Lan Tingyu didn't go to Chen Yang's garden villa. After all, there was a dead Luo Ning between him and Chen Yang.

Lan Tingyu returned to Beihai.

But Fu Qingzhu wanted Xiao Ai to worship Chen Yang as his teacher, but unexpectedly, Xiao Ai directly refused.And the reaction was quite intense.

This surprised both Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu.

Chen Yang laughed, and said to Xiaoai: "What's the matter, are you afraid that I won't be able to teach you? Don't underestimate me as your godfather."

Xiao Ai's face turned red, and she immediately said: "That's not true, godfather, you would have taught me. I don't want you as my teacher, I want another one!"

Fu Qingzhu was a little embarrassed.

He didn't know who to look for, he didn't dare to let Luo Feng be Xiaoai's master.He felt that Luo Feng would definitely be very strict... Moreover, Luo Feng's current state is not good.

Fu Qingzhu had no choice but to say: "Let's wait until your Uncle Qin comes back."

Xiao Ai agreed.

Xuanyuan Yadan made Qin Baoer simply worship Fu Qingzhu as his teacher.In the end, Chen Yang and Mo Yu also worshiped under Fu Qingzhu's sect.

Fu Qingzhu couldn't help crying, and said: "Brother Chen Yang, you are not authentic. You should share a little..."

Chen Yang spread his hands and smiled: "It's not that I don't want to share the burden, Mo Yu is also my goddaughter. Qin Baoer is a little girl, she will be a little afraid of me. You see, sister-in-law Yadan is not at ease entrusting the child to me."

In the end, Fu Qingzhu happily accepted the three apprentices.

After these children officially decided to learn Taoism, Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu had new ideas.That is, they no longer need to go to Yanjing to accept the school's systematic study.Because such a systematic study is too time-consuming.

It is best to send them to Dakang Imperial City.

Fu Qingzhu got 1 approvals. He felt that the Dakang Imperial City is the safest place in the world.

Chen Yang consulted the children for their opinions.Although these children are very excited, they also know that there will be a lot of cruelty in entering the path of their parents.And the first cruel thing right now is separation.

The kids all agreed.

After the children agreed, Chen Yang still had to consider Shen Murong's mood and Xuanyuan Yadan's opinion.Xuanyuan Yadan was a little hesitant, and Shen Mo Nong was also reluctant.

Xuanyuan Yadan mainly wanted to wait for Qin Lin to come back before making a decision.

How could Shen Mo Nong be willing to send the child away at such a young age?

Chen Yang analyzed a lot with Shen Mo Nong, since they want to take this road, they can't walk half-baked.Moreover, they went there, you can go to see them if you miss them.

The most important thing is that now, it will be safer in that place than in Yanjing.

Shen Monong finally agreed.

So in the end, only Qin Baoer's problem remained.Chen Yang also felt that it was better to wait for the second brother to come back before making the final decision.

The children will learn from Shen Mo Nong here first, and Fu Qingzhu will also give advice from the side.

But right now, without any important matters, Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong went to their hometown in Hebei together, visited their master Wang Qing, and paid homage to their mother's grave.After that, Chen Yang chatted with Lan Tingyu alone.

Lan Tingyu said that he will always stay in this great world.He not only wants to protect Chen Yang's family and friends, but also protects the peace of the world.

Chen Yang expressed his thanks, but Lan Tingyu didn't say much.

For Lan Tingyu, the current life is already very satisfying.He and Luo Xue lived a happy life like a fairy.

Chen Yang then took the time to go to Shennong World.

In Shennong's world, everything is fine.

In the Garan Hall, Xiao Fan was stationed, and many of them went out to look for the star stone.Including Huo Hongjin also went out...

Chen Yang met Hei Yi Suzhen in the attic.

Now the entire Highness Jialan is convinced of Chen Yang and loves him very much.

When Chen Yang returned, he received a very high courtesy.But despite this, the Garan lady is still the most supreme existence in the hearts of the subjects.

In the attic, it is very quiet!

This Jialan Temple is covered with ice and snow all the year round, and the snowflakes outside are dancing, with a hint of coldness in the poignant beauty.

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen sat opposite each other.

Hei Yi Suzhen's expression was indifferent.

Originally, there was no one here in private, so Chen Yang thought that he could have a moment of romance with Hei Yi Suzhen.But he immediately knew that Hei Yi Suzhen was a person with a great spirit of contract.Since she left that celestial world, she really intends to let everything pass by without a trace.

He remembered what she said, even if it was pretending, he had to put it on.

Chen Yang knew what she was thinking, so at this moment, it was fulfilled.

"Is Linger okay?" Hei Yi Suzhen asked.She paused and said, "If you're worried, you can bring her to me."

Chen Yang said: "She's fine, she's full of vitality inside, and it's a matter of time before she wakes up. And she's very safe inside the one-yuan boat."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "It seems that you trust Xuan Zhenghao very much."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and said, "Do you think there is something wrong with him?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "That's not true, it's just that he has his position. He is helping you now because your position is the same. But if one day, your positions are different, he will not hesitate to switch with you gun head."

