The strongest player in history

Chapter 2794 Persuading Your Highness

There are many thoughts in Fu Yue's mind. Although she was born as a noble daughter, she also knows the cruelty of this world.Among cultivators, people are extraordinarily sophisticated.Even if you are a biological child, if you are not talented enough, your parents will let you taste the cruelty of the world.

When Fu Yue was first controlled by Chen Yang, all thoughts were lost.But at the end of the day, she found that Chen Yang didn't seem to be some kind of treacherous and cruel person.

At least, a person who can go through life and death for a friend like this should not be so bad.

"You won't kill me, will you?" Fu Yue tossed and turned, and suddenly asked Chen Yang in her mind.

Chen Yang was sitting cross-legged, when he heard the words, he was suddenly stunned. His character has always been kindness.This woman, Fu Yue, did not show any hatred towards him.So he couldn't be fierce, but when he heard this, he thought it through before saying, "That's not necessarily true."

Fu Yue said: "I will try my best to cooperate with you, but don't make it difficult for me, can you?"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "As long as you cooperate with all your strength, I will also consider you. My purpose is to save people, not to harm them."

Fu Yue said: "Okay, let's make a deal!"

At noon the next day, the sun was shining brightly.

Fu Yue happened to meet Mingjiaolong in a back garden in Yaotian Palace.

Actually, this is not a coincidence.It was Fu Yue who had been waiting, but fortunately, Ming Jiaolong really wandered into the back garden.

It was only then that Chen Yang saw the true face of Mingjiaolong in Lushan.

Ming Jiaolong is dressed in a gorgeous purple palace attire, her face is cold, beautiful and moving.

The hair is tied up, and the corners of the eyes and brows are full of luxury.

This is the princess, a princess from the royal family.

The air of luxury is compelling.

People saw it, as if they felt that it was a great honor to be seen by the princess.If he was lucky enough to have a word with the princess, he would be willing to die.

Chen Yang looked at Mingjiaolong through Fuyue's eyes.

If Fuyue hadn't told him, this would be Mingjiaolong.Even if he was killed, he couldn't believe that the beautiful woman in front of him was that black-clothed soul master!

Back then he thought the soul master was an ugly monster or some kind of pervert.

Ming Jiaolong wandered alone in the back garden, and the serving maids were waved away by her.

When Fu Yue stepped forward, Ming Jiaolong was stunned.

"Your Highness!" Fu Yue saluted.

There was not much sorrow or joy on Ming Jiaolong's face, she forced a smile and said, "Is sister Yue also here to visit this garden?"

Fu Yue said, "It's me!"

It was transmitted to Mingjiaolong's ears with thoughts.

This voice was not Fu Yue's voice, but it was Chen Yang's voice.

Ming Jiaolong was taken aback immediately, and a coldness flashed in her eyes: "You are so brave, you dare to come here." After she finished speaking, she wanted to call the master to come.

Chen Yang said quickly: "Hun Muyang is here too."

"What?" Ming Jiaolong lost color immediately.

Ming Jiaolong knew that Chen Yang was not dead, so she deliberately didn't tell You Lao, because she wanted to have some variables.But Ming Jiaolong did not expect that Chen Yang would appear in front of her in this way.

Chen Yang immediately said: "I went to return the soul-suppressing fruit to Hun Muyang, and then he knew that you were arrested. So, he brought me here. I don't know the location of your planet... and , I didn't ask him to come. I just asked him about your planet, but he cares about you..."

"Where is he?" Ming Jiaolong asked with trembling body and voice.

Chen Yang said: "He's not here with me, he's going to kill Kazunin, I can't stop him. I wanted to save people, so I separated from him."

"Damn you!" Ming Jiaolong sternly shouted.

This stern shout immediately alarmed the maidservants outside the back garden.

Both Chen Yang and Fu Yue were scared out of their wits, and Chen Yang couldn't help cursing with his thoughts: "Can you fucking chat anymore? Are you really going to screw me and Hun Muyang to death?"

Ming Jiaolong was also startled by her own voice.

There were guards coming quickly from the periphery.

Ming Jiaolong waved his hand and said coldly: "Everyone back down."

Those guards dared not obey Ming Jiaolong, so they all retreated immediately.

Ming Jiaolong thought for a while, then said to Fu Yue and Chen Yang: "Follow me!"

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked away.

Fu Yue was helpless, she had no choice but to follow.

Mingjiaolong brought Fuyue to the princess mansion where she lived.

In the boudoir, Mingjiaolong set up a secret forbidden technique.In this way, the whole room is safe.

"Come out!" Ming Jiaolong shouted to Chen Yang.

"Then you can't come out!" Chen Yang said: "I am in your dragon pool and tiger den. Once I come out, it is still a dead end."

Ming Jiaolong said: "If I really want to deal with you, do you think you will be safe and sound if you hide in my sister Yue's mind?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course, at least you have to be cautious. I have checked, and you are now facing internal and external troubles. If you continue to disregard Fu Yue's life and death and offend the Fu family, your life will be very difficult."

