Zhang Daoling's words made Chen Yang feel extremely ashamed.

You know, Chen Yang has always regarded himself as a good person, thinking that he is someone with extraordinary wisdom.He can defeat or even kill any opponent's conspiracy, whether it is a young genius, or a thousand-year-old devil, etc.

But now, Zhang Daoling said that apart from the black hole spar, he is his own ability.Moreover, this ability is not enough.

Chen Yang glanced at Zhang Daoling, and then fell into deep thought.He is a master at the third level of the Creation Realm, and his mind is already extremely firm.And he definitely won't deny himself just because of a failure, or because of Zhang Daoling's few words.

Chen Yang then took a deep breath, and respectfully said to Zhang Daoling: "The words of the Taoist priest are like enlightenment to the younger generation. I also ask the senior to give me advice."

Zhang Daoling smiled lightly and said: "Pindao also knows that you can't deny yourself just because of the poor way. You may even feel that it is normal for you to be unable to beat the poor way because he became famous in his early years and has practiced for thousands of years. ,Right?"

Chen Yang said: "The junior dare not lie, I really have such thoughts in my heart."

Zhang Daoling said: "Ordinary people need to learn to be satisfied in order to obtain peace of mind. But you can't stop, let alone be satisfied with yourself. If you are satisfied, you will stop making progress. You must be like a predatory beast, constantly Absorb knowledge more, and let go of your original knowledge reserve.”

Chen Yang was thoughtful, and after a long silence, he said: "Your words, Daoist, are indeed worthy of the younger generation's deep thinking. However, the younger generation seems to be unable to fully understand what you said. Now, what should the younger generation do?"

Zhang Daoling laughed, and said: "The Dao leads the door, and the cultivation depends on the individual. Even a poor Taoist can't force the truth in your heart, the profound meaning into your mind. You must know that the attack of the physical body belongs to the individual. But the attack of mana Killing and defending is more like a game between great powers. Attacking and killing with the body is just the courage of a man. Attacking and killing with mana is about wisdom, courage, and morale. But morale is like a rainbow, it can be continuous spring rain, but thunder can be furious, and it can moisten things silently. You are good Think about it, for the rest, Pindao has nothing more to say."

Chen Yang was lost in thought.

He felt that he was in the dark, as if he understood something.But he couldn't say anything specific.

"Go!" Zhang Daoling suddenly waved his hand.

Chen Yang immediately felt a huge force coming, he didn't resist the huge force, and returned to the bridge of one yuan in an instant.

The bridge of one yuan is like a broken bridge in the Milky Way.

Before Chen Yang had time to think about anything else, he heard Channel Leader Luo's voice again.

It came from the void.

"Little friend, why don't you come to Pindao for a while." Luo Tong said.

Chen Yang was slightly startled, then smiled and said, "Here we come."

He stepped out of the void in one step, and then came to Taoist Master Luo's dojo.There is also a Taoist temple in that dojo, and its beautiful scenery is not inferior to Zhang Daoling's dojo.

But Chen Yang still noticed the difference between Luo Tong's dojo and Zhang Daoling's dojo.

That's the difference in anger!

Although the spring breeze in Luotong's dojo is warm and natural.But it is not as natural as Zhang Daoling's dojo.

It is only in the subtleties that real ability can be revealed.

Chen Yang sat opposite Luo Tong.Chen Yang smiled and said, "Master Daoist, are you still used to it?"

Luo Tong said sternly: "This place is really a good place. The poor Taoist has learned a lot from the world and the universe here. This Mr. Xuan is indeed a strange person today!"

Chen Yang said: "The Taoist priest plans to stay here for a long time?"

Luo Tong said: "The Taoist ancestor is here, and the poor Taoist should follow. In the future, the earth will face fierce battles, and now the poor Taoist should also cultivate the ability to kill the enemy and do his part to protect the earth."

Chen Yang was in awe, and said: "If everyone in the cultivation of the Tao has the responsibility of you, the Taoist priest, what is the meaning of the Spiritual Venerable!"

Luo Tong smiled indifferently, and said: "Speaking of which, I was inspired by you and Daozu. So, you don't have to be too humble!" He paused, and said: "By the way, little friend, I just saw Daozu summoned you, and you seemed to be preoccupied when you came out, but what doubts do you have?"

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said: "Daozhang Zhang gave me a sword, and I have no power to fight back in front of Daozhang Zhang. Moreover, according to Daozhang Zhang, my aptitude can only be regarded as mediocre..."

Luo Tong was slightly taken aback, and then he said: "It's normal for you not to be able to pick up Daozu's sword. But if you say that your aptitude is mediocre, little friend, that's absolutely impossible! You are the most gifted person among the people that Pindao has seen. By."

Chen Yang said: "Master Daoist, you are really absurd. The means I have shown are just luck. If there are no foreign objects such as eternity spar, time spar, and copper coins of origin, I still have something to be proud of." ? Without that luck, I..."

