The strongest player in history

Chapter 2761 Soul Power

Chen Yang and the others were all in the stomach of Badong Road, plus the hidden attribute of the black hole spar, so even Fu Meteor could not detect the existence of everyone.

Fu Liuxing didn't know Badong Road, she frowned, and said coldly: "I heard that you have something important to report, and it is related to the Taoist, and you also said that I was involved in it, right?"

Badong Lu glanced at Fu Liuxing, and suddenly said: "No!"

Fu Liuxing was slightly taken aback, then her face changed, her eyes became more vigilant and cold, and she said, "You came here to play tricks on me?"

Badong Road continued: "No!"

"Are you courting death?" Fu Liuxing was furious.

The two female disciples beside her also shouted at the same time: "You fourth-class disciple, you are so bold, you dare to entertain our little master when you have nothing to do!"

At this moment, Badong Road suddenly opened his mouth...

At this moment, a black light appeared.At the same time, the black light is flourishing...

Chen Yang immediately unleashed the power of the black hole spar, and the entire black hole enveloped the surrounding area for a hundred miles.

All kinds of mysterious and strange space powers are also displayed, and the disciples with low cultivation bases are directly trapped in the space formation.

Chen Yang and the others also followed suit.

"Human?" Fu Liuxing and the two female disciples were startled when they saw this.

Most of the human beings in this Poro planet have low IQ, but the few human beings in front of them have high mana, and Fu Liuxing cannot but be surprised.

"Who are you? Could it be that you are related to Luo Feng?" Fu Liuxing reacted quickly, and suddenly, she saw Qin Lin clearly again. "You are with Luo Feng, are you still alive?"

Qin Lin also looked at Fu Liuxing, and said, "The girl wants me to die, it's not that simple!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, help the meteor, right? We don't have so much time to talk to you. If you don't think about it, you won't be convinced." After he finished speaking, he directly displayed the black hole big handprint .

In the void, the black hole particles quickly condensed Chen Yang's cosmic profound meaning and powerful mana.The mystery and weirdness of black holes are all in it.This big handprint directly grabs and shoots towards Fu Meteor, just like the big hand of Tathagata Buddha suppressing Sun Wukong.

A cold light flashed in Fu Liuxing's eyes, he snorted coldly, and said, "Is it up to you?"

Just when the black hole big handprint was about to capture the Fu meteor, the Fu meteor suddenly disappeared...

Afterwards, Chen Yang felt a chill down his back.

But Fu Meteor suddenly appeared behind him, and after that, he condensed a soul-suppressing primordial spirit sword!The sword of primordial spirit came towards the back of Chen Yang's head...

As fast as thunder, the sword of Yuanshen contains a wonderful and vast soul power!

Chen Yang couldn't feel this kind of soul power, but he felt that once this power penetrated into his body, it would penetrate deep into the bone marrow, which was extremely terrifying!

This sword actually gave Chen Yang the feeling of life and death crisis!

Chen Yang never expected that Fu Meteor would have such a skill.

He didn't even have time to turn around, so he directly operated the black hole mysterious space!

As a result, a vast ocean of black holes is rapidly formed in front of the meteorite.Fu Meteor cut into it with a sword, like a mud cow entering the sea.

Fu Liuxing changed extremely quickly, and quickly withdrew the sword of Yuanshen.

At the same time, everyone also shot.

The two female disciples beside Fu Meteor also followed suit, similarly, they were also unpredictable, their figures changed extremely fast, it was difficult to catch them.

Lan Tingyu was the most straightforward, he quickly locked on one of the female disciples, and then used the power of ice to freeze the surroundings.No matter how wonderful their soul power is, it is helpless to freeze them all now.

Master Luo Tong and Qin Lin worked together to quickly control another female disciple.

Although their strength is weird and wonderful, it is still far from Lan Tingyu's strength.

Chen Yang and Fu Liuxing are still fighting.Fu Liuxing withdrew the sword of Yuanshen, followed by concentrating, suddenly a cold light flashed in his eyes again, and the sword of Yuanshen slashed out again.

This time, it pierced through all of Chen Yang's mysterious and illusory space in an instant, and shot towards Chen Yang's eyebrows.

"The first level of creation actually has this ability!" Chen Yang thought it was incredible.The sword of Yuanshen seemed to have ignored all rules and powers, which meant that Zhang Daoling's sword broke all laws.

But, she is not Zhang Daoling after all!

Chen Yang saw the sword of Yuanshen approaching, he didn't dodge, but suddenly cut out ten sword lights of darkness and dawn.Chen Yang was already very cautious, these ten sword lights of the dark dawn were to test the power of supporting the meteor.


Sword lights collided, sparks splashed!

Chen Yang's dark dawn sword light was quickly beheaded by the opponent's Yuanshen sword, and it was like a broken bamboo.At the same time, Chen Yang also analyzed the power of the Primordial Spirit Sword...

Soul power is also a kind of power.

It is a very strange power, belonging to a kind of dark matter, hidden in dark places.Even for masters like Chen Yang, it is difficult to sense the existence of soul power.But Fu Meteor and the others found this kind of dark matter through the cultivation of the soul-suppressing flower.

In other words, their soul power is not limited to the Poro planet.Moreover, she travels at will, also achieved through the soul power material in the dark.

This kind of soul power, few people in the world can sense it.Therefore, Fu Meteor and the others seem to have mastered some kind of secret resource, and their power is simply outrageous.

