The strongest player in history

Chapter 3868 All Saints Gather

Taishang Daozu said: "Poverty Dao has long since ignored the affairs of this world, so this time I'm afraid I will disappoint Fellow Daoist Yuan."

Yuan Shengdao: "The Bajing Palace is also in the world of mortals. Dao ancestors can't completely detach themselves from the world of mortal affairs. If the Kunlun event does not have Dao ancestors to participate, it will lose its meaning. Although I have some skills, but when it comes to influence, it has nothing to do with Dao ancestors." It is still far behind. There have always been misunderstandings between me and the saints in the fairy world. Therefore, I think that, whether it is public or private, Daozu, you should go to participate."

Taishang Daozu said: "It's not difficult for the poor Taoist to participate, but the purpose of holding the Kunlun grand meeting, friend Yuan Dao, is not yet clear. It is a banner for the poor Taoist to go, but if the poor Taoist goes, it will be successful Have you lost the tool you used, Fellow Daoist Yuan? Who will bear the responsibility?"

Yuan Shengdao: "People in the world have misunderstood my subordinates. I didn't expect Daozu you to think so of my subordinates?"

Taishang Daozu said: "Pindao actually doesn't know much about Yuan Daoyou, so I dare not draw conclusions on everything."

Yuan Shengdao: "This Kunlun grand meeting, with Dao Patriarch present, is what the hearts of the people want. If there is any conspiracy below, Dao Patriarch, you have insight into the details, and if you call out from the top, everyone will definitely respond. Therefore, based on this, you should participate even more. "

Taishang Daozu was silent for a while, and then said: "Okay, since Fellow Daoist Yuan insists on inviting you, then the poor Daoist will go."

Yuan Sheng stood up, bowed heavily, and said, "Thank you Daozu!"

Afterwards, Yuan Sheng bid farewell and left first.

Taishang Daozu promised that he would arrive on time at that time.

After Yuan Sheng left, one of Taishang Daozu's disciples came up and asked in puzzlement, "Master, didn't you prepare to participate in this Kunlun event early in the morning? Why did you keep declining today?"

Taishang Daozu smiled and said: "This is not a refusal to welcome, but just to test the purpose of this Yuansheng."

The apprentice said: "Have you tested it?"

Taishang Daozu said: "Just as I imagined for the teacher, he is definitely not trying to show off his power this time, but he wants to show weakness!"

The day of the Kunlun Grand Meeting is getting closer...

During these days, a large number of masters came here every day.

Yuan Yuxian is responsible for the reception.

Yuan Yuxian hired a large number of servants in the city to help her receive the heroes.

They have prepared enough pills, fruits and immortal wine, and every guest who comes will have a beautiful gift.The gift contains a rich pill and a good magic weapon...

Those masters with a slightly lower cultivation base were very happy to receive such a gift.

Every morning, noon and evening, Yuan Yuxian prepared a feast to entertain the heroes.And invited Diva and Legie to perform...

Yuan Sheng also often came out to toast with the heroes, without airs.

Although this Kunlun event has not officially started yet, the heroes have already begun to like this amiable Yuan Sheng.

The two sages of the West, Zhunti and Yingying will arrive on this day.

Accompanying them were the Daoist Good Fortune and the Four Great Vajras under his sect.

When they arrived, Yuan Sheng burned incense and decorated them, and went to greet them.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ling, the Immortal King of the Asura Realm, also led his two envoys to the left and right...

Yuan Sheng also burned incense and colored ribbons, and went to greet him.

On the second day, Empress Nuwa came alone...

The arrival of Empress Nuwa was very sensational, not only Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian came out to greet her with incense and colorful decorations.The Second Sage of the West, Immortal King Xiao Ling, Daohua Daohua and others all came out to greet him.

Chen Yang also came out with the heroes to join in the fun.

These saints were not in harmony with each other. When the fairy king Xiao Ling came, the two saints of the west did not come out.

Master Good Fortune came out to chat with Xiao Ling.

Only when the Empress Nuwa came, all the saints came out to greet her sincerely.

When Chen Yang saw Empress Nuwa clearly, he was also slightly surprised, because he felt that Empress Nuwa had many similarities with his wife.

That Empress Nuwa was all in white, her eyes were cold, like a goddess out of the dust.

After she arrived, she greeted the saints neither humble nor overbearing, neither salty nor bland.

The last ones to come are the Taishang Taoist, the Master of Tongtian, and Yuanshi Tianzun.They also brought some core disciples here.

The leader of Tongtian brought the Virgin of Wudang, the Virgin of Jinling and Sanxiao.

Yuanshi Tianzun brought the Antarctic Immortal and Daoist Taiyi to come.

Taishang Daozu brought a disciple here, and that disciple was called Qingfeng, known as Qingfeng Taoist.

When the three big brothers came, all the saints came out to greet them, and even Empress Nuwa followed.

The rest of the heroes did not dare to neglect.All of a sudden, the sky was filled with colorful lights and holy brilliance. It was really a fair of immortals.

It is worth mentioning that Princess Longji and others from the heavenly world also came.Chen Yang naturally didn't go to greet them, so as not to expose himself.Of course Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian understood this, because they asked Chen Yang to pretend to be Gu Xianyuan.

