The strongest player in history

Chapter 3849 Mosquito King

This cave is about [-] square meters and tens of feet high!

Directly ahead, there is a... monster!

Upon closer inspection, the monster looked a bit like a giant... magic mosquito!

Chen Yang immediately thought of the mosquito king that Xuanyuantai had mentioned.

And right now this place is in the Nether Blood Sea.

"Senior Ling's Primordial Demon Mosquito had miraculous skills back then. If this mosquito king is tamed by me now, it will definitely be of great help." Chen Yang not only did not panic, but was happy instead. With a flash of his figure, he came to this mosquito before the king.

The Mosquito King stood there like a hill, its eyes opened suddenly, and the eyeballs burst into a faint light.

It looked at Chen Yang coldly, and after a long silence, it spoke: "Who is it?"

Words are the normal language of the fairy world.

Chen Yang didn't want to be rough on this, and said: "At Xuanyuantai, I came to Nether Blood Sea to find the master Ye Qingming. I entered this cave by mistake today, if I offend you, please forgive me!"

Mosquito King was slightly taken aback, and said, "Do you know Ye Qingming?"

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Mosquito King originally heard that Chen Yang wanted to find Ye Qingming, but he still had some fears in his heart, but now he was slightly relieved to hear that he didn't know him, and asked again: "Since I don't know each other, what do you want to do with her?" ?”

Chen Yang said: "I have offended some people outside, and I am afraid of being hunted down, so I came here to seek refuge!"

Hearing what he said, Mosquito King felt more relieved, smiled coldly, and said, "Why do you think Ye Qingming will take you in?"

Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "Everyone has a heart of compassion. I believe she won't die. Do you know where Ye Qingming is?"

Mosquito King said: "Why should I tell you?"

Chen Yang was stunned, then smiled again, and said, "That's true, you really have no obligation to tell me. If that's the case, then I'll take my leave."

I'm leaving now...

"Stop!" Mosquito King suddenly shouted.

Chen Yang looked at Mosquito King and said, "Huh?"

Mosquito King sneered, and said, "My cave, don't you come and leave as soon as you say."

Chen Yang said: "I don't know you before. I just entered this cave by mistake today, and I have already apologized. Could it be that you are so small, that you won't let me go just because I came in? If you really can't get over it Angry, I still have a lot of pure yang pills here, I can give you some too!"

As he spoke, he grabbed out the black hole spar, and displayed all the treasures and pills.After that, he grabbed 100 million pure yang elixirs from it, and said: "This 100 million pure yang elixirs should be used as an apology, isn't that okay?"

After finishing speaking, he put the elixir into a small gourd and threw the small gourd to the mosquito king.

At the same time, put all other treasures and elixirs into Jiexumi.Then put Jiexumi into the black hole spar, and then put the black hole spar back into storage.

The Mosquito King didn't expect Chen Yang to have so many treasures. When he saw those treasures, his eyes began to glow.

Facing the small gourd thrown by Chen Yang, he grabbed it and put it in his pocket.

Chen Yang was about to leave, but Mosquito King refused, saying, "Wait!"

Chen Yang stopped again, looked at Mosquito King, and said, "How about it? I have already paid enough."

Mosquito King smiled coldly and said, "Since you have come to this king's place, don't even think about leaving."

Chen Yang was shocked, and said, "How can this be?"

"Hahaha..." Mosquito King laughed.

He could see that Chen Yang's cultivation was good, but this cave was his world.

As long as the opponent is not a saint, in his field, he is not afraid.

Then, the figure of the mosquito king began to change, and in an instant, his body began to disintegrate, turning into countless magic mosquitoes.

All of a sudden, there were millions of densely packed magic mosquitoes.

These devil mosquitoes were dense and quickly swept towards Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's eyes turned cold, and he said, "Since you insist on this, then don't blame me for being rude."

The magic mosquito surrounded him like a tornado storm.In this magic cave, the space also changed strangely, and all directions were full of magic mosquito storms.

Chen Yang immediately operated the Wuwang Huandong to freeze all these magic mosquitoes.


Undoubted chaos unfolds, and in an instant, everything enters a static state.

But soon, Chen Yang felt something was wrong.That is, those frozen Mosquitoes actually started to gnaw at his Wuwang Hundong, and after gnawing, they would gobble them up again.Chen Yang felt that his Wuwu Chaos Hole particles were rapidly decreasing.

This made Chen Yang startled, and he quickly retracted Wuwang's hole.

The Mosquito was free and quickly surrounded it.Chen Yang waved his sleeve robe again and again, preventing the Mosquito in front of him from getting close.

The mosquito king has disappeared.

To be precise, the Mosquito King has transformed into thousands of devil mosquitoes.

So it is very difficult for Chen Yang to find an accurate point, just like an ordinary person encountering a hornet's nest.Although it is easy to crush a hornet to death, it is somewhat difficult to escape the hornet's nest.

He quickly launched various attacks and killed many magic mosquitoes.

But the living Mosquitoes are still densely packed, making it difficult to repel them.

