Time is like water, sometimes it is fast, sometimes it is slow!

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed...

For Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen, there are only six years left of their happy time here.

In the past three years, Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen lived happily.

Hei Yi Suzhen is really happy, she has never been so happy in her life like these days.You can think of nothing, no hatred, no enmity, only Chen Yang.

The way to get along with each other for a long time also requires learning.

But Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen don't need to face daily necessities like ordinary couples.They don't need to face the distress of parenting and so on.

Moreover, although Hei Yi Suzhen doesn't talk much, she also has her wisdom.

Every time they went to a city, Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen would rent a high-end apartment.They try all the food in the city first, and then cook it at home.Most of the time, Chen Yang cooks, and occasionally, Hei Yi Suzhen will also play a role.

At the place of passion, in any corner of the house, you can have a passion and leave traces of love.

Sometimes, Hei Yi Suzhen will make some delicious cakes by herself, or make some good coffee.

Sometimes, they will camp by the sea.

Sometimes, they will camp on the top of the mountain!

Sometimes, they rent luxury yachts to go out to sea.Sometimes, Chen Yang would accompany Hei Yi Suzhen to sit in the bar.

On a day like this, I really only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals.

Chen Yang also felt that such a day was the most beautiful in his life.You can not worry about anything, you can just enjoy the moment like this.

He doesn't have to worry about missing the time with his children, because time doesn't really pass by.

Such a beautiful memory will only be in the hearts of him and Hei Yi Suzhen.

They went to XC, went to Qinghai-Tibet, they saw the most beautiful sunrise, the most beautiful Buddhist temple, and the most beautiful sea of ​​clouds...

They went to the Aegean Sea, to the Caribbean, to many wonders of the world...

Such a day, will not be tired at all.

"There are still six years, think about it, we can still be crazy for so long, it's really happy!" Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Chen Yang said with great joy.

There are white clouds floating outside...

This is a hotel in Dubai, and this hotel has extremely high floors.

Chen Yang's room was like being in the clouds.

Hei Yi Suzhen was watching a movie on the sofa.

In the distance is the setting sun, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the white clouds, the clouds, mountains and golden seas, how spectacular and beautiful.

Hei Yi Suzhen often watches some romantic dramas, idol dramas and so on.

Chen Yang felt it was unbelievable, how could such a mature woman like her like this little girl thing?

For Chen Yang's happiness, Hei Yi Suzhen was very calm.

Like Linger, she likes to be clean.

Everywhere she wished to go, only she and Chen Yang knew each other, and the rest of the people had better not know each other.Also unwilling to socialize with anyone.

Ling'er's coldness is inherent and closed.But Ling'er still has a kind side in her heart, but she can't touch her Ni Lin.

But Hei Yi Suzhen is slightly different, she has a kind of indifference.

Indifference to the world from the bottom of my heart.

"The New Year is coming soon, we should prepare to go back." Chen Yang came to Hei Yi Suzhen, hugged her into his arms, and said.

Hei Yi Suzhen hummed, and then said, "Have you prepared the gift yet?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course, the elder sister is getting married, this can't be careless."

Hei Yi Suzhen smiled slightly and said, "It's not too bad."

Chen Yang added: "Hey, sometimes I really wish we could just stay here for the rest of our lives. What do we need such a long lifespan? Just like ordinary people, we also have a baby or something."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "If we don't have such ability, there will be such freedom."

Chen Yang said: "That's true. You can't always just want to enjoy the good but not the bad." He paused, kissed her lips again, and said, "Hey, what should we do? We've been together for three years, three years I haven't been separated for a year. But I still don't feel tired at all, and I feel that I can't do without you more and more. If we return to the earth in the future..."

"Back to Earth, you have Linger and Shen Monong, what are you afraid of?" Heiyi Suzhen said with a slight smile.

Her eyes were still faint, and she couldn't see any other emotions.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

This is where he was wrong.

"I..." Chen Yang didn't know what to say.

He thought for a while and said, "What about you? Can you miss me?"

Hei Yi Suzhen smiled faintly and said, "You don't have to worry about me, don't forget, what was my previous life? I am a snake, and snakes are cold-blooded animals."

"Can you really miss me?" Chen Yang was a little annoyed.

"Are you angry?" Hei Yi Suzhen asked.

Chen Yang sighed, and he said: "I'm really angry, but when I think about it carefully, I have the right to be angry. I told Ling'er and Qiao Ning that I really hope that I can give them the happiness of being a couple for the rest of their lives. Of course , you are what I want to give. Unfortunately, I can't do it. You, I can't give up."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "You seem to be the only one who didn't mention Shen Monong. What is her position in your heart?"

