The strongest player in history

Chapter 3897 The True Essence of Life

Yuan Sheng said to the two saints: "How do you understand the word life?"

Zhunti sage smiled wryly, and said: "This word of life should be said to be the word you understand the most, Yuan Daoist. Now you come to ask me, but we don't dare to make mistakes!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Hey, the two saints don't say that. Everyone has a different understanding of the word life. Right now, I will ask you the profound meaning of the word life. After that, I can also ask you for advice. The power of heaven. We are just a gathering among friends, so we have no scruples and say everything!"

The sage Zhunti said: "Okay, that poor monk will show his shame. The word life is divided into a new character and a fate character. Sheng refers to conscious creatures. This new character should not only include animals and humans, but also plants. , microorganisms, etc. Fate can be understood as the fate of this living being. Fate is like duckweed, and like a god, it can make humble people do great things. It can also make the most humble and miserable existence. This is the poor monk's understanding of the word life!"

"Wonderful!" Yuan Sheng said: "Sage Zhunti, you really deserve your reputation, and you can give such a wonderful interpretation with just two words. Life and life make life...and life in it represents ever-changing things!"

After a pause, he said to the receiving sage: "Sage receiving and guiding, what do you think of the word life?"

Jieyin Shengren said: "Life includes not only what the brother said just now, but also death. Death is also a part of life. Having said that, life is also deeply related to time and space. Some time can be Seeing the end, ordinary people can see from life to death, and time can be measured. People like us have a longer life, but we will eventually die. Life, time, space, death...these factors The word life is formed. I think what the poor monk said is one-sided. Life should also include the word universe. The human body is a universe, and everything is a universe! Life is also a universe! Just as Tao is everywhere. But what is What about Dao? I’m afraid no one can accurately describe Dao. So what’s the final conclusion? Poor monks and senior brothers can’t accurately say the word life, including Yuan Daoyou, and you can’t fully describe life either. All the true meaning of the two characters come!"

After hearing this, Yuan Sheng was thoughtful, and then sincerely said to the receiving saint: "Admiration, admiration! "

Jieyin Shengren said: "It's easy to say, easy to say. The poor monk and senior brother are just throwing bricks to attract jade, and I want to ask Yuan Daoyou and me to talk about what the word life is."

Saint Zhunti also looked at Yuansheng.

Obviously, they also wanted to hear Yuan Sheng's advice.

Yuan Sheng was stunned for a moment, then took a deep breath, and said: "The life that the two saints said just now is viewed from a macro perspective. It can be said that it is almost equal to the whole picture of life. The mystery of many things can be explained with one The word Tao covers everything, but all things cannot represent a single word. So what is life? After savoring it carefully, I finally found that life is the sound of small saplings breaking through the ground, and the sound of birds hatching from eggshells The moment you come out... At that moment, life is here! Many times, when I close my eyes, I feel that the universe is full of life. Life is like stars all over the sky, all over the universe! As the saying goes, one flower, one world , One leaf and one bodhi. What about life? Wherever the consciousness goes, there is life! There is life everywhere, and life is everywhere.”

"Awesome, amazing!" The Jieyin Saint and the Zhunti Saint savored it carefully, and then said in unison.

The discussion of the three people started from this.

These three people are all very knowledgeable people, so it is a very happy thing to sit and discuss the Tao.

Yuan Sheng also said that he has nothing to do recently and wants to live here permanently.

Zhunti sage and guide sage naturally welcomed them.

Heaven Realm, Heaven Continent...

In Wahuang Palace in Wahuang Mountain...

After Na Xuanyi came back and cultivated for two months, his injuries were healed.

Empress Nuwa already knew the details of Yuan Yuxian, so she didn't go to interrogate Yuan Yuxian herself.She also knew that she was irritable and easily exposed.So Xuanyi and another disciple, Caiyi, were sent to interrogate Yuan Yuxian.

Sometimes, Empress Nuwa would also come to the interrogation scene.But she didn't say a word...

Yuan Yuxian's mouth is very hard, no matter how the other party punishes and strengthens her, or tortures her, she will not say a word.

It's like being dumb!For two or three months, Xuanyi and Caiyi tried everything they could to get Yuan Yuxian to speak.

Most of Wa's palaces are full of women. Although Empress Nuwa has a bad temper, she doesn't bother to do nasty things.Therefore, Xuanyi and Caiyi were only using spells to torture Yuan Yuxian, but Yuan Yuxian was quite able to bear the pain, no matter what, he gritted his teeth and kept silent.

This made Xuanyi and Caiyi a little discouraged.The two of them really don't know the details of Yuan Yuxian...

Soon, another two months passed.

During this day, Xuanyi and Caiyi tortured Yuan Yuxian as usual.

Empress Nuwa also said that she has hard bones, so she kept torturing her to see who couldn't afford it.

During these five months, Yuan Yuxian suffered inhuman torture.

