The strongest player in history

Chapter 2744 Battle Gaia

The City of Thunder is swaying in the wind and rain!

The thunder and lightning in the sky merged with the ocean of life, and the soil swept in like an army of black iron buckets!

Gaia's consecutive casts are really shocking!

The City of Thunder in Hei Yi Suzhen was wiped out...

The giant Corello, Diocesus stood in the mud and spewed out a solar storm towards Suzhen in black.

Heiyi Suzhen was imprisoned by infinite power, infinite secrets, and infinite laws.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the torrential rain poured down!

Hei Yi Suzhen felt that her mana was completely restricted, and the power in her body tended to be washed away and lost.

Chen Yang has never been very helpful.

The two giants were also suppressed before.At this time, the two giants were freed and helped Gaia deal with Suzhen in black.

The ocean of life and the power of reincarnation are fused together, and the truth and profound meaning of it are like the vastness and depth of the universe.Chen Yang felt that he was floating in the vast ocean, he wanted to break through the confinement of the ocean, but he couldn't do it at all.

Chen Yang also realized the seriousness of the matter at this time, and he didn't pay much attention to it at first.

At this time, he began to use the black hole vortex and the Great Devouring Technique to devour the ocean of life, the power of reincarnation and the soil of thunder disaster!

The triple power poured into the black hole vortex like a tsunami.

But the meaning of power in it was too deep, and after a while, Chen Yang felt that he had absorbed too much.So, he didn't think too much about it, and with a loud shout, he swung his sword eastward and killed him.

That sword light is unparalleled!

Gaia already had a way to decipher the sacred tree of the Wugu Sheji, but when Chen Yang met Gaia, his cultivation base was weak.Today, Chen Yang's Xuanhuang God Valley Seed and the Eternal Crystal... Therefore, Gaia's method in the past is no longer effective today.

With just one blow of the sword, Chen Yang broke all the shackles, and jumped up from the ocean of life!

That dazzling sword light slashed towards Gaia's eyebrows!

"Back off!" At this moment, Hei Yi Suzhen snorted coldly.

Gaia had already sensed Chen Yang's uncontrollable behavior, and she was taken aback, but at this moment, Suzhen in black who had been restrained suddenly made a move.

Hei Yi Suzhen's body changed suddenly, turning into a puddle of thunder.

Afterwards, Lei Shui all merged into a ball and turned into her body.

Just as Chen Yang's sword light was about to slash out, Hei Yi Suzhen shot out a thunder light, and slashed Chen Yang's sword light completely.

"You don't need your help yet!" Hei Yi Suzhen said coldly.

Obviously, at this time, she has been beaten for real.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

Hei Yi Suzhen flicked her fingers again, and in the sea of ​​life, a special thunder and lightning cut open a road to the sky.

"You wait for me outside!" Hei Yi Suzhen shouted at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was helpless, he knew that Suzhen in black at this time was definitely not to be messed with.At that moment, he flashed his figure and left the battlefield.

Chen Yang was just outside the battlefield, observing the battle with his big eyes!

In that battlefield, Suzhen in black stood condensed in the void.

The ocean of life, the power of reincarnation, the solar storm, and the thunderstorm soil all surrounded her and rushed towards her.The Thunder Tribulation Soil can withstand the attack of the City of Thunder!

All kinds of power are gathered towards Hei Yi Suzhen, but at this moment, Hei Yi Suzhen is standing like that, her body filled with dark elements.

The dark elements formed an absolute forbidden area around her!

All power is plunged into darkness.

Suzhen in black clothes has a solemn appearance, and a divine light shines out of her beautiful eyes!

She said to Gaia: "Gaia, this Jiulong Chenxiang chariot is a speed-type magic weapon, and the city of thunder is far worse than your bottle of life. If the map of the mountains and rivers of this seat is still there, how can there be one today?" Your presumptuous opportunity! But even so, do you think you can win this seat by yourself?"

"This seat?" Gaia was also angry, and said: "If Nuwa is here today, I will be more afraid. Do you think you can replace Nuwa?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "You are not worthy!"

Afterwards, she shouted loudly: "The world is immortal, everything is me."

At that moment, Hei Yi Suzhen's body turned into lightning!

Dark elements flicker in the thunder!

This ray of thunder broke through the void and slashed towards Gaia.

In the ocean of life, the power of reincarnation quickly enveloped this terrifying thunder light.

The power in the ocean of life and the terrifying power of reincarnation all penetrated into the thunder.

That thunder light is the power of the Nine Layers of Thunder Tribulation!

Seventh level of thunder calamity, you can create creations in the void!

The eighth level of thunder tribulation, the heaven and the earth are immortal!

Nine levels of thunder calamity, everything is me!

This dashing away is advancing in the cycle of reincarnation, rolling in life and death.

In addition to the thunder-tribulation soil, it can resist all attacks and kills!

Originally, Gaia was already invincible!

But it's a pity that what she met was Suzhen in Hei Yi, who was once in a thousand years and one in a million!

A master who has survived the nine-fold thunder tribulation!

In the world, from ancient times to the present, the first existence to survive the nine-fold thunder calamity!

Thousands of strength tempered the thunder light, and the thunder light merged with the darkness, like a passionate prodigal son walking among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf touches his body!

No matter how hard Gaia tried, she couldn't stop the thunder from advancing!

"Corillo, Diosis!" Gaia turned her hands and carried the two giants in front of her.

