The strongest player in history

Chapter 3882 Extinguishing Talisman

"Impossible!" Yuan Yuxian flatly refused. "If you really violated me, I swear, I will spend my whole life trying to kill you!" Chen Yang said, "Look, that's why you're not smart. That Guan Qing tried every means to curry favor with me in order to survive the incident. , and finally let her escape. You said that, didn't you force me to kill you?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "But you can't keep your mouth shut. If something happens to me, my master will definitely come to you." Is Qing still stupid? Let me tell you, I care about this physical matter, but I don't care that much. I did this only to save you."

"Save me?" Chen Yang laughed, and said, "Do you care so much about me?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "I do have a hole card, this is not to scare you. It's just that even if I am violated by you, it is not enough for me to show this hole card. Unless it is the last moment of life and death... You are just a pervert, Not enough for me to show my hole card."

Chen Yang said: "I don't believe it, unless you tell me what this hole card is."

After Yuan Yuxian took a deep breath, he said: "It's my eyes. My master's carefully refined life essence is contained in these eyes. Once fired, its power is even stronger than that of the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife. I Master named my eyes the Eyes of the Sacred Heart!"

After she finished speaking, she said again: "If you don't believe me, you can use your magic power to sense my eyes. This is my biggest secret. If you try to destroy my eyeballs, I will instantly launch the Eye of the Sacred Heart."

Chen Yang was skeptical, and then he really stuck out his fingertips and touched one of Yuan Yuxian's eyes!

Immediately, he felt an extremely dazzling light in those pupils. This light was vast and majestic, like a prison like the sea, making Chen Yang's mind blank for an instant.

Chen Yang was startled, and quickly withdrew his hand.

He knew that this Yuan Yuxian really wasn't lying.

"How about it, do you believe it? I told you to stop, because I didn't want you and me to go to that point." Yuan Yuxian said.

Chen Yang chuckled, and said: "It is indeed terrifying, but you also said just now that even if you are violated by me, you are not willing to use the Eye of the Sacred Heart. It can be seen that once the Eye of the Sacred Heart is used, the consequences will be very serious." Serious. Tell me, what are the consequences? Don't try to lie to me, I am not stupid."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Well, since we have reached this point, it's okay to tell you. Once I finish using the Eye of the Sacred Heart, my brain will be greatly damaged. It will be difficult to recover within ten years at least. This I cannot bear the consequences. For Metaverse, time is very important."

Chen Yang said: "I'm sure, not only ten years, but at least a hundred years. I feel the light in your Sacred Heart Eye. When you cast it, you don't seem to rely on your brain power. But this thing has nothing to do with you Your brain domain nerves are connected together, judging from the scale and power of this thing, it will indeed completely damage your brain domain nerves."

"You are indeed very smart!" Yuan Yuxian said after taking a deep breath.

But Chen Yang thought of something else in his heart. He felt that what was behind the Eye of the Sacred Heart was not simple.Yuan Sheng put this kind of thing on Yuan Yuxian's body, I'm afraid there is still a bigger conspiracy.This is also the reason why Yuan Yuxian would rather be violated by herself than to use the Eye of the Sacred Heart.

Moreover, the Eye of the Sacred Heart should only be the tip of the iceberg, and Yuan Sheng must have more hidden means.It can be said that Yuan Sheng has been plotting against all the saints in the fairy world.

He suddenly had a clear understanding, and he somewhat understood the role of being an undercover undercover by chance.

Break the game, break the game!

"By the way, there is one more thing!" Chen Yang said: "Do you want to use these Sacred Heart Eyes to deal with Taoist Lu Ya? You should be reluctant, right? Lu Ya, how can you waste this pair of Sacred Heart Eyes?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "I still have a heaven-destroying talisman. I am currently injured and cannot display its true power. Next time I just need to use this celestial-destroying talisman before Lu Ya casts the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife, and I can use it Knock back. If you cooperate again, you can seriously injure him again."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Since you have the Heaven Extinguishing Talisman, why didn't you use it last time?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "These things of mine are extremely precious. If I have no choice, I would never use them. Besides, I have been waiting for Lu Ya's Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife. I want to know about this kind of Immortal-Slashing Flying Knife."

"Now I understand." Chen Yang shrugged and said, "If it wasn't for me, you would have died."

Yuan Yuxian said: "I thought that my Yuan Ji Ruyi would be able to resist those who grabbed the Immortal-Zhan Feidao. I still underestimated the Zhan-Xian-Flying Knife."

Chen Yang said: "I want to see your Heaven Extinguishing Talisman!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Yes." After saying that, he sat up.

Chen Yang knew that she could move, so he was not surprised that she sat up suddenly.At the same time, I also know that she is not lethal at all.

Yuan Yuxian took out a pure golden rune from the treasure bag.

