Hei Yi Suzhen's words surprised everyone, but at the same time, they also felt a sense of enlightenment.I even felt that the invisible inferiority complex in my heart disappeared.

These people used to think that they were the masters of the world.But when they met Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen, their light made them feel like fools.

"This..." Yu Luocha couldn't help but asked Chen Yang: "Chen Jun, is what he said true?"

Chen Yang was in the mood to pay attention to Yu Luocha, he looked at Hei Yi Suzhen closely, and said, "What exactly do you want?"

Hei Yi Suzhen laughed out loud, her laughter was rough and tinged with eerie terror.

She is the Night King now!

Ye Wang smirked and said, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore. Now, I want to find my real body, and you go with me. However, I don't want you to go there in a healthy state, so as not to cause accidents. You , it’s better to go after being disabled. Now, do you want this king to do it, or yourself..."

Chen Yang couldn't help but back away.

He has lost ground.

All his composure and certainty were gone.

Ye Wang said: "It seems that you are not willing." After he finished speaking, he made a move, but when Void grabbed Chen Yang, the dark power imprisoned Chen Yang and grabbed Chen Yang's throat.

At this moment, the strength of the Night King has greatly increased.

The power of Hei Yi Suzhen has been used by the Night King... The Night King's cultivation base is stronger than Chen Yang, and with the power of Hei Yi Suzhen, how can Chen Yang be the opponent of the Night King now.

Chen Yang was lifted up by the night king, his mind went blank.

Suffocation, uncomfortable!

His mind was quickly deprived of oxygen, and he seemed to see the hell after death.

"No!" Chen Yang opened his eyes suddenly, how could he close them?How to yield!

Is it necessary to watch her die in such humiliation?

Chen Yang could never bear this.

Chen Yang's eyes were bloodshot, and he let out a roar.All his powers were fused together, and he pointed a finger at the Night King!

This is his angry finger, and it is also the most mysterious finger!

All his cosmic mysteries are in this finger!

The sword light of this finger is like thunder, like a streamer, and it shoots directly between the eyebrows of the Night King.

Ye Wang was slightly startled, he suddenly waved his hand, and actually condensed a thunderous sword light.

Thunder sword light slashed towards Chen Yang's sword power.

However, Chen Yang's sword power was destructive, and instantly shattered the thunderous sword light.

Only then did the Night King realize the horror.

He let go of Chen Yang in an instant, and then unleashed a big dark vortex.

The dark power of the necromancer forms a huge vortex, like a black hole in the universe.

But this streamer directly penetrated the black hole of the universe.

The night king's profound meaning, how can it compare with Chen Yang's profound meaning.

Liu Guang slashed at the center of Ye Wang's eyebrows again with a finger, Ye Wang let out a deep shout, and suddenly waved his hand again!

Immediately, a door with a hole appeared in front of him.

Liu Guang shot into the hole with one finger, and then left the space.

Then, the Night King suddenly slapped him.

The palm was caught off guard, and Chen Yang had just exhausted his mental energy, so he couldn't dodge it in time, so he directly hit the palm.

His body immediately flew upside down a few meters, and finally fell heavily on the ground.

With this palm, Chen Yang felt as if his internal organs had been displaced.

"Pfft!" Chen Yang spat out a mouthful of blood.

The Night King snorted coldly.

The Xiaoyao King, Yu Luocha, Miao Renhong and Ye Chaoning attacked and killed the Night King almost at the same time.

Palm prints, ice dragons, fire dragons, the majestic power is rolling and terrifying!

But the Night King just waved his hand, and the big dark vortex appeared, and all the power was swallowed into it by the tumbling of infinite necromantic energy.

"Overestimate your own strength, you are all looking for death, dare to fight against this king!" A murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the Night King.Although he was angry, he clearly distinguished the priority, and with a flash of figure, he came to Chen Yang first.

He reached out in the air and grabbed Chen Yang's throat with dark power.

"If it wasn't for keeping you to reveal the secret of your real bodies, I would kill you now." The Night King's face was grim. "If I don't kill you, I will kill most of your life."

He puts weight in his hands.

Chen Yang couldn't resist anymore.

Ye Chaoning and the others wanted to come to help again, but the Night King waved again, and the big dark vortex surrounded them all.They saw the necromantic energy around them tumbling like a tsunami, and they couldn't get out at all.

Chen Yang's breathing became weaker and weaker.

Ye Wang pinched and hated him more and more, and even forgot to save Chen Yang's life!

Seeing that Chen Yang was about to die at the hands of King Ye, at this moment, a loud roar suddenly came from the depths of King Ye's mind.

"Stop!" It was Hei Yi Suzhen's voice.

The Night King was startled, and his lost sanity returned immediately.

He didn't think much about it, he grabbed Chen Yang and left the place.

When everyone waited for the surrounding dark vortex to disappear, the Night King and Chen Yang had already disappeared before their eyes.

"Master!" Ye Chaoning looked at the seriously injured master and the comatose brother, and couldn't help feeling sad.

She felt that she was so useless, but at the moment she couldn't do anything.

