After a moment of silence, the man called the master waved his hands and said, "It's okay, he can't escape."

An Daoshen said: "This is the Jedi of the Nine Serenities, and no one can leave without your permission. My lord, my subordinates are willing to take the crime and make meritorious service, and go to arrest this person and come back."

The man nodded and said, "Okay, the four of you go together. This seat will sweep the formation for you, this is his aura."

After he finished speaking, he ejected a pill.

Na'an Taoist grasped it with his big hand, and grabbed the pill in his hand.

Following that, An Daoshen and the others flashed quickly and also went underground.

Today's Chen Yang can almost walk sideways on the earth, because the great powers on the earth, those saints and immortal masters have all left the earth.But in a wild place like Guangyao, he still has too many opponents.

Let's just say that these members of the Shadow Clan are all very skilled.If there was only one, Chen Yang could still rely on his own ability to mediate, but there were too many opponents, so he had no choice but to run away.

After escaping from that devil's lair, Chen Yang went deep into the ground.

Soon, he came to the underground sea.

This is a real underground sea, with endless sea water inside and covered by rock formations above.This kind of Jedi, if it wasn't for someone with great supernatural powers who fell here, as an ordinary person, they would not be able to withstand the sea pressure every minute.Also, you can't breathe.

The water was extremely deep, and Chen Yang dived directly for more than [-] meters, but still couldn't see the bottom.

In the underground sea, there are still many strange creatures.

Chen Yang's figure flickered extremely fast, he wanted to escape to a safe place, and then break through this layer of underground sea and go to the top.

But soon, Chen Yang realized something was wrong.Because someone was chasing him from behind...

And, it's coming fast!

A sense of crisis forced Chen Yang, and Chen Yang felt an unreasonable panic in his heart.

Those who come are extremely fast, as if they have the ability to shrink the ground into an inch.

Chen Yang soon understood that this place still belonged to the Shadow Clan, and it could even be said to be a top-secret space.This is not outside of ShadowClan...

Therefore, the opponent manipulates the formation and can chase and kill him across space.

"Fuck it, it really lingers!" Chen Yang was speechless.

Sure enough, figures flickered in all directions.Afterwards, An Taoshen, Leng Yifu, Sheng Lun, and Teuton came after them.

Chen Yang came out of the black hole spar.

He was dressed in a black robe, and he stood in the sea water.

"Who are you?" An Daoshen said to Chen Yang in a cold voice.

Chen Yang smiled awkwardly, and said, "I'm actually an irrelevant person, but unfortunately you got me here by the way. I think this is a big misunderstanding. Otherwise, you should let me go!"

That Leng Yifu immediately sneered at the side, and said: "You have offended my Patriarch, and now it is not enough to die a hundred times. Now, you obediently let us arrest and go back to my Patriarch to make amends. Maybe, you can still It's better to die."

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "If people are going to die, do you care if they look good or not?"

An Daoshen said in a deep voice: "I have never heard that there are people like you in the earth star royal family. However, I forgive you for not explaining it properly. I will take you down first, and then I will interrogate you properly."

After he finished speaking, he shouted: "Do it!"

An Daoshen is obviously a cautious person. Even in this situation, he does not fight alone, but wants everyone to do it together.

In an instant, the ice demon armor of the four masters emitted black rays at the same time!

These black rays bombarded Chen Yang!

Chen Yang immediately unfolded the black hole river...

Countless black rays quickly shuttled into the long river of black holes with terrifying secrets.

The destructiveness brought about by such a powerful force is also terrifying.

The black hole river collapsed rapidly...

Chen Yang stood at the end of the long river, and then he cast a series of powers such as the black hole vortex, the great devouring technique, and the seed of the Xuanhuang God Valley.

His Xuanhuang Shengu seeds bloomed bright blood flowers!

Many black rays were quickly swallowed by him successfully!

However, at this moment, the power of the God of Andao was dispatched.While Chen Yang was absorbing it, An Taoshen suddenly came through the air with a palm!

In an instant, Chen Yang couldn't bear the external force.The black hole vortex collapsed, and the Great Devouring Technique also collapsed...


Chen Yang spat out a mouthful of blood.

The palm strength of God An Dao was like ancient black ice, impeccable, and he slammed into it directly.

Chen Yang felt his internal organs were hit hard.

"I rely on!"

Chen Yang cursed secretly, he wanted to leave, but the periphery was already frozen by countless black rays.

There is no escape!

An Daoshen and others emitted rays again, and Chen Yang was quickly entangled.His body is injured now, and his Great Devouring Technique is also damaged, so he can't devour the other party's strength at all.

It's really not that Chen Yang is too good, but no matter how good he is, it's really not enough to meet so many masters!

Moreover, the power of this obsidian spirit is full of weirdness.

The black ray entangled Chen Yang and tied him up in an instant.

