The strongest player in history

Chapter 2816 Kill or not kill!

In the quiet room, Mingyou summoned Fuyue again.

If it was said before, Mingyou was still interested and Chen Yang was more patient.But after he learned that Fengshangren was in collusion with the Shadow Clan, he took Fengxinglie by the hand.These powers told him that Kazegami was fully capable of defeating Bingxuanxin.At this time, Kazunin still chooses to marry, so what is the purpose of Kazunin?

Mingyou couldn't figure it out.But he knew that in this marriage, he was already at a disadvantage.There was a lingering fear in his heart.He was afraid that Feng Shangren was Mingxiu plank road secretly hiding Chen Cang, and the marriage was on the surface, but in fact he wanted to numb himself and deal with him.

He cannot be defeated, absolutely cannot be defeated!

Mingyou is eager to see Chen Yang, because Chen Yang has shown him too many miracles.He was resurrected from death in the hands of You Lao before.After that, he miraculously escaped in the headquarters of the Shadow Clan, and now he is gone under his nose again.

This is a trump card!

He just wanted to talk to Chen Yang now, but what the hell, the other party just wouldn't give him this chance.

In the quiet room, in front of the quiet lake, sitting cross-legged on the spot.

Fu Yue knelt in front of Mingyou.

Mingyou's face was indifferent, he was silent and did not speak.

Fu Yue already knew that Chen Yang had broken in, and she saw that there were no people like Lan Tingyu in Jinghu Lake.She thought that Chen Yang had successfully saved someone and left.

"Master, I deserve to die, please forgive me!" Fu Yue kowtowed in fear.

Mingyou sighed slightly, and said: "I never thought that you would finally join forces with outsiders to deceive me. Jiaolong is like this, and so are you."

Fuyue cried and said, "My lord, please forgive me. He has controlled my brain. If I don't obey, I will die on the spot."

Mingyou said: "You can have many ways to imply this lord, but you don't. This shows that your heart is also toward that person. No matter what, you have betrayed Yao Tianzong and this lord. My lord, I can no longer tolerate you."

"What?" Fu Yue heard the words, and could hardly believe what she heard.An indescribable fear rose from the bottom of her heart.

This is a fear of death from the body's instinct!

She never expected that Mingyou was going to get serious.She thought that most of them were punishments.

Fu Yue cried and said: "My lord, forgive me, my lord, forgive me. That Chen Yang threatened me, but he also said that if I tell you the information truthfully, it will be considered a crime! My lord, my lord..."

Mingyou said indifferently: "When you help that person wholeheartedly, you should have thought of this ending. No one can betray the owner over and over again. You were held hostage by him back then, and you have done some extraordinary things. Things. The main body forgives you, gave you a chance, and didn't punish you. But what did you get in the end? It was your intensified betrayal. The main body doesn't know whether you and Jiaolong drank that Chen Yang's drink What ecstasy soup, everyone is helping outsiders to betray the owner!"

He paused, and said: "Forget it, I can give you one last chance. If Chen Yang is willing to come and meet you for you. Then, I will not hold you accountable for the crime of betrayal. If he If you don't come, then I'm sorry, the master will kill you first. After that, I will declare your treason to your Fu family!"

"I..." Fu Yue's whole heart went cold.

"He and I are not relatives or reasons, how could he be willing to die for me!" Fu Yue felt desperate and desolate.Then he smiled bitterly and said, "Since the lord is determined to kill Xiaoyue, what else can Xiaoyue say?"

Mingyou was indifferent, and he said: "This is your only chance to survive. If you don't want to try, I will not force you." After he finished speaking, he stretched out his big hand.

His big hand formed a handprint!

This handprint covered Fu Yue's head, as long as Ming You was lucky, Fu Yue's head could be shattered immediately!

Fuyue's thoughts are all hopeless!

The feeling in her heart at the moment was hopeless and complicated, so she finally chose to help Chen Yang.She didn't expect that she would end up like this.

She thought, everything that Chen Yang said was to be used after all.He said so much to make himself believe him.But he didn't think about his own safety at all.

As for his own life and death, how could Chen Yang care?

At this moment, Fu Yue couldn't help feeling resentful toward Chen Yang.

She hated Chen Yang, and even more hated herself for living so many years, but in the end she was still a naive person.

That death enveloped her, and she seemed to feel the touch and coldness of Mingyou's palm prints.

That's the smell of death!

There is only a thin line between life and death.

Her tender body couldn't help trembling, she was afraid of death after all.

Her heart skipped a beat suddenly, and she said in a trembling voice, "My lord, I... let's try!"

Chen Yang successfully entered the Obsidian Tunnel through the Gate of Fate. After that, he immediately replenished his energy and absorbed the Obsidian Essence Stone.

The lifespan was quickly added to 100 million years again!

The Great Fate Technique has come to perfection again!

This feeling is very happy!

However, he was happy, and someone was destined to be unhappy.

In fact, although the great destiny technique can rely on obsidian essence to supplement Chen Yang's life span.But this conversion consumes a huge amount of obsidian essence.

