ask the world

Chapter 23

On a stormy night, in Yang Wenfeng's eyes, what fell in the whole world was not rain but blood. The blood red in his eyes became more and more intense, and gradually it was not just rain. In the end, the land of the village, the vegetation, bamboo and rocks seemed to be bathed in the rain. In the color of blood.

Yang Wenfeng was still crawling slowly in the mud and blood. Every inch he climbed, the wound was torn an inch, and every inch he climbed, he lost a little bit of body temperature and consciousness. Maybe he deserved to die, or maybe he really deserved to die.

Death is actually not a terrible thing, the most terrifying thing is the process of death, like being swallowed by some monster to swallow everything in the body, and Yang Wenfeng is going through this process right now.

If there is still emotion at this time, Yang Wenfeng or Li Shitou may only have extreme hatred in his heart. Such a state of the world and such a heart have left a deep scar on Li Shitou's heart, and this scar is enough to overturn him in the past. If the persistence of what he has insisted on in this life is overturned, then Li Laoshi will not be Li Laoshi anymore.

He began to hate in his heart, this kind of hatred was not only aimed at those villagers who framed him and stood on the sidelines, this kind of hatred began to rise to hate the whole world, maybe this kind of emotion still cannot be called hatred but can only be called extreme.

The extreme is like the point of the sword, like the tip of a cliff. No matter what goes to the extreme, it is called the extreme.

When a thing enters the extreme, it must be different, and when it reaches the extreme, it will stand and break everything. The things of people who enter the extreme should be regarded as a touch of the unknown that escapes from the heaven and the earth.

I hate all the people in the world and resent being born in this world. If I am invincible once, I will be innocent when I kill the troubled world.

Yang Wenfeng in the muddy water finally couldn't move anymore. The temperature of his whole body had dropped to a freezing point, and his consciousness gradually lost to the point where he could think. Finally, his head held up high and full of blood and tears was buried in the muddy water. The heavy rain was pouring down. , There are poor people in the heavy rain, but there are no sympathetic people, and the sorrow in the world is like this.

Li Shitou's consciousness began to blur and Yang Wenfeng's consciousness also began to show this state. Slowly, he began to feel something, but this feeling should not be called a feeling, after all, it should be an instinct.

Under this feeling, something appeared in Yang Wenfeng's consciousness. This kind of thing was very familiar to Yang Wenfeng, but he didn't know what the familiar thing was when he was unconscious. Anyway, he saw this kind of thing. He had a feeling of wanting to destroy, as if destroying this kind of thing was what he was born to do.

It is strange to say that those familiar things seem to be very weak, as long as Yang Wenfeng has a single thought, they can be completely destroyed. In this way, Yang Wenfeng kept destroying those things, repeating and repeating, and slowly realized what color he saw in his eyes. Nothing at all, when one day he destroyed another batch of things like that, his eyes began to turn a kind of light red, that kind of light red was like a collection of light spots, which made Yang Wenfeng very comfortable.

That being the case, let’s continue, just like this, the red in front of me became more and more obvious, and finally changed from light red to deep red, until a giant red gate appeared in this boundless world of consciousness.

The huge red door is simple and heavy, with mysterious and incomprehensible seal scripts and patterns all over the door. Looking at the door, Yang Wenfeng finally began to have the consciousness to think simply, instead of doing things instinctively like before.

Looking at the huge bloody door in front of him, Yang Wenfeng was still puzzled. The huge bloody door looked like it was made of blood, with blood flowing on the door, and the blood mist filled the air. It seemed indescribably mysterious.

In the end, Yang Wenfeng stood in the bloody giant gate for a long time. In this state, he didn't have any concept of time. He didn't know if it was a year or a hundred years, or it might be just a moment. He was waiting, waiting for the bloody gate to open. , because he instinctively knew that the door of blood would be opened for him.