Chen Yang felt that his whole body was imprisoned and he couldn't move.And the more he struggled, the icy thread embedded in the depths of his body.

What is trapped is not only the body, but also the meridians, blood, soul, and mana are all restrained.

The ultimate obsidian essence began to freeze Chen Yang's body!

Chen Yang had also adapted to the power of ice in the extremely cold wormhole before, but now, he no longer has that physique.So it's hard to bear at the moment...

"This is very bad." Chen Yang's thoughts changed. He still has 8000 years of lifespan, and he can use the Great Fate Technique...

However, even if he used the Great Fate Technique, he could barely escape from the encirclement of these people.These people can still continue to chase up.

In this way, wouldn't it be a waste of life span!

The Lord of the Shadow Clan is extremely shrewd.Falling into the opponent's hands this time, if he researched his own eternal spar, it might be completely over.

Chen Yang secretly said: "I came here, and I still have important tasks. The earth also has important things. If I die inexplicably like this, wouldn't it be a joke."

"A great destiny!"

Chen Yang had a plan in mind, and he quickly activated the Great Fate Technique.

In an instant, 3000 years of fate burned...


Chen Yang's body struggled violently...

That Leng Yifu sneered, and said: "Stinky boy, the more you struggle, the more painful you will be. That day, the people of the God Clan and Earth Star Clan awakened the blood of the gods and turned into beasts, and they would all die in such pain, let alone you? I advise you to Stop asking for trouble."

Chen Yang didn't bother to pay attention to Leng Yifu...

He also felt extreme pain, the more he struggled, the deeper the silk thread was embedded, and gradually, Chen Yang's arm broke, as if a sharp blade was cutting towards him.And there are countless blades...


Chen Yang struggled violently...

This kind of pain is really inhuman, a pain that ordinary people can't imagine.

Even if he was as strong as Chen Yang, the pain was unbearable at this moment.

But he was still struggling, and finally...


Chen Yang drove his mana and struggled with the outside world, his whole body suddenly turned into a cloud of blood mist...

Then, countless fragments floated out.

"Catch these fragments, this person is too weird!" An Daoshen and the others were still in a daze, but they never expected that this person was so staunch and chose to commit suicide.

But when Andaoshen saw the body fragments, he immediately noticed them.He shot at the same time and ordered everyone to grab the fragments.

He always felt that this person committed suicide like this, maybe it was weird!

Afterwards, Andaoshen collected all the fragments in his hands.

"He actually committed suicide!" Leng Yifu said.

An Daoshen said in a deep voice: "There are too many weirdnesses in this person, and it's too unreasonable to commit suicide like this. I'm afraid there are still strange things about these fragments!"

"What's so strange? Is it possible to survive after dying like this? I've never heard of this before." Leng Yifu said.

An Daoshen said: "Anyway, you have to take it back to show the Lord. You can't just say that we have killed him."

Leng Yifu said: "That's true, Mr. An, you are more considerate."

"Let's go!" An Daoshen said afterwards.

The group left quickly.

After they left, countless fragments flashed in the place where the blood mist was originally covered...

These fragments are naturally Chen Yang's body.

But the fragments that Andaoshen and the others took away were a kind of blindfold.It was Chen Yang who used the Great Fate Technique to simulate the body fragments belonging to Chen Yang with the power of fate.

Chen Yang knew that they must be suspicious of such a hasty suicide.Moreover, there is no other matter involved at this time, maybe they will take the fragments back and explain.

Fortunately, Chen Yang has recovered the Great Fate, so that he can show such a miraculous thing.

The power of the great destiny technique belongs to the kind of power that comes from the mysterious place. To be precise, this power does not belong to Chen Yang's power.It's just that Chen Yang exchanged his lifespan... so it can still work after Chen Yang's death.Otherwise, once Chen Yang died, other arrangements could be made there.

Chen Yang also couldn't use the Great Fate to simulate a suspended animation, so he couldn't hide it from these people.The eyes of these people are too vicious.

Plus, there's another reason.

That is, Chen Yang knew that there was still breath left on his body, so the other party could track him down.He must die once to eliminate these breaths.

After a while, Chen Yang returned to his original state.He hid in the black hole spar, so that all the breath was hidden.

He found a place, took the elixir first, and then recovered all his strength and cultivation.

The life expectancy is only 5000 years.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang was about to leave this ghostly place.It's not that he has no temper. After being teased like this once, he really doesn't feel refreshed.But two fists are hard to beat four hands, and the opponent has too many masters, so there is no way to raise this ambition.It's better to walk away in despair!

But what Chen Yang didn't expect was that he was actually trapped in the underground sea.

This underground sea is extremely weird, as if there is no exit.

He broke through the rock formation above, and finally found that no matter how far he walked, it seemed that he would only end up in the devil's cave...

If you go to the devil's lair again, it will be delivered to your door.

I have cheated An Daoshen and others once before, but it doesn't mean I can cheat again!

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