Xuanyi and Caiyi were also out of breath, and they came to cast spells every day to make Yuan Yuxian's body feel as if he had been lingering.

But they never found out that Yuan Yuxian's appearance was fake.

Because Yuan Yuxian's human skin mask was completely integrated and fitted, and this human skin mask was made by Yuan Sheng himself, no one would have been able to see the clues if they didn't know it in advance.

"I can't stand it..." On this day, Yuan Yuxian finally let out a painful cry.

She has become skinny and frail.

Faced with Xuanyi's torture, she finally collapsed.

This is in a dark prison in Wa Palace, Yuan Yuxian was tied to a cross iron frame with an immortal iron god chain.

The skirt on Yuan Yuxian's body was already tattered and was stained red with blood.

Her skirts haven't been dried...her blood has been flowing...

At this moment, she looks haggard, she is still a delicate beauty, and she is clearly a miserable female ghost.

Xuanyi and Caiyi were immediately overjoyed.

That Caiyi snorted coldly, and said: "I told you to be stubborn, but you still have to say everything in the end, but you have to endure so much torture before you are willing to say it, heh heh, is this called toasting and not eating and punishing the bar?"

Xuan Yi immediately said: "Tell me, what's your name?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "My name is Yuan Yuxian!"

Xuanyi said: "..."

Before she could ask, Yuan Yuxian said, "My master is the Primordial Sage of the Metaverse!"

"Really?" Xuanyi and Caiyi couldn't help being overjoyed when they heard the words, they absolutely believed that what Yuan Yuxian said at this moment was the truth.

"She is actually Yuan Sheng's apprentice!" Although Xuan Yi had already guessed that these things were related to Yuan Sheng, it was just a suspicion.After all, Yuan Sheng has always shown himself to the outside world as light and gentle, broad-minded, and a benevolent image of the master of the world.

Now, they feel that they are finally close to the truth!

"Very good!" Caiyi immediately said, "What is the purpose of your master sending you here?"

Yuan Yuxian said weakly: "I need to take a good rest for a while, you should at least let me recover some excitement before answering your questions."

Xuanyi didn't have any affection for Yuan Yuxian at all. Hearing this, he sneered and said, "You're thinking too well, are you qualified to negotiate terms with us now? If you don't answer obediently, I will continue to torture you. Anyway, torturing people It's not tiring."

"You guys kill me!" Yuan Yuxian was in great pain.

"If you want to die, you can't do it!" Caiyi said word by word.

Yuan Yuxian said: "I need some pills, I need to make my body more comfortable, and then I will tell you the truth."

Xuanyi was about to speak... Caiyi pulled Xuanyi and said, "Speak outside."

The two escaped from the prison!

Caiyi said to Xuanyi: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to spend any more time with her. Let her come down and rest for a while, and give her some pills to regain her senses."

Xuan Yi said: "It's not impossible to let her rest and regain her senses, I'm just afraid that she is playing some tricks."

Caiyi said: "Hmph, what kind of tricks and tricks can she play? How weak is her body?"

Xuan Yi said: "It's nothing else, what if she just wants to regain her senses and fight us to the last corner, why don't you continue talking?"

Caiyi said coldly: "If you don't say anything, I will cut off her head and throw her into the swamp, so that she will never be reborn!"

Xuan Yi's eyes lit up, and said: "This is a good idea, and it can keep her head alive. Such a good idea, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Caiyi said somewhat unnaturally: "We are also people from Wa Palace after all, how can we say such insidious methods? But if she dares to tease us again and again, then I won't care about it."

Xuan Yi said: "Okay, then let's rely on her first. If she makes a mess again, we will make her well!"

Then, Xuanyi and Caiyi put Yuan Yuxian down.

Let him sit cross-legged and take pills.

After a long time, the blood on Yuan Yuxian's body was completely dry, and the external wounds were basically healed.

The trauma of a monk is the best to heal. As long as a little medicine is taken, even a broken arm can be reborn.Internal wounds are hard to heal.

Right now, Yuan Yuxian's vitality is extremely weak, and his internal organs are seriously injured.This kind of serious injury can hardly be healed without taking a hundred years of work.

Xuanyi and Caiyi came to Yuan Yuxian and said, "Can we talk now?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "I can talk, but I can't tell you. I only talk to your master!"

"You're looking for death!" Xuanyi was furious.

Yuan Yuxian was not afraid, and insisted: "As long as Nuwa comes, I will tell you everything. Moreover, I still need Nuwa's promise!"

"My master's name, can you mention it directly?" Caiyi slapped Yuan Yuxian hard.

The corner of Yuan Yuxian's mouth was bleeding, but he didn't say a word.

Xuanyi said in a deep voice: "You wait!"

After that, she went to report to Empress Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa was meditating in her bedroom at the moment, Xuanyi came and told about Yuan Yuxian.

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