The strongest player in history

Chapter 3817 The Emperor of the Universe

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Speaking of which, the reason why Yuan Sheng wants to deal with the fairy world and the earth is because the immortals of the earth occupied his homeland in the past." Chen Yang smiled bitterly, and said: "Back then, the Great Universe forcibly occupied his homeland." The earth drove away the spirit master. Later, the immortals went to Kepler's fairyland and beheaded countless local natives. Speaking of it, it seems that all the evil fruits were planted by our universe emperor."

"So it's still karma!" Hei Yi Suzhen said.She went on to say: "However, why do you seem to be letting you taste all the evil consequences? Sometimes I wonder if you are the incarnation of the universe emperor? Or, are you the universe emperor? Otherwise, why do you feel all the evil things? Is it all pointing at you?"

Chen Yang was startled.

Afterwards, he said: "It's not difficult to figure out this question. Aren't we right now inside the gate of eternal life? Whatever answer you want, you can ask."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Any answer can be asked?"

Chen Yang said: "The ultimate and truth of the universe is difficult to ask. It seems that there is no answer. Probably this is beyond the scope of knowledge of the gate of eternal life... Wu Feier asked back then, and there was no answer."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "It's understandable, probably because the Gate of Eternal Life also belongs to the universe. Therefore, he can only talk about things in the universe, and it doesn't know about things outside the universe."

Chen Yang then entered the cloud of birth and death again, and kept asking about the relationship between himself and the universe emperor in his mind.

He walked all the way in, and the surroundings began to become cold.

In front of you, you can't see anything.

This feeling made Chen Yang very uncomfortable, as if he had suddenly become an ordinary person.

But soon, he encountered a black hole again.

There is the answer he wants in this black hole.

Jump into the black hole, enter the corridor, and then come to a black door.

Pushing open the door, Chen Yang saw the world of ice and snow.

Walking into it, it soon became apparent that this icy and snowy place was none other than the earth.

Chen Yang was puzzled: "Why is it on the earth? What does this ice and snow mean?"

He couldn't find the answer, so he could only shoot thousands of miles with his divine sense.

Soon, he discovered that there was something different on one mountain peak.As soon as the mind moved, it came to the mountain peak.

Standing on that high mountain, Chen Yang overlooked the world, which was all covered with ice and snow.

"This scene is somewhat familiar. It looks like the earth after extinction, completely covered in ice and snow. But what does it have to do with Unicron?" Chen Yang was still puzzled.

Just when he was puzzled, changes began to appear in the depths of the snow.

Before Chen Yang could shoot with his divine sense, he could clearly see what was going on inside.

In the depths of the snow field, there is a place of natural aura, and there is a rock in the place of aura.The rock was nourished by spiritual energy for thousands of years, and it actually began to grow spiritual consciousness.

Inside the rock, a stone egg appeared.

The stone egg gradually conceived, and unexpectedly grew into a little furry monster.The little monster is somewhat like a monkey, but quite different from a monkey.

Not long after, the little strange monkey came out of the rock.

It was born with great strength, broke through the rock formation, and came to the ground.

Chen Yang wanted to go over to say hello to the little strange monkey, but the little strange monkey couldn't see him.

Chen Yang came to the little strange monkey and reached out his hand to grab it, but after grabbing it, it was just empty.

"That's right, I'm just watching what happened back then. All of this is just an image, so I can't touch it."

The little monster monkey weighed only about five kilograms just now, about the size of a one-year-old child, but even thinner.

In the cold red, it is not afraid of wind and snow, as if it is very used to this weather.

The little strange monkey soon felt hungry. After eating some ice and snow, it began to look for food.

But under the ice and snow, it is difficult to find food.

Time passed quickly, and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

In this month, the little strange monkey has not found any food, and it is already very hungry.

Every day is wrapped in ice.

If this continues, the little strange monkey will die.

Although it was born with great strength and spiritual power, it doesn't know how to use it.

"Oops, why do I feel that my strength is starting to run out?" Chen Yang watched the little strange monkey dying, and suddenly felt that something was wrong with him.

"Could this little strange monkey be the emperor of the universe? If it dies, I will die too? It's impossible!" Chen Yang couldn't figure out the joint.

"Even if the little strange monkey is the emperor of the universe, but now the entire earth exists, which means that it will not die. I just came to see the past and present life, how could it be related to me? This is unreasonable, this is unreasonable!"

Chen Yang couldn't understand it.