Chen Yang didn't want to be depressed, but at this moment, he really began to understand and examine himself.

For a long time, he leapfrogged and killed people without any disadvantage.

Including the big fate and so on!

He has already begun to swell, beginning to lose sight of his true strength.

Luck is given by heaven.

If Heaven doesn't give me luck, then what am I, Chen Yang?

This is what Chen Yang needs to think about right now.

It can be said that Zhang Daoling's words really enlightened Chen Yang.

Let him begin to recognize himself.

Afterwards, Chen Yang ended his conversation with Taoist Master Luo. He wanted to go back to the Great Thousand World and tell Shen Mo Nong, and then he would start to take advantage of this time to meditate.

Just as he was about to leave the boat of one yuan, Xuan Zhenghao's voice came.

"Come to the upper study and talk! Why do you want to leave before you see me?"

Chen Yang thought about it, this Xuan Zhenghao is also a real strange person, why don't he ask him for advice.

At that moment, Chen Yang got out of the one-yuan boat and came to the upper study room.

In the upper study room, only Xuan Zhenghao was there.

Xuan Zhenghao had prepared tea here, and he asked Chen Yang to sit down.

After Chen Yang saluted, he just sat down.

"Daozhang Zhang wants to test you, I told you that." Xuan Zhenghao first said with a smile.He followed up and said, "That's why you didn't see me."

Chen Yang said: "Believe it, the emperor has seen all the things in between?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I saw it, but I didn't peek at it. Daoist Zhang explained in advance that he can watch it."

Chen Yang said: "It doesn't matter, but I want to ask the emperor to judge me fairly now. Don't say that my magic tools belong to luck, and luck is also a part of strength. I want to know now, I What is this person's own strength?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "Do you really want to hear the truth?"

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, he was really timid.But he is not a person who likes to be a turtle, so he looked at Xuan Zhenghao bravely, nodded and said, "That's right!"

Xuan Zhenghao then said: "Your profound knowledge of the universe, your knowledge reserves are vast and profound. You are also highly talented. You can quickly realize a thing or two of anything that comes to you. I believe that, With this yuan boat for you, you can realize a lot of things. But you have always had a big problem."

"Huh?" Chen Yang's eyes became urgent.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "In fact, you should know it in your own heart, that is miscellaneous but not refined. You know everything, what about your sword coming from the east, so what if you gather all the profound meanings? It is still not as powerful as Zhang Daochang's sword. Of course, Zhang Daochang Your realm is much higher than yours, so it's normal for you to be helpless."

Chen Yang murmured, "Miscellaneous but not refined?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled faintly and said, "Do you know what I am best at?"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and he said: "I think your majesty is as vast as the sea, unfathomable, so I don't know what you are best at."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I used to be like you. I learned very complicated things and knew everything. However, I know everything, which is better than yours who knows everything."

Chen Yang smiled wryly.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "However, I have prepared a lot. I was very clever and calculated everything, but in that battle, I almost died at the hands of your father Chen Tianya. You should have the impression that time, that is When Chen Tianya, together with the Shenzu, Yuhuamen, and Yuntianzong came together, we were male and female in the Qianyuan Golden Light Formation. I put on the legendary Human Emperor Armor and practiced the Great Transcendence Technique. In the end, I almost died."

Chen Yang said: "I was deeply impressed by that incident."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Your father said, I am unparalleled in the world when it comes to wisdom and tactics. I am still young in front of him when it comes to magic. I really have to admit it!"

Chen Yang said, "Go ahead!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Until one day, I found what I wanted. That is, after you were trapped in Yuqingmen, I realized that my mind is like the sea of ​​stars. Mana is also a kind of willpower. When I believe in myself enough At that time, the vast starry sky that I comprehend will become boundless power, wormholes, and black holes."

Chen Yang was shocked, and he couldn't help but said: "I also understand the principle that the mind is like the stars and the ocean, and I also understand the vast starry sky...but I am not as good as you."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "That's not necessarily the case. Let's talk empty words, it's not accurate. I am currently at the fourth level of the Creation Realm. Although you are at the third level, you have practiced the Great Origin Technique, and your mana is stronger than mine. It's more than that. Let's compare and see if my reasoning makes sense!"

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's not convenient here, let's go to the one-yuan boat. Don't worry, I won't use the power of the one-yuan boat. And you, you can use all your skills, okay?"

Chen Yang said: "Then I will be bold today, and I will act presumptuously in front of you, Your Majesty."

Xuan Zhenghao laughed loudly and said, "Just be presumptuous!"

So, with a flash of their figures, the two of them also entered the one-yuan boat.

Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang stood facing each other in the dark void, Xuan Zhenghao said: "There are only you and me here, even Daoist Zhang can't spy on it. It can be said that even if there are two Daoist Zhangs in this boat of Yuan, there will be two Daoist Zhangs. It can't hurt me at all. Of course, if I want to kill Zhang Daochang, it will be difficult!"

Chen Yang couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

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