The strongest player in history

Chapter 2736 Happy Promise

"I know that what I'm doing now is childish. But if I don't say it, I'm afraid I'll go crazy." Chen Yang said.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Hei Yi Suzhen stared at Chen Yang and said.

"Get out!" At this moment, Ye Feng coldly shouted at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

"I'll listen to you!" Hei Yi Suzhen ignored Ye Feng and said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took a deep breath again, and then, a gleam of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said: "I don't want you to marry him, I want you to be my woman. Let's go, go together, leave here, to a place where no one Go to a place you know. Can you?"

After he finished speaking, the scene fell silent!

This is crazy.

Su Luomo's face turned livid with anger.

Ye Feng even showed murderous intent in his eyes...

But at the same time, everyone looked at Hei Yi Suzhen.

Obviously, the most important thing in this farce still depends on Hei Yi Suzhen's attitude.

Hei Yi Suzhen was silent...

After a while, she suddenly said, "Then let's go!"

When she uttered these four words, the audience was stunned.

Chen Yang was even more astonished, he felt like a lunatic.Today he is like Ye Chaoning that day, knowing that he will be rejected and ridiculed by everyone, but he still wants to say what he wants to say.

He never thought that Hei Yi Suzhen would agree.

So, when he heard Hei Yi Suzhen say let's go, he almost thought he heard it wrong.

But soon, he was ecstatic.

After that, he took Hei Yi Suzhen's hand.

"Don't leave!" Ye Feng wanted to leave angrily...

He directly sacrificed a bright sword in his hand, and blocked the way of Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen.

"Jingyao, what do you mean? Don't you think you have to give me an explanation?" Ye Feng said, glaring at Suzhen in black.

Hei Yi Suzhen said lightly: "I do things according to my own preferences. If you feel uncomfortable, you can come and kill me. Of course, the premise is that you have the ability!"

"Sister, I'm sorry, we'll explain to you later!" Chen Yang glanced at Chen Leyi, and then formed a flying dragon.

The two quickly jumped onto the flying dragon!

In the next second, Hei Yi Suzhen released the dark dragon energy.

The scene entered a kind of absolute darkness.

The flying dragon pierced through the sky and broke through the roof...

The flying dragon was swimming in the sea of ​​clouds, and Chen Yang's hand was always holding Hei Yi Suzhen's hand tightly.

The palms of both of them were slightly sweaty.

There is a lake in front of it, and the lake is full of colors under the sunshine.

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen fell down and sat down by the lake.

"This must be a dream." Chen Yang muttered to himself, he almost slapped himself.

Hei Yi Suzhen sat quietly beside Chen Yang.

She doesn't talk too much.

Chen Yang looked at Suzhen in black beside him, and he suddenly felt a little weird again.It's like going back to the past...

He looked at her, never daring to do anything beyond her.

It was as if everything had never happened before.

The atmosphere was silent.

After a long while, Hei Yi Suzhen suddenly said: "If you don't speak, I will leave."

"Hey, don't, don't!" Chen Yang scratched his ears, and he was anxious, and took her hand again. "I... Susu..."

He smirked and said, "I'm telling you, you know? No woman has ever made me feel so flustered and unconfident. It's not that I'm not confident in myself. I think if I'm innocent Me, only me, without Linger and the others, I think I should dare to pursue you. Who are you, you are the rare and unique Bai Suzhen in this world! I..."

"I've already promised you, why are you talking nonsense?" Hei Yi Suzhen gave Chen Yang a white look.

"Well, I don't care anymore!" Chen Yang gritted his teeth, and suddenly put his arms around Heiyi Suzhen, then pressed her under him, and kissed her fragrant red lips.

The lips and tongue are intertwined, that is the taste of ecstasy!

Hei Yi Suzhen's body was a little stiff at first, and then gradually melted into Chen Yang's arms.

Chen Yang is a veteran in the field of love, so he already knew that what Hei Yi Suzhen said that she had cheated on Ye Feng was absolutely a lie.

That was just to annoy him.

Chen Yang is also a smart person, and he began to wonder in his heart, could it be that Hei Yi Suzhen was forcing him to take the initiative?

This kiss is very long!

Chen Yang was reluctant to part.

After a long time, they finally parted.

Chen Yang couldn't help asking: "If I don't stand up, do you really want to marry Ye Feng?"

Hei Yi Suzhen's face was flushed, she was still intoxicated by it, but now she just recovered after hearing the words.She glanced at Chen Yang and said, "Who knows?"

Chen Yang also couldn't figure out what she was thinking, she was always unpredictable.

But no matter what, Chen Yang felt that this was his great blessing, a gift from heaven.

They have been sitting there all the time, looking at the clouds and clouds in the sky, watching the white clouds and dogs changing constantly, and finally seeing the setting sun.

