"Miss Bixiao is right!" Immediately, a goblin made a fuss and shouted, "These three eyes are red eyes now, and they are worse than us being demons."

"That's right!" Everyone echoed loudly.

The grievances had been accumulated for a long time, and none of them cared whether Yang Jian would retaliate in the future.

These voices reached Yang Jian's ears, and Yang Jian became even more angry.He immediately said to Bi Xiao: "Bi Xiao, just because you two sisters want to capture me?"

"Not bad!" Bi Xiao said with a sneer.

Yang Jian said: "What do you say, you are so petty. If you two sisters are really brave, we will sign a life and death contract here. We will have a fight later. If you have the ability to kill me, Yang Jian, then I will be considered incompetent." , deserve this calamity."

Bi Xiao immediately said: "If our sisters are killed by you, Yang Jian, we Biyou Palace will never trouble Yuxu Palace!"

"Second sister!" Qiong Xiao was taken aback, she didn't expect the second sister to make things so serious.

"What are you afraid of?" Bi Xiao said to Qiong Xiao: "We two are against him, are we still afraid?"

"Eldest sister knows..." Qiong Xiao said.

"I'll take care of everything!" Bi Xiao said.

Qiong Xiao said: "..."

Bi Xiao has always been willful and reckless, and at this time he really signed a life-and-death contract with Yang Jian.

The life and death agreement was made in duplicate, and Bi Xiao and Yang Jian both signed their names afterwards.Qiong Xiao had no choice but to sign it.

After that, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao flew into the air with Yang Jian.

In the entire Kunlun realm, the clouds and mists are vast and full of secrets.

Under such circumstances, the cultivator's spiritual thoughts cannot be explored very far, so it is impossible for those powerful people in the teaching to know what Yang Jian is doing at the moment.

Similarly, during the interception, they will not know where Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao are.

Even the generation of Yuanshi Tianzun, it is difficult to see the Kunlun world clearly at a glance.

When the power of heaven changes, the laws of space and time are broken up and spread throughout the space.

In this case, the ascetic can no longer travel thousands of miles and cross in an instant!

After the life and death contract was signed, Yang Jian, Bi Xiao, and Qiong Xiao went to the clouds.

The three of them soon fought together...

Chen Yang had already seen that Yang Jian's cultivation was at the eighth level of the Creation Realm.

Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao are also at the eighth level of the Creation Realm...

This is not to say that in the fairy world, everyone's cultivation is at the eighth level of the Creation Realm.It's really because Yang Jian himself is a leader in teaching.

And Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao have quite high seniority in the Jiejiao, and they are the direct disciples of Master Tongtian.Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun came from the same school, but Yang Jian is Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple.That's why Bi Xiao called Yang Jian Master Yang's nephew.

The two religions have very different ideas and have never been in harmony.

So Yang Jian didn't respect Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao much.

At this time, Yang Jian had already sacrificed the magic weapon with three pointed and two halberds, Bi Xiao used the magic weapon Golden Dragon Scissors, and Qiong Xiao used the dragon binding rope.

Yang Jian has the eyes of the sky and the hole in his body, and the hole and the three-pointed and two-footed halberd are fused into one place, and the power is infinite.Every time a halberd is swung, the mixed hole particles turn into golden light and pour into the three pointed and two halberds.

Both Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao have Tian Xiao in their bodies!

Then I saw the golden dragon scissors transforming into two golden dragons, cooperating with Tianxiao to entangle and kill the three pointed and two halberds.And Binding Longsuo also turned into a dragon to attack Yang Jian.

Yang Jian is really amazing. Facing the attack of the two women, not only did he not panic, but he was able to handle it with ease.

His cultivation base is similar to that of Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao.But his divine power is boundless, coupled with the ferocity of the gangster.Swinging the three pointed and two halberds several times in a row sent Bi Xiao's two golden dragons flying.When the two golden dragons twine and cut towards the enemy, they can generate extraordinary energy.

But Yang Jian can't do anything about it!

Bie Longsuo attacked and killed several times, but was also repelled by Yang Jian.

Seeing that she couldn't take Yang Jian down, Bi Xiao became angry, and said to Qiong Xiao, "Little sister, stay aside first, and look for opportunities!"

Qiong Xiao nodded.

A cold light flashed in Bi Xiao's eyes, her dress fluttered, and her figure flickered.

Those two golden flood dragons rushed out fiercely again.

Yang Jian immediately resisted with three pointed and two halberds, and the three pointed and two halberds danced into a storm of sword blades.

Jin Jiao couldn't get in anyway.

Bi Xiaosu grabbed it with his hand, and the two golden dragons suddenly returned to the golden scissors.

A scissor light flashed, and the golden dragon scissors flew into the blade storm.

Then, in the blade storm, the golden light is dazzling.

The two golden dragons cut each other fiercely, and the blade storm was directly broken.Then, the three pointed and two halberds also flew out.

Yang Jian paled slightly.

Bi Xiao's face flushed red, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The forceful break of Yang Jian's defense just now caused her to suffer some injuries.

At the moment when the three pointed and two halberds flew out, Qiong Xiao seized the opportunity, but condensed the dragon-binding rope into a needle and shot towards Yang Jian's throat.

Qiong Xiao knew that Yang Jian had the eyes of the sky, so shooting him between the eyebrows would only destroy his eyes of the sky at most.

At the moment of crisis, Yang Jian's sky eyes suddenly opened, a golden light shot out, and the dragon-binding needle flew aside.

At the same time, Yang Jian suddenly shouted: "Shoutiangou!"

Immediately, a black shadow sprang out of his magic bag!

But a ferocious black dog sprang out, biting Bi Xiao with lightning and thunder.