Among the saints, only Emperor Fuxi and Ye Qingming in the sea of ​​blood were the only ones who did not come.It was within Yuan Sheng's expectation that these two people did not come.

The Kunlun event was held on the second day, and that night, the gala came first.The heroes each found their acquaintances to chat, and in the sky, a bonfire was burning, and the darkness was illuminated as bright as day.

Fairy music keeps going all night...

Endless wines, endless medicines and delicacies!

Chen Yang also felt very happy walking through it.He didn't run to find Yunxiao, because he knew that the scene looked messy, but Yuan Sheng was a perceptive person.You are flawless at first, so don't seek death and show your flaws.

This night, the heroes stayed up all night and carnivaled all night!

They couldn't help feeling that the Immortal World hadn't been this lively for many years.

Yuan Sheng interspersed in it, and kept toasting the heroes without putting on airs.

On the second day, at the venue of the grand event, the sky was clear and the sky was clear and cloudless.

The morning sun is shining, surrounded by flowers...

The event has officially... begun.

The heroes are seated one after another below...

It was bustling with thousands of people.

The ranks above are arranged, and the middlemost position is the position of Taishang Daozu.

The second position is the position of Empress Nuwa.

Yuan Sheng arranged himself in the last position... As for the other positions, there is no ranking.The saints can find their own seats and sit down.

The saints are also modest and do not compete for the ranking of positions.As for Taishang Daozu and Nuwa Empress, the rest of the saints would not have any opinion.

Chen Yang sat just below the group of heroes, without showing the mountains or showing the water.

Anyway, Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian didn't have time to talk to him recently... Sometimes, when he went to ask Yuan Yuxian, Yuan Yuxian didn't bother to talk to him either.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Ya also brought his disciples here.It's just that he didn't recognize Chen Yang either.

Although Lu Ya is powerful, he still has a gap with those saints, so he can't sit on the honorable position.

Lu Ya found Yuan Sheng alone and expressed his thanks in person.

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly, and said: "The Taoists in the world are all one family, so you don't have to be polite."

Before the event began, there was a song and dance performance.

After that, Yuan Sheng came to the high platform in the arena.

Facing the saints and heroes, Yuan Sheng spoke.

He said: "This time I took the liberty to hold this grand event in Kunlun. It is really abrupt to say it. Because Kunlun is not my territory, this time I borrowed the territory of Tongtian Daoist, Yuanshi Daoist and Daozu. I am very grateful to the three of you. generosity."

After finishing speaking, he bowed deeply to the chair.

Taishang Daozu and Yuanshi Tianzun bowed slightly in return.

Master Tongtian smiled slightly, and said, "Fellow Daoist Yuan, you are being polite. Speaking of which, our brothers and sisters are not well versed in etiquette. We are supposed to be doing things that we are supposed to do, but let Fellow Daoist worry about it."

Yuan Sheng immediately said: "Fellow Daoist Tongtian said so, I am really ashamed."

The Taishang Daozu raised his voice and said: "The people gathered here today are all members of my Taoism. We practitioners pay attention to understanding our thoughts and acting freely. Therefore, there is no need to talk about being too polite. Fellow Daoist Yuan, what do you say? ?"

Yuan Sheng hurriedly said: "That's right, that's right, what Daozu said is absolutely true!"

Afterwards, Yuan Sheng began to get down to business, saying: "More than 100 years ago, I used the majestic purple energy to transform this fairy world into the current situation. Later, I also got great benefits from that transformation. But at the same time, it also made many Fellow Daoist has lost a lot of things in it. This old man has always been uneasy about it. But after so many years, I have never had the opportunity to talk to everyone about it.”

"So this time, I want to take this grand event, take this opportunity, to apologize to the sages and heroes, and also to express my sincere thoughts!"

Yuan Sheng seemed very sincere.

The heroes all listen patiently.

The big reason why all the heroes participated in this Kunlun Grand Gathering was that they really wanted to know what Yuan Sheng was planning.

Yuan Sheng is now the strongest life in the fairy world, and he has such a deep hatred for human beings... He has always been like a sword hanging on the heads of the heroes.Everyone doesn't know when the sword will fall...

This time, Yuan Sheng was so humble and polite.

Many people have a big stone in their hearts.

At least I know that it will be fine for the time being.

Many smart people know that this is probably Yuan Sheng's plan to delay the attack.But if all the saints accept this kind of delaying strategy, what are they worried about?

There are also more people who are willing to be so paralyzed in their hearts!

Yuan Sheng continued to speak.

"What happened back then, speaking of it, you killed me, and I killed you. Later, the old man went to the earth to find the sacred tree of the Wugu Sheji, and caused too many killings. In the old man's opinion, the hatred should end in that year More importantly, the old man realized that the change of prosperity is a natural change. Forced reversal will only lead to a dead end. After so many years, we Keplers should accept the reality. Dynasties change, and the owner of the planet will also change ... Next, if we Keplers want to live well, the only thing we need to do is to coexist peacefully with you. Otherwise, we will die! This old man knows this very well. So I never want to fight with you again. Enemy... This old man knows that many of you will not believe these words. They will also feel that this is the old man's plan to delay the attack... But the old man should come out and say it first, and then do it. If the old man really wants to do something, I will not make a covenant of the Dao of Heaven that is not good for the old man himself."

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