The obsidian essence in the obsidian tunnel is different from the obsidian essence in other places.

This kind of obsidian essence can be said to be the general outline of obsidian essence, and the essence of obsidian essence.It is the origin of the essence of obsidian.

The existence of this kind of obsidian essence will continuously produce obsidian essence.

But if the obsidian essence is gone, the obsidian essence will gradually disappear.

Yan Nanfei, the leader of the Shadow Clan, managed to send Chen Yang, the God of Plague, away, but right now, he immediately felt that the obsidian essence was being absorbed rapidly again.

Chen Yang had absorbed one-fifth of the obsidian essence and left.

If it goes on like this, it's still worth it.

At that moment, Yan Nanfei appeared in the Obsidian Tunnel.

Chen Yang and Yan Nanfei met again.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry at all, he smiled slightly, and said: "Yan Nanfei, what a coincidence, we met again. This is a good place, I remember, you took the initiative to bring me here. So, From now on, I will regard this place as my base camp. As long as the strength is not enough, I will learn some. Presumably, you will not have any objections, right?"

"You're courting death!" Yan Nanfei was furious.

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "I want to die, why don't you give me a ride?"

Yan Nanfei was about to make a move immediately, but the moment he made the move, he stopped again.

He knew that fighting this guy here would only consume obsidian essence more rapidly.Others are useless at all.

"What? Do you want to think about it? But I won't think about it. I'm going to kill you!" Chen Yang's eyes turned cold, and he wanted to kill Yan Nanfei immediately.

In this place, Yan Nanfei's strength will also increase greatly.But after all, it's not as good as Chen Yang, a freak!

Yan Nanfei was anxious and angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Once Chen Yang made a move, he could only escape from here.

However, just when Chen Yang was about to hunt Yan Nanfei.Fu Yue's voice came from his mind...

"Chen Yang, Mingyou is going to kill me. Where are you?" Fuyue communicated with Chen Yang and asked.

Chen Yang still had an aura of fate remaining in the quiet room, which was why Fu Yue was able to communicate with Chen Yang smoothly.Otherwise, with the secrets of the Obsidian Tunnel, Fuyue would not be able to communicate with Chen Yang.

After hearing this, Chen Yang was stunned.He immediately said: "Are you kidding me, is Mingyou crazy? You told him such a big thing, I couldn't get it, and I couldn't save anyone, so he wanted to kill you? He wanted to force me to show up on purpose. Bar."

Fu Yue said: "You can feel my situation now. I don't know what he thinks. But I know that if you don't show up, he won't mind killing me. Anyway, I was charged with betrayal and he killed me , our Fu family doesn't have much to say."

Chen Yang said: "I..."

He sensed Fu Yue with the power of fate, and with that imprint, he immediately felt that Ming You had restrained Fu Yue's head.As long as one is lucky, Fu Yue will be killed.

"This old bastard, is he insane. I have nothing to do with Fuyue, so this can threaten me? You kill her and do my shit. She's not my lover!" Chen Yang thought viciously in his heart.

He felt that Mingyou was probably crazy, and rushed to the doctor in a hurry.

But Chen Yang also understood that Mingyou might really kill Fuyue.

Now that he has spoken, if he doesn't show up, he will kill Fu Yue to establish his prestige.

The words of the superiors are never jokes!

Chen Yang secretly said: "Am I really watching her die? But I am going like this? Isn't it also sick. What is my relationship with her? I have always used the relationship! She also betrayed me!"

Chen Yang kept silent, his silence made Fu Yue's heart even more desperate.

However, just when she was most desperate...

Chen Yang opened his mouth, and he said: "Okay, you tell Mingyou, I'll come! But not in the quiet room, I can come to meet you. But it must be outside Yaotian Palace!"

Chen Yang also had his own considerations, going to that quiet room would take too much life.Although here, I am not afraid of wasting my life.But the more it is spent, the more powerful the shadow backlash will be in the future!

At this moment, Fu Yue almost thought that she was hallucinating.

After reacting, she wept with joy!

She suddenly felt that the world was still beautiful.

After all, she did not believe Chen Yang wrongly.

It is so beautiful not to feel let down.

Therefore, Fu Yue immediately conveyed Chen Yang's words.

Mingyou didn't think much about it, he said to Fuyue: "Okay, let's go!"

It's so easy for Mingyou to leave Yaotian Palace.

He grabbed Fuyue, and then his body flickered, and he was far away from Yaotian Palace in the blink of an eye, and came to a mountain peak.

The mountain peak stands facing the sea, the sun is shining brightly, and the sea is sparkling!

The sea breeze is blowing!

Mingyou said to Fuyue again: "Tell him to come and meet!"

Fu Yue nodded, and immediately informed Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang said: "Okay, I'll come right away!"

After he finished speaking, he said to Yan Nanfei who was waiting in full force, "Okay, lucky you, I have something to do now, so let's go first. I want to go, do you have any objection?"

After Yan Nanfei heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched.He wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Chen Yang sacrificed the gate of fate, and then passed through the gate of fate.

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