The strongest player in history

Chapter 3845 The Fusion of Heaven and Dao

The old man Hongchen didn't make it very clear, but Chen Yang felt that he had understood some key points.He asked: "Is it those people who discussed together and brought me here?"

The old man Hongchen said: "It's not a discussion, but there is a tacit understanding. Because this matter must be kept secret, otherwise, Yuan Sheng will know in advance. Then you will have no chance... That's why the old man didn't take you directly. The reason for coming here. The fairyland channel was tempered into two channel fragments by the old man and Ye Qingming together. This matter cannot be hidden from Yuan Sheng. Yuan Sheng did not take action directly, but he did a thorough investigation on the old man. After Mo Yu came , the reason why the old man put her in the Nether Blood Sea is also a kind of protection for her. The Nether Blood Sea and the death heaven merge, even if Yuan Sheng enters, it is difficult to get out of the body. Moreover, it is very difficult to hide in the Nether Blood Sea. OK."

Chen Yang couldn't help but said: "If everyone is really afraid of Yuan Sheng so much, why don't you attack together? With everyone's strength, can't you beat a Yuan Sheng?"

The old man Hongchen said: "Silly boy, it's so simple. First of all, all the saints are not united. Do you think that simple truths can be achieved by everyone? If the two of the Western Saints turned against each other, I would not Unexpectedly. Moreover, in Yuansheng’s Yuanjie, the Dao of Life and Heaven suppress us very strongly, and a strong attack will not have very good results.”

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said in his heart: "That's right, even though these saints have the supernatural power, they still have their own selfishness and ideas. These are no different from ordinary people! Human nature seeks profit! If everyone If you are selfless and give up your life, this world is no longer the world.”

Afterwards, he said: "It's just that everyone is counting on me for something that even the saints can't do. This is too much for me."

The old man Hongchen said: "In the battle of the spiritual masters on the earth, your cultivation level is not the highest. You were so weak in the past, but the defense of the entire earth was still victorious under your leadership. Now your cultivation Since you are far better than before, we believe that you can still bring us surprises. You must know that you represent the Emperor of the Universe!"

Chen Yang said: "In the past, on the earth, the luck of the earth was shrouded. That was the home field, and I was also the fate of the king of destiny. Now it is different. In this Kepler's fairyland, the luck of the earth still has an effect."

The old man Hongchen smiled and said: "This concern is not only yours, but we also have it. However, after passing the earth, the old man also discovered one thing. That is the things you did in the Eternal Star Field... It turns out that you ran to Wherever you go, it seems that you can cause a lot of trouble, and you can also get things done. Therefore, the old man is even more determined that you can also solve the big troubles in the fairy world. Besides, this is not just for the fairy world. Trouble. Once the fairyland is occupied by Yuan Sheng, he will not let the earth go. Because the earth is the source of the chaos... He will definitely destroy the earth while the earth is weak. He will also be afraid that a ruthless person will appear on the earth. It's going to be a big threat to him."

"This time, after you appeared in front of the old man, the strange power you displayed further proved the old man's deduction!" The old man Hongchen said: "You will bring new hope to the fairy world!"

Chen Yang fell silent.

The old man Hongchen said: "Why, not happy? Do you think we have taken advantage of you?"

Chen Yang said: "Actually, after you left, I thought that you might want to lure me here to solve the affairs of the fairy world. Even if you don't think so, it may be some kind of guidance in fate. But I have never been sure, Right now, all the doubts in my heart have been confirmed. There is the biggest flaw in this, that is, although you acted extremely viciously, I found out later that you basically did not kill anyone!"

The old man Hongchen said: "This old man doesn't want to have a real grudge."

Chen Yang said: "But why did you force me to fight you to the death this time, and in the end you violated the law of heaven?"

The old man Hongchen said: "The brush on your body is the Heavenly Dao Brush, right?"

Chen Yang said: "That's right!"

The old man Hongchen said: "I came here to try the power of this pen. Later, I tried it out. However, this pen has a big flaw."

"What defect?" Chen Yang asked quickly.

The old man Hongchen said: "Of course, this pen is a magic weapon. The magic weapon may be taken away by someone. If such a magic weapon falls into Yuan Sheng's hands, what do you think will happen?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a while, and after thinking about it, he felt chills on his back and his hair stood on end, and said, "That will be a catastrophe. I can't use the ultimate power of Tiandao Brush, but Yuan Sheng can!"

The old man Hongchen said: "That's right, if he is allowed to grasp the way of heaven on the earth, then it will only be a matter of waving his hands to destroy the earth."

Chen Yang said: "Then what's the situation now? Why do I feel that the Tiandao pen is in my body?"

