The strongest player in history

Chapter 3829 Amazing Power

In the fairy world, there is also no dimension.

Therefore, even a master of the Ninth Layer of the Creation Realm, it is difficult to travel through dimensions.

Although Chen Yang is still at the eighth level of the realm of creation, his real divine power has long surpassed the ninth level of the realm of creation.

At most, it is in terms of esoteric meaning, and some rules are not as good as the ninth level of the realm of creation!

Another embarrassing thing is that if you don't reach the ninth level of the realm of creation, you will never reach the half-step saint.

There are still many roads ahead for Chen Yang to explore.

Let's say that after Yang Jian shattered Chen Yang's big handprint at this time, he and the three-pointed and two-handed halberd turned into a sword storm that quickly enveloped Chen Yang.

In an instant, Chen Yang was like being trapped in a sword cage.Surrounding him was the sword energy attacking from all over the sky, and the sword energy was full of Yang Jian's celestial eyes mixed with his lifelong divine power.

In addition, the three pointed and two halberds are also innate treasures!

So right now every sword qi is extremely fierce, as if it wants to break through the shackles of heaven and earth.At this moment, at least ten thousand sword qi attacked and killed Chen Yang's whole body.Without saying a word, Chen Yang urged the sky to mix up.

The particles of the chaotic hole also formed a storm around him... The sky and clouds were tumbling, but inside was an innocent chaotic hole that combined ice and time.

Immediately, many sword qis were frozen by Wuwang Hundong, and they couldn't be killed no matter what.

Chen Yang then drove the Bahuang war halberd from the air... The Bahuang war halberd swung in a circle in the void, and slammed towards the sword storm formed by Yang Jian.


Yang Jian's blade storm was slashed by the Eight Desolation War Halberd, and immediately broke the defense.With a shake of his figure, he rushed out from the inside of the three pointed and two halberds.Then he quickly grabbed the three-pointed and two-footed halberd into the magic bag, and then transformed into the sacred ancient dragon that used to deal with Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao.

The giant dragon rolled over and quickly surrounded Chen Yang with its physical body!

Two giant claws tore at Chen Yang with lightning.

At this time, Chen Yang clearly felt that Yang Jian's divine power had increased again.

This is the mystery of the Bajiu Xuangong.

Chen Yang didn't have time to think about it, and quickly killed him with the Eight Desolation War Halberd.

Yang Jian used one giant claw to catch the Eight Desolation War Halberd hard, but the other giant claw headed towards Chen Yang to kill him.

Chen Yang also quickly made a big punch!


The Eight Desolation War Halberd was finally caught by the opponent's giant claws, and he couldn't move!

Chen Yang's big fist imprint blasted past, and was immediately crushed by the opponent.The body was overwhelmed, and the blood was surging, which was difficult to stop.

He couldn't help but lose color.

Because after Yang Jian transformed into this sacred dragon, the increase in divine power was really terrifying.

After Yang Jian resolved Chen Yang's Eight Desolation War Halberd and Great Fist Seal respectively, he knew that he finally had the upper hand.The moment is even more merciless, and the hands speed up the offensive.His huge claws struck Chen Yang with lightning, and in an instant, eighteen claws came over.

Every claw shadow is like the thunder of heaven and earth, extremely swift and violent, and contains a majestic atmosphere.

Chen Yang tends to be conservative in this battle, and he doesn't want to show all his cards.His various tricks didn't work very well, so he was actually a little embarrassed by this Yang Jian.

In the midst of the crisis, Chen Yang quickly changed his body shape, and the Jiuzhuan Yuanshen quickly spread throughout his body, and then turned into a blue dragon.

Canglong surged wildly, and the golden scales on his body were like a layer of armor.

At the same time, Chen Yang also opened his bloody mouth, spitting out flames and pure fire.

Lieyanjinghuo burned Yang Jian's claw shadow. After the claw shadow was burned, its strength weakened, and it caught Chen Yang again.Chen Yang had golden scales on his body, so he hardly did much harm to Chen Yang.

Furthermore, after the body becomes huge, it doesn't matter if the physical body suffers a little damage.

It's like an ordinary person was bitten twice by ants.

"You actually know the Eighty-Nine Profound Arts?" Yang Jian couldn't help turning pale when he saw this.

In an instant, the two giant dragons fought fiercely in the air, and it was hard to tell the winner!

Chen Yang felt that he could no longer be so entangled with Yang Jian, so he immediately used the power of chaos and all his magic power to kill Yang Jian.




After three consecutive impacts, Yang Jian's sacred dragon was knocked into a daze.

This is not over yet, Chen Yang quickly bit the neck of the sacred dragon.

At the moment of crisis, Yang Jian's figure changed again, turned into a bird, and flew away from Chen Yang's mouth with lightning.

Then, Yang Jian changed again and returned to his original appearance.Holding a three-pointed and two-renged halberd, his expression was extremely solemn.

Chen Yang also recovered his physical appearance and came to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian pointed at Chen Yang, and said coldly, "Who the hell are you? Why do you know Bajiu Xuangong?"

Chen Yang sneered: "Is the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu great? Are you the only one in the world who can do it? Anyway, I didn't learn it secretly from you."

"Damn it!" Yang Jian was furious.

No matter what Yang Jian thought, Chen Yang grabbed the Eight Desolation War Halberd and killed the general again.The two fought again, but Yang Jian was obviously no longer Chen Yang's opponent, and they were already retreating steadily.Chen Yang attacked more and more fiercely, his mana was integrated with the chaotic hole, and the mana in his body was as majestic as mountains and rivers.