Fu Yue was listening, she really wanted Chen Yang to leave obediently.

It's been a miserable day.

However, Chen Yang just didn't cooperate.

Chen Yang continued: "Besides, even if you don't betray me. If I let Fuyue go, she'll go back and sell me, and I'll be finished anyway."

Fu Yue immediately promised: "I will never betray you!"

Chen Yang snorted and said, "Where can you trust a woman's words."

Fu Yue was speechless.

Ming Jiaolong said: "Then what do you want now?"

Chen Yang said: "I want to save my friend."

Ming Jiaolong said: "How do you want to save?"

Chen Yang said: "I can save it, so I don't need to look for you. If you are like this, isn't Hun Muyang also going to kill Kazunin? You saved all my friends. After that, we will join hands with Hun Muyang to help you." How about killing Kazunin?"

"You are not Kazunin's opponents, even together!" Ming Jiaolong said bluntly.

Chen Yang said: "This is to look down on people."

Mingjiaolong said in a deep voice: "It's not that you look down on people. You have pushed Fengshang into a hurry. He has transformed into the real body of a beast. You are all dead." Come here, if something happens to him, I guarantee that you and your friends will all die without a place to bury them."

Chen Yang said angrily: "Ming Jiaolong, I'm also a bad tempered person. I only came to you when I thought you were a friend."

"Who is your friend?" Ming Jiaolong said angrily.

Chen Yang said: "Don't forget, without me, you would be dead. Between us, we are not even considered friends, so why should I save you?"

Ming Jiaolong was silent for a while, and then said: "Everything in front of me was caused by you."

Chen Yang said: "Yes, we provoked it. But the soul-suppressing fruit has been returned to its original owner. The problem now is you, what do you think with Hun Muyang? Are you going to hide in that soul-suppressing Taoist mansion for the rest of your life? ?”

"Then why not!" Ming Jiaolong said.

"I'll be scared all my life, okay?" Chen Yang said.

Ming Jiaolong said: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Chen Yang said: "Now is an opportunity. I have heard a lot from Fu Yue, and I have a general understanding of your situation. Hun Muyang is the Taoist master of the Soul Suppressing Dao Mansion, and he has unique soul power. In addition, he Your cultivation level should match you, right? As long as you solve the problem in front of you, your father doesn't necessarily want you to marry Kazunin."

Before Ming Jiaolong could answer, Fu Yue said: "That won't work. Your Highness is someone who has awakened the blood of the gods, and her husband must also be someone who has the blood of the gods. This is the iron law, and no one has ever able to violate it!"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

Ming Jiaolong's eye sockets were red.

Chen Yang immediately said: "Bah, what a bullshit iron law. Never, so what. There is a first time for everything! After the matter in front of you is resolved, you can leave. I know you can't be on this planet Break this iron law. But if you leave, will your father definitely want to put you to death? Not necessarily!"

Mingjiaolong's eyes lit up.

She seemed to see a ray of hope in the endless darkness.

But immediately, the light in her eyes dimmed. "The situation in front of me is extremely difficult. Even people like my father are deeply involved. Maybe you have a way to break the situation? Do you have the ability?"

Chen Yang said: "I may not have this ability, but the game will eventually be broken. The road is not easy to walk, so why not leave?"

Ming Jiaolong said: "Actually, in the final analysis, you just want to save your friend. After your friend is rescued, you will not care about these things."

Chen Yang said: "It's not easy for us to leave here. What Hun Muyang wants is you, not to kill Kazunin. At that time, I will take you back to my planet. In our planet, masters such as Yun. I still have a lot of powerful friends, so I am not afraid that your people will chase after you."

"Really?" Ming Jiaolong said.

Chen Yang is not sure whether the earth can stop the master of Guangyao star, but now, this cowhide can only be blown all the way.What happens next, not sure.But right now, Mingjiaolong must be persuaded to help save people.

So he said: "In our homeland, we are all at the second-rate level. If you speak about the first-rate level, you will be scared to death."

Ming Jiaolong was dubious.

Chen Yang said: "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. My friends and I are the way of life for you and Hun Muyang."

Ming Jiaolong said: "But can the Taoist give up his planet?"

Chen Yang said: "Then I don't know, it's a matter between the two of you. I can only say that I have a choice for you, that's all!"

Ming Jiaolong took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I understand what you mean. You just want me to help you save people, right?"

Chen Yang said: "That's right!"

Ming Jiaolong said: "I can ask my father to let your friends go. After all, my father still needs me now. But, do you have any plan to take us away?"

What is Chen Yang's plan? He also knows that if Mingyou agrees to release him.It's okay for my group to leave... But if I bring this Highness Princess with me, it's like bringing a bomb by my side.You must explode!

But if he can't say one, two, three, Ming Jiaolong won't cooperate.

This girl is not so easy to fool.

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