But he clearly felt that he was getting weaker and weaker, as if he was about to perish between the heaven and the earth.

"Not good!" Chen Yang knew something was wrong.

"Perhaps, everything is a kind of reincarnation! At this time, my coming to save the little strange monkey is also a reincarnation that was planned!" Chen Yang gradually realized.

"But, how should I save it?" Chen Yang secretly said.

He thought hard, and finally, he gradually had an idea in his mind.

"The entity is hard to touch. I can only try to see if the brainwaves can communicate!" Chen Yang tried to touch the little monster monkey with his mind.

After trying several times at first, the little strange monkey didn't respond.

Chen Yang is a very persistent and resolute person, and he never gave up.He firmly believed that this was the only way, so he kept trying to communicate with divine thoughts!

Finally, a faint voice reached Chen Yang's mind.


In fact, this is not real language, but a communication of consciousness!

"I'm Chen Yang!" Chen Yang said.

"Chen Yang?" The little strange monkey responded weakly.

Chen Yang couldn't help being overjoyed, now he can be sure that he really communicated with the little strange monkey.

He then said to the little strange monkey: "The only way for you to survive is to return to the rock that gave birth to you. The aura there can keep you alive."

"Go back?" The little strange monkey cheered up, and then asked, "Who are you?"

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry about who I am, just go!"

The little strange monkey said: "Good!"

After that, the little strange monkey tried his best to climb Mount Tai desperately.

The place where it came out had been frozen again.

It is very difficult for the little strange monkey to get in.

Chen Yang taught the little strange monkey to find a sharp rock, and taught the little strange monkey how to breathe.At this time, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth was very sufficient, and the little strange monkey absorbed some spiritual energy from the air, and its strength recovered a lot.So, it used the sharp stone to open the way and went all the way down.

After a while, it really returned to the original rock aura pool.

The aura became so rich that it turned into water, and after the little strange monkey drank the water of aura, his physical strength was immediately restored.

Chen Yang also felt that the exhaustion and fear of death disappeared.

"Could it be that it is really the Emperor of the Universe, but my previous life? Is it possible that I am the Emperor of the Universe?" Chen Yang was even more puzzled. He believed that the Gate of Eternal Life could give him an accurate answer.After that, he taught the little strange monkey how to run the aura in its body and how to practice mana.

At that time, the aura of heaven and earth on the earth had recovered!

This is also the reason why the little strange monkey can be born. Without the nourishment of spiritual energy, there will be no little strange monkey.

After the little strange monkey got the method of cultivation, he has been cultivating in the spiritual energy pool.

Time flies, and 100 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

100 years later, the little strange monkey has also evolved into a handsome young man.

The evolution process of human beings evolves according to the matching of the environment.

After the little monster monkey has mana, it doesn't need its hair to provide warmth, so the hair begins to fall out.

No need for a tail, the tail just fades away and more!

This young man is the Emperor of the Universe!

Chen Yang has already confirmed that it is the emperor of the universe.

Because when Chen Yang came to the Gate of Eternal Life for the first time, he met the Emperor of the Universe.

"When I first came here, I saw that the earth was frozen and reborn again. Later, there were dinosaurs and ants. Dinosaurs evolved into lingzun, and ants evolved into dragon ants. After that, the emperor of the universe took a fancy to the exhaustion of resources. The earth, and thus controlled the earth. But at present, it seems that this is not the case. Earlier, the universe emperor was born from the earth. In this way, we are not considered outsiders, we are born from the earth It originated from above. I don’t know what happened after that?”

With this doubt, Chen Yang continued to watch.

At that time, the young universe emperor was still not called the universe emperor, but he had looked for Chen Yang several times.But Chen Yang didn't respond, so he came, and the universe emperor gave up looking for Chen Yang.

In the universe emperor's heart, he called Chen Yang... Master.

Gradually, the ice and snow on the earth began to melt.

When the earth existed, no one can say.But when it first appeared, there was a high probability that it was in a frozen state.

As the climate changes, its own immune body is also changing, gradually making the earth adapt to the survival of living creatures.When its environment improved, various creatures began to appear.

The Great Universe has been on the earth for more than 2000 years. During these [-] years, he has surpassed the world, and his cultivation has become unparalleled!

At that time, there was plenty of aura, no constraints from heaven, and almost no calamities.

The cultivation of the Universal Emperor went very smoothly!

Moreover, it is the spiritual root of heaven and earth!

After the universe emperor practiced well enough, he left the earth.

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