Bi Xiao was taken aback, he slapped out his plain palm, but turned around again, and with a wave of his sleeve, he swept the Xiaotian dog away.

Qiong Xiao didn't end there. After the dragon-binding needle was knocked into the air, she immediately drove the dragon-binding needle into a dragon-binding sword to kill Yang Jian.

Hit three swords in a row, one sword is harder than the other!

Yang Jian resisted with the golden light of his eyes, but he still resisted.

Yang Jian's internal strength is extremely profound, as if it is endless.

When Bi Xiao wanted to kill Xiaotiangou, Xiaotiangou quickly returned to Yang Jian's side and entered his magic bag.

This Roaring Sky Dog is Yang Jian's secret weapon, it doesn't move normally, and only strikes when it is unexpected.

Bi Xiao came back to his senses, swallowed the elixir quickly, and attacked again.

Yang Jian snorted coldly, his body swayed, and he quickly turned into a giant dragon.

I saw that the giant dragon was shining with golden light all over, and the dragon might shake the sky.

This giant dragon is like the ancestor of the dragon, extremely terrifying.

After entwining in the air for a while, Bi Xiao and Yun Xiao were entangled in the middle.The body of the giant dragon is like a mountain of meat.

Then, the giant dragon waved its giant claws and slapped Bi Xiao.

Yang Jian knew that Bi Xiao was injured, so he focused on Bi Xiao.

At the same time, he has turned into a giant dragon, and it is difficult to find the vital parts of his body.So it was difficult for Qiong Xiao to defeat him for a while.

When the giant dragon was entangled, it spit out countless dragon aura, which trapped Qiong Xiao for a moment.Therefore, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao have also separated.

At this moment, Yang Jian is extremely vicious, and he really wants to kill Bi Xiao.

They both signed life and death contracts, so Yang Jian didn't intend to be polite.

Interpretation and interception of teaching have always been openly and secretly fighting, Yang Jian just wanted to take this opportunity to kill Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao.Afterwards, if you stop teaching to cause trouble, you can just come up with a life and death contract.In principle, that is tenable.

Bi Xiao circulated his whole body's mana, and quickly aligned two palms with the giant dragon's giant claws.

After these two palms came down, Bi Xiao felt the qi and blood in his body churning, and his internal organs were about to be displaced.

This Yang Jian's skill is really too powerful.Bi Xiao didn't understand why Yang Jian was so strong.

She was in her heyday, and she was no match for Yang Jian's palm power.What's more, he is already injured now...

After two palms, Bi Xiao spat out a mouthful of blood.

Yang Jian waved his giant claw again, wanting to finish Bi Xiao with one palm.

After all, Bi Xiao was not a vegetarian, and at the very moment, his figure suddenly twisted strangely.

Colorful clouds appeared in front of her eyes...

The giant claw penetrated into the clouds, and the power of the palm was lost.

Bi Xiao's figure flashed into the colorful clouds, and in the next second, the person had left the body surrounded by the dragon.

At the same time, Qiong Xiao also got Bi Xiao's call, and quickly flew away from Yang Jian's dragon body.

At this time, Yang Jian's figure swayed, and he returned to his adult state again.

Bi Xiao spewed blood again, her delicate face was pale... It was obvious that she was seriously injured.

"Enough, Yang Jian!" Qiong Xiao saw that Yang Jian's eyes did not flicker, and immediately shouted: "Our two sisters have confessed today, and I will let you handle it here."

"Hmph!" How could Yang Jian be willing to say, "The life and death agreement has been signed, and I will never die."

"You are so brave, you really want to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors?" Qiong Xiao said sharply.

Yang Jian took a step forward, and said coldly: "When you signed the life and death contract, you didn't talk about seniority. Bi Xiao, you must die!"

Bi Xiao also had a tough temper, and said to Qiong Xiao: "Don't beg him for mercy, you go first, I'll block him!" After speaking, he drove the golden scissors again.

At this time, the light of Jin Jiaojian has dimmed.

Where Qiong Xiao could make her sister die, she quickly rushed forward and killed Yang Jian with the dragon rope.

Yang Jian yelled fiercely, and the sky eyes in his eyes shot out a golden light to slash towards Bin Longsuo.


Binding Longsuo and Jin Guang fought fiercely together, and Binding Longsuo approached inch by inch...

At this moment, the three pointed and two halberds in Yang Jian's hand flew out, violently beheading towards Bin Longsuo.

Boom... In an instant, the dragon-binding rope broke directly.

Qiong Xiao's face turned pale immediately, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this point, both Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao were seriously injured.

The Three Immortals of Xiaoyao looked at the situation, but they did not dare to step forward to help.They knew in their hearts that Yang Jian's eyes were red now, and they would all die if they came here.

Yang Jian held the three-pointed and two-renren halberd, and was about to kill Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao.

He definitely has no intention of pity and pity...

Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao looked at each other, neither of the two sisters expected that their lives would be threatened today.But what is there to say?

The two sisters looked at Yang Jian with a look of death in their eyes.

Qiong Xiao said: "Yang Jian, today our skills are inferior to others, and we died in your hands. We admit it. But if you insist on doing this, you are provoking a struggle between explaining and cutting off teaching. From then on, explaining and cutting off teaching will not be the same. There will be a day of peace again. And you are a sinner!"

Yang Jian said coldly: "I, Yang Jian, don't care about the many things. You signed the life and death contract. Since you lose, you will naturally die!"

"Stop rambling!" Bi Xiao said coldly, "If you want to kill, then kill!"

"Okay, I'll help you all!" Yang Jian's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao closed their eyes, ready to die.At this moment, they are completely hopeless...

"Wait!" At this moment, a man's crisp voice came...

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