The strongest player in history

Chapter 3837 Hongchen Island

The Western Realm is divided into Western Continent and Hongchen Continent, and between the two continents is the vast sea.The vast sea is filled with space fog, and it is not easy to cross the sea.

Chen Yang and Yunxiao went to the Western Continent, and the Western Continent was the sphere of influence of the Western Saint Sect.The main altar of Xishengjiao is on the Western Mountain, which is majestic and magnificent, with beautiful peaks and mountains.

In other parts of the western mountains, it is human habitation.

In the whole of Western Continent, there is a sense of peace, and the customs and customs are full of a kind of warm and windy feeling.

It is not an exaggeration to describe this place as simple and honest.

Chen Yang and Yun Xiao first took a rest in a city in Western Continent. That city was called Wishing City...there was a prosperous atmosphere inside. People were dressed like Persians, and there were many Buddhists walking in it.There are also many barefoot monks walking along the street for alms and so on!

Chen Yang and Yun Xiao found an inn to stay and ordered some food.

In fact, it's not that I'm hungry, it's mainly because I've been flying all the time, and now I need to settle down.

During the meal, Chen Yang said to Yunxiao: "Now the western world has arrived, and I have already spent nearly a year with the fairy. Next, I will travel around the western world, so I am embarrassed to let the fairy accompany me again." Me. If the fairy has something to do, you can leave first..."

He thought that if he said that, with Yun Xiao's indifferent temperament, he would definitely leave.

But who knows, Yun Xiao said: "I have nothing to do with me, I finally came to the Western Realm, and I want to take a look around. If it is convenient for you, I will work with you, which can be regarded as a help. By the way , didn’t you say you were going to Hongchen Island to find the old man Hongchen?”

Chen Yang suddenly felt embarrassed, and said, "It's actually not convenient, I have some personal matters. So..."

Yun Xiao is not a thick-skinned person. Seeing what Chen Yang said, he stopped insisting and said, "Since that's the case, after dinner, my husband and I will go our separate ways."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

After that, Yun Xiao didn't ask any more questions.

After eating, she paid the bill and left on her own.

Chen Yang didn't bother to care about Yun Xiao's mood, he was a bohemian back then and didn't care much about the woman's mood.I don't care anymore now.

After seeing off Yunxiao, Chen Yang booked a room to rest.

He sat in this inn for three days without moving.I was also afraid that Yunxiao would not leave... What if this woman was too curious about what she was going to do?

Three days later, he started to dispatch and headed directly to Hongchen Continent.

It took two days to fly away from the western world, and then entered the vast sea.

After flying over the sea for about ten days, they finally arrived at Hongchen Continent.

The territory of Hongchen Continent is vast and boundless, mostly mountains and hills, at a glance, it looks like a virgin forest.In the central area surrounded by the forest, there are three to five cities, where many ordinary humans live and thrive.

Chen Yang didn't know where the old man in the world lived, and the old man in the world was extremely mysterious.The leader of Tongtian is not very clear, so he can only go to those cities first to see if he can find any clues.

After that, Chen Yang came to the largest city in Hongchen Continent.

That city is called Sky Star City.

The sky star city was full of prosperity. When Chen Yang entered the sky star city, he found that there was no barrier protection in the city.

Walking in the city, you can see the peaceful atmosphere amidst the prosperity.

Chen Yang couldn't help thinking, why is there no high-tech in any place in the fairy world?

Probably because the mortals here are suppressed by the immortals after all, and cannot make a big wave.There will be no natural disasters... because the immortals can turn their hands into clouds and turn their hands into rain.

The immortals don't want those high technologies to appear, they will destroy those budding technology trees.

Technology will destroy the aura of fairyland!

The reason is probably here!

Going forward all the way, you can see that the surrounding houses are row upon row, and the streets are dotted with stars.

Chen Yang couldn't help being excited, he wanted to see Mo Yu very much, and then told her that he never gave up on her.

"But, if I really know the whereabouts, am I really going to scare the snake?" Chen Yang thought to himself. "In the current situation, it's best to find a sage who is willing to help, and then start negotiations with the old dog of the world. If I cultivate myself to this point, Mo Yu will suffer too much."

He knows which route is the most correct, but he really wants to know how Mo Yu is doing well now.

Along the way, the divine sense shot around, just trying to find some useful value!

Not long after, he noticed that there were masters of Taoism thirty miles away.

With a flash of his figure, he traveled through the void and came thirty miles away.

It was a quiet house.

Chen Yang was a little apprehensive, feeling that he was too unfamiliar with Hongchen Continent, so how could he break free.But after thinking about it, Chen Yang, Chen Yang, you already have the Heavenly Dao Brush in your hand.Those saints were also signed a covenant not to use the power of heaven.

You are afraid of wool!

Still not a man?

Spiritual thoughts quickly enveloped the house, and it was discovered that the cultivation level of the master of Taoism was actually nothing but a fairyland.

Is a middle-aged man.

There are many servants, women and children in the house.

