The strongest player in history

Chapter 2781 Scarlet God Armor

Before Luo Feng finished speaking, Chen Yang already knew what he meant.

The eldest brother still wants to part ways with them.Chen Yang stopped Luo Feng from continuing, he said: "I have lived until now, and I have not even abandoned a single companion. Not to mention, you are my big brother!"

Luo Feng said: "I know what kind of person you are, but I, a person who wants to die, pull you like this, it is too unfair to you."

"Then you don't want to die!" Chen Yang said.

Luo Feng said: "But the soul-suppressing fruit is a tiny glimmer of hope, do you want me to give up?"

Chen Yang said: "I know you can't give up, but with so many of us together, we are always wiser. Don't we seem to be unable to handle Wu Liyang and others before? But what happened later, don't we still Kill them all."

Luo Feng said: "We won based on the Great Fate Technique, I only have 1000 years left to live. How much do you have left?"

Chen Yang couldn't lie, and said, "There are still 1 years left!"

Luo Feng sighed, and said: "Let's go!" He paused, and said: "Since your sister-in-law Ziqing and Si Lan are gone, I have become a quagmire. The closer you are to me, the more you will be trapped." deeper."

Chen Yang pondered for a while, then said: "Okay, I'll go talk to them and let them go first. But I must accompany you!"

Luo Feng was slightly taken aback.

He knew right away that this was Chen Yang's biggest compromise.

"Good!" Luo Feng said.

Chen Yang then went to discuss with Fu Qingzhu, Director Luo and Lan Tingyu.

As for Cheng Jianhua, he didn't bother to care about it.

In fact, Luo Feng also went to discuss with Cheng Jianhua.

But Cheng Jianhua also refused to leave.

When Chen Yang and Lan Tingyu talked about letting them go back to Earth first, the three of them refused in unison.

No matter how hard Chen Yang tried to talk, they refused.

They are all strong men, and they are all men who supervise life and death. At this time, who would be this coward?

In the end, Chen Yang had no choice but to give up this idea.

So, let's face the storm together.

Except for Cheng Jianhua, everyone's injuries have all healed.They are rushing towards the earth with all their strength...

Losing the soul chariot, everyone slowed down greatly.

There is still a certain distance from the solar system here, and then again, the base camp of the Guangyao star is in the solar system.Rushing into the solar system like this, maybe it will speed up the meeting with the masters of the Guangyao star.

However, everyone has no other way.Escaping outside the solar system is a dead end, and returning to Earth is the best way.Although those masters of Guangyao Star seem to be powerful, but based on their strength, it is estimated that they will probably give up on the earth.

The universe is vast, although there are countless planets.But there are not too many planets with life...

And the masters on earth can be counted in the entire universe.

During the rapid march, we went for another three days.

When approaching the solar system on the third day, the enemy soldiers finally came after them.

In the emptiness of the dark universe, figures flickered in all directions.This group of people is chasing at an extremely fast speed...

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yang and the others were surrounded.

Chen Yang and the others also thought of many ways, but the only way was to throw away the soul-suppressing fruit.But Luo Feng refused to throw away the soul-suppressing fruit no matter what.It's a pity to throw it away, Chen Yang even wanted to return the soul-suppressing fruit...

Luo Feng didn't want this either, he hoped everyone would leave.But this plan was also rejected by everyone.

So, just such a group of smart people waited so stupidly until they were surrounded by the enemy.

There were six people in total.

Looking at their outfits, they are all still wearing battle armor.

You don't need to guess to know that they are all masters of Guangyao Xing.

The leading master looked to be in his sixties, he was wearing a crimson armor, his hair was gray, and his eyes were as sharp as a falcon.

His cultivation seems to have reached the sixth level of the realm of creation!

When he came to this scene, the pressure on his body made everyone breathless.

Chen Yang felt familiar when he saw the old man.

This familiarity is obviously not because I have seen it before... but because this old man looks very similar to that Mr. Yu.

All the six people who came here were not kind.

Chen Yang felt a headache, the opponents here are stronger than each other.Obviously, this group of people all have the ability to transform into divine beasts.Before killing Wu Liyang and others, they had already exhausted all their abilities.Now... Chen Yang doesn't even have the confidence to resist.

Lan Tingyu and others were obviously in the same mood as Chen Yang.

The old man glanced at Chen Yang and the others, and finally locked his eyes on Chen Yang.

"It was you who killed my son?" the old man asked coldly.

Chen Yang has long understood the language of Guangyao Xing, so of course there is no difficulty in communicating.What surprised him was, how did this old guy know that he did it?

The coercion of this old man is too terrifying!

At this time, Chen Yang naturally would not shirk his responsibility.But he also had his own worries, so he smiled and said, "We don't even know who your son is, so how do we answer this question?"

A gloomy murderous intent flashed in the old man's eyes, and he said, "You are asking the question knowingly, my son has already turned into a real god before he died. His power of faith has been connected with the altar. I saw you in his pupil... "

Chen Yang suddenly realized that there was such a reason behind him.