Hei Yi Suzhen suddenly said very seriously: "Chen Yang, I want to make an agreement with you for three chapters."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and then said: "You say, as long as it is what you say, I will obey."

Hei Yi Suzhen smiled slightly, and said, "Okay!" She paused, and said, "I know your concerns. I really can't accept that you have other women. So, between me and you, the first One is that our close relationship is only here, and once we leave here, everything that happens here will pass away without a trace for us!"

"I know, it's hard to do. But even if it's fake, fake it. Can you?"

Chen Yang fell silent.

After a while, he said, "I promise you!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Second, this matter, only you know and I know, no third person is allowed to know. Especially you can't tell Linger..."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "The third rule is that you are not allowed to do spiritual practice with anyone, except me. Of course, if it is really a matter of life and death, you can make an exception. But it is best not to..."

"Okay!" Chen Yang agreed.

"I don't care what method you use, if a third person finds out about the relationship between you and me in the future, don't blame me for not forgiving you in the future." Hei Yi Suzhen finally said.

"Okay, I see." Chen Yang said.

"Thank you!" Hei Yi Suzhen said afterward.

She thought for a while, and added: "Also, don't have children. If you can't take it away, it's bound to hurt you!"

"I understand!" Chen Yang said.Afterwards, he was ecstatic again, he couldn't have children, and that meant he could have a relationship with Sasha.

Chen Yang actually understands her concerns, maybe this is the best way.

Fortunately, the wedding was held in a small area, and all the dignitaries and dignitaries came.So they didn't make it public, and Su Lumo and Chen Leyi couldn't understand this farce.

Everyone's faces are very ugly.

It can be said that Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen did a poor job in terms of human relationships.

Chen Yang is a sophisticated person. If he were on earth, he doesn't know if he would do such a thing.Maybe, still do it.Because the heart that loves Heiyi Suzhen has surpassed everything!

Sophistication in this world is indeed very important!

But the only love can surpass everything.

Compared with such a fiery love, throw all those nonsense and worldly ways to the dogs.

Night falls.

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen found a nearby hotel to stay.But when swiping the card, he found that his card had been frozen.It was only then that he remembered that he himself had no money at all.And this card was given to him by Ye Chaoning.

Of course, the money was not given by Ye Chaoning.Rather, the card is given by the state.

Chen Yang has already belonged to the country.

Chen Yang's move today has already angered the higher-ups.

His card was also frozen.

Similarly, Hei Yi Suzhen's card was also frozen.

Fortunately, they still have some money...

In the hotel room, Suzhen in Heiyi lay lazily on the sofa, watching TV.

She didn't have the slightest worry.

Chen Yang naturally wouldn't worry about money, he came to Hei Yi Suzhen and kissed her on the lips.At first, I just wanted to be superficial, but I couldn't control it, and another passionate wet kiss came.

Hei Yi Suzhen was very calm at first, but later she couldn't help the flush on her face.After the kiss was over, Hei Yi Suzhen gave Chen Yang a white look, and said, "Do you want to be so tired?"

Chen Yang felt very satisfied and said, "You are my queen, and I am willing to be your slave."

Hei Yi Suzhen smiled slightly and said, "Really?"

"Of course!" Chen Yang said.He paused and said, "You must be hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "There are many things I want to eat, um, roast leg of lamb, steamed buns, boiled chicken, Li Ji's noodles with fried sauce. Of course, there is also good wine, red wine!"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "No problem, then you wait, I'll go buy it."

He stood up after speaking.

Hei Yi Suzhen pulled him back, smiled, and said, "I'm just kidding you, are you really going?"

Chen Yang said: "You are joking, I am serious. As long as it is what you think, I will go no matter how difficult it is. Besides, it is not difficult at all!"

"I'm afraid we don't have enough money." Hei Yi Suzhen said.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Then you underestimate me, don't you? You don't have to worry about money. I'll buy it, you wait. Let's plan our itinerary for the next few years while eating, and don't waste every day .”

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Good!"

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he left the room and left the hotel.

He wasn't worried about Hei Yi Suzhen's safety. In this world, no one could hurt him and Hei Yi Suzhen.

After going out, Chen Yang first called Chen Leyi to report that she was safe.

On the phone, Chen Leyi was heartbroken and said, "Xiaojun, why is this? If the two of you really love each other, why didn't you say earlier that you must come to this point and embarrass everyone? My sister really doesn't understand !"

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Sister, although she and I look young, we are already mature in our hearts. I have my own difficulties in this matter. But you just need to know, sister In my heart, you and her are very important people. And now, I am very happy with her. Sister, would you like to bless us? "

"I..." Chen Leyi took a deep breath and said, "Of course I will bless you all!"

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