The strongest player in history

Chapter 3861 The Ship of Destiny

Chen Yang's heart beat violently, and he was not sure whether the single system memory he had fabricated could fool Yuan Sheng.But the matter has come to this point, he can only go one way to the dark, and he still has some confidence deep in his heart.No matter how powerful Yuan Sheng is, it is impossible for him to predict the memories and trajectories of others.

Because the time, space and memory of the past are extremely uncertain.

When a person like myself who has experience and sufficient psychological quality deliberately deceives, he should be able to deceive the world.

So at this moment, Chen Yang acted calmly in front of Yuan Sheng, and said: "I dare not lie a word, if there is any lie, I am willing to sacrifice the head of the item!"

Yuan Shengdao: "This is the best!" After that, he asked again: "Old man, let me ask you, how did you get that devil mosquito in the Nether Blood Sea? How did you tame it? When did you get it?"

Chen Yang said: "The junior got it a year ago."

He deliberately said the time before the fall of the old man in the world.

Yuan Shengdao: "Really?"

Chen Yang said: "Don't dare to lie. This junior knew that there was this mosquito king in the sea of ​​blood in the nether world more than 100 years ago. This time I came back to the fairy world from the outside, because I have not made any progress in my cultivation for many years, and I am very quiet and want to move. Two I came here because I wanted to own this mosquito king. This junior knows a little about the mosquito king, so I went to Nether Blood Sea."

"How did you find it?" Yuan Sheng asked.

Chen Yang said: "The junior searched for a month and found it in a cave. After that, I let the magic mosquito devour the junior, and the junior took advantage of them to devour it. After the magic mosquito was swallowed by the junior, it His body could not be restored, and in the end, the junior deprived him of his will of the primordial spirit. So far, the junior has mastered the magic mosquito. Later, when the junior wanted to leave, he also met Ye Qingming, and it seemed that she deliberately raised the magic mosquito... She thought that the younger generation would become the food and nourishment of the magic mosquito, but she did not expect that the younger generation defeated the magic mosquito. The younger generation didn't know what she was thinking. She was very angry at first, and then let the younger generation go. As for why she let go Junior, the specific reason is not clear to the junior."

Yuan Yuxian said: "What you said, is it true?"

Chen Yang said: "Senior Yuan Sheng has the method of reverse deduction, if the younger generation lies, he will bring himself to die!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Okay, I forgive you for not daring to lie. Then, I will ask you again, are you willing to be loyal to this old man in the future?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course I am willing! I am very willing! This is the honor of this junior!"

Yuan Sheng smiled lightly and said: "You belong to the human side of the earth, you should know what the old man's purpose is."

Chen Yang said: "This is not a problem. The younger generation is not attached to these things. Whether the fairyland will be destroyed or the earth will be destroyed, these are not the most concerned issues of the younger generation. What the younger generation is most concerned about is... to be able to live. Although the younger generation does not The ability of the saints, but also hope to be immortal. The universe is very big, and the fairyland and the earth are like a drop in the ocean. As a monk, if the younger generation holds the festival of death for these unnecessary things, this is Most ridiculous."

Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian looked at each other, then Yuan Sheng nodded and said, "You see it very clearly."

Chen Yangdao: "The younger generation is not the only one who sees it clearly. Now that the great enemy, senior, is right in front of us, the entire fairy world is peaceful through singing and dancing. Everyone is very clear about what is going on in their hearts."

Yuan Shengdao: "If you work for the old man, all the rules must follow the old man's rules. All the rules must follow the old man's rules!"

Chen Yang said: "The junior knows!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Okay, the old man will reverse time and space for you now, if everything you said is true, you will be considered qualified."

Chen Yang said: "What the juniors need to do, the juniors should fully cooperate!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Sit cross-legged and enter meditation. Don't resist any power of the old man..."

Chen Yang said: "Yes!"

Then, he sat cross-legged and entered a state of meditation.

Yuan Sheng came in front of him and stretched out his palm to caress the top of his head.

Chen Yang felt a trace of icy cold and weird mana seeping from Yuan Sheng's palm, and there was a creepy ability in this mana coldness, and then, this mana entered into Chen Yang's brain .

Chen Yang shivered suddenly.

Afterwards, this trace of mana actually merged into Chen Yang's brain mana.

A perfect blend of...

