At this time, even if Luo Feng and the others wanted to leave, they couldn't.Because of the time confusion, it is difficult for them to get out of the time confusion here.

Chen Yang was not seen at the scene, but Luo Feng and others were not worried about Chen Yang's safety.Chen Yang has already told Luo Feng that he has the eternal spar and is immortal.

Moreover, at this moment, when the power of time was in chaos, Luo Feng and the others saw a black light leaving the scene.

That black light was obviously the recondensed Chen Yang.

As for why Chen Yang left at this time, everyone knew what Chen Yang was going to do without thinking too much.

Obviously, he went to find Hun Muyang to get the soul-suppressing fruit.

Everyone couldn't break through the time barrier, but Chen Yang could break through the time barrier by relying on the light of the black hole spar.This is also because Chen Yang once owned a time spar, and his knowledge of the power of time is higher than these people.

The time barrier finally slowly disappeared.

Luo Feng caught two seriously injured disciples, and immediately joined the crowd with Lan Tingyu.

"How's the second brother?" Luo Feng asked Lan Tingyu first.

Lan Tingyu said in a deep voice: "It's not clear yet, but there should be no fear of life."

Luo Feng nodded.

The soul master and a group of injured disciples confronted Luo Feng and the others.

At the scene, Lan Tingyu was also seriously injured and could no longer fight.

If the soul master wanted to continue fighting, he would face Luo Feng, Fu Qingzhu and Master Luo alone.

Lan Tingyu also took out the pill that sealed the blood soul, and said to the soul master: "We are here today, and we don't want to kill people. Give us the soul-suppressing fruit, and we will release them immediately and leave immediately. Otherwise, You disciples, I'm afraid it will be difficult to end well."

A disciple behind the soul master suddenly changed his expression, and he said to the soul master: "My lord, brothers can't ignore it!"

The soul master said in a deep voice: "The soul-suppressing fruit is a very important thing in the Soul-suppressing Taoist Palace, and it must not be handed over."

"Then seniors?" The disciples were anxious.

The soul master said: "You leave here first, I will deal with it here."

"No!" All the disciples said in unison.

"It's really noisy!" The soul master was also angry. With a wave of his hand, he directly sealed the disciples into another dark soul power world.Although these disciples are not bad, but now they are all injured, how can they resist the soul master's seal.

After the soul master sealed those disciples into other soul power worlds, he formally faced Lan Tingyu: "It is impossible to hand over the soul-suppressing fruit to you, but if you dare to kill people here, the only thing I can promise you is , everyone present today will die here!"

Luo Feng showed a serious look on his face, and said: "Do you think you have this ability?"

The soul master gave Luo Feng a cold look, and said: "I have many abilities, but you have never seen them before. Let them go, and you leave now. This is the only compromise I can make to you, otherwise, then Just ask you to kill, and then, I will kill you again!"

Luo Feng grinned, and said: "Haha... I, Luo Feng, have never been threatened in my life. Since you said so, how can I not fulfill you!"

His whole body was full of murderous looks.

The terrifying killing intent made the two Taoist disciples in his hands tremble.

"Soul master save us!" The two disciples wailed miserably.

Luo Feng was going to kill someone right away, that's his nature.

But Lan Tingyu, Master Luo and Fu Qingzhu all stopped Luo Feng with one voice.

"Brother Feng, no!" Fu Qingzhu shouted heavily.

Lan Tingyu and the others knew that Chen Yang was going to grab the soul-suppressing fruit, so talking about it now was just delaying time.

Of course Luo Feng also knew this, but what the soul master said angered him.

In fact, when Ye Ziqing and his daughter were alive, Luo Feng was already much softer and his heart was much warmer.Will not kill at will!

After his wife and daughter had an accident, Luo Feng reflected on himself, and also felt that as long as his wife and daughter survived, he would not commit the crime of killing for the rest of his life, and he would also do good deeds to make up for it.For a while, he did.

But as time went by, his heart became colder and more irritable.

Luo Feng wanted to kill him, but everyone stopped him.At this time, Luo Feng took a deep breath, he held back the killing in his heart.

Lan Tingyu and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Lan Tingyu said to the soul master: "Are you really disregarding the lives of these disciples?"

The soul master said in a deep voice: "It's not that I don't care about Nian, but that the soul-suppressing fruit cannot be given. No one's life can be exchanged for the soul-suppressing fruit. The soul-suppressing fruit is the lifeblood of the Taoist government. It must never fall into the hands of outsiders! I read it Although you are hateful, but you came here this time, you also held back, and let you go on your own initiative. Don't push yourself any further."

Lan Tingyu pondered for a while, and then said: "Okay, let's discuss it and think about it!"

The Taoist Palace of Zhenhun Taoist Mansion is solemn and solemn!

In front of the Dao Palace, there is still a magic circle protecting it, and idlers are not allowed to approach it!

Chen Yang followed all the way and saw Hun Muyang entering the Taoist palace.Chen Yang is very good at formations, but he doesn't have time to decipher these formations at this time.

He simply turned into a black light and pierced through the protective formation!

That Hun Muyang had just entered the Taoist palace, and before he returned to his own room, he realized that someone had broken into it.

Although the Dao Palace's formation protection is powerful, it still can't stop a master of Chen Yang's level.

