The strongest player in history

Chapter 2800 Shadow Clan

The palm print of God Andao is like the existence of suppressing all kinds of demons in hell!

That Leng Yifu was not polite, and also emitted black rays at the same time, all of a sudden, between the sky and the earth, the rays entangled in chaos, covering the sky and covering the earth!This kind of black ray is tough and weird, even though Mo You and Long Xin cast various other spells, secrets, and the real fire in the battle armor, it will not work.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Leng Yifu and An Daoshen are already very powerful.

If Sheng Lun and Teuton came to suppress Moyou, they might not be able to succeed.

Moyou's Red Cloud Battle Armor is a top-grade magic weapon, and the Red Cloud Flame in it is unparalleled.At this moment, Mo You's whole body was enveloped by the red cloud flames, and the golden light of the flames made her look like a light in the darkness in the black rays.But this black ray is still inextricably linked, and the entanglement remains unabated.

A small part of the rays were burned!

But that won't stop more ray entanglements.

If it wasn't for Leng Yifu and An Daoshen who wanted to keep alive, Mo You would be dead at this moment.

The black ray is getting tighter and tighter!

Under the siege of these four masters, Mo You and Long Xin were almost powerless to fight back.

They were horrified to find that the four masters in front of them were not only highly skilled.What's more, their strength seems to be specially designed to restrain them.

" are wearing ice demon armor, are Shadow Clan!" Mo You suddenly said in horror.

Shadow Clan has always been a taboo of the entire Guangyao Star!

The Shadow Clan exists like tarsal maggots.

Their people are few, but they can absorb the ice energy in the depths of the Guangyao planet, so as to specifically restrain other masters on the Guangyao planet.

They have no territory, they hide in the dark...

Because their attributes restrained the masters too deeply, on the Guangyao planet, the Celestials and Earth Stars launched an extermination campaign against the Shadow Clan.

It is said that the Shadow Clan has been wiped out.

That history is very secretive.People in the know are reluctant to mention...

Most of the current new generation don't know that there is a Shadow Clan in the world.

"Hmph!" That Leng Yifu sneered again, and said, "I didn't expect you, little lady, to have such insight. Not bad, I'm getting more and more interested in you. Now that you know what we are, you should I know, you have nowhere to go!"

"Roar!" Mo You suddenly had blood red eyes.

Her body began to change.

"Turning out the blood of the gods, the real body of the beast?" Seeing this, Leng Yifu was slightly taken aback.

At the same time, Na Long Xin also began to transform into the real body of a divine beast.

The blood of the gods, the body of the beast!


The two beauties who were originally delicate and charming, their battle armors and beautiful skin faded off, their statures began to swell, and finally, like goblins transformed into their original forms, they turned into hideous and terrifying beasts with huge stature.

"Divine beast?" Seeing this, Leng Yifu couldn't stop laughing wildly, and said: "The obsidian spirit in the demon god's armor is here to restrain your god's blood. Now, you should experience it well!"

That black ray is exactly the power that the essence of obsidian blooms!

In everyone's ice demon armor, the light of obsidian bloomed, and the black rays became tighter and tighter.

At this moment, after Mo You and Long Xin turned into divine beasts, their strength increased greatly.But their situation is not good, because their strength is too great, the obsidian ray is embedded in their flesh instead, even imprisoning their mana and soul.

On the contrary, they are even more painful than before the change.

If he continued to struggle forcefully, his body would be cut into countless pieces by those rays.

"Roar!" Mo You and Long Xin roared in pain.

After a while, their figures began to shrink slowly, and gradually changed from the body of the beast to their original appearance.But at this moment, their bodies were already dripping with blood.

The Hongyun armor and the Tiansuo armor also returned to them again.

But at this moment, they are already entangled, and there is no way to recover.

"Haha, I caught them all, very good!" That Leng Yifu laughed again and again.

Sheng Lun was naturally very happy.

An Daoshen took a look at Mo You, and with a big hand, he grabbed the Red Cloud Armor and forcibly pulled it into his hand.

Naturally, he knew the Red Cloud Armor very well. Before taking action, how could the benefactor behind it not explain these secrets clearly.

Chen Yang was in Wen Ying's mind, and he had been observing the situation.

In this case, how could he force his way out?For one thing, he has no friendship with these people.

He had no reason to put himself in such a dangerous situation.

Second, this is also the most important reason.This group of enemies is too fierce, even if he makes a move, he is afraid that it will not be able to change the situation of the battle.Even so, of course you can't make a move, after all, your life is still the most precious.

Moreover, Chen Yang also had a feeling of vomiting blood in his heart.

Too bad.

I just wanted to take advantage of Wenying to go to Star Island to see if I could find Hun Muyang.Where would you know that you would actually fall into such a dangerous place.

Chen Yang didn't care about the dispute on Guangyao Planet.He now needs to wait, waiting for the second brother and the others to wake up naturally.Only then would he be able to proceed with the rescue plan.Otherwise, everything is fake.

