no reason."

Ye Chang was not surprised, he tapped lightly on the paper, and nodded again.

"Second brother, aren't you nervous?"

"There is nothing to worry about." Ye Chang said lightly.

The sixth prince sighed, hesitated for a moment, raised his head to look around, and said hesitantly: "Second brother... Tell me the truth, are you against that person... Little brother, although I don't have much behind me." People, but they can also share the worries for the second brother."

The second prince Chang finally stopped what he was doing, turned around, and looked at Ye Wen.

In Ye Wen's eyes, there was nervousness and panic, but more, it was actually greed.

Ye Chang could see it, and it was very obvious, because Ye Wen didn't hide it at all.

The sixth prince does not have any ambitions on weekdays. Apart from reciting poems against a group of literati, drinking and singing, there is nothing superfluous to do. However, this group of people has the "right to speak" in the world to some extent. The pen of the organization, mastering them, actually masters the mouthpiece of the world.

What is black can be called white, and what is white can also be called black.Although they don't have much force, they are still a force that should not be underestimated.

This power is naturally an investment capital.

"Sixth brother..." The second prince picked up the brush, dipped it in ink, and drew a stream of ink-colored water beside the rockery on the painting.

"Second brother, tell me." The sixth prince was a little excited.

"As long as the father is in power, we will always be the prince."

The sixth prince was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what he meant.

"Similarly, if the elder brother is alive for a day, then he will always be the prince and prince. You and I can't change it."

The sixth prince was stunned.

This word...

and many more!

Could it be that the second brother wants to kill the eldest brother?

He shivered all over his body—yes, if he really wanted to fight, the elder brother would not be able to live no matter what, he must die.

But he thought of the miserable state of the prince, and how the prince had been taking care of him since he was a child, but he couldn't help hesitating.

If this is the case, he may not be able to make this move.

Looking at Ye Wen's appearance, the second prince couldn't help shaking his head.

"It's okay, it's fine as usual." The second prince didn't care whether the sixth prince understood him or not.

"Since all the gold is back, I don't care what happens next. I'm still busy thinking about what gift to give to my father. If you have anything else, just tell me."

In the end, Ye Wen didn't ask any more questions, but left in a daze.

If it weren't for the second brother, who else would have the courage and confidence?

Moreover, today's second brother seems to be different from what he has always thought before. He seems to be really not interested in that seat.

In his impression, the second brother has never had any sense of existence. He has always been doing what the eldest brother does, and he will follow suit, and from time to time to appease the third brother who is angry and wants to fight against the eldest brother. Besides...

He seems to really do nothing, just be a good son and brother.

how could it be possible?

How can it be! ?

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