At this time, the middle-aged man was meditating in a quiet room.

With another flash of Chen Yang's figure, he traveled through the void and came to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was meditating, when he suddenly felt energy fluctuations in front of him, and as the door of the void opened, Chen Yang walked in.

The man is not stupid. He knows that the young man in front of him can appear in front of him without anyone noticing, and his cultivation level is definitely higher than his own.

Immediately, he immediately got down on the bed, knelt down, and said: "I don't know if it is the fairy elder who came to the humble house, but the villain is far away to welcome me, and I ask the immortal elder to forgive me!"

He was so polite, Chen Yang felt a little embarrassed.

He smiled slightly at the moment, and said: "I came from another continent, so I'm not familiar with this place. Just now, when I shot with my spiritual sense, I realized that you are a person with cultivation, so I came up to ask for directions. Don't be afraid, as long as you are obedient I will not embarrass you. Not only will I not embarrass you, but I will also give you great benefits!"

The middle-aged man immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "The disciple knows, so he will not dare to hide anything!"

Afterwards, he got up and invited Chen Yang to sit down.

Chen Yang casually sealed the quiet room with mana so as not to be listened to.

After sitting down, he asked, "What's your name?"

The middle-aged man stood aside, and replied respectfully: "Sinan, the villain!"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay, Sinan, let me ask you, how many years have you been in Star City?"

Si Nan replied: "It should have been 90 years."

Chen Yang said: "Do you know the old man in the world?"

Si Nan was startled, and said: "The old man Hongchen is the absolute ruler of Hongchen Continent, and the whole Hongchen Continent is under his protection!"

Chen Yang said: "Where is the old man in the world?"

Si Nan suddenly felt troubled, and said, "This...the villain doesn't know."

"How could you not know?" Chen Yang frowned.

Si Nan was panicked, and said: "The old man in the world has always been mysterious, and almost no one knows his whereabouts. The villain's cultivation base is low, and he doesn't know anything about it. Immortal elder, what the villain said is true. Even if I give a villain a hundred or a thousand guts, I wouldn't dare to hide anything from you!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, I believe you. You have been in the Star City for a long time, and you know the whole Hongchen Continent better than me. Then tell me, what should I do if I want to find the old man Hongchen?"

After being silent for a while, Sinan smiled wryly and said, "There is a way that is the easiest."

Chen Yang said: "Tell me and listen!"

Si Nan said: "Create chaos... In this way, the old man Hongchen will not sit idly by."

Chen Yang was stunned, then chuckled, and said, "Do you think you are very humorous?"

Feeling the chill in Chen Yang's words, Sinan was shocked, and hurriedly said, "There is another way."

Chen Yang said coldly: "Say!"

Si Nan said: "There is a Mr. Zhuge in Hongchen Island who is known as a know-it-all. He should know something about the old man Hongchen."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, take me to find this Mr. Zhuge!"

Si Nan said: "Yes!"

Mr. Zhuge was also not easy to find. After leaving Skystar City, Sinan told Chen Yang that this Mr. Zhuge lived in seclusion in the Wuying Mountain.To see him, you must go to the Zhuge Temple in Huangtian City, and then give 100 billion pure Yang pills to the monk in the Zhuge Temple.Afterwards, the monk of Zhuge Temple will give a token.

With the token, you can see Mr. Zhuge!

Chen Yang originally wanted to go directly to Wuying Mountain, but after thinking about it carefully, he also felt that there was no need to make a fuss about the 100 billion Chunyang Pill.Things that can be solved with money are nothing.So he gave Sinan 110 billion Chunyang Pills and asked him to go to work.The one billion pure yang pills were given to Sinan as a reward.

For Si Nan, one billion pure yang pills was not a small amount, so he went happily.

Not long after, Sinan brought the token and came to join Chen Yang.Chen Yang took Sinan to the sky above the Wuying Mountain.

According to the monk from the Zhuge Temple, Chen Yang used the token to send out a signal to his mind.

A moment later, a void gate appeared above Wuying Mountain.

Two words came out from inside, please come in!

Chen Yang and Si Nan entered through the door and came to a temple in the mountains.

The temple is surrounded by mountains, but upon closer inspection, the temple stands on a cliff.

The scenery here is beautiful... and the aura is also very abundant.

Sinan couldn't help admiring that this place is a treasure.

The three characters Zhuge Temple are written on the door plaque of the temple.

Then, the old man's voice came from inside.

"Only one person can enter!"

Chen Yang said hello, and then entered the temple.

In the temple, there are only two young monks, and there are no other monks.

He met the legendary Mr. Zhuge in the meditation room.

Mr. Zhuge was dressed in gray clothes, ordinary attire, he looked about [-] years old, quite immoral.

But he is not a monk.

Chen Yang was not interested in these things. After he met Mr. Zhuge, he immediately saw that Mr. Zhuge's cultivation was only at the eighth level of the Creation Realm.

Mr. Zhuge also felt that Chen Yang's cultivation seemed unfathomable.

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