The strongest player in history

Chapter 3835 Yunxiao leads the way

It takes [-] longevity fruits to activate the Tiandao brush once!

Chen Yang calculated that one longevity fruit is equivalent to 100 billion pure yang elixirs.One hundred longevity fruits are one trillion pure yang pills, and one hundred thousand pieces are one thousand trillion pure yang pills.

This amount is huge, unimaginable!

Even if it is a super boss, there are not so many pills that can be used to activate this Tiandao brush!

However, the super boss's own mana and rules can run the Tiandao brush.Chen Yang thought to himself: "But I don't have enough mana, so I need some medicine."

He reluctantly took out [-] longevity fruits, swiped the Tiandao pen, and swallowed the [-] pieces directly.After the [-] longevity fruits entered the Tiandao Pen, Xiaotian quickly drove the [-] longevity fruits.

Chen Yang also drove the mana into the Tiandao brush.

All the [-] longevity fruits exploded in an instant, and their nutrition was instantly absorbed by the nine snow mountains.Chen Yang immediately felt the terrifying and majestic divine power.

This kind of divine power cannot communicate with his mind.

He couldn't use this divine power completely freely, just like an ordinary person holding a super powerful weapon in his hand.He can let it launch, but he doesn't know exactly how powerful it can be.

But he can imagine that once this power is released, it must be earth-shattering.

Chen Yang had an understanding of the Tiandao pen, but at this time, he did not let the Tiandao pen release this power.Because once it is released, it will definitely cause a very big commotion.

He doesn't activate the energy in the Tiandao pen, and the Tiandao pen will slowly digest and absorb these energies.

It took Xiaotian a long time to absorb all the energy.Chen Yang asked Xiaotian: "As a magic weapon, why do you keep absorbing these energies? Upgrade? Be the master? Become a master?"

Xiaotian said: "To tell you the truth, master, I really want to transcend. If I absorb enough nutrition, maybe one day, I will be able to control the Tiandao pen by myself. I can jump out of the Tiandao pen and use the Tiandao pen to kill the enemy !” Chen Yang said: “It is extremely difficult to control the Tiandao brush. If you don’t rely on external forces to control it, I’m afraid it will be difficult.” Xiaotian said: “It is indeed difficult, so since ancient times, there have been few spirits that can truly be masters. But I still don't want to be bound by others, so I lied to you before."

Chen Yang said: "Well, for the sake of your frankness, I won't argue with you. But, after the Tiandao pen has been absorbing energy, will there be other benefits? Can it only strengthen you?"

Xiaotian said: "The Heavenly Dao Pen is an immortal tool that surpasses the heavens and the earth, and it can evolve forever. As for how it will evolve in the future, no one knows."

Chen Yang said, "Oh?"

Xiaotian continued: "At present, the power of the way of heaven displayed by the Tiandao pen is only a kind of mana. If the pen of Tiandao really evolves to a certain level, it can be transformed into the real power of the way of heaven. That is to say, on the earth, the power of the way of heaven As a magic weapon, the pen can drive the real power of heaven. But here, it is impossible to drive the real power of heaven. But if it evolves to a certain level, its power is the real power of heaven on earth! Because in the light of destiny The power of heaven is not fake."

Chen Yang is such a smart person, once she said that, he immediately understood.

The power of heaven displayed by the current Tiandao pen, just like the law of time he used, is just a counterfeit.It cannot display the true meaning of time...

And when the Tiandao pen is on the earth, it can drive the real power of heaven in the outside world.

Right now, it is impossible!

When the Heavenly Dao Pen evolves to a certain level, it will become the real Heavenly Dao.

"At that time, can I still control it?" Chen Yang asked the key question.

Xiaotian said: "This question is a good one. It's like a woman who has grown to a good enough level. Can a man still be worthy? In my opinion, whether she can be worthy depends mainly on whether the man's ability can keep up. If The Heavenly Dao Brush has evolved to that level by then, but you, master, are still standing in front of you, then you must be unworthy. At that time, you will not be able to use the Heavenly Dao Brush!"

Chen Yang rubbed his hands together, and said, "Damn it, I have to work hard to get a magic weapon. Otherwise, I might be abandoned by it!"

Xiaotian smiled sweetly and said, "Good things are different!"

Chen Yang said: "Anyway, if one day I can't control the Tiandao Brush, I will be the first to kill you!"

Xiaotian was stunned, then wept, and said, "Why?"

Chen Yang chuckled, and said: "This is to prevent you from lying to me. You must know that in the future, you and I will be fine. If I'm not good, you must die first!"

Xiaotian said dejectedly, "I know."

Chen Yang comforted again: "But don't worry, as long as you follow me obediently, the benefits will be indispensable to you."

Xiaotian said: "I know."

With the help of Tiandao Pen, Chen Yang suddenly felt a lot more courageous.My waist is no longer sore, my legs are no longer painful, I dare to say hello to people, and I no longer feel inferior.

"It can be said that with the help of this Heavenly Dao Brush, even if I meet a master like Yuanshi Tianzun right now, I can break my wrist. Of course, the premise is that they can't use the power of Heavenly Dao... In case they are in a hurry, It doesn't mean that you won't use the power of heaven." Chen Yang secretly said.