The old man Hongchen said: "I use the Hongchen Purifying Fire to completely burn the Tiandao brush and your flesh and blood. You have practiced eight or nine profound arts, and the old man can tell at a glance. Therefore, this plan is feasible. Now, it is not so much the Tiandao brush In your body, it is better to say that you have become the spirit of the Tiandao pen. A special spirit! In this way, no one can take the Tiandao pen as their own. From now on, you are the Tiandao pen, the Tiandao pen It's you."

Chen Yang was shocked, and said: "This joke is not funny, I don't want to be a magic weapon, let alone a magic weapon."

The old man Hongchen said: "This old man's statement may be inappropriate. The Tiandao Brush has perfectly matched your soul, flesh and blood. But the spirituality of the Tiandao Brush has been fully activated... There are two possibilities for future development. The first one, You grow fast enough to fully grasp the Heavenly Dao Brush and make it a part of your body. Another possibility is that it grows faster than you, and you gradually become its tool spirit."

"So evil?" Chen Yang was secretly speechless.

The old man Hongchen said: "When you cultivate, it will also absorb the vitality you absorb."

Chen Yang said: "Where's the little spirit in my Tiandao brush?"

"Dead!" The old man Hongchen replied directly.

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, feeling that Xiao Tian was wronged too, for wanting to live so much, but still lying down with the gun inexplicably.

After that, he asked the old man Hongchen again, saying: "I feel that I can't drive the power of the Tiandao brush at all now."

The old man Hongchen said: "The old man came to see how you are doing."

Chen Yang stretched out his hand.

The old man Hongchen stretched out two fingers to tap his pulse... After a while, he retracted his two fingers and said: "Your situation is the same as I expected, and even much better than I expected. The power of the Tiandao brush itself is very powerful. But it shares your body now, so it will consume more of your vitality. Your mana itself is not enough to cast the Tiandao Pen, but if it is willing to resonate with you, then your strength will be very strong. Let’s put it this way, It's like... You two are horses, pulling a cart of goods at the same time, if it doesn't move, you have to pull the cart again, and you have to pull it, then of course it will be difficult for you. If it works together with you, then There is no need to say more."

Chen Yang said: "If you can't find a way to resonate, wouldn't it be like becoming a burden to me?"

The old man Hongchen smiled and said: "Don't worry, this treasure is very spiritual. You and it will be prosperous together, and we will suffer together. It will not want to die!"

Chen Yang sighed and said, "Life is hard!"

The old man Hongchen said: "Every time you resonate, it will deepen the connection between you. Until one day, you can use its power as naturally and simply as raising your arm. At that time, it will be the time to see the difference. Either you Control it, or it controls you. If it controls you, then you will become a weapon spirit, and your body will be dominated by it."

Chen Yang felt hairy in his heart, and said: "I still don't quite understand, the general magic weapon is also controlled by the spirit of the weapon. If I become a spirit of the weapon, what is it?"

The old man Hongchen said: "If you become a weapon spirit, it will become...Chen Yang. For a magic weapon of this level, even dreaming of becoming a human being."

Chen Yang said: "This... feels very dangerous."

The old man Hongchen smiled and said: "Although it is very spiritual, it is still your accessory. Everything depends on you, and you have a great advantage. So the old man is not worried that it can really control you. You You should also have confidence in yourself, Lingzun, you have repelled it? Are you still afraid of a pen?"

Chen Yang said: "It's not that I'm afraid, I just feel a little creepy."

Afterwards, he said again: "Let's get down to business, why did you all agree to come and sign the Dao Law Agreement?"

Hongchen old man said: "Do you think it's wrong?"

Chen Yang said: "This covenant was proposed by Yuan Sheng. Since he proposed it, he must want to develop it in a direction that is beneficial to him."

The old man Hongchen said: "He wants to calm down all the power of the heavenly way, so that the power of the heavenly way will not be abused and weakened. He will have time to grasp the life and the heavenly way better..."

Chen Yang said: "Yes, it really is beneficial to him. Now it seems that everyone is foolishly being led by the nose by Yuan Sheng."

The old man Hongchen said: "Others also want to control their own way of heaven more perfectly. Everyone needs to calm down. In addition, there is another reason for this."

Chen Yang hurriedly asked, "What's the reason?"

The old man Hongchen said: "If you don't use the power of heaven, it will be beneficial to you. When you encounter a master who uses the power of heaven, you will have no power to fight back."

Chen Yang said: "If all the saints have a tacit understanding, they won't come to deal with me, right?"

The old man Hongchen said: "Now only the leader of Tongtian knows that you are coming, and there are other people in Yuansheng's hands who also have this kind of power of heaven."

Chen Yang said: "Will Yuan Sheng violate the law of heaven in order to arrest me?"

The old man Hongchen said: "He didn't know you were here, and the old man believed that he was unwilling to violate the covenant of the law of heaven until he was forced to do so. Once he violated it, it would be tantamount to breaking the covenant. of."

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