The strongest player in history

Chapter 2763 Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang

Hun Muyang's eyes became strange.

Qin Lin immediately whispered to Chen Yang: "This is inappropriate, third brother!" He is the most shallow in the city, so he directly called third brother.Hun Muyang and the others knew that Qin Lin was Luo Feng's brother, so since Chen Yang was the third brother, they must also know that Chen Yang was also Luo Feng's brother.

But this is not a big deal, since people like Chen Yang are willing to come to rescue hundreds of millions of miles, the relationship must be inseparable.

"What?" Chen Yang said.

Qin Lin smiled wryly, and said, "I also know the grievances between you and Cheng Jianhua. It's just that the elder brother values ​​Cheng Jianhua very much, and he won't rescue Cheng Jianhua when the time comes. The elder brother will do it there, and we may have to take risks to save Cheng Jianhua."

Chen Yang sighed, he knew what Qin Lin said was true. "okay then!"

Immediately, he said to Hun Muyang, "How about it? Thirty or so disciples and Fu Liuxing came to replace my elder brother and Cheng Jianhua."

Hun Muyang glanced at Chen Yang, and then said: "There is no problem, but there are some things that need to be clarified."

Chen Yang said, "Huh?"

Hun Muyang said: "The weirdness in the soul-suppressing fruit must be removed. After that, you don't come to the Poro planet again. The master will not pursue you in the future, is it possible?"

Chen Yang said without hesitation: "Of course there is no problem!"

Hun Muyang said coldly: "I'm afraid you still can't be the master, your big brother Luo Feng is very stubborn."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

He thought for a while and said, "Anyway, bring my elder brother and Cheng Jianhua over here. We'll trade here!"

Hun Muyang nodded and said, "Okay!"

Hun Muyang came very quickly, and in an instant, a golden void gate appeared in the void of the universe.Then, Hun Muyang appeared from the void gate, with a sword on his back, one hand clenched into a fist, and the other holding the soul-suppressing fruit.

The soul-suppressing fruit was originally as big as ten footballs, but Hun Muyang used space thaumaturgy to make the soul-suppressing fruit appear to be the size of an egg.

When everyone saw Hun Muyang, they immediately became vigilant. They didn't expect Hun Muyang to come over like this.What a daring artist!

Chen Yang immediately asked, "Where are my elder brother and Cheng Jianhua?"

Hun Muyang's hand clenched into a fist suddenly spread out, and two small figures appeared in that palm.Those two little people are Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua.

It was Hun Muyang who cast a wonderful spell to seal the bodies of these two people to such a small size.

Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua were in a coma.

Seeing this, Chen Yang couldn't help tearing his eyes, and said sharply to Mu Yang, "What did you do to my elder brother? If something happens to my elder brother, I can't spare you!"

Hun Muyang gave Chen Yang a cold look, and said: "I am not an unreasonable person, you big brother is too fastidious. You came to snatch the treasures of our Dao Mansion for no reason, and you made some weird things in it afterwards." Something here. Could it be that the master still wants to be polite to him?"

Chen Yang was speechless.

He is a reasonable person, but the eldest brother is not a very reasonable person.

But for the sake of his eldest brother, he didn't care about these reasons.

Qin Lin said in a deep voice: "Today we came here for the sake of harmony. I also ask the Taoist Lord to restore my elder brother and Cheng Jianhua."

Hun Muyang said coldly, "No problem."

After he finished speaking, golden soul power appeared in his eyes.This soul power shot at Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua's bodies, and soon, golden threads appeared on Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua's bodies.Those golden threads melted into clouds...

Following that, the bodies of Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua began to swell.

In an instant, the two returned to their original state.

Then, Hun Muyang waved his hand again, and the golden soul power turned into clouds and floated into the brains of the two of them.

Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua suddenly opened their eyes.

"Brother!" Chen Yang was overjoyed when he saw this.

Luo Feng also looked happy when he saw Chen Yang, and said, "Third brother!"

Qin Lin was also excited and shouted, "Brother!"

Seeing that Qin Lin was fine, Luo Feng wept with joy, and said, "Second Brother, it's great that you're fine."

Fu Qingzhu also shouted excitedly: "Brother Luo Feng!"

Luo Feng nodded to Fu Qingzhu.

At this time, Chen Yang said, "We'll take you home!"

Cheng Jianhua also looked at Chen Yang, his eyes were very calm.

Chen Yang always couldn't see through Cheng Jianhua, he had no reason to be afraid of Cheng Jianhua.

Cheng Jianhua gave Chen Yang the feeling that he was very similar to Xuan Zhenghao, but Xuan Zhenghao was more generous and his mind was very upright.Xuan Zhenghao knows what is most beneficial, and that is to do justice for the sky.

But Cheng Jianhua was different. Cheng Jianhua's mind was much more sinister.

After all, he didn't have Xuan Zhenghao's pattern.

Hun Muyang said: "The restraint of Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua has been lifted by the owner. They are injured and need time to recuperate. However, there is no big problem. They should know this in their hearts! Now, people , the master let it go, follow-up..."

Chen Yang then said to Luo Feng: "Brother, I have already agreed to help him get rid of the weirdness of the soul-suppressing fruit. You..."

Luo Feng nodded, and said: "Since you have already agreed, how can you be in trouble." After he finished speaking, he also suddenly took a deep breath...