Hun Muyang was taken aback, and at this moment, a black light flashed in front of him.

The black light was so tiny that the rest of the disciples in the Dao Palace couldn't see it at all.

Chen Yang sent his thoughts to Hun Muyang, saying: "If you don't want to make a fool of yourself in public, let's go to your room and have a good talk. If I forcibly rob you, I'm afraid it will be hard for you!"

Hun Muyang couldn't help being shocked, he looked at the tiny black light in front of him, and said, "Are you still alive?"

Chen Yang sneered, and said, "To tell you the truth, I don't even know how to kill myself."

Hun Muyang took a deep breath and said, "Okay, let's go!"

The two quickly came to Hun Muyang's bedroom.

The bedroom was clean, tidy, and plain.

Moreover, there is a magic circle outside the bedroom, so outsiders can't see what's going on inside.

In that bedroom, Chen Yang appeared.

Hun Muyang looked at Chen Yang, he couldn't figure it out, and murmured, "How is this possible? My master clearly saw you killed by the soul master."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Taoist, what we did today was indeed excessive. But we also have a last resort. I don't want to kill you, let alone harm you. You lend me the soul-suppressing Dao fruit first, and I will help you." The elder brother wants to take it to his dead wife and daughter to soothe the nerves. If this soul saccharine can save them, my elder brother and I will be grateful to Dade and try to make up for your loss. If the saccharine doesn’t work, I can return it. I will return it to you as soon as possible. If I can't return it, I will keep this favor in my heart, okay?"

Afterwards, Chen Yang suddenly knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said, "Chen Yang, I beg the Taoist Lord to fulfill you!"

Hun Muyang's complexion became complicated.

He is actually not qualified to negotiate now.If the other party robs or kills him, there is nothing he can do.But at this moment, the young man in front of him started to speak the truth.

Hun Muyang was silent for a while, and then said: "Soul-suppressing fruit is very important to the Taoist government. But today, you are stronger than me, and even if I don't give it to you, you can take it away by force. There is nothing you can do, that's all!"

After he finished speaking, he took out the soul-suppressing fruit.

The whole body of the soul-suppressing fruit is black, and it takes a big man to hug it with both hands.

But Hun Muyang sealed it into the size of an egg.

Chen Yang was overjoyed, and kowtowed three times to Hun Muyang, and then said: "Chen Yang will always remember the Taoist kindness today. No matter what, he will give an explanation to Zhenhun Daofu in the future!"

After he finished speaking, he took the soul-suppressing Dao fruit and put it into Jiexumi again.

After that, Chen Yang left the Dao Palace with a flash.

"Let's go!" Na Lan Tingyu and the others were still confronting the soul master in the world of soul power.

At this time, Chen Yang broke into the world of soul power to join everyone.

At this moment, Chen Yang appeared in front of the soul master.

When the soul master saw Chen Yang, it was as if he had seen a ghost.He said in amazement: "'s impossible, how can you still be alive?"

Chen Yang smiled at the soul master, and said: "We have a long time to come, and today I have borrowed the soul-suppressing fruit from the Taoist master. If you don't believe me, you can go ask the Taoist master! We are leaving now, so don't stop us!"

Lan Tingyu shot the pill in her hand at the soul master and said, "Give it back to you!"

Luo Feng also released the two disciples.

He was also extremely happy to hear that Chen Yang had obtained the soul-suppressing fruit.

Everyone took the soul chariot, quickly broke through the world of soul power, and left happily.

This world of soul power was constructed by Hun Muyang before, and now that Hun Muyang was seriously injured, he naturally couldn't stop everyone.

In the Taoist palace, the soul master met Hun Muyang face to face.

It was still in Hun Muyang's bedroom.

"The soul-suppressing fruit has really been taken away?" The soul master was quite surprised.

Hun Muyang's face was extremely gloomy, he glanced at the soul master, and said: "The situation at that time, the master was helpless. If he didn't give it, he would take it away."

The soul master said: "But we don't have the soul-suppressing fruit, and the soul-suppressing flower king will wither within three months. Once the soul-suppressing flower king withers, the Taoist palace will lose its powerful soul power resources. At that time, the dark Taoist palace will definitely Take advantage of the opportunity to create chaos. Daoist, you also know that the Dark Dao Palace has always coveted us. If they were not suppressed by Kao, they would have attacked us long ago."

Hun Muyang sighed and said, "Why doesn't this master understand this?"

The soul master said: "I'll go after it!"

Hun Muyang said: "But... the resurrected young man Chen Yang alone is already very difficult to deal with. Even if you catch up, you will..."

The soul master said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I have my means!"

Hun Muyang nodded, and said, "All that depends on you."

The soul master said, "Okay, I'm going."

In the dark universe, Chen Yang's soul chariot was advancing rapidly.

It was Fu Qingzhu who was controlling the soul chariot.

Chen Yang is also recuperating, and his vitality has also been lost in this battle.

Lan Tingyu also began to heal his wounds, and they were going to pick up Cheng Jianhua this time.

At the same time, Chen Yang had already given Luo Feng the soul-suppressing fruit.

He gave it and said at the same time: "Brother, when I got this fruit, I promised that Hun Muyang would return it to him as much as possible. Can it not be damaged, try not to damage it, okay?"

Luo Feng knew Chen Yang's mind, nodded, and said, "I know."

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