"Today there is the Heavenly Gate known as Killing. Entering the Heavenly Gate will realize the extreme of killing. There is no self in killing. There is no one, no heart, only to kill or not to kill. Can I enter?" The giant gate moved majestically, and finally slowly opened a gap , The ruthless voice in the gap pierced through the heart, making people terrified.

Seeing the giant gate standing between the sky and the earth slowly opening, Yang Wenfeng didn't hesitate at all. He walked into the towering giant gate step by step, feeling neither happy nor sad.

After entering the giant gate, Yang Wenfeng's consciousness gradually recovered, but this kind of consciousness may not be called his consciousness.Although Yang Wenfeng's feeling at the moment is very clear, but this feeling always gives him the feeling that he himself is a bystander. All the decisions that should be made seem to be made by another person, and his consciousness is attached to the consciousness of another person. Above, can feel all but not what he does or thinks.

After entering the giant gate, he opened his eyes and returned to reality. At this time, Li Laoshi's or Yang Wenfeng's scars and broken bones all recovered as before, and the torrential rain suddenly seemed to be cut off from him by some kind of force. No ice rain falls, no more embarrassment at all.

Not far away, a middle-aged man came walking with an oil-paper umbrella. The man was wrapped in a black robe and wearing a cloak. He was walking with an umbrella in the heavy rain. Dressing up like this is a bit like a ghost messenger who is looking for his life.

The man in black walked in front of Li Laoshi and stared at Li Laoshi for a long time, then let out a long laugh, and the laughter spread far and far in the bead curtain and rain.

"If there is someone who can become powerful in one step, it is everyone who is so obsessed. Promise me that you can do anything for me when I need it, and you can do whatever you want, are you willing?" The man in black looked at him. Li Laoshi spoke lightly.

At this time, Li Laoshi suddenly noticed that it turned out that the black-robed man was using the bead curtain and rain curtain to be unfriendly. Why do you have to hold an umbrella when you have other abilities, which makes it difficult for Li Laoshi to understand.

But Li Laoshi didn't have time to think about this at this time. In his perception, the man in black robe was either a ghost or a god. He did not hesitate to agree to the request of the man in black.

Originally, this fate has already been given, but now not only did he not die, but he can also do whatever he wants to do. For Li Laoshi, this kind of opportunity is a business that is sure to make money and never accompany him, so why would he not do it?

"According to this practice, your obsession has just begun to take shape. I am afraid that it will take a long time. After this day, you will be a shadow that everyone in the world fears." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he shook his black robe and bamboo hat to hold an umbrella And then, Li Laoshi saw that face in the rainy night.

With a very ordinary face, it looked no different from ordinary scholars and scholars. As the heavy rain poured down again after he left, Li Laoshi quickly put the notebook thrown by the man into his arms and ran away.

Originally, Li Laoshi didn't believe that there were gods in this world, but he believed it since he read the book.Originally, Li Laoshi was an old man who didn't know a lot of Chinese characters, but for some reason, he could understand the very complicated words on the scroll, as if the scroll was born for him.

I found a cave in the mountains and Li Laoshi began to practice according to the book. He said that the practice was actually to repeat the dream he had when he was unconscious every day, the dream that destroyed something with his consciousness all the time. This practice plus some other simple methods Li Laoshi really made rapid progress. It took only a few months for him to use his consciousness to control some things around him.

Perhaps Li Laoshi himself didn't know that he was already an existence comparable to a first-rank master by relying on his thoughts. At this moment, Yang Wenfeng was completely Li Laoshi, and he was also horrified when he felt that his consciousness had become so powerful.

One thought can move the general trend of the world, one thought can dominate the confused sentient beings, this is clearly the realm of the first rank in the cultivation of thoughts, and now this realm has been reached by a farmer in three months, if this news spreads, it will overturn the whole world.

In the early years, Yang Wenfeng had seen and heard that some Tianzong figures in the Four Religions could cross a great realm in one step, but now he felt horrified by a person, and an ordinary person at that Is the person now still an ordinary person?

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