Then, Chen Yang felt a fish swimming in the mana in his brain.

This little fish can go anywhere, can see past and future, and see all voids.

All of Chen Yang's memories could not be concealed in front of this little fish.

It's a very resistive, disgusting feeling that doesn't go away.

Chen Yang had no distractions and didn't think about any messy things.All the memories stay in Xuanyuan Terrace's memory system, and the part about Ye Qingming is the memory created by him in the void.He perfectly fit these memories into his own memory system...

Fortunately, he really met Ye Qingming, otherwise, he would not be able to pass this test no matter what.

Because Yuan Sheng had met Ye Qingming, if the temperament and appearance of Ye Qingming in his memory changed, then Yuan Sheng would know that there was a ghost in it.

After a long time, Yuan Sheng withdrew his cold magic power!

Only then did Chen Yang breathe a sigh of relief. He felt that Yuan Sheng's reverse derivation technique was much more powerful than the Eternal Star Field's soul search technique.If he hadn't had the experience of the year and improved on it, it would be absolutely impossible to muddle through this time.

Of course, the premise is that he not only has the confrontation experience of the Eternal Star Field.More importantly, he also learned eight or nine profound arts, and mastered the soul and memory of Xuanyuantai.In this way, it is seamless and perfect.

After Yuan Sheng withdrew his mana, he nodded and said: "Okay, Xuanyuantai, you are very good and honest. It turns out that your mana is so powerful because you have practiced a kind of divine art that can make your mana strong in the same direction. !"

Chen Yang knew that the other party would doubt why his mana was so strong, so he combined some skills of Tianhuang Liuhe and Dayuanyuanshu, and finally created this troublesome Tianhuang magic skill out of thin air.

Chen Yang's memory of Tianhuang Divine Art was the secret book he found by accident, and he took Tianhuang Yuanyuan Pill.Therefore, it is impossible for outsiders to practice the Heavenly Desolation Divine Art without the Heavenly Desolation Origin Pill.Some of the heart moves in that day's desolate god kungfu absolutely agree with the truth.

So, with the help of the right time, place and people, Chen Yang actually achieved the miracle of being tricked by Yuan Sheng's hands.

Afterwards, Yuan Sheng said to Chen Yang: "Your wish, I already understand. It has nothing to do with you when the old man's clan was destroyed. So, I can let you go. Moreover, the old man will also give you a lot of money in your practice. You give me a lot of pointers. If in the future, if the old man loses, I will let you go. If the old man wins, in the future, the fairyland and the earth will become places where you can come and go freely."

Chen Yang couldn't help being overjoyed, and said, "Thank you, senior!" After a pause, he continued, "But if senior can make an oath in front of junior, junior will have no scruples."

"You are presumptuous!" Yuan Yuxian couldn't help scolding angrily.

Yuan Shengdao: "Xian'er, there is no need to be like this. His request is also human nature, and he only shows his sincerity when he has a request. Only in this way, we can rest assured!"

After a pause, Yuan Sheng really made an oath in front of Chen Yang.It is said in the oath that if you violate the oath, you will be destroyed in the sky!

Chen Yang felt relieved, knowing that he had indeed passed the test.

He is so accurate in figuring out people's hearts, so what he can ask for and what he can't ask for, he is very clear in his heart.

Then, Yuan Sheng said again: "The old man wants to put a trace of imprint in your brain, are you willing?"

Chen Yang was taken aback, and then said: "That won't work!"

"What do you mean?" Yuan Yuxian asked.

Chen Yang said: "Senior's imprint has a great ability, not only can control life and death, but also, I guess, through this silk imprint, I can gain insight into my thoughts and conversations with others. This is too private...I am a person with a lot of thoughts .”

Yuan Yuxian said: "If you don't have half-hearted thoughts, why are you afraid?"

Chen Yang said: "I have a lot of obscene thoughts, and I can't bear to be treated by outsiders!"

"You are honest!" Yuan Yuxian snorted coldly.

Chen Yangdao: "In the future, if the road is blocked by Taoists, if you are always cautious, you will not be able to unblock your mind. I am afraid that no matter how difficult it is to improve your cultivation, it will be difficult to make great contributions to the seniors!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Okay, there is no need to say more. The imprint of the brain area can be left alone, but there is a pill that you must take." After speaking, he took out a black pill.

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