No matter how Yang Jian changes, how amazing his supernatural power is, he can't stop Chen Yang's attack!

Finally, Chen Yang lifted Yang Jian's three-pointed and two-pronged halberd away with one halberd.

Then, he kicked Yang Jian in the chest with one kick.

Yang Jian immediately flew out, and finally landed heavily on the ground, unable to move anymore!

This battle is finally over.

Yang Jian... was defeated.

At this moment, Yang Jian's hair was disheveled, his face was embarrassed, and he no longer had the arrogance he had before.

Chen Yang, Bi Xiao, and Qiong Xiao quickly came to Yang Jian.

The group of demons and the Three Immortals of Xiaoyao also surrounded them.

A goblin couldn't help but yelled: "Kill Yang Jian, that bastard!"

All the goblins are not afraid of the height of the stage when watching a play, and they all wish someone would come out and kill Yang Jian.

Chen Yang looked down at Yang Jian on the ground, smiled slightly, and said, "You lost."

Yang Jian also had a lot of backbone, tried to sit up, and snorted coldly: "If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want, why bother talking nonsense!"

Chen Yang said: "I'm too lazy to kill you, and I don't dare! But you have to remember, you will read the word Yang Jian upside down in the future. Also, you promised me a condition. But I don't bother to use this condition. After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao, and said, "It's up to the two fairies to decide how to deal with Yang Jian. As for the conditions he promised, it's up to the fairies. I'm really not good at humiliating Chan Teacher, I don’t have this background.”

Bi Xiao giggled and said, "Okay, then I won't be polite." After speaking, she stepped forward and slapped Yang Jian three times.

Yang Jian was immediately beaten into a pig's head.

Seeing this, the group of demons applauded loudly.

Yang Jian was extremely angry, his eyes were bloodshot, but at this moment he was helpless.

Bi Xiao said: "Yang Jian, even if I kill you right now, your teacher has nothing to say. But I'm not as ruthless and cold-blooded as you, so I won't kill you. But what you said before It was signed on the life-and-death contract. You promised a condition, so you won’t break the contract too, right?”

Yang Jian's face suddenly turned pale, and he said, "What do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple! I want you to kowtow to me three times. And every time you kowtow, say that Yang Jian is a dog!" Bi Xiao said with a smile.

She made it clear that she wanted to humiliate Yang Jian.

Qiong Xiao felt that something was wrong, and said, "Second sister, this... I'm afraid it will annoy Chanjiao if it gets out."

"He's not even afraid of killing us, what are we afraid of? Are we afraid of explaining the teaching?" Bi Xiao sneered.

Yang Jian gritted his teeth and said, "It's absolutely impossible for me to kneel down. A scholar can be killed, but not humiliated. If I can't meet your conditions, I will pay for my life. Is that okay?"

Bi Xiao said: "Okay, if you have a backbone, then you can kill yourself. We are all here to watch you."

Yang Jian suddenly felt desolate, and looked around, everyone looked at him coldly.Everyone wished that he was dead...

After taking a deep breath, he nodded and said, "Okay!"

After finishing speaking, he wanted to use the remaining mana to end his life!

Chen Yang felt weird in his heart, could it be that the legendary Yang Jian was forced to burp like this?

According to the legend, once it becomes a real character, there seems to be nothing unusual!

Just when Yang Jian was about to commit suicide, Bi Xiao spoke again, saying, "Wait a minute!"

Yang Jian glared angrily and said, "What are you doing?"

Bi Xiao snorted coldly, and said, "Forget it, Yang Jian! I will spare your life today. But you have to swear here that you will not kill a goblin from now on. If there are goblins who do evil, the most you can do is catch them Hold, and then hand it over to me."

Yang Jian was stunned, he didn't expect that Bi Xiao would actually let him go.After a long time, he came back to his senses.

Of course he didn't want to die.

Now that he has a chance to live, he feels his whole body relax.At the moment, he said without hesitation: "Okay, I promise you!"

Then, he solemnly swore an oath!

After that, Bi Xiao let him go.

After Yang Jian left, the group of monsters breathed a sigh of relief, and then dispersed.

The Three Immortals of Xiaoyao also bid farewell to Bi Xiao, Qiong Xiao and Chen Yang, and then left.

After the group of demons dispersed, Chen Yang also pretended to say goodbye with his hands clasped together.

Bi Xiao smiled slightly and said, "How can you leave, sir? You and Yang Jian have formed a big relationship today. If Yang Jian cooperates with the Chanjiao sect to trouble you in the future, how can you be good? If you don't dislike it, then you will be with me." The two sisters will go to Biyou Continent together, and we will make arrangements for you after we meet Eldest Sister, okay?"

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said: "To be honest with the two fairies, I don't dare to make a move today. I dared to deal with Yang Jian only after seeing that the two fairies are from Biyoumen. Since the fairies said so, I should be more respectful." Obedience."

The three of them quickly took to the sky.

Fly all the way to Biyouzhou...

On the way of flight, Bi Xiao couldn't help asking about Chen Yang's background.

Chen Yang didn't dare to tell the truth, but he also knew that the other party was not a fool.There are more capable people among the teachers, if there are not a few credible words in his mouth, I am afraid that he will cause a lot of trouble.

Immediately said: "Actually, my real name is not Su Huanqing, my real name is Xuanyuantai, and I was originally a celestial monarch in the celestial world. But in these years, the celestial world has gradually declined, and I..."

He knew enough about Xuanyuantai.

So I talked about how to kill Lu Ya's disciple, and then left the fairy world while the power of heaven was not closed.

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