As for how long he would have to wait, Chen Yang had no idea.But it was clear that he couldn't give up his friend and brother.

The Red Cloud Armor fell into the hands of God Andao...

At the same time, Chen Yang did not escape from Wen Ying's mind.He knew in his heart that it would be safer to hide in Wenying's mind.If he hid in the battle armor, with the mana of the opponent, he would probably be able to find his own existence.

God An Dao caught it in the red cloud armor, and in the next second, Feng Xinglie, Wen Ying and several other followers were all caught in his hands.Feng Xinglie also has a cultivation base, and currently he is probably in the virtual fairyland.For his age, it is already very good.But in the eyes of a big boss like An Daoshen, it was easier than crushing a chick to death.

Feng Xinglie was immobilized by the palm print of An Dao God, his little face was flushed, and he shouted at An Dao God angrily: "Let go of me, you villain, when my mother finds out, you will definitely make you pay a heavy price a hundred times .”

Before An Daoshen spoke, the Leng Yifu sneered and said, "Little guy, don't panic. I'm afraid your mother will not have a good life for a few days. I heard that your mother is also a beautiful woman." Beauty. At that time, if you are lucky enough, maybe I can still be your cheap daddy, hahahaha!"

"You fucking court death!" Seeing that this man dared to insult his mother, Feng Xinglie cursed angrily with bloodshot eyes.

"Hmph!" Leng Yifu slapped him over, and immediately imprinted a bloody handprint on Feng Xinglie's little face.Half of Feng Xinglie's cheeks were red and swollen.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Leng Yifu said with a cold snort.

Feng Xinglie's tears fell down, how had he ever suffered such humiliation and grievance!

Mo You and Long Xin were also anxious, but there was nothing they could do.

"Don't hurt the little master!" Mo You said sadly.

Sheng Lun glanced at Wenying and the other followers, and said, "What about these followers? Kill them?"

Without waiting for An Taoshen to open his mouth, Leng Yifu said: "It's a waste to kill, these followers are all good in cultivation. It would be the best to take them back, lose their minds, refine them into puppets, and do some chores for us."

An Daoshen smiled slightly and said, "That's a good idea!"

He originally planned to kill all these followers.

"Since they have been captured, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time." An Daoshen then said: "Let's go!" While speaking, he captured Feng Xinglie, Wen Ying and others into his armor.

His battle armor is one of the ice demon battle armors, and there are many kinds of ice demon battle armors.

Andao God's battle armor is called cold spirit battle armor.

Wen Ying and others were captured into one of the scales.Feng Xinglie is another scale...Na Moyou and Long Xin were also imprisoned by Andaoshen with great magic power to imprison the whole body's meridians and magic power.After that, all of them were put into the scales of his armor.

Leng Yifu wanted to put Mo You into his battle armor.But An Daoshen said in a cold voice: "After the matter is cleared and we return to our Tibetan area, the deity will give her to you. As for now, you cheer me up. Take care of the meeting, Understand?"

Although Leng Yifu was arrogant, he was also afraid of An Taoshen. He smiled coyly and said, "Okay, Mr. An, I understand."

Afterwards, the group quickly flew to the depths of the Nine Nether Space.

There is an obsidian essence in every scale of the cold soul armor!

These obsidian spirits are a kind of black liquid, and black mist floats in the liquid, which is extremely cold.

Among the scales, the space is the size of a small mountain.

Everyone was inside, and the black obsidian spirit quickly released its power.

The terrifying cold power froze over, and Wen Ying and the others were quickly frozen. This kind of freezing can even freeze thinking.

With the magic power of Wenying and others, they are absolutely irresistible.

Chen Yang naturally didn't care about this cold power, he could even absorb this obsidian essence now.But the key question is, there must be a sensitive connection between this battle armor and its master.I'm afraid that the other party will know what small actions I do.

So right now, it’s better to keep things unchanged.

The outer space is changing rapidly, and Chen Yang's senses have been cut off by the essence of obsidian.He doesn't know what's going on outside...

Chen Yang was silently counting the time...

For him, the surrounding area was extremely silent.

About an hour later, a voice finally came from the outside world.

Chen Yang couldn't help being delighted. Fortunately, the voice was not blocked!

"This is the little prince Feng Xinglie you wanted, and he is in a coma now." The voice of An Daoshen reached Chen Yang's ears.

The other party had a deep male voice, and he only heard the other party say: "Okay, you have done a good job. Now, you hand over Feng Xinglie to us. Here is the 100 billion Ice Soul Pill, plus the 100 billion Ice Soul Pill we paid before. Dan, we have basically fulfilled what we promised. As for including your Shadow Clan into the Earth Star Clan in the future, it will take time. Just wait for my master to unify the entire Earth Star Clan. At that time, no matter what we do, nothing will happen. Someone will object again!"

An Daoshen said: "Okay, your master is really straightforward! If that's the case, then Feng Xinglie will naturally give it to you."

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