Resist the indestructible power with flesh and blood!

These two giants were tempered by Gaia with the power of the bottle of life. They have the body of diamonds and contain the profound meaning of life cycle!

But at this time, as soon as the thunder light passed, the two giants immediately turned into fly ash!

"This is the Lightning of Myriad Tribulations!"

Hei Yi Suzhen snorted coldly and said, "Gaia, bear it!"

Gaia didn't dare to underestimate it, and turned the bottle of life in her hands.

In the bottle of life, the earth from thunder calamity gushed out again, and wrapped the power of the water of life.

"The power of life is also immortal!"

Gaia snorted coldly.

Lightning traveled through the dirt, and darkness enveloped the earth.

Countless green buds drilled out of the soil, and the green buds instantly grew into towering trees.

Branches appear on the top of the towering tree, and the branches are entangled with thunder...

Cycle of life and death!

Wherever the lightning went, the big trees were destroyed, and the soil turned into ashes...

"Eternal night comes, the world will no longer have life!" Hei Yi Suzhen shouted again.

Boundless elements of darkness were released from the thunder, and the darkness enveloped the soil of life...

Everything in the soil began to freeze and wither...

The water of life keeps irrigating, the darkness keeps attacking, and the lightning keeps beheading...


Finally, tiny cracks appeared on the bottle of life.

Gaia couldn't help but lose face, she already felt the strenuous effort, and she knew that if she continued to fight like this, both sides would suffer.

But the opponent is not afraid of death!

This made Gaia feel a headache, after all, she did not dare to continue fighting.She couldn't afford to lose the bottle of life, and there was a monstrous Chen Yang beside her.Once both sides were truly hurt, she felt that she might not be able to escape Chen Yang's clutches.

So at that moment, Gaia suddenly absorbed all the power.

Then, she cut off the reincarnation, like cutting through the ages, and let the endless silver power of reincarnation wrap the thunder and darkness.

Taking advantage of this moment, she flashed her figure and disappeared into the void in an instant.

As soon as Hei Yi Suzhen turned around, she cut the ocean of reincarnation into two halves...

The endless power of reincarnation shattered in the void, and finally disappeared.

This time, Gaia can be regarded as losing a great power of reincarnation, which can be said to be a heavy loss.

Hei Yi Suzhen immediately sacrificed the Jiulong Chenxiang Chariot, and in a flash, Chen Yang's big hand in the distance was brought into the Chenxiang Chariot.

"Chasing!" Heiyi Suzhen said without saying a word.

"Ah?" Chen Yang didn't even want to chase after him.

Hei Yi Suzhen has already locked the direction of Gaia, and the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot is in the void, chasing after it at the speed of shuttle thunder.

Gaia originally thought that the other party would not give up relentless pursuit, but she immediately felt the thunderous pursuit from behind.

And it came very fast!

Gaia couldn't help but groaned secretly at the same time.Only then did she finally feel the horror and horror of this woman Heiyi Suzhen.

Offending such a woman is really miserable!

The Nine Dragons in the Nine-Dragon Agarwood Chariot started together, and the black-clothed Suzhen irrigated with the thunder force, and this treasure-chariot was approaching Gaia at an incredible speed.

If this continues, Gaia is doomed.

Gaia is also well aware of this point, if she fights just now, there is a possibility of losing both sides.But right now, he has escaped and his morale has been lost.Coupled with the power of reincarnation discarded before leaving, if she fights again now, she will definitely die.

She has experienced countless difficulties and dangers in her life.

At this moment, his eyes became fierce, and suddenly, he threw away the bottle of life.

The bottle of life instantly formed thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in the void, and the water of life formed a thousand miles of surging river to irrigate towards the Jiulong Chenxiang Chariot.

The power of life, the cycle of life and death, is extremely heavy!

When the Nine Dragons Agarwood chariot passed through the bottle of life, the speed finally slowed down.

After they had completely passed through the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, there was no trace of Gaia in the void.

The bottle of life also shattered, and afterward, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains all drifted away into the void.

This peerless magic weapon can be regarded as destroyed.

Gaia not only lost a lot of power of reincarnation this time, but also lost two giants, and was discarded the bottle of life, which can be said to be a heavy loss and extremely embarrassing.

In recent years, she seemed to be under a curse. As long as it was related to Chen Yang, she would be embarrassed and suffered heavy losses.I thought this time would be a surefire one, but I didn't expect it to be the worst one...

It's really time and fate!

In the void, the Jiulong Chenxiang chariot settled down.

Hei Yi Suzhen breathed a sigh of relief, she sat cross-legged and began to meditate.

Although he still failed to kill Gaia, he destroyed the other party's favorite magic weapon, and this bad breath can be regarded as incisive and vivid.

Chen Yang took out a lot of Pure Yuan Pill and Ningxue Pill for Hei Yi Suzhen to take, and then he drove the Jiulong Chenxiang Chariot towards the earth again.

At the same time, Chen Yang couldn't help smiling, and said, "You today are quite like the you I first met back then."

Hei Yi Suzhen slightly opened her eyes, smiled, and said, "Really?"

Chen Yang said: "Back then when you fought against Miaoshan, you killed gods and Buddhas, people blocked and killed people, and gods blocked and killed gods!"

"I've always been like this!" Hei Yi Suzhen said.

Chen Yang said: "After 800 years, when I see you again, you seem to have cultivated your mind and nature."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "It's just that there are fewer and fewer people who can block my way."

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