I don't know how many times I have been bitten by the devil mosquitoes... No matter how strong my body is, those devil mosquitoes can break through the defense and bite his flesh and blood accurately.

Chen Yang punched and kicked, but it was useless.

"If you bite like this, maybe you really have to explain it here." Chen Yang felt shuddering and wanted to run away.In a flash, he rushed towards the top of the cave.

Above the head, the magic mosquitoes became the tide of the storm, swarming and biting.Chen Yang waved his sleeve robe repeatedly to defeat him.But at this moment, layers of black clouds appeared in the sky...

Chen Yang walked quickly through the black clouds, but it was difficult to see through the laws of space within.

Those devil mosquitoes surrounded him again, biting continuously...

"Haha... Do you think you can leave? This is the king's dojo. Unless the king dies, or you have the way of a saint, otherwise, whoever comes in will not even think about getting out."

Chen Yang fought hard with those devil mosquitoes, and he could kill countless devil mosquitoes with just raising his hand.But these magic mosquitoes seem to be endless.

"These mosquitoes are all the energy body of this king. They are inexhaustible and inexhaustible. I advise you not to bother." The Mosquito King continued: "How can this king live in the nether sea of ​​blood? I have no skills. In this sea of ​​blood, I have inexhaustible energy. Only saints can escape from my hands. You don’t even have the ninth level of creation. In front of this king, there is only one dead end. This king I want to eat your body and soul, and then take all your treasures, hahahaha..."

Chen Yang also felt that in this magic cave, the power of the Mosquito King was indeed somewhat endless.I killed so many magic mosquitoes by myself, but it was of no use at all.

"Fire?" Chen Yang thought of something, and quickly turned nine turns of Yuanshen far away, and released the Canglong spirit.The whole person quickly turned into a black dragon...

In the darkness, the giant dragon roared, and the golden light was shining!

After Chen Yang turned into a blue dragon, he quickly spit out flames and clear fire, trying to burn these devil mosquitoes.

But the Mosquito was not afraid in the flames. Instead, it sped up and climbed onto Chen Yang's dragon body and began to bite.

But at this time, Chen Yang was not in a hurry.

Because the body of this giant dragon is very big, even if the devil mosquito bites it, it won't hurt him much.

"This bullshit devil mosquito, how can it be protected from fire and water?" Chen Yang calmed down, stretched out his claws, and grabbed a large handful of devil mosquitoes.

He didn't care if the devil mosquito gnawed at his dragon's golden scales.

Anyway, it will take a long time for them to devour them.

After the magic mosquitoes were caught in his hands, Chen Yang began to feel the energy and essence of these magic mosquitoes.

"It's really miraculous, full of corrosive power. Rather than being eaten, it's better to say it's been corroded. It seems that mana below the level of a saint can be corroded by this magic mosquito. After being corroded, it can be absorbed and transformed into a magic mosquito." It has become the pure energy of the mosquito king. I wanted to attack the mosquito king before, but now it seems that I have become the delicious meal of the mosquito king!"

He deliberately revealed treasures and so on before, just to lure the mosquito king to make the first move.

When I saw the Mosquito King, I wanted to take the Mosquito King for myself.But it is inevitable that there will be some disadvantages if you shoot directly.

Now, the goal of letting the mosquito king take the lead is achieved.

But the embarrassing thing is that it seems that who will win the game right now is still unknown!

"This Mosquito King can't really be said to be invincible below a saint. The main reason is that this place is the Nether Blood Sea, which can provide him with endless energy. And then this is still his dojo... If you leave his dojo Afterwards, I can fly freely. After his body transforms into so much energy, it will definitely not be able to keep up with my speed. As long as his body is separated in many places, he will gradually be weakened."

Chen Yang was thinking...and knew that he just happened to be unlucky and was in the worst state.If it is on land, this mosquito king is indeed not too powerful.This mosquito king needs the enemy to stay in one place and not run away, so that he has room to play.

Chen Yang thought about it, but couldn't find a solution.

However, he soon thought of the matter of Taikoo Mosquito and An Ruosu.At the beginning, An Ruosu, Senior Ling's primordial spirit, was devoured by the ancient magic mosquito, but in the end An Ruosu took the initiative and came to a wave of divine manipulation.After that, the Primordial Mosquito was devoured by An Ruosu, and An Ruosu then mastered the ability of the Primordial Mosquito.

"I have the Heavenly Dao Pen in my body, so I'm really afraid that I will be swallowed by you? Energy conversion..." Chen Yang suddenly turned into a human form again.

Just let the devil mosquitoes devour it!

Seeing that Chen Yang suddenly stopped resisting, the Mosquito King was stunned, but he didn't bother to think too much, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presented itself, so of course, hurry up and swallow it!

Just like an ordinary person, he started digging for gold in the hole with difficulty...Suddenly, the gold flowed out...Of course he had to grab it all quickly!

Chen Yang not only wanted to swallow the Mosquito King, but also wanted to force Tiandaobi to resonate with himself...

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