Immediately, he said: "Well, since that's the case, then I have nothing to deny. Your son should be called Mr. Yu, right? That Mr. Yu was indeed killed by me."

"Very good!" The old man clenched his fists tightly, then said through gritted teeth, "Then you will pay for your life!"

He shot violently!

At that moment, the big crimson handprint directly enveloped Chen Yang.

Chen Yang couldn't evade, once he evaded, he was evading, and evading would no longer have the power to fight back.

The old man shot directly, and everyone also shot one after another.

The masters behind the old man followed suit...

The scene fell into a melee in an instant, and no cave enchantment would work.The opponent's sun is really fire that can burn everything...

Chen Yang fell into the crimson palm print. At that moment, Chen Yang felt as if he was in a crimson world.

Surrounded by endless, boundless crimson real fire!

In fact, this originates from the true fire of protons in the core of the sun.The particles of this real fire ignited and exploded, which seemed to be immortal.

This is much stronger than the fire from the Sun Moon God Furnace that Chen Yang endured before.

So at this moment, Chen Yang felt extremely uncomfortable. The flame penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and it was unimaginably terrifying.

Chen Yang's reaction was also extremely fast, and he quickly ran out of the black hole river!

At that moment, he stood in the depths of the black hole river.

The old man's proton real fire speed is faster, and the black hole river collapses rapidly under the burning of such a real fire...

The speed of the collapse made Chen Yang dumbfounded.

Chen Yang knew in his heart that the cultivation of the old man in front of him was too perverted.The gap between me and him is already very big, and this old guy has cultivated such a real fire...

There is no comparison at all!

Moreover, this is still the old guy who has not changed the beast.Once he transforms into a divine beast, he is afraid that he will die if he uses the Great Fate Technique.

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly missed someone very much!

That is Hei Yi Su Zhen!

The strength of this old thing is comparable to that of Zhang Daoling and Hei Yi Suzhen.

How come I always meet opponents who are so much stronger than me!

Chen Yang was depressed, but there was nothing he could do.

This is really not his idea, he defeated Hun Muyang alive, snatched the soul-suppressing fruit, killed Wu Liyang and the others, and finally met such a strong opponent.

There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky!

Going all the way, are you afraid that you will not meet your opponent?

Chen Yang originally wanted to use the black hole and river to weaken the old man's strength, but this move was useless against the old man now.

The strength of the old man is too strong.

Chen Yang simply took away the black hole river at this moment.

"Great Fate!" Chen Yang immediately activated the Great Fate.

The Great Devouring Technique, the black hole vortex, and the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley all came in handy.

The great fate first weakens this kind of proton true fire.

This has played a role, but it is a special consumption of life.

Chen Yang then absorbed the proton fire and used it for himself.

The Xuanhuang Shengu seeds were also exerted to the limit, all blood-colored flowers formed in his body, absorbing them crazily.

Finally, Chen Yang successfully absorbed Proton True Fire.

The energy in his body soared instantly...

In an instant, Chen Yang's body reached its limit.

Afterwards, Chen Yang slashed out with a sword.

In Yijian Donglai, Jian Guanglai also contains the power of fate!

The shining sword light seemed to be covered with a layer of gray mist, which was really mysterious and mysterious.

The old man didn't pay attention to Chen Yang's counterattack at first, but soon, he felt the ferocity of Chen Yang's sword light.

One sword shattered his Mahamudra into pieces.

The old man wanted to melt it, but a certain force of fate in the sword light quickly took the lead in defeating his handprint.

Afterwards, the sword light came to kill him between his eyebrows.

The thunder and lightning are coming in an instant!

The old man just flickered slightly, space and time vibrated, and in the end, this sword light only left a faint bloodstain on his cheek.

The coldness in the old man's eyes was even worse. He touched his cheek and looked at the blood on his fingertips.

He couldn't remember how many years he hadn't shed blood.

"Little bastard, you really have some skills. No wonder my son will die at your hands, but do you think that you are really qualified to compete with me?" The old man's eyes burst into coldness.

Then, he gave a big push!

Immediately, all the scales on the crimson armor flew out, forming a crimson storm, and finally turned into a sharp sword to kill Chen Yang.

Chen Yang immediately felt the absolute terror of the scarlet sword!

Deep down in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a trace of panic!

Chen Yang was going to use the Great Fate Technique again to resist, but he knew in his heart that if this continues, his lifespan will be exhausted, but he will definitely not be able to stop the old man.

At the same time, he saw that Fu Qingzhu and Luo Tongchang had been seriously injured and fell into the enemy's hands.

Then, Lan Tingyu was besieged by all forces, and also fell into the enemy's hands.

The last one is the elder brother, he saw the fire of the elder brother burning violently...

It was the eldest brother who ran the big fate technique too hard, exhausted his lifespan, and let the fire backfire...

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