There are many meridians in the soul power, once it spreads, it will instantly penetrate into the bone marrow and blood, and can be absorbed.

This is the scariest!

Chen Yang felt that his dark dawn sword light had been absorbed by Yuanshen.

The sword of Yuanshen killed the ten dark dawns of Chen Yang, not only did not weaken, but it became stronger and stronger.

"Fuck!" Chen Yang cursed secretly, he finally understood why the second brother was so afraid.This kind of soul power is too weird and terrifying.

No wonder the big brother will fall in!

Under the control of Fu Meeoxing, the Soul-Suppressing Yuanshen Sword continued to shoot at Chen Yang.

Luo Tong, Lan Tingyu and Fu Qingzhu wanted to help Chen Yang.Qin Lin stopped them and said, "Everyone, take a closer look first. A Fu Meteor can't do anything to the third brother. Let's take a closer look at the strange and terrifying power of Fu Meteor!"

Luo Tong and Lan Tingyu stopped.

The soul-suppressing Yuanshen sword was fierce and fierce, and it was about to kill Chen Yang.

Chen Yang snorted coldly, and instantly cast the Great Devouring Technique.A black hole vortex forms, and the Great Devouring Technique hides it...

The soul-suppressing Yuanshen sword instantly penetrates into the infinite space and absorbs the surrounding energy.

But at this moment, a more powerful and terrifying devouring power appeared, and began to devour the power of the soul-suppressing primordial spirit sword.

The two forces devour each other!

Chen Yang's cultivation was far higher than that of Fu Meteor. After this fight, the Soul Suppressing Primordial Spirit Sword instantly began to weaken.

Fu Liuxing was terrified, she wanted to take back the Soul Suppressing Primordial Spirit Sword, but she couldn't do it anymore.

This soul-suppressing soul-suppressing sword was cultivated by her life. Once she loses it, her realm will regress, and she will be destroyed after years of hard work.

"Damn it!" Fu Liuxing cursed, and then, she suddenly bit her finger, and a drop of blood spilled from it.She grabbed this drop of blood and touched it between her eyebrows...

"What is she doing?" Fu Qingzhu was taken aback.

Qin Lin also said he didn't know.

Naba Donglu understood it, and said in amazement: "This is the technique of burning the soul. It ignites the dark matter soul in one's body and completely opens the channel with the dark matter soul power. After that, Fu Meteor's power will increase dramatically."

"Don't panic!" Lan Tingyu said in a deep voice: "If this can't be dealt with, can Chen Yang live until now?"

The Meteor used the soul burning technique in the forbidden technique, and when this technique was cast, it would cause permanent and irreversible damage to the body.

Unless you are forced to, you must not easily display it.

Seeing at this moment, Chen Yang felt a terrifying power emerge from the channel in the sword of supporting the meteor and the soul-suppressing primordial spirit.

That was the culling of infinite soul power!

Chen Yang had already devoured the soul-suppressing primordial spirit sword in sevens and eighties, but at this time, the reinforcements from the other side arrived and immediately started to counter-swallow it.

Chen Yang tried his best to suppress it, but the opponent was too fierce.

In an instant, the power of the opponent's soul-suppressing Yuanshen sword recovered again, and began to devour Chen Yang's power.

Fu Liuxing's long hair flew up, her eyes were blood red, she suddenly yelled, and directly pulled out the Soul Suppressing Primordial Spirit Sword.

"Roar!" Fu Meteor retracted the soul-suppressing Yuanshen sword, his body flickered, and suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

This is trying to escape!

Chen Yang made a backhand grab...

Although Fu Meteor's soul power escapes, it is mysterious and unparalleled.But after all, he was still inside the black hole spar, and Chen Yang already had some understanding of soul power, so he wouldn't let Fu Meteor have a chance to escape.

As soon as he grabbed it, he grabbed Fu Liuxing's back.Fu Meteor was still burning his soul, and his backhand came to kill Chen Yang with a palm.

In an instant, the soul power was majestic and surging, like ten thousand thunderbolts coming towards Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is also a person with a temper. He suddenly exerted force and swiped at him with all his strength.

It is also the power of landslides and earth shattering, dominating the world!


Fu Liuxing felt that the opponent's power was suppressing the heaven and earth, unparalleled in the world, her soul power blasted away, and then came back...

"Pfft!" Fu Meteor spat out a mouthful of blood, she flew out, and finally fell into one of the spaces.Chen Yang grabbed the void with his big hand, and brought Fu Meteor back.

Afterwards, Fu Meteor was thrown in the center of the hall.

Although Chen Yang successfully caught Fu Liuxing, Chen Yang was not happy at this time, and even felt a little disgraced.

It takes such a lot of effort to catch a master of the first level of creation.

How can we fight the next battle.

Lan Tingyu trapped the two female disciples in the ice, waiting for Chen Yang to deal with them.

The black hole spar still enveloped the Meteor Hall.

Because there are many other disciples in the Meteor Hall, once they let go, all of them will run out to report.

Qin Lin said: "Although this place is hidden, it is not appropriate to cover it with black hole crystals for a long time. Now let's go and capture all the other disciples, and then we will make a fuss."

Chen Yang agreed, he said: "Go, catch!"

The crowd dispersed immediately, arresting the disciples of Meteor Hall everywhere.

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