Then I saw a breath of black air floating out of the soul-suppressing fruit.This black air was swallowed by Luo Feng!

Afterwards, the soul saccharine returned to normal!

Hun Muyang observed the soul-suppressing fruit carefully, and after confirming that the soul-suppressing fruit was safe, he immediately beamed with joy.

At the same time, Chen Yang also captured those disciples and Fu Liuxing, and threw them to Hun Muyang.

With a wave of Hun Muyang's hand, the sleeve robe directly included Fu Liuxing and all the disciples.

"Okay!" Hun Muyang looked at Chen Yang and said, "You have kept your word. If that's the case, the grievances here will end here! But the Lord has already said that you will never set foot on the Poro planet again. If you come again, don't blame the owner for being ruthless."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Nabadong Road is still hidden in Chen Yang's black hole spar and has not been moved out.

The rescue of big brother Luo Feng went so smoothly this time, it's unbelievable.

Chen Yang turned around and hugged Luo Feng!

Luo Feng didn't say anything else, he pulled Qin Lin over, and the three brothers hugged each other tightly.

Afterwards, Chen Yang introduced Channel Master Luo to Luo Feng.

They are very polite when they greet each other.

Taoist Master Luo muttered secretly in his heart, that is, the evil spirit of this Luo Feng Taoist friend!

Both Luo Feng and Cheng Jianhua were seriously injured by the soul Muyang, and their vitality was greatly damaged.

At that moment, Chen Yang sacrificed the soul chariot, and everyone entered the soul chariot.

"Let's go back to Earth now!" Chen Yang said.

The soul chariot has already traveled through the void with lightning, and instantly entered the hyperspace.

Luo Feng was healing his injuries with his knees crossed, but he immediately opened his eyes and said, "I won't go for now!"

Everyone was slightly surprised.

Chen Yang's heart sank. He felt that maybe what he was worried about was about to happen.

Sure enough, Luo Feng said: "Third brother, find a place to rest first. When I recover from my injury, let's go to the Soul-Suppressing Taoist Palace and take the Soul-Suppressing Fruit away." He paused, took a deep breath, and said : "Your sister-in-law Ziqing and Xiao Silan's souls have not shown signs of growth and recovery. I thought, if I take this soul-suppressing fruit back, it will definitely be of great benefit. After their souls recover all their memories, they will be able to recover." You can find blood and tears to join the body and soul. This is a great opportunity to revive them, third brother, second brother, will you not help the elder brother?"

Luo Feng looked at Chen Yang and Qin Lin eagerly.

Chen Yang was speechless.

Then he said: "Of course I want to help!"

Qin Lin also nodded and said, "Of course!"

A look of joy flashed in Luo Feng's eyes, and he looked at the rest of the people...

Lan Tingyu said in a deep voice: "I know what it's like to lose a loved one, although I also think it's not good to take other people's palace treasures for no reason. But in order to save people, these little things don't matter, the big deal, I will save them in the future After Miss Ziqing and Xiao Silan, we will come to make amends and return the soul-suppressing fruit to them by the way!"

Fu Qingzhu smiled slightly, and said: "Miss Ziqing and Xiao Silan are my dearest relatives. In order to save them, I will go to the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire, and I will not hesitate!"

Taoist Master Luo sighed slightly, and said, "Fellow Luo Feng, this is the first time that Pindao met you today. Your third brother, Chen Yang Yu Pindao, has a life-saving grace. You and him are friends. Your business , it should be the matter of the poor. It’s just that there are some things that the poor don’t know whether to say or not to say!”

Luo Feng was slightly taken aback, and then said: "What the Taoist priest wants to say, it's okay to say it directly."

Chen Yang screamed "Oops" from the side, and he already guessed what Channel Leader Luo was going to say.He immediately said: "Master Dao, I think that people should not give up hope until the end of life, don't they?"

Taoist Master Luo glanced at Chen Yang, he sighed again, and said: "From the beginning of the world, from ancient times to the present, it is impossible for someone to be resurrected after death. Forgive me for speaking bluntly, fellow Daoist Luo Feng, the reason why your wife and daughter are The misfortune is because you have killed too many sins, so that you have harmed your wife and daughter. Since they are gone, it is fate. It is impossible to resurrect, you are doing useless work!"

Luo Feng's body shook violently.

Then, a terrifying killing intent flashed in his eyes. "Niubi, say it again! You dare say that they can't survive, believe it or not, I will kill you right now!"

Master Luo is also a tall man, and he has a temper.He snorted coldly when he heard the words, and said: "The poor Taoist speaks from the bottom of his heart, but fellow Taoist Luo Feng, you treat the poor Taoist as an enemy. You are really stubborn and unreasonable!"

Luo Feng's eyes turned blood red...

Cheng Jianhua suddenly sneered at the side, and said, "This Taoist priest, what you said is really ridiculous. What created the world? Could it be that the sky of the earth was split out? Also, what is it that from ancient times to the present, it is impossible that no one cannot be resurrected?" How much do you know to dare to lie like this? This world, the universe, the sky is dark and yellow, what are you?"

"Shut up the fuck!" Chen Yang jumped up and yelled.

He then looked at Taoist Master Luo and said, "Director Taoist, you are my best friend. Today I thank you for your kind words and advice, but you don't need to continue. Because, no matter what the result is, we have to do it. Even if Even if you die, you have to do it... If you don't want to, we all respect your choice. If you want to leave, please feel free!"

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