The two women of the Deng family had just moved back to their own home recently, and they had been hiding in the home of Aunt Yin's aunt in Bao Mansion.

When the yamen's arrester went to notify them, they rushed over immediately.

Mrs. Deng cried very sadly, but Ms. Deng Lianyue cried for a while, but she gradually fell silent as if she had dried up her tears.

It's not very strange, after all, although Miss Deng Lianyue is General Deng's daughter, she has so few chances to see General Deng that she only has a vague appearance.

Nowadays, seeing General Deng, who is covered in scars and his legs and feet have been burned for a while, even feels a little strange.

It's like looking at a stranger.

"Madam, miss, please forgive me." Fang Xian said to them.

Fang Xian is very friendly, and he was always responsible for the extra comfort work at Aunt Bao Huaiying's house before, so he said something aloud at this time.

Deng Lianyue shivered.

She glanced at her mother.

"Mother, don't cry—don't cry—" She gently patted Mrs. Deng on the back, comforting her.

On the other side, Xun Wu sighed. Although it was not appropriate, he still told them about the situation.

"Un...anatomy?!" Mrs. Deng's expression was not very good, and she yelled in panic.

On the other side, Deng Lianyue hesitated for a moment, then looked at her mother: "Mother, let a few of you do it!"

"This—how can this work..."

Death is like a lamp being extinguished. Deng Yuan suffered so much before he was alive, and now he has died without peace. As a wife, she feels her heart is going to be broken. Now, hearing that Xun Wu is going to have an autopsy, it is really unacceptable .

"Mom, you don't want Dad to die like this for no reason, do you?" Deng Lianyue gritted her teeth, "If he knows that you want to avenge him and find a murderer for him, he will definitely agree!"

Mrs. Deng stared at her daughter, stunned for a while, then nodded slowly: "Okay, okay——"

Looking at her daughter, she seemed to see the shadow of General Deng.

Xun Wu also felt quite surprised. As a child of a general, it was not surprising that Deng Lianyue made such a decision, but it was very unusual to make such a quick decision.

He thought for a moment and wrote it down.

Although the yamen is very tight at present, it is not yet possible to invite a person whose father has just passed away.

In short, after confirming the matter, Xun Wu took the two of them to find Zhao Lue.

After a period of cultivation, Zhao Lue's complexion improved a lot.

Before, he just lay on the bed and had nothing to do. He was really bored, so he thought about some ingenuity and the like, and created a punishment tool that seemed to be used to punish criminals.

However, he only had an idea, and he didn't have any skills or materials, so he just showed it to Hilda.Hilda originally promised to make him a small model to let him see the effect, but in the end, he encountered a lot of crossbows, strange powders, and powders to study, and Hilda had no time to get them for him.

Therefore, when he was alone, he sharpened his knife like a butcher, and polished a large butcher knife until it was shiny. The two women of Deng's family were startled.

How can this scholar-like person be so cruel.

"Cough, cough, Mr. Zhao, please deal with the documents related to the autopsy permit." Xun Wu looked at Zhao Lue's appearance, and couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

Zhao Lue really has nothing to do recently.

Because of his exhausted experience before, no one in the yamen dared to let him contribute to tidying up the yamen, and Baofu Yin ordered him to continue studying and let him have a good rest. There was really no new job for him to do in the yamen, so he It's really a bit idle and boring, I didn't expect to catch this hobby.

As soon as Zhao Lue heard that there was something to do, he put down the things at hand, excitedly dealt with it quickly, and quickly completed the relevant documents, and kept the files and records.

With this, Bao Yuan can finally see how General Deng died.

Secondly, Xun Wu has other matters, and wants to ask the daughter of the Deng family.

"Go and see the place where my husband stayed during his lifetime?" Mrs. Deng immediately complied when she heard Xun Wu's words.

There are no two people in her family now, she can trust Xun Wu, and maybe there will be some clues.

"Will that arrester Fang go with you?" On the other side, Deng Lianyue asked suddenly.

Xun Wu was stunned for a moment, then glanced sideways at Zhang Bumo.

Zhang Bumo remained silent, without saying a word, with a blank expression on his face.

Xun Wu looked back at Deng Lianyue again, and there was obvious excitement in her eyes.


"Okay, it just so happens that Brother Fang really should follow along and learn."

Deng Lianyue was obviously happier, but because of her father, she suppressed her excitement and didn't show it too obviously.

But Xun Wu could tell at a glance anyway.

After a while, Xun Wu called Fang Fangxian, took Zhang Bumo, and followed the two to Deng's residence.

Compared with the residential house that Xun Wu went to before, General Deng's house is more grand, but although it is much bigger, it is not just too large. After all, General Deng can't afford a compound in the inner city .

The entire Deng Mansion is divided into three parts, and each part is separated by a door, which feels like a government house.

Entering from the main entrance, first of all is a large screen wall with the name of General Deng written on it, and some flowers are painted on it. It also records the experience of General Deng following Marshal Yue on the back, which seems to be very proud of it.

Walking through this wall and entering the yard, there are mostly scenery and rockery. The rockery is very flat and relatively wide. After entering the first floor, there is another large screen wall.

This is a bit strange. It stands to reason that there is no need to put so many decorative walls. After all, it is not a game player who messes with furniture for comfort.

Xun Wu blinked, looked back at the rockery, and then at the direction of the gate.

No way...

He shivered, did not express his thoughts, followed Mrs. Deng's lead, and came to Deng Yuan's personal study.

They didn't know where General Deng died, but General Deng usually stayed at home, and this was the place where he stayed most often, followed by his bedroom.

The study room was obviously messed up, but judging from the dust, it was roughly a period of time. Mrs. Deng obviously listened to what Xun Wu had explained before, and did not clean the house lightly.

However, Xun Wu investigated for a while, but still found nothing wrong. Although the study was messed up, it was obvious that these messed up things were not hiding anything, but looking for something.However, looking at the scene, the group of people who searched the house did not find what they wanted in the end.

In other words, there really isn't a problem here.

He thought for a while, greeted the others, turned over and boarded the roof of Deng's house.

From the roof, there seemed to be no problem around, and there were many places suitable for climbing. He couldn't immediately confirm where the people who searched the house came from and where they ran.

And at this moment, he suddenly remembered the matter of Zhaobi again.

He was silent for a while, stepping on bricks and tiles, walking slowly on the roof, adjusting the angle, and after a while, he came to a position where he could directly see the gate.

And in this position.

The screen wall inside the gate, the rockery, and the screen wall in the courtyard on the second floor are arranged in three rows, and the length and width are exactly the same.

A standard "dry".

Xun Wu was silent for a while, and finally only said one word.


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