The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 188 The World Is Endless, Thousands of Miles Tracking

Xun Wu brought two people to Dali Temple, led by Shuang Manqiu, and naturally they soon arrived at the place where the corpses were kept.

Xun Wu walked over, frowned slightly, and reached out to lift it.

"Hey——" a guard of Dali Temple wanted to say not to disturb the deceased, but he didn't expect that after Xun Wu opened it, he let out another "ah" in shock.

Xun Wu stared slightly.

"What's going on!?" Shuang Manqiu looked at the corpse, and suddenly became angry. He grabbed the guard's collar with one hand and slammed him into the wall. "Where is General Deng's corpse!? Who is this?" !?what happened!"

Xun Wu frowned, looking at the surrounding layout, he felt a little headache.

"This... Guardian Frost, I, I don't know?" He really couldn't tell.

"Guard Frost, let him go first." Although the corpses are gone, Xun Wu still maintained his basic calmness, glanced at the layout of the room, and restored the scene "It seems that someone moved the two corpses before... .No, it’s the location of multiple corpses, so others didn’t notice that General Deng’s corpse was moved.”

"Huh?" He was a little confused.

Guard Frost was stunned for a while, and then became annoyed again: "Bastard, did someone come here earlier?

Who is the corpse they want to transfer, what's going on, what happened, tell us quickly! "

Apparently, someone had transported a corpse in the name of transferring the corpse, but instead of transporting the corpse they needed, they moved General Deng's remains, which was a swap.

Shuang Manqiu usually doesn't use her brain, but this time her mind spun at a high speed unexpectedly.

She's not stupid, she just doesn't want to use her brain. After all, there are too many smart people around her, and these people can always give her a correct answer ahead of her. Over time, she doesn't think at all. After all, it's easier this way. As a result, her thinking ability has declined somewhat.

But this time, she was really ashamed.

She originally promised Xun Wu to help transport General Deng's body, because she had met General Deng when she was in Yunzhou, and she was the person who could best prevent the body from being dropped.

But now, General Deng's body was smuggled away and she didn't know it. Thinking about it, she felt that it must be because she went to the Yamen to "help" during the day, which caused a mistake.

Soon, Xun Wu said, "Guard Shuang doesn't need to blame himself."

"Ah?" Shuang Manqiu froze suddenly.

"This is not your problem."

Xun Wu quickly analyzed the situation, turned back to the guard and said, "Can you tell me, how many groups of people have transferred the corpses in recent days?"

", two."

Two batches?

Xun Wu nodded, then immediately squatted down and touched the traces and soil on the ground.

The alert characteristic of the 170% bonus allowed him to analyze the transfer time more quickly.

Just today!

Xun Wu immediately understood the situation.

He couldn't blame Shuang Manqiu, because Shuang Manqiu was not the person involved in this matter. Even though she was one of the four famous arresters, she was only in charge of reviewing some documents in Dali Temple, not a special guard in a certain place. place.

What is really to be blamed is that Xun Wu has not cleaned up the Fu Yin's office earlier these days, and there are not enough people under him, so there is no way to assign them here to help guard—no, and they have no power to assign them. It is impossible to reach Dali Temple at all.

Xun Wu covered his eyes, took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly.

But at this time, whether it is to shirk responsibility or find a person in charge, it is not the most necessary. The most important thing is to quickly recover the corpse.

Xun Wu did not observe smoke in the city during the day, so it was not burning in the city.If you want to destroy the corpse, you must send it outside the city.

The gates around the capital are guarded by gate guards. Without a warrant from above, it is impossible for them to let a corpse go out - there is a chance to force it out by using the reason that the corpse is infected with the plague, but it also takes some time to disguise.

Xun Wu stood still thinking, and Shuang Manqiu has already called the master in a hurry, took the guard away, and found a few more arrests, and quickly found all the things Xun Wu needed.

The victim of a homicide, now in retrial because the suspect seems to have been caught wrong?