"Well, now that I have this Tiandao brush, I have some means of self-protection. I will go to the Western Realm to see if I can find Mo Yu. Even if I can't save her, let her know It’s good that I’m already here. It’s just that how to go to the western world is still a problem!”

Chen Yang still didn't know much about this fairy world.

After putting away the Tiandao pen, he left the black hole spar.

Then he swallowed the black hole spar into his stomach in one gulp, so as not to be discovered by others.

It was midday and the sun was still shining brightly.

He knew that he was still in Biyouzhou...

After thinking for a while, he suddenly turned around and headed towards Penglai Island again.

According to the previous route, we returned the same way, and after flying for about three days, we arrived at Penglai Island.

He has the jade medal given by the Master Tongtian, so he can go all the way in without any hindrance.

Soon they came to Sanxiao Island where Bixiao and the others lived.

It was in the evening, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on this beautiful island.

Standing in front of Sanxiao Palace, Chen Yang cupped his fists and begged to see him.

After a while, a girl Taoist came out and said, "Sir, please come in!"

In the living room of Sanxiao Palace, Chen Yang met his elder sister Yunxiao.

Yun Xiao is still so solemn and beautiful, she seems to be a serious person.

When we met again, Yunxiao smiled slightly, and said, "Mr. Xuanyuan seems to be much refreshed after being separated for half a year. Presumably, the practice has been very smooth in the past half a year, right?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "It's not very smooth, but it is indeed smoother than when I was outside the fairy world. I lived alone outside the fairy world in those years, and I was bored all day long, and it was even more difficult to make progress in cultivation. After arriving in the Immortal Realm, although I was frightened, I was more motivated."

Yun Xiao said: "That's good, that's good!"

Chen Yang said, "But you didn't see Fairy Bixiao and Fairy Qiongxiao?"

Yun Xiao smiled wryly, and said: "My second sister is very playful. I took my third sister out ten days ago. I don't know what she is busy with. She hasn't returned yet." After a pause, he asked Chen Yang: "Mr. , is it purely to visit my second sister, third sister, or is there something else?"

Chen Yang said: "To tell you the truth, I do need help with something."

Yun Xiao said: "Sir, it's okay to say, as long as we can do it, we will never refuse!"

Chen Yang said: "Does the fairy know the old man in the world?"

Yun Xiao was slightly startled, and said: "The old man Hongchen is a great power evolved from the Dao of Hongchen, sir, why do you ask this?"

Chen Yang said: "I have some questions, and I want to ask this powerful man." But he scolded the old dog in the world in his heart.

Yun Xiao said: "Doubt? What question?"

Chen Yang said: "Sorry, I can't say it. Well, I didn't come here for any other purpose, just to know how to get to the Western Realm. Because last time I heard from Master Hongchen that the old man Hongchen is in Hongchen Island in the Western Realm."

Yun Xiao frowned slightly, and said: "It's quite a long way to go to the Western Realm. You have to go through the Heaven Realm, the Nether Realm, and finally reach the Western Realm. There are countless laws of space in it. If no one leads the way, I'm afraid you won't be able to reach the Western Realm within three to five years. Now The distribution of the immortal world is peculiar, and it cannot be solved by giving a map."

Chen Yang said: "I just know the difficulty, so I took the liberty to come here to ask."

After pondering for a while, Yunxiao said, "Well, I have nothing to do right now, so I will lead the way for you and send you to the western world. Well, I can accompany you to see the old man Hongchen when the time comes. I believe that the old man looks like my master. On the face of it, I will not embarrass you and me."

Chen Yang was stunned.

When he said there was any doubt, it was pure nonsense.When you arrive in the western world, you may not dare to meet the old man in the world!He was afraid that the old man Hongchen would see his real body at a glance, and then put all his eggs in one basket and use the power of heaven to kill him.

There's a lot of risk involved.

It's just that it's not easy to explain to Yunxiao right now, so after thinking about it for a while, he said to Yunxiao: "There will be Fairy Lao in this way."

Yun Xiao smiled slightly, and said, "It's nothing to do with a little effort!"

Chen Yang secretly said: "When I get to the Western Realm, I will find a reason and an excuse to send Yun Xiao off."

After tidying up for a while, Yun Xiao left Penglai Island with Chen Yang.Yunxiao has a magic weapon called Wuyunsuo.

Chen Yang and Yun Xiao sat in the dark cloud shuttle, and the dark cloud shuttle shuttled through the clouds with lightning, and shuttled through countless space laws.

In Wuyunsuo, the space is not large, only about ten square meters.

Yun Xiao sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested his mind while controlling Wu Yunsuo.

Chen Yang sat cross-legged on the other side and did not bother Yun Xiao.

He is very different now from before. When he was young, when he met a solemn fairy like Yun Xiao, he would probably come to tease him with a playful smile.But now, that mood is gone.

People are always going to grow and mature.

Suffering, in particular, can accelerate people's growth and maturity...

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