Chen Yang was taken aback.

He took another look at Hei Yi Suzhen, and said, "I didn't expect you to see the problem so thoroughly."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "But you don't have to worry about it for now, he won't offend you until the crisis of Lingzun is resolved."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Well, I guess it's the same."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Xuan Zhenghao, you can't judge him by emotion. You should judge him by the current situation! In this way, you will be sober."

Chen Yang said: "What you said makes sense, I will pay attention!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "And your biggest problem is that you are emotional."

Chen Yang smiled wryly.

Afterwards, Hei Yi Suzhen said again: "It's just in time for you to come, I'm planning to leave."

"Help me find the Star Stone?" Chen Yang said.

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "That's right, but more importantly, I have to find a place to temper that body. On the earth, it's not suitable. I'm going to find Star Thunder Waterfall!"

"Star Thunder Waterfall?" Chen Yang was puzzled.

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "The Star Thunder Waterfall is wonderful, with a touch of domineering in its flexibility. If I protect it with thunder power, the flexibility of this statue's body and the degree of absorption of thunder power will be greatly increased. I will use the main idea of ​​catastrophe Put it into the body and start to gradually strengthen."

Chen Yang said, "Is that easy to find?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said, "It's hard to find."

Chen Yang said, "How about I accompany you?"

Hei Yi Suzhen waved her hand, and said, "No need." She paused, and said, "Your task still has about nine years left. I will come back one year before you hand in the task at the latest... This battle of Lingzun , I will not go back and be absent.”

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "I know, you will not be absent!"

At the end, Chen Yang thought of something and said, "There is something I want to tell you."

Hei Yi Suzhen was slightly startled, and said, "What?"

Chen Yang said: "One yuan boat, you should be clear."

Hei Yi Suzhen was as calm as an iceberg, but now she changed her color slightly, and said: "The boat of one yuan came from the Gate of Eternal Life. You mean, you have news about the Gate of Eternal Life?"

Chen Yang said, "No."

Originally, Xuan Zhenghao told Chen Yang Tongtian because he absolutely believed in Chen Yang, and it was also to express his trust in Chen Yang.

Chen Yang didn't want to tell anyone, but right now, he couldn't help but tell Hei Yi Suzhen.

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "You suddenly mentioned the boat of one yuan?"

Chen Yang said: "Xuan Zhenghao told me that in the future, the imperial skyship will attack the earth... Well, you also said before that if they come to the earth, they will definitely attack the Great Thousand World first. And the Great Thousand World cannot be destroyed. Therefore, Xuan Zhenghao is the army that wants to intercept Lingzun outside the earth."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "The earth is huge, it is very difficult to intercept it in all directions."

Chen Yang said: "What we can think of, obviously he has thought of it too."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Oh?"

Chen Yang said: "He said that he checked in the boat of one yuan and found out that there is a magic weapon in the gate of eternal life, called the Tongtian Qiankun Net, which can cover the entire earth."

Hei Yi Suzhen's attention was no longer on the Tongtian Qiankun website, her breathing became short of breath, and she said, "Can Xuan Zhenghao find the door to eternal life?"

Without waiting for Chen Yang's answer, she suddenly stood up and said, "I'll go find him!"

Chen Yang was startled, and hurriedly said: "Wait a minute. It's just the beginning, so don't be too impatient. He said that it will take him two to three years to find the door to eternal life. Moreover, he wants me to find it. Those who reach the heavens and the universe, so don't panic. If I really find the door to eternal life in the future, if I really have a way to resurrect people, I will definitely..."

"You must take me with you." Hei Yi Suzhen said.

She thought for a while, and then said: "I will try to send a message back once a year. If you are going to find the door of eternal life, you must try to notify me."

Chen Yang saw the urgency in Hei Yi Suzhen's eyes, and he felt something was wrong.It's not that he doesn't miss those friends and lovers who died, but he also follows the rules of life, aging, sickness and death in this world.

Without birth, old age, sickness and death, wouldn't the resources of this earth be about to collapse long ago.

Chen Yang felt that a dead person cannot be brought back to life!

Once this rule is broken, the five declines of heaven and man may really come!

Chen Yang had a lot of hesitation in his heart, but in the end, facing Hei Yi Suzhen's urgent gaze, she nodded.

Hei Yi Suzhen immediately said again: "I know what you are thinking, but if you deceive me about this matter, I will never forgive you, forever! Then you will not even be able to be a basic friend."

Chen Yang was shocked.

At this moment, it seemed that those nine years of love were unreal to the extreme.

He felt very uncomfortable, but after all, he nodded and said, "I know."

Obsession, obsession!

When Chen Yang left the world of Shennong, there were only two words in his mind, obsession.

He thought of his elder brother's obsession, and Susu's obsession...

That obsession actually made him feel fear and terror.

If one day, they insist on resurrecting their loved ones regardless of the five declines of heaven and man... At that time, what should they do?

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