Xun Wu didn't read all those records carefully, but first grasped the key points and looked at the staffing.

it is good--

"Let's go." Xun Wu didn't talk nonsense, and ran out of Dali Temple with Shuang Manqiu and Zhang Bumo, and came to the main gate of Dali Temple.

There are countless horses and carriages passing by the gate of Dali Temple every day, and it is too difficult to analyze the traces of the train tracks. Even if Shuang Manqiu believes in Xun Wu again, she cannot believe that Xun Wu has this level of ability. It's incredible.

But Xun Wu didn't look at the traces of the train tracks, but turned quickly, as if a black light flashed under his feet, he quickly jumped to the other side.

Shuang Manqiu was shocked.

This is... You Zu Gong?Such exquisite steps, this Xun Wu's lightness kung fu has reached another level? ?

How good her original qinggong is, in fact, I can't say how strong it is, it can only be said to be standard enough, but the qinggong of Xun Wu and Ji Lian'er is at an outrageous level, even many first-class masters can hardly match their speed .

Originally, Shuang Manqiu's lightness kung fu was not as good as Ji Lian'er, but recently, she has practiced two-phase strength, and has the bonus of footwork in four-phase miraculous kung fu, which is much faster.

Xun Wu ran very fast this time, because he was so anxious that Xun Wu and the others almost bumped into others. Fortunately, the more Xun Wu ran, the fewer people there were, so nothing happened.

And although Shuang Manqiu could keep up, Zhang Bumo faintly seemed to be falling behind.

Fortunately, after a while, Xun Wu jumped directly to a residential building, frowning and looking around.

"Xun Wu? Why are you here?"

Shuang Manqiu gasped for breath and asked curiously.

Xun Wu raised his hand to signal her not to speak, closed his eyes, covered his ears with both hands, and then began to exercise his inner strength seriously.

The power of the hunting dog skill was transferred to the mechanism by him, and although the bonus of the subsequent characteristics to the hunting dog skill was not high, it was still effective.

That's right, Xun Wu had recorded the smell of those corpses at the morgue before, and General Deng's corpse must also be contaminated with the smell, so it can be traced.This is the strongest point of the hound skill, and it is also the ability that the person in the mirror thinks that Xun Wu needs most—as expected, just as he imagined, Xun Wu doesn't care about other abilities, but the ability to chase after taste is very important , practicing every day.

However, in this residential house, the smell is too mixed, such as stench, sweat, mud, stone chips, charcoal fire, mutton smell, etc. It is difficult for Xun Wu to distinguish, until after a while, he caught it in an instant. A scent.

It was the smell of a sachet.

Not only that, but there are some rather odd medicinal smells as well.


Is it this one!

Xun Wu opened his eyes, rushed to a certain dwelling without hesitation, and went straight to knock on the door.

"Who is it!" A relatively old voice sounded, it seemed to be an old man who was slowly lifting something, "What's the matter?"

"Fengzhou chief arrester, seventh-rank bodyguard with a sword, Xun Wu! Come and deliver something to the old man!"

The voice from inside came suddenly, and the corner of Xun Wu's mouth twitched.


This is it!

There was still no response from inside, but Xun Wu didn't care about so many things, he kicked the door directly, and there was a loud noise immediately.


"Ouch, what are you doing!" There seemed to be a little reaction inside, but there were still a lot of footsteps.

Xun Wu didn't want to talk nonsense, so he went up the second step and kicked the gate open.

And the moment the gate was kicked open, countless crossbow arrows flew towards Xun Wu in unison. Although some of them were blocked by the gate, there were still a lot of arrows shooting at Xun Wu and others.

Xun Wu didn't care about it, he raised his great sword without hesitation, and rushed forward.

Because he knows-

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Almost instantly, Shuang Manqiu drew out his sword instantly. The crossbow looked fierce, but was blocked by Shuang Manqiu all at once, without even a trace of debris touching Xun Wu and the others!

"How brave!"

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