Chen Yang said: "I feel sorry for her the most. She has helped me a lot and is the most virtuous. She has taken care of many things. She even gave birth to a son for me... But to be honest, in my heart, I really feel sorry for her. Her love is the one with the least amount of love. We were together in the first place because of an accident. I helped her improve her cultivation, but then got a little anxious. She went mad and her life was in danger. After that, I had no choice but to suppress her with the technique of dual cultivation. The difficulties I experienced with her should be considered the least. But in fact, she saved my life in the first place. But emotional matters cannot be decided by others. The love is deep, that is, it is deep, and it cannot be pretended. "

Many things, seemingly in the past, have been let go.

But in the deepest part of Chen Yang's heart, he probably will never forget the scene where Shen Murong treated him heartlessly when he had only three months to live.He expressed his understanding, but the scars in his heart will always exist.

There is no way to fake it.

Hei Yi Suzhen fell silent.

Chen Yang immediately said: "I made you unhappy?"

"No!" Hei Yi Suzhen said: "It's true that there is no way to explain clearly about feelings. When you met me, I knew you had a soul. But in the end, I didn't sink into it myself."

Chen Yang immediately smiled and said, "Then you still say that you won't miss me?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Don't be too happy, and don't forget my agreement with you. From now on, you can only practice spiritually with me, not Linger, you know?"

"I know!" Chen Yang said immediately.

Hei Yi Suzhen sighed again, and said, "Actually, I'm already satisfied with this. People can't be too greedy, can they?"

Chen Yang also sighed, and said, "Anyway, I'm the bastard."

Time, day by day.

Spring goes and autumn comes, cold comes and summer goes!

In a blink of an eye, it was the sixth year.

There are only ten days left until the day of departure.

That night, in the hotel suite, Chen Yang and Suzhen in Hei Yi were lingering to death.

Because tomorrow, they will start their journey to the Arctic Ocean.

They are ready to go back to the normal world.

Even though she was as indifferent as Suzhen in black, there was sadness and reluctance on her face.

That night, they lingered to death, trying to eliminate this worry, but in the end it was to no avail.

After the fierce tide...

Chen Yang said: "You will always be my woman, you will always be, you know? I don't care about anything else, the world will be destroyed, but I want you!"

Hei Yi Suzhen nodded happily.

She said softly: "I will always wait for you, wait for you!"

Chen Yang said: "After the crisis of the earth is resolved, we will find another planet, similar to the earth. We will go there and stay for 100 years. We will be together every day."

Hei Yi Suzhen also nodded.

In fact, both of them knew that this was unrealistic, but at this time, no one wanted to point it out.

I don't want to puncture this sense of happiness.

This night, the two of them tossed and turned, hardly slept much, and they were really lingering to death, endlessly.

When leaving the celestial world, Chen Yang abandoned Chen Jun's physical body.His own flesh formed again...

Suzhen in Hei Yi wrapped Chen Jingyao's body with the idea of ​​master disaster.Then, he took this body and left the celestial world with Chen Yang.

As the light of the time spar bloomed, the long river of time and space flowed, and then, the two finally left the celestial world.

Boom! At that moment, it seemed as if the world was spinning!

After breaking through the chaos in front of them, Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen stood in the dark void again.And ahead, there is a new elemental body!

There should have been arc elements there, but after the arc elements were soaked by dark elements, they had turned into a strange color.

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen stood opposite each other.

Afterwards, Chen Yang hugged Heiyi Suzhen.

This is the most real him and her!

Hei Yi Suzhen originally wanted to resist, but after thinking about it, she still didn't push Chen Yang away.

"After getting close to the earth, we must absolutely abide by the agreement and not be foolish." Heiyi Suzhen leaned into his arms and said softly.

Chen Yang said: "As long as we stay away from the people we know and the earth, then you are my woman!"

Hei Yi Suzhen hummed lightly.

Afterwards, Suzhen in Heiyi sacrificed the Nine Dragons Agarwood chariot.

The two entered the interior of the Chenxiang Chariot, and then, the Nine Dragons Chenxiang Chariot was activated, traveling through the void with lightning.

Hei Yi Suzhen said to Chen Yang: "Now that I'm back suddenly, I'm not used to this body."

"Huh?" Chen Yang said.

Heiyi Suzhen blushed slightly, and said, "I could feel your warmth when we were hugging each other before. But now, I can't. Even if you miss me and Neisa, you can't. Because, my The body is not really the body."

After she finished speaking, she was very shy.

Chen Yang immediately said: "That's okay, anyway, as long as you are by my side, that's enough for me."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "I will temper that body slowly so that she can gradually bear my thoughts."

Chen Yang also smiled, and said, "If it really doesn't work, you can just put one thought into it. Then you can experience the joy of being a woman."

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