This rune is engraved on meteorite iron that looks like gold, it is extra thick, at first glance, one may think it is a token.Chen Yang took the rune and penetrated into it with mana.In the next second, I felt the mystery and mystery in the runes, as well as the aura of vast destruction.

It really is incomparably powerful.

"You want to keep it for yourself?" Yuan Yuxian looked at Chen Yang and said.

Chen Yang said: "Of course!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Okay, since you like it, take it!"

Chen Yang said: "I can already feel your teeth-gnashing hatred for me."

Yuan Yuxian said: "With this Heaven Extinguishing Talisman in your hand, I will recover from my injuries and it will be difficult to kill you."

Chen Yang said: "But if the two of us return to the Yuan Realm, and the Holy Master knows that I have insulted you like this, I'm afraid he won't give me good fruit to eat."

Yuan Yuxian said: "I will not tell my master about this."

Chen Yang said: "I don't believe it!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "I can swear." Chen Yang said: "Swearing is not enough." Yuan Yuxian had really endured Chen Yang, but at this time he could only bear it, suppressing his anger, and said: " What else do you want?"

Chen Yang chuckled, and suddenly hugged Yuan Yuxian into his arms again, and kissed her lips.

He forcibly opened her teeth, and insisted on kissing her passionately.

Yuan Yuxian was extremely resistant at first, but later he let Chen Yang do so.

It's not that she enjoys it, but accepts her fate.

After parting lips with her, Chen Yang said again: "It was boring just now, if you take the initiative to kiss me now, I will let this matter stop here."

"You..." Yuan Yuxian said: "Is this your bad taste?"

Chen Yang said: "This is not a bad taste, it is my biggest concession. You can say that you miss Yuxian girl day and night. But now after many considerations, I don't want to do everything. But it's cheap, I still have to take advantage of it." Accounted for. Miss Yuxian, haven't you always been arrogant? I want to see how you take the initiative."

"Okay, yes!" Yuan Yuxian is really a ruthless person, and he took the initiative to put his lips together, and gave Chen Yang a round of passionate kisses.

Among them, they are fierce and fanatical, really like a pair of lovers who love to the extreme.

After that, Yuan Yuxian said: "Is it okay?"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, you swear. I want you to swear by the Keplers, by the life and death of the Holy Master, by your personal cultivation and so on."

Yuan Yuxian said: "I, Yuan Yuxian, swear to the sky here, regarding what happened today, I, Yuan Yuxian, will never trouble Xuanyuantai in the future, nor will I turn over old accounts. That's the end of this matter, and there will be no more troubles in the future." I will mention it to anyone, including my master. If I break the oath, my Kepler family will die a bad death, and my Yuan Yuxian will stagnate from now on, and will be invaded by demons, so I will die a bad death!"

After she finished her oath, two drops of clear tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Chen Yang looked at Yuan Yuxian, and suddenly felt that he had gone too far.

But there is no way, if Xuanyuantai becomes a gentleman, it will be outrageous.

"Okay, let's stop here!" Chen Yang said immediately.

Yuan Yuxian sat cross-legged and began to heal his injuries.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Miss Yuxian, you are also a person who understands current affairs."

Yuan Yuxian looked at Chen Yang and said lightly, "I underestimated you."

Chen Yang said, "Did you underestimate my courage?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "That's right! I didn't expect you to dare to cheat on me, and you are not talking about it, but you are actually acting. You are a person who can make great things happen. It doesn't matter if I make some personal sacrifices. I hope you can do it for me in the future. We do business."

Chen Yang said: "If you are willing to marry me, then I will definitely give up my heart in the future."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Before life and death, your life is the most important. So you will not be absolutely dead set! You are a person without faith."

Chen Yang said, "Haha, you know me very well."

Yuan Yuxian said: "There are many other girls in our Yuanjie."

"But you are the only half-step saint!" Chen Yang said, "I'm only interested in half-step saints."

Yuan Yuxian said: "So, it's my cultivation that you're looking at."

Chen Yang said: "Of course, among the female monks in the world, there are thousands of beautiful and beautiful ones. But there are only a handful of them who can cultivate to your level."

Yuan Yuxian said: "But I don't like people whose cultivation base is lower than mine. Let's talk about it after you reach the position of saint."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, it's a deal!"

In the next few days, Chen Yang did not harass Yuan Yuxian again.He is not that kind of person himself, and now he has acted in a play, so he is happy and leisurely.

In the past few days, he has been studying the Heaven Extinguishing Talisman.

There is a lot of unsolved knowledge and power in the Mietian Talisman, and Chen Yang studied it fascinatedly.

In the eyes of Yuan Yuxian, this practice has a different mood.She thought that this guy was really trying to improve his cultivation in order to marry her, and wanted to reach the realm of a saint.

And who knew that Chen Yang simply wanted to improve his cultivation.

He has no interest in Yuan Yuxian... at all.

Yuan Yuxian looked at Chen Yang in front of him, and felt that this person was not so disgusting when he became serious...

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