Su Luomo was also heartbroken.

At this moment, there is really no hope at all.

He can't do anything either.

Originally, Chen Yang was the hope and support of all of them.But now, Chen Yang probably couldn't live anymore.Even if he is alive, it is already a dying one.

There was no hope at all.

All that's left is despair.

The power gap between these people and the Night King is too great.

Chen Yang was only in a coma for a moment, and he woke up soon after.

He really dare not sleep!

He felt that he and Hei Yi Suzhen could die, but at least they couldn't die in such a humiliating way.

"I must restore my strength, and I will control this guy after I restore my real strength!" Although Chen Yang woke up, he still pretended to be in a coma.

Soon, he sensed that the Night King was leading him to a place.

At this time, Chen Yang only dared to quietly open a slit to look around.Once the power is used, the Night King will immediately notice it.

It seemed that this cave was originally a dark area.

But at this time, what came was a mountain peak.

The front is not a dark place, but a huge chaotic zone.

Floating there is a turbid, blue and yellow breath.

At first glance, I thought it was a muddy lake, and there were many jellyfish-like things floating in it.

Looking carefully, I felt that it was amniotic fluid!

Same as the amniotic fluid in the mother's womb.

"So, it's here!" The Night King was about to search for Hei Yi Suzhen's memory, when suddenly, Hei Yi Suzhen's soliloquy rang out again in his mind.

"What?" The Night King was startled.

"Hmph!" Hei Yi Suzhen sneered: "In my eyes, you are like an ant. Do you really think that you can control me?"

"What?" The Night King's voice trembled.

Chen Yang heard the Night King screaming, and he was quite frightened.He was overjoyed immediately, and he suddenly remembered what Hei Yi Suzhen said before he fell into a coma.She said, don't be afraid!

"Could it be that Bai Suzhen has not been controlled by the Night King?" Chen Yang thought this in his mind, and immediately felt that it was very possible.But he remained silent.Because now he has no qualifications to fail!

"Get out!" Heiyi Suzhen suddenly shouted.

The Night King immediately felt a great force tugging at him.

Chen Yang couldn't help but open his eyes, and he saw Hei Yi Suzhen suddenly opened her mouth to spit...

Immediately, a dark figure appeared in front of him.

The dark figure has no face, like something made up of thick fog in the darkness.But it looks humanoid.

Chen Yang jumped up immediately, he was sure now, of course he didn't need to pretend any more.

"Are you okay?" Chen Yang grabbed Hei Yi Suzhen's hand in surprise and inexplicable.At this moment, tears welled up in his eyes.

Hei Yi Suzhen smiled at Chen Yang, and said, "Of course it's okay, do you really think that he can dominate me?"

Her voice was cold but pleasant and confident.

Chen Yang suddenly felt that such a voice was the best sound of nature in the world.

At this moment, Chen Yang's blood was surging.He really wanted to hold the person in front of him tightly into his arms, and never let go again.But he still held back after all...

"Cough cough!" Chen Yang couldn't help but sweeten his throat again, coughed twice, and spit out a mouthful of blood again.

He was hurt too badly.

"How are you?" Hei Yi Suzhen was surprised when she saw this.

Chen Yang was happy. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, smiled, and said, "Don't worry, I won't die!"

"Roar!" The black figure in front of him roared.

He couldn't speak, and it was difficult to communicate with Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen in this state.

Hei Yi Suzhen and Chen Yang looked at each other, and they soon entered the sea of ​​dark undead.

Once inside, they saw the Night King in the dark.

The Night King growled, unwilling and angry.He glared at Hei Yi Suzhen, and said, "Why, why is this happening? Is there something wrong with that link?"

"Simply, Auntie, I will let you die more clearly!" Hei Yi Suzhen sneered and said, "I was caught off guard by you before. That's why I got hurt! You were originally a conscious body born from this darkness, but now you Give up the body and return to the darkness. You thought you were still you, but after returning to the darkness, you are no longer you. You came from the darkness, but you are not equal to the darkness, you are just a part of the dark undead. And I, Controlling the dark elements, whether it is the darkness of the dead or other dark powers, belongs to me. I am the real master of this darkness. body."

"I am the master of this darkness, I am!" The Night King was not relieved after hearing this, and after a moment of silence, he roared.

"It's really noisy!" Chen Yang said coldly.

"Then let him die!" Hei Yi Suzhen said coldly.

After that, she waved her hand...

In the darkness, it seemed that there were countless giant hands pulling towards the Night King.The Night King growled in pain, fear, but soon, his voice gradually became smaller and even disappeared.

Afterwards, the Night King disappeared completely.

After everything returns to silence...

"Unexpectedly, we found our real body just like this!" Chen Yang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Let's go in!"

Chen Yang nodded.

At that moment, Hei Yi Suzhen took Chen Yang's hand and walked towards the chaotic place.

Under the feet, the dragon of darkness quickly formed, carrying the two of them to fly deep... Do you want to know more about the follow-up?Please search Huixin Gongzhong Tiandaomeng, let's discuss together!

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